I P J M J. Micromech. Microeng. 15 A lobster-sniffing ...cyl/papers/JMM05_lobster.pdfA lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators

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J. Micromech. Microeng. 15 (2005) 812–821 doi:10.1088/0960-1317/15/4/020

A lobster-sniffing-inspired methodfor micro-objects manipulation usingelectrostatic micro-actuatorsChieh Chang1, Chia-Fang Chiang1, Cheng-Hsiang Liu1

and Cheng-Hsien Liu1,2

1 Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu,Taiwan 30043, Republic of China2 Institute of Microelectromechanical Systems, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu,Taiwan 30043, Republic of China

E-mail: liuch@pme.nthu.edu.tw

Received 15 November 2004, in final form 19 January 2005Published 25 February 2005Online at stacks.iop.org/JMM/15/812

AbstractWe learn from nature to mimic, from the viewpoint of controlling Reynoldsnumber variations, the odor-molecule capturing function of lobsters’ tinyhairs on their antennules for finding food, a suitable mate or to avoidpredators to capture molecules from the surrounding fluid. The engineeringimplementation of this lobster-hair-like capturing device, which is actuatedby the electrostatic force, is reported in this paper. The device actuates anddrives the biological objects via disturbing the fluid field and manipulatingthe Reynolds number of the surrounding fluid to achieve the function ofmicro-object manipulation. The operation principle of this micro-objectmanipulation is very different from those of other researchers’ early worksuch as MEMS ciliary actuators. In this paper, both theoretical analyses andsimplified numerical simulations are presented to obtain the design criteriaas well as the microfabrication processes. Preliminary experimental resultsare also shown to demonstrate the feasibility and functionality via themicro-object manipulation in liquid environment. These biomimeticelectrostatic bimorph actuators could avoid some of the drawbacks ofconventional tools and are potential tools for the non-contact andnon-invasive manipulation of micro/nano bio-objects.

(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction

Manipulation of bio-objects is an important subject for bio-medical research [1]. There are many efforts dedicated tothe development of tools for the manipulation of bio-objects.Conventional approaches employ pipettes to manipulate bio-objects. This method requires precise control and positioningof the pipette to manipulate a single cell, which is ahighly specialized, labor-intensive task. Optical tweezers[2] have the advantage of easy manipulation and are widelyused. However, the equipment is expensive compared toother techniques. Meanwhile, with the development ofmicromachining technology, numerous micro-manipulation

tools have been proposed based on different transducers suchas electromagnetic actuators [3], electrostatic actuators [4] andthermal-bimorph actuators [5–8]. Among these researches,most actuators serve as micro-conveyors based on ciliarymotion for small-object manipulation. When it comes to bio-object manipulation, the microgripper [9, 10], the microcage[11] and the conjugated polymer actuator [12] are based onclamping mechanisms to grab bio-objects. A popular wayof trapping cells using dielectrophoresis (DEP) is growingfast and their capabilities for the manipulation of micro-beadshave been proved [13]. The extension for the manipulationof different live cells by using DEP is still a challenge in thisresearch field.

0960-1317/05/040812+10$30.00 © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 812

A lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators

(a) (b)

(c) (d )

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the electrostatic micro-actuators: (a) overview of the actuator; (b) voltage is applied to move down halfof the fingers first; (c) the rest of the fingers are moved down; (d) the voltage is removed and the fingers return to their original position.

In this paper, an innovative idea is proposed, whichmimics the capturing function of lobsters’ tiny hairs ontheir antennules (i.e. the second pair of antennae on thehead of a crustacean) to control the fluid surroundingthe targeted objects in order to catch them. The techniquedevelopment on MEMS bimorph cantilevers and electrostaticcantilever actuators is exploited to develop the curved-finger actuator, a lobster-hair-like capturing actuator. Themoving mechanism might look like the early ciliary motionresearch [3–8]. However, the operation principle of ourmicro-object manipulation is very different from those ofearly ciliary motion research. Our device actuates anddrives the micro-objects via disturbing the fluid field andmanipulating the Reynolds number of the surrounding fluidto achieve the function of micro-object manipulation. Thesebiomimetic electrostatic micro-actuators could avoid some ofthe drawbacks of conventional tools and target to be suitable forsome bio-medical applications, such as parallel cell-patterningfor liver tissue engineering, in the future.

2. The lobster-sniffing-inspired method

2.1. Learn from nature

For centuries, engineers have looked at nature for inspiration.The original idea of this research should thank Kohl et alwho have done excellent work on the research of how lobsterssniff [14]. Their extensive work has indicated that capturingodor molecules from the surrounding fluid allows lobsters toemploy their sense of smell for biologically critical activitiessuch as finding food, mates or habitats. The function of alobster’s antennules system can be classified into two stages:bring the targeted particles near their tiny hairs by controllingthe Reynolds number of the surrounding fluid, which is akind of non-contact manipulation, and then get in touch withthe particle to smell. From the experiments of Kohl and co-workers, it was found that lobsters can transfer chemosensoryhairs, on the end of their antennules, from a leaky filter modeto a non-leaky paddle mode via the antennules’ stroke velocity

(i.e. the relative velocity of swung antennules and liquid). Thiscould be explained using the concept of Reynolds number(Re = ul/ν, where u is the velocity, l is the characteristiclength and ν is the kinematic viscosity), which represents therelative importance of inertial to viscous force in a movingfluid flow. Because the fluid in contact with the surface ofa moving body does not slip relative to the body, a velocitygradient, or say boundary layer, would develop around thebody. The lower the Re (i.e. the smaller the body or slower thevelocity), the thicker this boundary layer is relative to the body.If the boundary layer is thicker than the spacing between thetwo bodies, the spacing will be clogged. This case is a paddlemode. In contrast, the higher the Re (i.e. the bigger the body orfaster the velocity), the thinner this boundary layer is relativeto the body. When the boundary layer is thinner than thespacing between the two bodies, the fluid will flow smoothlythrough the spacing. This case is a filter mode. This effect isharnessed to design our electrostatic micro-actuators.

2.2. Structure design

Figure 1(a) shows the schematic illustration of ourelectrostatic micro-actuators design. The manipulationprinciple of micro-objects for our micro-actuators mimics thecapturing function of lobsters’ tiny hairs on its antennulesfrom the viewpoint of controlling Reynolds number variations.These micromachined micro-actuator fingers have similardimensions to those of the lobster’s tiny hairs but with somedimension modification based on numerical simulation resultsto meet real operation conditions or limitations from theviewpoint of engineering approach. The whole device consistsof bottom electrodes and a row of curled actuator fingers. Thecurled fingers are connected to the ground electrode. Allthe bottom electrodes are buried under an insulation layerto isolate them from the liquid environment and to preventelectrical short contact with the actuator fingers. The bimetalactuator fingers curl up due to the bimorph effect after therelease process. When the voltage is applied to the bottomelectrodes, the corresponding actuator fingers would be pulled


C Chang et al

down by electrostatic force and then zip along the bottomelectrodes as the voltage increases, until the actuator fingersare pulled to be flat. In contrast, when the voltage is removed,the corresponding actuator fingers would curl up back totheir original shape. The actuator fingers are in an arrayto serve as the structures to control the fluid field. Duringoperation, the voltage is first applied on the odd bottomelectrodes and the corresponding actuator fingers are pulleddown fast, as illustrated in figure 1(b). For this case, fluidcan penetrate through the larger spacing between the actuatorfingers. The voltage is then applied on the even bottomelectrodes to pull down the rest of the actuator fingers, asillustrated in figure 1(c). Finally, as illustrated in figure 1(d),the voltage is gradually removed and all the actuator fingersreturn to their original positions simultaneously. In this case,the actuator fingers have lower velocity and smaller spacingin-between to result in fluid motion and consequently draw thetargeted object near. Based on the demand, a row of actuatorfingers could be transferred from a paddle mode to a filter modevia fine tuning and control of actuator finger width, spacingand velocity, and vice versa.

3. Theoretical analysis and simulation

The following section will discuss the relevant theory involvedin analyzing these actuators and the fluid field around them.

3.1. Curled fingers

The actuator fingers are curled up after the release process viathe residual stress mismatch of the bimetallic layers. Residualstress is a fundamental problem associated with the depositionof thin film. For proper exploitation, this inherent nature ofbimetal thin film is utilized to curl up the actuator fingersspontaneously after release.

The relationship between the radius of curvature, ρ, andthe residual stress, σ , can be expressed as (1) [15, 16]

ρ = E2h(3m + k/n(1 + n)2)

6(mσ2 − σ1)(1)


k = 1 + 4mn + 6mn2 + 4mn3 + m2n4 (2)

where E1 and E2 are Young’s moduli of the first and secondthin-film layers, respectively, h = h1 + h2 is the total thicknessof the bimetallic layers with the first layer thickness of h1 andthe second layer thickness of h2, m = E1/E2 and n = h1/h2.For our design, the bottom layer is set to be aluminum and theupper layer is set to be chromium. The values of E1 (Al) andE2 (Cr) are 70.3 GPa and 140 GPa, respectively3. The value ofmσ2 − σ1, substantially depending on the fabrication process,is measured to be 1.0 GPa for our device. Figure 2 showsthe calculation results of the curvature radius, ρ, as a functionof the thickness ratio of chromium to aluminum, h2/h1, withdifferent aluminum thicknesses, h1.

The radius of curvature decreases with the film thicknessratio. When the film thickness ratio h2/h1 is larger than somevalue, say 0.1, for the case of Al = 0.8 µm, the changing rate

3 Young’s moduli values of aluminum and chromium are used from thedatabase of MEMCAD, design tools from Conventor, Inc.

Figure 2. Plot of the calculated radius of curvature versus thethickness ratio for different aluminum thickness.

is very slow. The above observation only holds for the rangeof film thickness ratio h2/h1 presented in figure 2. When thefilm thickness ratio h2/h1 gets much higher beyond our focusregion, which is not shown in figure 2, the curve will rise with asharp slope. The minimum value of the curvature radius versusthe Cr/Al thickness ratio variation could be obtained. Notethat the slope for the decrease rate is steep when the thicknessratio is below 0.1 for the case of Al = 0.8 µm. The curvatureis difficult to control in this region by the thickness ratio dueto fabrication variation error and non-uniformity deposition.

Furthermore, the radius of curvature decreases as thealuminum thickness, h1, decreases. To achieve a smaller radiusof curvature to curl up actuator fingers, thinner aluminum layeris required. However, thinner thickness also means lowerstiffness. It should be pointed out that the analytical solution,equation (1), will fail when the radius of curvature, ρ, getsvery small. This results in some errors for the curvature radiusdesign of our curled finger actuator. In the next section, thestiffness of the fingers regarding different finger dimensionsvia modal analysis will be analyzed to obtain the optimaldesign of finger thickness.

3.2. Vibration modes

The individual thickness and ratio of bimetal layers dominatethe curling shape of our micro-actuator fingers. Structuredimensions of bimetal layers affect the stiffness of the fingersas well as the vibration mode. The curling shape and structuredynamics couple in our micro-actuators to complicate ourdesign. The MEMS software package, CoventorWare, isused to perform modal analysis and to give us more insightabout the dimension effect. From modal analysis, the resonantfrequencies as well as the stiffness of the actuator fingers couldbe obtained.

Because the chromium layer is so thin compared withthe aluminum layer, the stiffness effect of the chromium layercould be ignored. The dimensions of aluminum structurein our simulation model are 200 µm in radius of curvature,5 µm in width and 0.8 µm in thickness. Young’s modulus,Poisson’s ratio and density of aluminum are set to be


A lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators

Mode 1:Stroke up and down

Mode 3:Stretch and bend

Mode 2:Swing left and right

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the vibration modes.

Figure 4. Plot of the simulation results of vibration resonanceversus actuator finger thickness.

7.0 × 104 (MPa), 0.3 and 2.3 × 10−15 (kg µm−3), respectively.Our curl-shape actuator fingers will be tested and operatedin a liquid environment eventually. Here, to simplifythe complication, the liquid effects are not considered inthe computer-aided simulation for all modal analyses. Thepractical liquid operation environment would increase thedamping effect and might push the resonant dynamics to ahigher resonant frequency. Figure 3 shows the simulationresult of the first three vibration modes. The first vibrationmode is stroking up and down mode, the second mode isswinging left and right mode and the third mode is stretchingand bending mode. The first vibration mode is the modewhich the actuator fingers are targeted to be operated under.Thus, in our design, higher vibration modes far away fromthe first vibration mode are required to prevent the undesiredcoupling effect from higher vibration modes. Figure 4 showsthat the slope of the first vibration resonant frequency versusactuator finger thickness is smaller than those of higher ordervibration resonant frequencies. Here, the parameters in thesimulation remain the same except the thickness. This resultindicates that an increase of the actuator finger thickness inour design could minimize the dynamic coupling effect ofhigher vibration modes while the actuator fingers operateunder the first vibration resonance. Besides, as the actuatorfinger thickness increases, the finger stiffness also increases.Figure 5 shows that the actuator finger width has little effecton the resonant frequencies of modes 1 and 3 as well asactuator finger stiffness. The resonant frequency of mode 2 isproportional to the actuator finger width. This result impliesthat the actuator finger width is a less independent and leastconstrained design parameter for the dynamics of the actuator

Figure 5. Plot of the simulation results of vibration resonanceversus actuator finger width.

fingers. However, the actuator finger width is an importantparameter for mimicking lobster’s tiny-hairs function in fluidfield analysis which will be described later.

Figure 4 shows the simulation results for resonantfrequencies versus the actuator finger thickness of 0.1–1 µm.The resonant frequency of the first vibration mode is 834 Hzfor the actuator fingers of 0.1 µm thickness. It is little bit lowand soft because the actuator fingers are targeted to operatein a liquid environment at frequencies higher than 1 kHz toobtain the high actuator finger velocity relative to the fluid.Therefore, a finger thickness larger than 0.1 µm is required inour design. In any case, the payoff for the thick actuator fingeris a large actuating voltage. This issue will be addressed in thelater section. The fluid damper in our simulation is neglectedsince it is difficult to estimate especially in the micro-scale.The main approach is to design the actuator finger with avibration frequency high enough to allow the actuator fingersto operate at high speed in the fluid environment.

3.3. Driving voltage

A two-dimensional model based on the Rayleigh–Ritz methodand small deformation theory is built up for the investigationof driving voltage. When a dc voltage is applied on the bottomelectrode, the total potential energy, π , can be expressed as[17]

π = Ub + Vel (3)

where Ub and Vel are the bending strain energy and theelectrostatic potential energy, respectively, given by [17, 18]

Ub = 1


∫ L





dx (4)


Vel = −1


∫ L


ε0WV 2

(g/ε1) + (y(x)/ε2)dx. (5)

The parameters above are shown in figure 6. Here EI is thebending stiffness of the finger, ω(x) = f (x) − y(x) is thestatic deflection, f(x) is the original shape of the curled fingeras a function of position x, y(x) is the deflection of the curledfinger as a function of position x, ε0 is the dielectric constantof free space, ε1 is the dielectric constant of the insulation


C Chang et al

Figure 6. Two-dimensional model of curled finger for oursimulation.

layer, ε2 is the dielectric constant of the environment, W is thefinger width, V is driving voltage and g is the insulation layerthickness.

The potential energy π can be obtained as

π = 72EIa2∫ L

0(x − L)4dx − ε0ε1ε2WV 2


∫ L



ε2g + ε1y(x),


where a is a constant to be determined. The pull-in voltageof the finger, VPI, can thus be acquired and the constant aPI atpull-in is

V 2PI = 12t3EL5


× 1∫ L

0 ((x4 − 4Lx3 + 6L2x2)2/[ε2g + ε1y(x)]3)dx(7)

aPI = − 1


×∫ L

0 ((x4 − 4Lx3 + 6L2x2)/[ε2g + ε1y(x)]2)dx∫ L

0 ((x4 − 4Lx3 + 6L2x2)2/[ε2g + ε1y(x)]3)dx. (8)

Equations (7) and (8) show the effects of different parameters.The finger width, W, would not affect the pull-in voltage.Changing the finger bending stiffness, EI, finger width, W, andthickness, t, does not contribute to the maximum displacementbefore pull-in.

It is hard to get the closed form solution for the equationsof this system; therefore, a numerical approach is usedalternatively. Figure 7 shows the calculation results for the tipdisplacement as a function of applied voltage for a differentset of finger thicknesses. As the finger thickness increases,the pull-in voltage increases while the tip displacements justbefore pull-in are about the same value of 65 µm. The reasonfor this is that thinner finger thickness results in softer structure,i.e. lower stiffness, and lower applied voltage for the pull downof the fingers. When the applied voltage is increased, thefinger is pulled down toward the position just before pull-in,which is determined by ε1, ε2, g, L and δ. Besides, it is alsodetermined by the polynomial order of original shape of thecurled finger [17], but it is not a controllable parameter in thisstudy. After the critical position is passed, the bending stress

Figure 7. Plot of the calculated tip displacement versus voltage fora different set of finger thicknesses t. Parameters that have beenused in our simulation are L = 300 µm, δ = 300 µm, E = 70.3 GPa,g = 0.2 µm, ε0 = 8.85×10−12, ε1 = 4.5 (SiO2), ε2 = 1 (air).

Figure 8. Plot of the calculated pull-in voltage versus the filmthickness. Parameters that have been used in our simulation are t (asg varies) = 0.8 µm, g (as t varies) = 0.2 µm, L = 300 µm, δ =300 µm, E = 70.3 GPa, g = 0.2 µm, ε0 = 8.85×10−12, ε1 = 4.5(SiO2), ε2 = 1 (air).

cannot balance the electrostatic force and the finger pulls inimmediately.

The effect of the insulation layer thickness, g, and thefinger thickness, t, on the pull-in voltage, VPI, is also studied.Figure 8 shows the calculation results of the pull-in voltageas a function of the film thickness. Both lines are linear andhave similar slope. It means that these two parameters, g andt, carry the same effect weighting on the pull-in voltage.

3.4. Fluid field

The design for our micro-actuators is critical to determinewhether the fluid could penetrate through a row of actuatorfingers or not. For the lobster case [20], the characteristicdiameter of chemosensory hairs on its antennules is 1 µmand the ambient velocity ranges from 0.001 to 0.5 m s−1.Using numerical simulation software (CFDRCTM), lobsters’tiny hairs and their function are imitated to design ouractuator fingers and operate them in the similar circumstanceas lobsters’ to get more insight into the effects of differentparameters.


A lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators

Figure 9. Plot of the simulation results of the normalized boundarylayer thickness, δU/W, versus the actuator finger width, W, fordifferent finger velocities, U.

We start from studying how the boundary layer of a singleactuator finger, δU, is affected by the actuator finger width, W,and the actuator finger velocity relative to the ambient flow, U.To mimic lobsters’ tiny hairs and also achieve high mechanicalstiffness for functioning in water, the actuator finger thickness,t, is modified and fixed to 0.8 µm for the current design.Figure 9 shows the simulation results for the normalizedboundary layer thickness on the actuator finger, δU/W, as afunction of the actuator finger width under different actuatorfinger velocities relative to ambient flow. The inset shows thecross-section of a single actuator finger passing throughthe fluid with velocity U. The shadow region representsthe boundary layer and δU is the boundary layer thicknessthat is defined as the thickness where the velocity at theboundary layer equals the ambient velocity. The normalizedboundary layer thickness decreases with the actuator fingerwidth and velocity. This phenomenon gets more obvious andsensitive when the actuator finger width is less than 5 µm.The simulation results on the dimensional characteristics areconsistent with the lobsters’ natural system.

Furthermore, important information for designing thewidth and spacing, S, of our actuator fingers could be obtainedfrom figure 9. As illustrated in figure 10, in the designS < 2 × δU , when a row of actuator fingers movesimultaneously, the actuator fingers function like a paddle.In this case, the spacing between the actuator fingers isclogged. For the other case, when only either odd or evenfingers move simultaneously, the row of actuator fingersbehave like a filter. In that case, the fluid leaks betweenthe actuator fingers because they satisfy the design criterion of2 × S + W > 2 × δU . When the actuator finger width is welldesigned (by mask design) and the velocity of the actuatorfingers is well controlled (by input voltage), the boundarylayer thickness could be manipulated and the acceptable rangeof spacing design could also be acquired. For the device5 µm in width and 5 µm in spacing, when all fingersare driven simultaneously at a velocity of 0.01 m s−1, theboundary layer of each actuator finger is approximately 15 µm(see figure 9), which is thick enough to clog a 5 µm spacing.Figure 11(a) shows the computer simulation result for this

Figure 10. Schematic illustration of how to determine the spacing.



Figure 11. Numerical simulation of fluid field around a row ofactuator fingers. (a) The actuator fingers are separated by 5 µm.The ambient flow velocity U is 0.01 m s−1. Little fluid can penetratethrough the spacing between the actuator fingers. (b) The actuatorfingers are separated by 15 µm. The ambient flow velocity U is1 m s−1. Fluid would penetrate through the spacing between theactuator fingers.

case—the fluid could not penetrate through the spacing.However, when only either odd or even fingers are driven


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(a) ( f )





(d )


Figure 12. Process flow diagram for the electrostatic micro-actuators fabrication using five masks.

simultaneously at a velocity of 1 m s−1, the boundary layerof each actuator finger is approximately 5 µm (see figure 9),which cannot clog the 15 µm spacing. Figure 11(b) showsthe numerical simulation result for this case—the fluid canpenetrate through the spacing. In figure 11, a row of actuatorfingers (white strips) are 5 µm in width and 0.8 µm inthickness. The flow velocity in a different zone, A ∼ I,is approximated and can be referred to in the legend. Thelines with arrows represent the stream lines. To reduce heavycomputation on simulation, the flow velocity U is assumed forthe ambient fluid instead of the moving actuator fingers.

4. Fabrication

The fabrication of our micro-actuators is a five-mask process,as illustrated in figure 12. On a standard p-type 〈1 0 0〉 siliconwafer, 5000 A thermal oxide is grown as the insulationlayer, as shown in figure 12(a). This is followed by thedeposition of 3000 A LPCVD poly-silicon and phosphorusdoping of poly-silicon layer to lower its resistance, as shown infigure 12(b). The poly-silicon layer is patterned using the RIEprocess to form the ground and bottom electrodes, electricalwires and electrode pads, as shown in figure 12(c). Here,doped poly-silicon is chosen instead of metal for the bottomdrive electrode because the post-fabrication process (LPCVD)is not allowed after metal for our clean-room facility. A 2000A TEOS oxide layer is conformally deposited by PECVD andserves as the second insulation layer to seal the electrodes andelectrical wires. The PECVD oxide layer is patterned usingBOE solution to form the electrode contacts, as shown infigure 12(d). Then, 4000 A LPCVD poly-silicon is depositedas the sacrificial layer. This is followed by anchor etchingusing the RIE process, as shown in figure 12(e). This stepis crucial for our device. If poly-silicon cannot be removedcompletely, the poly-silicon residue will delaminate the fingersfrom anchor after the release process. If the etch time isprolonged such that the poly-silicon is completely removed,the oxide layer beneath the sacrificial layer of poly-siliconmight be etched out. This would short the circuit. Besides,the non-uniformity of film deposition and RIE etching makethis step more difficult.

Next, metal layers, which act as our actuator fingers, arelifted off using thick photoresist AZ9260. AZ9260 providesenough thickness (6–8 µm) and vertical shape. Both are keyissues for successful lift-off. Afterwards, an 8000 A aluminumlayer is evaporated by thermal evaporation coater and is liftedoff in acetone, as shown in figure 12(f). Similarly, a 1000 ACr layer, which serves as the second metal layer, is evaporatedby E-Gun evaporation and is then lifted off in acetone, asshown in figure 12(g). The last step, as shown in figure 12(h),is when all exposed poly-silicon is removed via XeF2 to releaseactuator fingers. XeF2 is a gas phase etchant that etches siliconisotropically. Furthermore, XeF2 etching would avoid stictionproblems associated with wet etching and would not attackmetals. The etching rate of XeF2 mainly depends on thenumber of loaded samples and the size of the open etchingarea. The more the loaded samples have, the slower XeF2

etches. The larger the open etching area is, the faster it etches.

5. Experimental results

5.1. Fabrication results

Figures 13(a) and (b) show two different actuator fingershapes with two different Cr/Al thickness ratios. Based onequation (1), the curvature of the fingers could be tuned bydifferent thickness ratio of metal films. Figure 13(a) showsthe SEM images of curled actuator fingers, which are 5 µmin width, 5 µm in spacing and 100 µm in radius of curvature.These fingers are fabricated by depositing a 0.8 µm Al filmfirst and then a 0.1 µm Cr film. Figure 13(b) shows the SEMimages of vertically standing actuator fingers, which are 20µm in width, 10 µm in spacing and 300 µm in radius ofcurvature, with a 0.8 µm Al film and a 0.015 µm Cr film.By using FLX-2320 (KLA-Tencor, USA), the residual stressof the metal films is measured. A laser scan over the surfaceand determination of the reflection angle allow calculating thestress from the measured radius. With the measurements onthese two actuator fingers of different curvature radius, thevalues of mσ2 − σ1 for both cases could be calculated basedon equation (1). A consistent value of 1.0 GPa for mσ2 − σ1

is obtained. Hence, the desired actuator finger shape could beapproached via tuning the Cr/Al thickness ratio. The radius


A lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators



Figure 13. SEM images of our electrostatic micro-actuators. (a)The curled actuator fingers (5 µm in width, 5 µm in spacing,0.8 µm/0.1 µm in Al/Cr thickness and 100 µm in radius ofcurvature). (b) The vertically standing actuator fingers (20 µm inwidth, 10 µm in spacing, 0.8 µm/0.015 µm Al/Cr thickness and300 µm in radius of curvature).

of curvature predicted by the theoretical analysis agrees withthe experimental observation, except the first and last fingersin figure 13(b), which have a larger radius of curvature thanthe rest. A possible reason for this might result from non-uniform deposition and release processes. This issue could

Figure 14. Resonant frequency measurement for the actuator finger.

be a problem for the large array design in the future becauseof lower pull-in voltage. For our case, this problem shouldbe resolved or reduced using a higher quality clean-roomfacility.

5.2. Frequency response

For dynamics characterization, a Polytec laser Dopplervibrometer (LDV) is used to measure the resonant frequency ofthe curled finger in air instead of in liquid. The first reason forresonance measurement in air is that the laser light signal of thePolytec LDV scatters on the liquid surface and gives rise to anunreadable signal. The second reason is that the curled fingerbecomes an overdamped dynamic system in liquid instead ofan underdamped system in air. The resonant peak for suchan overdamped system is difficult to observe. From systemdynamics, the vibration mode is expected to shift to a slightlyhigher frequency in liquid than in air. The shift is related tothe quality factor. Thus, the resonant measurement in air isutilized to study the dynamics of the curled finger actuator.The input for actuating curled fingers is an impulse shock ofa hammer by mechanical knocks on the stage to excite all thefrequency components of the actuator finger, which is 5 µm inwidth, 0.8 µm in thickness and 100 µm in radius of curvature.Then, the displacement spectrum is measured. Theoretically,mode 2 is an in-plane vibration. In practice, the fingerscould be operated slightly out-of-plane due to horizontalmisalignment. Therefore, vertical vibration for the secondvibration mode could still be picked up. The measurementresult in figure 14 indicates that the first vibration mode ofthe actuator finger occurs at f = 6.4 kHz, the second vibrationmode of the actuator finger occurs at f = 23.4 kHz and thethird vibration mode occurs at f = 46.8 kHz. Compared to thesecond mode, the first vibration mode has a lower Q becausethe first mode is a vertical vibration mode and struggles withhigher air damping caused by a larger moving surface area.Since the finger is driven by external hammer shock, thedisplacement is quite small compared with low frequencynoise in our testing setup. All the experimental results forthe resonant frequencies are close to the simulation results(6.8 kHz for the first mode). The small differences betweenexperimental results and simulation predictions come frommicrofabrication variations and the parameter uncertainties ofmaterial properties.


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5.3. Driving testing

The micro-actuator testing is carried out in different liquidenvironments, including water, 3MTM FluorinertTM anddimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Both Fluorinert and DMSO havelower electrical conductivity than water. Fluorinert liquid witha viscosity similar to water is non-irritating to the eyes and skin,and non-toxic orally. DMSO has properties similar to bodyfluid and could be used for low temperature cell handling.When a dc voltage is applied on the bottom electrodes, theactuator fingers deflect and zip along the bottom electrodes.The zipping distance depends on the applied voltage, actuatorfinger stiffness and its original curled shape (radius ofcurvature). For our present version of actuator fingers(100 µm in radius of curvature, as shown in figure 13(a)),a ∼10 µm zipping distance is observed with a 100 V dcapplied voltage. When the applied voltage is removed, theactuator fingers would return to their original positions. Thezipping speed of our actuator fingers could be controlled bythe slope of our ramp input signal. The driving voltage in thepresent experiment is above 90 V. This high voltage resultsin electrolysis bubbles which randomly occur around someactuator fingers and bottom electrodes for some device testingin water. Instead of water, the testing in both Fluorinertliquid and DMSO is successful. The actuator finger testingin Fluorinert iquid is exhibited to avoid electrolysis bubblesand demonstrates the function of our actuator on micro-object manipulation in the next section. The biomimeticfingers could not be controlled precisely and smoothlydue to the pull-in effect and hysteresis characteristics ofelectrostatic actuation. Further studies and improvements areongoing.

5.4. Manipulation of micro-object

To demonstrate the actuating function of our curled actuatorfingers, several micro-particles are employed. This experimenttakes into account the particle–flow interaction that had notbeen modeled in the above-simplified simulation due to thecomplications in modeling the complete electro-mechanical–particle-fluidic interaction. Figure 15 shows a series of stillimages of a row of actuator fingers manipulating/capturinga single particle in a liquid environment (3MTM

FluorinertTM). The particle, marked by a circle, is∼3 µm in diameter. The actuator fingers are 5 µm in widthand 5 µm in spacing. The tiny zipping motion (∼5 µm) ofthe actuator fingers on the left of the particle can be indicatedby the two large-deflection (∼100 µm movement) actuatorfingers near the bottom of each frame. In figure 15(a), theactuator fingers begin to move toward the particle under aramp applied voltage up to 80 V. Then, the actuator fingerszip along the bottom electrode while the voltage increasedup to 100 V, as shown in figure 15(b). In figure 15(c), theactuator fingers pull back and draw the particle near, when theapplied voltage is removed gradually. Finally, in figure 15(d),the actuator fingers move back to their original position withoutany applied voltage. The particle is now moved to the left. Thetime interval between each frame is 0.1 s. The total time periodfor these successive frames, shown in figure 15, is less thanhalf a second. During operation, the voltages (∼100 V) areapplied sequentially to the odd and even bottom electrodes and




(d )

Figure 15. Successive frames taken from a video of manipulating asingle particle in liquid environment (3MTM FluorinertTM). Theparticle, marked by a circle, is ∼3 µm in diameter. The actuatorfingers are 5 µm in width and 5 µm in spacing. The time intervalbetween each frame is 0.1 s. (a) The actuator fingers start to movetoward the particle under a ramp applied voltage up to 80 V. (b) Theactuator fingers zip along the bottom electrode while the voltageincreased up to 100 V. (c) The actuator fingers pull back and drawthe particle near when the applied voltage is released. (d) Theactuator fingers move back to their original position without anyapplied voltage. The particle is moved to the left.

then removed simultaneously. In each cycle, the particle waspulled closer to our biomimetic fingers, and finally trapped bythe actuator fingers.


A lobster-sniffing-inspired method for micro-objects manipulation using electrostatic micro-actuators

6. Conclusion

From the viewpoint of controlling Reynolds numbervariations, the capturing function of lobsters’ tiny hairs fordesigning our micro-actuators is mimicked in this research.Furthermore, the technique development on MEMS bimorphcantilevers and electrostatic cantilever actuators is also utilizedto develop the curved-finger actuator, the lobster-hair-likecapturing actuator. The high-driving voltage, above 90 V,results in electrolysis bubbles and prohibits our present devicefrom operating in water. Several improvements are takeninto account and addressed above. For this paper, thesuccessful testing for this proposed micro-actuator in bothFluorinert liquid and DMSO is reported. Because Fluorinertliquid has a viscosity similar to water, the feasibility andfunctionality of our micro-actuators are thus demonstratedvia the manipulation of a micro-object in Fluorinert liquid.The moving mechanism for our lobster-hair-like capturingactuator looks like the early MEMS work regarding ciliaryarray motion. However, the operation principle of micro-object manipulation is very different from those of earlyciliary motion research. Our device actuates and drives themicro-objects via disturbing the fluid field and manipulatingthe Reynolds number of the surrounding fluid to achieve thefunction of micro-object manipulation. To our knowledge,this is the first report of the engineering implementationof such innovative MEMS lobster-tiny-hair-like capturingresearch. These lobster-tiny-hair-like actuators have theadvantage of non-contact and non-invasive features for micro-object manipulation, observation and measurement platformfor bio-medical research. With a large micro-actuator arrayformat integrated with an image feedback control mechanism,these parallel massive bio-applications will be the main targetin this research to pursue in the future.


This research was supported partially by the Nano-technologyResearch Program of University System of Taiwan, ROC. Weacknowledge Professor Long Hsu for research developmentcombined with the optical tweezers technique, ProfessorHwan-You Chang and Professor Hwei-Ling Peng for researchdevelopment in bio-applications, Professor K A Chao forhelpful comments and D M Yu for assistance with theexperiments. This research was inspired by the talk of U CBerkeley’s M A R Kohl given at Stanford University in theyear 2000.


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