Integration of Search & Social in 2013

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Presentation from RIMC on how to integrate search and social into a digital marketing strategy.


Integrating Search & Social in 2013

2012 was the year of the penguin

Everyone knows there’s huge benefits in combining search & social

But in 2013 you need to look beyond search into integrated digital marketing

Marketing is simply taking a budget & spending where it works best!

What are your digital marketing goals?

Hint – it’s not this…

How do you measure success?

• Revenue• Profit• Volume of Sales• Volume of Leads• Market Share• Online Visitors• Search Rankings• etc…

How do you measure success?

Ultimately it’s about 2 things:

1) Generating new customers2) Maintaining relationships with current customers

What does the perfect digital marketing campaign look like?

It’s different every time – it needs to match your specific goals

You need to be agile & admit you might not get it right first time

How can you maximise success from your content campaigns?

Focus on strategy, not tactics

Start with a solid strategy from all angles

What audience & demographics do you want to reach?

Which target publications do you want to be featured on?

What type of content do they publish?

/2011/01/28/text-messaging-comic/ /2011/11/08/starbucks-ar-app/ /2011/06/03/mi6-hacks-al-qaeda/ /2010/06/29/social-customer-service/0








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Who do you know who can help you get there?

Don’t just jump into content brainstorming

Figure out internal processes early to identify potential challenges & road blocks

Maximise synergies between channels

Integrate your brand team to ensure all content reinforces key messaging

Find out what relationships & contacts your PR team has to boost outreach

Leverage your social media channels

Ensure your SEO team is getting full organic benefit from your activity

Use paid media to re-market to existing customers/visitors/fans

Identify the gaps in your team or strategy& consider investing in writers/influencers

Once you’ve done this – you’ve cleared the path to focus on great content!

By promoting content to targeted audiences – you’re also sending Google strong link/social signals they can’t ignore

Benchmark & measure everything to prove your case & scale up activity

In Summary

1) Focus on strategy, not tactics

2) Ditch the silos & get everyone involved

3) Prove business value & opportunity cost of inaction

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