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Vouchers & Corporate Rounds Management Golf Computer Systems Vouchers and Corporate Rounds Management October 2007

Corporate Rounds and Vouchers Rounds and Vouchers...corporate rounds tally. Golf Computer Systems have developed an extensive system to record, report and account for corporate rounds.

Oct 22, 2020



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  • Vouchers &

    Corporate Rounds


    Golf Computer Systems

    Vouchers and Corporate Rounds Management

    October 2007

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems



    Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

    Setup Procedure ................................................................................................ 4

    Membership (MMS) Setup ................................................................................. 5

    Lookup Tables .............................................................................................................................5

    Existing Rounds ...........................................................................................................................7

    Account Links..............................................................................................................................8

    Billing Fees ................................................................................................................................10

    Purchase of corporate rounds ........................................................................ 11

    Invoicing ....................................................................................................................................11

    Receipting ..................................................................................................................................12

    Distributing Rounds......................................................................................... 13

    FACTS Setup .................................................................................................... 14

    Enabling Points and Vouchers ...................................................................................................14

    Points Allocation........................................................................................................................15

    Booking Categories....................................................................................................................16

    Golf Fee Links ...........................................................................................................................17

    Creating Fees .........................................................................................................................17

    Linking Fees...........................................................................................................................17

    Bookings........................................................................................................... 19

    Single Booking...........................................................................................................................19

    Single Payments.....................................................................................................................20

    Group Bookings .........................................................................................................................21

    Group Payments.....................................................................................................................22

    Adjusting Group Points..........................................................................................................22

    Allocating Rounds Manually .....................................................................................................23

    Paying with Vouchers ................................................................................................................24

    Paying with Cash .......................................................................................................................25

    Quick Pay...................................................................................................................................25

    Producing account statements ....................................................................... 25

    Vouchers........................................................................................................... 26

    Voucher Types ...........................................................................................................................26

    Creating a new voucher type..................................................................................................26

    Voucher Numbers ..................................................................................................................27

    Viewing Vouchers .....................................................................................................................29

    Creating a Filter .....................................................................................................................29

    Editing a Filter .......................................................................................................................29

    Printing Vouchers ......................................................................................................................30

    Voucher Codes.......................................................................................................................30

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems



    Corporate memberships are often sold with an allocation of golf rounds. These rounds are

    then available to nominated corporate staff or associates, either by free access to the

    corporate “pool” of rounds or by a fixed allocation from the pool of rounds to each of the

    nominees. Further scenarios include a combination of fixed allocation and general pool

    availability, and allocation of rounds from the corporate pool by way of vouchers.

    Courses offering corporate memberships have a need to account for the allocation of rounds

    to the corporate account, allocation from the corporate account to corporate nominees where

    a fixed allocation is required, and management of any vouchers that may form part of the

    corporate rounds tally.

    Golf Computer Systems have developed an extensive system to record, report and account

    for corporate rounds. This includes initial billing of the corporate member for their rounds

    package, receipting of payment for the package, allocation of rounds to a separate ledger on

    the corporate account, transactions reducing the available rounds balance fed from our tee

    management application, and vouchers redeemed as a method of payment for rounds.

    As players register to play the number of rounds available to them from any associated

    corporate account is displayed alongside their details within the tee management software.

    They can then use their available rounds to settle their booking and optionally to settle the

    bookings of any of their playing partners. All detail is recorded to the rounds ledger of the

    corporate member including date and time of play and names of players, and is detailed on

    the corporate statement.

    Detailed account statements can be produced on demand showing opening rounds balances,

    movement of rounds on the corporate and nominee accounts over the statement period

    together with voucher redemption, arriving at a closing rounds balance. Automatic statement

    production can be scheduled on a periodic basis to keep your corporate members fully

    informed of their account status.

    Players can have rounds available to them from more than one corporate pool if need be, and

    the system both accommodates and accounts for this.

    Corporate rounds generally have a use-by date, and this is also managed within the software

    to ensure that expired rounds and/or vouchers can not be used. Vouchers are also validated

    to ensure that they have been legitimately allocated to the corporate member and have not

    already been redeemed. Voucher production is managed within the system.

    The corporate rounds structure uses part of a further management system within the GCS

    booking software that allocates points against bookings. References to points and rounds in

    this document are synonymous.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Setup Procedure

    To implement the Vouchers & Corporate Rounds Management systems there are

    configuration options that must be established or set up within the system. Part of this setup

    is with the membership Management System as it manages the accounting side of the

    vouchers and rounds. The second part of the setup is within FACTS to establish the rules

    concerning who can use corporate rounds and/or vouchers and the behaviour that the system

    should exhibit to keep you informed of rounds and voucher status.

    The key components that need to be set up in the system are:

    • Creation of a corporate rounds ledger per corporate member

    • Creation of ledger codes against which the rounds should be recorded

    • Linking of corporate nominees to the corporate rounds account

    • Importing of any opening rounds balances

    • Importing of any current vouchers

    • Establishing corporate rounds packages and fees

    • Receipting of corporate rounds package fees

    • In FACTS, enabling the corporate rounds and voucher processing module

    • Establishing booking categories

    • Set up of green fees and rounds charges

    • Making bookings

    • Paying for bookings

    • Paying with Vouchers

    • Voucher creation and production

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Membership (MMS) Setup

    Lookup Tables

    A rounds Ledger Type needs to be established for each of the members with rounds

    allocation so that individual usage records can be recorded and viewed in ledger format. This

    is done in the Lookup Tables module within MMS.

    • Select Setup

    • Maintain System Data

    • Lookup Tables

    • Select the Ledger Type (AR) table

    • Create a Rounds or Corporate Rounds item and set to Points, Redemption Ledger and

    Visible in FACTS/GM.

    Additionally Ledger Codes may need to be created for linking to the Ledger Type in FACTS.

    Separate codes can be created for Points and Vouchers if required.

    • Select the Ledger Code (GL) table

    • Create items with the default settings

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    FACTS uses the Ledger Type and Ledger Code tables as configured in MMS. It also uses a

    Tender Types table that is not currently configurable within the GCS applications. Please

    contact GCS for information.

    The Tender Types table needs to have an entry added with the same Name as the Ledger

    Type comment.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Existing Rounds

    Where there are existing corporate rounds in place, they must be entered into MMS to

    provide an opening rounds balance for each of the corporate members, together with an

    expiry date of the rounds where applicable. This is best done using a spreadsheet in the first

    instance. The spreadsheet will need to be sent to GCS for import.

    The spreadsheet should be organised in the following manner, with the following columns:

    Member #: Linked To: Rounds Available: Rounds Expiry Date:

    Where there are vouchers involved you should prefix the voucher number with a ‘V’ in the

    member number column so that it is identifiable.

    The "Linked to" column holds the corporate account number. If for example member 12345

    has 20 rounds from corporate member 13579 then these numbers would sit in the respective

    fields as per the first entry below.

    Member #: Linked To: Rounds Available: Rounds Expiry Date:

    12345 13579 20 31/12/2007

    V3456 13579 1 31/12/2007

    98765 13579 31/12/2007

    13579 45 31/12/2007

    Vouchers would list individually and each would have a 1 in the "Rounds available" as per

    the second item above.

    Where a member has a link to a corporate but there is no limit on the rounds he can use, so

    there is no allocation of a finite and exclusive number of rounds to that member then the

    "Rounds available” will be left blank as per item 3 in the example above.

    Where a corporate has an allocation of rounds for use by nominated individuals the “Linked

    To” field will be blank. In the 4th item above there is an allocation of 45 rounds remaining

    for corporate member number 13579.

    The system will prevent the use of rounds after the rounds expiry date. Staff will be warned

    if they make a booking after the rounds expiry date because there will not be an available

    rounds balance for use at that point.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Account Links

    On an ongoing basis, links between individuals and corporations need to be established so

    the system is aware of who has rights to use various rounds allocations and the basis on

    which these allocations can be used. Eg fixed allocation or free use of the rounds pool.

    A corporate entity may purchase a parcel or rounds and nominate who has access to those

    rounds. This is established as a Corporate Rounds Link in the system, linking the nominated

    individuals to the corporate pool of rounds. There is no limit on who may use what portion

    of the rounds pool under this option.

    A corporate entity may purchase a parcel of points and distribute a fixed number of the

    rounds purchased to selected nominees. This is established as an Individual Rounds Link in

    the system. The nominated members have access only to the rounds which they have been

    allocated from the corporate rounds purchased.

    A combination of corporate and individual links may be established for a single nominee. By

    this means the nominee has a fixed allocation of rounds but also has access to the remaining

    pool of rounds on the corporate account. He does not have access to rounds allocated from

    the corporate pool to other individuals.

    It is essential that you understand the distinction between a Corporate Rounds Link and an

    Individual Rounds Link as they behave quite differently in operational use.

    Linking of individuals to corporate accounts is done in the Account Links tab of the Maintain

    Members module in MMS.

    • Select Maintain Members

    • Load the corporate member record

    • Select the Account Links tab

    • Click on Corp Rounds button on the upper portion of the window to select the

    member to be linked to the selected corporate member.

    • Click Save to save these links

    Individual links set up the link between the individual and the corporation, but then requires

    an allocation of rounds from the corporate account across to the individual. The allocation is

    performed in the “Distribute Points” module in MMS, outlined a little further on in this


  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    In this example, ABC Corporation has a corporate rounds account and has nominated 4

    individuals who can access the rounds.

    Campbell has both an Individual and a Corporate Rounds link to ABC Corporation,

    indicating that he has a fixed allocation of rounds able to be used by him only, and also then

    has access to the ABC Corporation pool of remaining rounds.

    If we look on Campbell’s account we can see the balance of rounds available to him from his

    individual allocation and also from the pool.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Billing Fees

    Fees need to be established in MMS for billing of rounds packages. Fee rules need to be

    created so that rounds are written to the ledger upon receipt of payment for the rounds.

    • Select Maintain Fees from the icon toolbar

    • Create a fee class for Corporate Rounds if required

    • Create a fee for the rounds parcel you wish to market

    • Select the Ledger tab

    • Use the Points Entitlement section to establish the number and type of rounds to

    credit to the rounds ledger upon receipt of payment for the fee.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Purchase of corporate rounds


    When corporate rounds packages are sold they must be invoiced to the member and payment

    receipted. Upon receipt of payment the parcel of rounds attributed to the package purchased

    is credited to the corporate member’s account and are then available for use. Invoicing of

    corporate rounds is performed via the Manual Invoicing function in MMS.

    • Select Manual Invoicing

    • Choose the corporate member to invoice

    • Select Extra Fees

    • Choose the corporate rounds package being sold

    • Set the date range over which the rounds will be available. This is done using the

    Start Period and End Period dates on the invoicing form.

    • Click Bill or Bill/Print to save the invoice

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems



    Receipting of the member’s remittance is performed in the Cash Receipts module within


    • Select Cash Receipts

    • Choose the corporate member – the outstanding invoice will display

    • Process the payment details

    • Save the receipt

    Upon saving the receipt the Rounds ledger will automatically be credited with the applicable

    number of rounds. The rounds will be available for use over the date range specified when

    creating the invoice.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Distributing Rounds Corporate linked members get their rounds from the Corporate Member. Individual Linking

    allows a Corporate Member to control where Rounds are allocated. To allocate rounds to an

    Individual Linked member use the Distribute Points option in MMS.

    When the corporate member is selected, all members that have been individually linked to

    that corporate are displayed.

    • Select Accounts, Points, Distribute Points from the menu bar

    • Choose the corporate member from which to distribute points

    • Highlight the Member to distribute rounds to

    • Click on the value in the Distribute Points column of the member and set a value

    • Click Post to save

    The Rounds Ledger of the Corporate Member shows that 10 rounds were transferred to an

    Individual Linked member. The Ledger for that Member will show 10 rounds received from

    the Corporate Member.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    FACTS Setup

    Enabling Points and Vouchers

    To use Corporate Rounds in FACTS, both Points and Vouchers need to be enabled.

    • Select View

    • Select Configuration

    • Select System Setup

    • Check Use Points System and Use Vouchers

    Additional options related to points and vouchers:

    • Show Points on Single Booking Sheet: Shows the points balance for the listed

    players in a Single Booking.

    • Allow Negative Points: When enabled, Members will be able to use more points than

    they currently have available to them.

    • Require Staff PIN: Forces Staff PIN input when vouchers are created or printed.

    To enable the Voucher Report (RPTG21), click the Registration tab and enter a registration

    code in the area provided. Contact Golf Computer Systems for this code.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Points Allocation

    When multiple sources of Points are available, a priority needs to be established to enable the

    automatic allocation of rounds. Use the arrows to adjust the priority from top to bottom. If

    more than one source of the same type exists, the Multiple of Same Type option specifies

    which to use based on balance.

    A player may have allocation from more than one corporate account, or may have both

    individual (Individual Linked) and corporate (Corporate Linked) rounds links from a

    corporate account. Additionally he may have his own pre-purchased rounds (Individual).

    • Select View from the menu bar

    • Select Configuration

    • Select System Setup

    • Select the Options 2 tab

    • Adjust the ordering of the Corporate Linked, Individual and Individual Linked items

    • Optionally select a currency symbol to be used to represent points

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Booking Categories

    In FACTS, member categories need to be established for Vouchers, Corporate Rounds and

    Corporate Rounds Guests. Vouchers will request a voucher number and will validate that

    number against vouchers in the system to ensure it is legitimate and not yet used.

    • Select View from the menu bar

    • Select Configuration

    • Select Players

    • Select Player Categories

    Check “Voucher Required” to prevent the Voucher category making a booking without

    supplying a Voucher number at the time of booking.

    If Voucher Required is ticked then a booking cannot be made without supplying the voucher

    number at the time of making the booking.

    If Voucher Required is not ticked then the booking can be made without a voucher number,

    but cannot be finalised through the payments module without a voucher number.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Golf Fee Links

    Creating Fees

    Fees need to be created for the green fee charges for corporate rounds. Each fee needs to be

    allocated the value that is to decrement from the total available rounds each time the fee is


    • Select View from the menu bar

    • Select Configuration

    • Select Fees

    • Create the fees and enter the Points System details

    Note: The Amount is negative to show that using this fee will deduct points from the Ledger.

    Linking Fees

    Once the fees are created, they need to be linked to the Booking Category, Facility and


    Note: Each Fee Link is unique and ties all the selected items together. The number of link is

    the number of each selected item multiplied with all the others. So selecting twenty Booking

    Categories, two Facilities, a Stock Item and two Generations will result in eighty fee links.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    • Select Fee Setup

    • Check the Categories

    • Check the Facilities

    • Check the Stock

    • Check the Play (number of holes)

    • Select the Fee Code

    • Click Save

    Click View Current Links to see the linked fees.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems



    Single Booking

    When a single booking is made in FACTS, you must select the relevant Booking Category to

    specify that Rounds are to be used. Booking categories are linked to rounds-based fees rather

    than dollar-based fees and this is recognised by the system when a booking category is


    The cost of the stock item (green fees in this case) is then shown in points instead of dollars.

    Also shown is the available Rounds balance for the player alongside the member number

    above the player’s name. If the player has enough rounds available the booking can be paid.

    Note: The available Rounds may come from multiple sources and these can be shown by

    moving the mouse cursor over the balance figure.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Single Payments

    To pay a booking in FACTS, click Payments on the Booking Sheet. The Rounds are treated

    like a Tender type so the normal stock and payment allocations apply.

    • Click the ‘1’ button until it is red to indicate that this player is Paying for the others

    • Click the ‘2’ button until it is green to indicate that this player is being paid for

    • Click a button until it is blue to indicate that the ‘Booked by’ player is paying

    • Click Rounds to specify that this payment is points based, rather than cash

    • If all the points are allocated the Ok button will become enabled

    • Optionally click Allocate Manually to change the allocation of points.

    • Click Ok to make this payment and update the appropriate Rounds Ledger

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Group Bookings

    Group bookings work in a similar fashion to Single bookings. Create the group booking and

    use the ENTER key when entering the Last Name in order to select an existing Member from

    the database.

    Note: At this time, the available points balance for this member is not displayed – this will be

    added soon.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Group Payments

    To pay a booking in FACTS, click Payments on the Booking Sheet. The Rounds are treated

    like a Tender type so the normal stock and payment allocations apply.

    • Click Rounds to specify that this payment is points based, rather than cash

    • If all the points are allocated the Ok button will become enabled

    • Optionally click Allocate Manually to change the allocation of points.

    • Click Ok to add this payment to the list of payments

    • Click Accept to save all payments

    Adjusting Group Points

    Click the Points button on the Group

    booking sheet to access the Manage

    Points screen. From here, the total

    points for the booking can be adjusted or

    additional points can be created.

    These changes take effect immediately

    and will be undone if any change occurs

    to Points based stock allocations in the

    Pricing screen.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Allocating Rounds Manually

    Use the Allocate Points form to change the allocation of points or the Paying Player.

    In this example, Jason has access to 78 corporate rounds and 10 of his own. The Auto

    Allocation is set to use the Corporate link first, but he wants to use his Individual rounds. To

    allocate these click and drag the Required Payment from the top section and drop it onto the

    Individual link in the bottom section.

    When the Allocate Points form is called from the Group

    Booking payments screen, it enables a Player button.

    This is used to change the Paying Player.

    Click Player and search for a member. Any points links

    that are present are listed. Click Ok to use the selected

    Member as the Paying Player.

    At this time, all the required payments must be allocated

    to the same Paying Player.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Paying with Vouchers

    When a Booking Category is selected that is a voucher category, the voucher number will be

    requested. If the Booking Category requires the voucher then a valid number must be

    entered. If the category does not require the voucher number then the booking can proceed

    against this category, however the booking will not be able to be finalised for payment

    without a valid voucher number subsequently being entered.

    When a valid voucher number is entered a

    confirmation will appear to confirm that the voucher

    is valid and can be allocated to this player. If the

    voucher is not yet valid, has expired or has already

    been allocated it will not be available for use.

    Note: The valid date range is related to the date for

    which the booking is being made, not the date on

    which the player is making the booking.

    A voucher icon will appear on the booking sheet to indicate the status of the voucher.

    No voucher has been allocated to this player

    A voucher is allocated to this player

    The voucher has been redeemed

    There is a problem with the voucher (contact GCS)

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Move the mouse cursor over the voucher icon for more information about the voucher. Once

    a voucher is allocated, the available points balance displayed will change to the value of the

    voucher. The voucher overrides the normal points system in this case. In the Fees and

    Receipts form, the available points shown will be the value of the voucher.

    Note: At this time, vouchers cannot be used for Group Bookings.

    Paying with Cash

    Paying with cash, credit card and other tender types works as normal.

    Quick Pay

    The Quick Pay option on the Single Booking Sheet will pay for all stock for a single player,

    allocating points and cash as required. You cannot use Quick Pay to pay out multiple

    players at once.

    To use Quick Pay, right-click the player position number on the left of the player names and

    select Quick Pay. If the player is showing as ‘Paid’, the option to Quick Unpay will be

    available instead.

    A player that has been ‘Paid’ can still pay for others in the Fees and Receipts form.

    Note: The Quick Pay option has been temporarily disabled due to an overhaul. Previously it

    would group the Points and Cash payments into a single entity, this does not allow a safe

    Unpay option, so this is being corrected. In the meantime, the Payments forms work as

    designed. We apologise for the inconvenience.

    Producing account statements Detailed statements of account may be produced at any time advising the corporate entity of

    their opening rounds balance, movement on their account, and closing rounds balance.

    Account movement displayed on the statement details the date and time of each booking, and

    the names of players for who rounds allocation was used as payment. Additionally it shows

    any voucher redemptions.

    Account statements are produced through MMS in the same manner that financial statements

    are produced. Statement production allows you to nominate the ledger from which to

    produce statements, so in this case the Rounds ledger should be selected.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Vouchers Vouchers are created with the Voucher Report (RPTG21). This is found in the Reports main

    menu of FACTS, Golf Manager and/or MMS.

    Voucher Types

    Voucher Types are a way to ensure that all vouchers that should be the same are the same.

    When a new type is created and used, its settings are recorded so future creations of that

    voucher are identical.

    Creating a new voucher type

    • Click the add button and enter the voucher type name

    • Select the Issuer by entering part of the last name/corporate name or member number

    and pressing Enter or use the search button

    • If more than one member matches the input, select them from the list

    • If the voucher is only valid after a certain date, check the Valid from option and select

    a date

    • If the voucher expires on a certain date, check the Valid to option and select the

    expiry date

    • Select the Ledger Type and Ledger Code

    • Enter a Quantity and Value

    • Check the Transferable option if the voucher can be redeemed by someone other than

    the member chosen in Issue To

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Once an Issuer and Ledger Type have been entered, the Available points balance for that

    member and that ledger type will be displayed. If the Total value exceeds the Available,

    these vouchers cannot be created.

    Voucher Numbers

    Voucher numbers can be created using a sequence starting at a certain number and counting

    forward in steps, or random. The sequence step is added to each voucher number to get the

    next number, so a step of 5 will produce vouchers 0, 5, 10, 15 etc.

    Note: Voucher numbers are unique and can only ever be used once.

    It is recommended that the Issuing member number be used in the voucher number. For

    example, if ABC Corporation has member number 1029 and 100 vouchers are being issued;

    setting the voucher number to be a sequence from 1029000 will create vouchers numbered

    1029000 to 1029100.

    Click the button to view the current sequence.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    • Click Create Vouchers or Create and Print

    Points are removed from the Ledger at the time of Voucher creation, not redemption.

    Note: The ‘Ref No’. is the Voucher Number.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Viewing Vouchers

    Creating a Filter

    Because there may be hundreds or thousands of vouchers in the system, the Vouchers form

    uses a filter to allow vouchers of interest to be viewed.

    • Drop down the Filter On list and select a value. Eg Issued For

    • Drop down the Equates list and select a value. Eg =

    The Filter By field changes according to what is an acceptable input, in the case of Issued

    For, this would be a Member. To select a member, enter the first few letters of the last

    name/corporate name or member number and press Enter or click search. Select a member

    from the list if required

    • Click to add this Filter to the list

    Any number of filters can be added.

    Editing a Filter

    Use the button to remove a filter.

    To edit an existing filter, click it, change the properties and click to update.

    Filters can be turned on and off with the checkbox on the left of the filter list.

  • Copyright 2007 Golf Computer Systems


    Printing Vouchers

    Vouchers can be printed at the time of creation by using the Create and Print button, or

    using the Print button in the Vouchers form (view existing vouchers). When using the print

    option, a Report Manager is used that can manage multiple voucher layouts. The techniques

    used to design these are identical to other reports in the GCS applications and as such are not

    covered here.

    Voucher Codes

    The following is a list of all the codes available for voucher printing. To use, put the code in

    square brackets []’s on the Master Data band of the voucher report.

    Code Result

    CREATEDDATE Date the voucher was created

    ISSUEDTO Member the voucher has been allocated to

    ISSUER Member that can issue this voucher (Corporate)

    LEDGERTYPE Ledger Type used

    LEDGERCODE Ledger Code used

    REDEEMEDDATE Date the voucher was redeemed (finalised)

    REDEEMER Member that redeemed the voucher

    STAFF Staff that created the voucher

    TRANSFERABLE Whether the voucher can be redeemed by a member other than the

    Issued To member

    VALIDFROMDATE Date the voucher becomes valid

    VALIDTODATE Date the voucher expires

    VOUCHER The voucher number

    VOUCHERTYPE The voucher type

    VOUCHERVALUE The value – number of rounds

    Note: The date and time codes return a numerical value that may need to be formatted.