Importance of Reading Rounds and Terminology Reading Skills Importance of Reading Rounds and Terminology . Predicting Reading Content Guess first, pick your MC after . Netflix Bets

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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Reading Skills

Importance of Reading Rounds and Terminology

Predicting Reading Content

Guess first, pick your MC after

Netflix Bets Its Future on Shows All Its Own

A. Netflix has proven it can make a profit by producing its own shows

B. Netflix believes it can make a reasonably sizeable profit by producing shows on its own

C. Netflix is out to prove that it is more profitable for streaming companies to produce shows on their own

D. Netflix would love to see more of its own customers appreciate the shows produced by Netflix itself

Egypt Court Sentences Belly Dancer

for ‘Insulting’ Flag A. It is forbidden in Egypt to insult the nation’s


B. An individual violation of the Egyptian Flag regulations has led to a conviction

C. The regulations in Egypt in terms of how to deal with its flag are too strict

D. Judges in Egypt want to make it perfectly clear to Egyptians and outsiders that the Egyptian Flag must not be dishonored

Rosberg to Walk Formula 1 title? Think Again!

A. It will be relatively easy for Nico Rosberg to claim this year’s formula I championship

B. Nico Rosberg will need help from other drivers in order to win this year’s F1 championship.

C. Despite winning most of the F1 races so far, Nico Rosberg will still face some challenges.

D. This year’s F1 championship has very few competitors, if any.

Terminology and Questions

How does the writer account for…? What do his words amount to? What does he claim? What is it meant to convey? What is she questioning in line…? What does the writer state about? What is line… meant to support? What does the writer imply? What does line … illustrate?


• Beeldspraak

• Spottend

• Sarcasme

• Metafoor

• Zinsgedeelte

Guessing Skills Vocabulary

Exam Practice 5HAVO

1 Retreived

A. Samengesteld zijn door

B. Onthouden

C. Iets ergens vandaan halen

2 Recall

A. Onthouden

B. Opnieuw benoemen

C. Nogmaals opzoeken

3 Collaborators

A. Tegenhangers

B. Teamleden

C. Critici

4 Trivia

A. Codes

B. Feitjes

C. Letters

5 Erased

A. Afstoten

B. Opslaan

C. Verwijderen

6 Significantly

A. Onzichtbaar

B. Beduidend

C. Betekenisvol

7 Explores

A. Ontdekken

B. Uitpluizen

C. Tegenspreken

8 Primary

A. Vernieuwde

B. Belangrijk

C. Voornaamste

9 Adapting

A. Zich aanpassen aan

B. Lui worden van

C. Invloed hebben op

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