Howley Grange Primary School Jan 13.pdf · Howley Grange Primary School School Aims “Learning through Pleasure and Understanding” Values - what do we value? Safe, stimulating

Post on 24-Mar-2018






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Howley Grange Primary School


On behalf of the staff and governors of Howley Grange Primary School may I take

this opportunity to welcome you to our school. We hope that you find the

information here both useful and interesting and that it gives you an insight into

what a happy, vibrant and forward thinking place Howley Grange is. The school has

been established and growing since 1957 and we continue to pride ourselves on the

fantastic reputation we hold within the Dudley borough and our own local

community. We work hard to ensure that the happiness and well being of the

children in our care is at the forefront of all that we do and we strive to continue to

create the learning opportunities that will stay with our pupils throughout their

lives. We believe in learning through pleasure and understanding and we hope that

this can be achieved through a strong and open partnership between children, staff,

parents and governors. To find out more please do not hesitate to pick up the

telephone, send us an e-mail or call in at the main school office.

Simon Duncan


Howley Grange Primary School

Address: Howley Grange Road


West Midlands

B62 0HS

Telephone: 01384 818395

Fax: 01384 818396


Pupils on Roll: 420

Headteacher : Mr Simon Duncan

Deputy Head: Miss Angela Lewis

Chair of Governors: Mrs Jane Bruten (contactable through the school)

School Hours: 8.50am –3.15pm

Local Education office: Westox House

1 Trinity Road



Telephone: 01384 814223

Howley Grange Primary School

School Aims

“Learning through Pleasure and Understanding”

Values - what do we value?

Safe, stimulating and memorable learning.

Highest academic and personal achievement.

Social responsibility and self-worth.

Commitment to the 4 Cs - Care, Courtesy, Cooperation, Consideration.

Vision statement - what do we want it to look like?

A safe, happy and stimulating environment to learn and grow.

A commitment to providing outstanding teaching leading to high progress and

attainment for all.

Inclusion for all individuals to gain highest academic and personal achievements.

Encouragement of social responsibility and self-worth.

A curriculum that is engaging, stimulating and memorable for all.

An autonomous use of a range of innovative technologies.

Leadership at all levels.

Howley Grange Primary School

The School Day

Doors Open - 8.50am

School Starts - 9.00am

Morning Break - 10.45 – 11.00am

Lunchtime -

Lower School (Reception, 1 and 2) - 12.00-1.00pm

Upper School (3, 4, 5 and 6) - 12.15-1.15pm

End of School 3.15pm

Term Dates



INSET DAY MONDAY 7 JANUARY (school closed for children)





INSET DAY MONDAY 15 APRIL (school closed for children)






INSET DAY MONDAY 2 SEPTEMBER (school closed for children)




Howley Grange Primary School


Before application all parents are given the opportunity to make an appointment to

visit the School. They will be welcomed and shown around by the Headteacher,

Mr S Duncan, or the Deputy Headteacher, Miss A Lewis.

Dudley Admissions Policy

As part of Dudley Local Authority, Howley Grange Primary School follows the

Dudley Admissions Policy. All preferences, regardless of ranking, will be assessed

against the following criteria to allocate the available places to those community

and voluntary controlled primary schools that are oversubscribed ie receive more

applications than can be accommodated.

a) First priority will be given to relevant “looked after children”

b) Second priority shall be given to children with a “serious and ongoing medical

condition” where the preferred school is the most appropriate to meet the

condition. (please see the admissions booklet for more information)

c) Third priority to children who have a brother or sister already at the school who

will still be attending at the time of entry.

d) Any places that remain available once the above applicants have been admitted

will be filled according to those children who live closest to the school, determined

by a straight line measurement from the home address to the main entrance of the


All application forms are processed by Dudley LA and the decision is made by the

Admissions Service regarding places. You are encouraged to apply online. The

Admissions Service informs parents by letter / email of the school to which their

child has been allocated a place.

School Admissions and Entry

The School admission number is 60 pupils per year. Parents with younger children

at home are respectfully asked to inform the school office once they are two

years old to enable the school to be aware of possible future admission numbers.

Please refer to Dudley MBC Directorate of Children‟s Services Admissions information for further details.

Howley Grange Primary School

School Organisation - Learning

The school is organised into three phases.

PHASE ONE Reception, Years 1 and 2

Development Leader – Mrs H Rhodes

PHASE TWO Years 3 and 4

Development Leaders – Mrs M McEwan

PHASE THREE Years 5 and 6

Development Leader – Mrs E North

Development leaders are responsible for the smooth running of their phases and

the children and staff within that phase. They are each a member of our senior

leadership team.

Children are organised into two parallel classes in each year group. We ensure

classes are of mixed ability and have equal numbers of girls and boys where


Foundation Stage

This stage begins when children reach the age of three and ends when they enter

year one. The government has detailed curriculum guidance which all practitioners

must follow and equal time should be allocated to each learning area.

The foundation stage curriculum is organised into six areas of learning:

Personal, social and emotional development

Communication, language and literacy

Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy

Knowledge and understanding of the world

Physical development

Creative development

The six areas help practitioners plan the learning environment, activities and

experiences and provide a framework for the early years curriculum. One

experience may provide a child with opportunities to develop a number of

competencies, skills and concepts across several areas of learning.

Howley Grange Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our School curriculum ensures all pupils have full access to a broad and balanced

curriculum that is relevant and appropriate for the children. In line with national

policy we focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills that will enable children

to successfully access learning throughout their lives. We endeavour to create an:

„Innovative‟ and „Creative‟ curriculum providing purposeful and memorable

experiences by helping children to

These values are supported by our use of the National Curriculum that consists of:

The core subjects – English, Maths and Science

The foundation subjects – ICT, history, geography, design technology, music,

art, physical education (gymnastics, games, dance, athletics and swimming)

Religious education – including the LA agreed syllabus.

Cross-curricular subjects – PSHE (personal, social and health education) and

SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) including citizenship

An act of collective worship, also known as assembly, takes place each day either in

the main hall or in the classroom. These are important times when the children and

staff can meet together to reinforce the moral and spiritual values and attitudes

that underpin our school. (Parents have the right to request the withdrawal of

their child from collective worship). During these times we also hold both

achievement assemblies and Key Stage hymn practices.

Special Educational Needs

Some children find aspects of their learning difficult and may need additional

support to help them access the curriculum. Initially, the class teacher with advice

from the school‟s Inclusion & Personalised Learning Manager will aim to address any

learning difficulties. Some children may be withdrawn from class for short periods

of time to receive extra help, either individually or in small groups to help boost

their literacy or numeracy skills.

Understand, Value and Experience


Extend learning beyond the classroom

Develop empathy through making

informed choices

Understand the importance of partnerships

These actions take place within the frame-work of an Individual Education Plan

(IEP). Parents are kept fully informed of their child‟s progress. Advice on

children‟s learning and behaviour difficulties is sometimes sought from external

agencies including the Learning Support Service, educational psychologists, health

and social services. School has a strong tradition of working in partnership with

these organisations.


Music plays an important part in our school curriculum and all children have music

lessons, plus the opportunity to learn the recorder. The facility to receive

instrumental lessons in woodwind, wind, string, keyboard, brass and drums also

exists with the support of Dudley Performing Arts.


All children in Year 3 are taken to local swimming baths for lessons that are

provided by qualified, experienced staff. Swimming is a National Curriculum

subject that must be taught to all pupils. Because of costs involved, we ask parents

for a voluntary contribution towards transport but not towards the tuition charges.

No child is excluded unless the parents have specific medical reasons for the



Our PE curriculum helps to develop games skills and mini versions of teams sports

are often played in PE lessons within the two hour allocation per week. Other

sporting activities which include football, netball, cricket, rounders, gymnastics,

rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, swimming, new image rugby, and dance activities are

all played outside normal school hours and often competitively against other

schools. Practices for this are held before school, during lunchtime and after

school and children of all abilities are encouraged to take part.

The school uses the hall, large playing field, playground and local swimming baths.

Our creative approach to learning

In years 1 to 6 our curriculum has been organised into integrated themes and links

have been made to other curricular areas within the topic and curricular focus.

The use of ICT is encouraged in all topic areas as a subject in its own right and in

both the teaching of the topic and in the opportunities for children‟s independent

learning. Each class teacher is responsible for the delivery of the curriculum

through a „themed‟ approach which incorporates key skills and National Curriculum


The curriculum will be split in to the following learning areas:

Innovation and Enquiry – (Science, ICT, DT)

Literacy, Language and Oracy – (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening)

Health and Well being – (PE, Games, PSHE, SEAL)

The Arts – (Dance, Music, Art)

Belief and Citizenship – (RE, PSHE, SEAL)

Time and Place – (History, Geography)

Mathematics – (Numeracy, Enterprise)

Each of the themed topics will include the following:

1. Stunning Starts and The Big Picture

Empower through experiences. Visits and visitors. Building the learning

environment. Finding out what we know. Finding out what we would like to know.

Establishing what we will learn in each area. How the curriculum will be linked.

2. Research and Recording

Learning more and deepening the understanding across the learning areas and using

a range of learning styles/methods.

3. Fabulous Finishes and Exciting Exits

Presentation of our learning. Evaluating what we have learnt and applying our

understanding in different contexts across the learning areas. Assessing and

Reviewing the learning. Further information regarding our curriculum is available

through a detailed curriculum policy held in the school office.

Year 2 enjoying their own

„stunning start‟ at the

West Midland Safari


Howley Grange Primary School


At this school, the health, safety and well-being of every child are our paramount

concern. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is

that children will enjoy their time as pupils at this school.

We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full

potential and make a positive contribution.

On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult

other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures which we follow have

been laid down by the Dudley Safeguarding Children Board and Howley Grange

Primary School has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the

safety of all. If you want to know more about our procedures or the policy, please

speak to the Headteacher or your child's class teacher.


All children are expected and strongly encouraged to wear school uniform, including

our school tie. We believe this helps promote a positive school identity, supports

and sets high standards of behaviour and actively encourages children to take a

personal pride in their appearance.

Boys Girls

Dark trousers/shorts

White shirt (Preferably not Polo)

Sweatshirt (scarlet, Preferably V-Neck)

Dark shoes

School tie

Indoor PE

Red T.Shirt

Black shorts



Dark skirt or pinafore dress or trousers

White shirt (Preferably not Polo)

Sweatshirt/cardigan (scarlet)

Dark shoes

School tie

Optional Red/white checked dress in warmer


Indoor P.E

Red T.Shirt

Choice of Black leotard/P.E/skirt/shorts/skorts



Outdoor GAMES – Boys and Girls

As PE plus warm outer wear


School Meals

Children may have a school lunch, bring a packed lunch or go home to lunch. The

school offers the recommended menu in line with a variety of food which has been

approved by dieticians of the catering service in Dudley. Parents are always

welcome to come into school to see what is available and what their children are

eating. Menus are displayed in the classrooms and the school office and are also

available through our school website.

Our school kitchen has the Dudley Food for Health Gold Award which reflects its

commitment to providing a „healthy eating‟ service for the children.

Early and upper years children pay their dinner money (currently £1.80) on a daily,

weekly, monthly or termly basis (cheques must be made payable to Dudley MBC). Drinks

are included in the price for early years and upper years can purchase a variety of

different drinks (20p – 40p). Milk is one of the drink options for all years at

lunchtimes and water is available on all the tables throughout lunchtime. We have

recently introduced a cashless catering system meaning that parents can update a

pupils account so that no money has to be carried by the pupil. This is proving very

popular. For further information please speak to the main school office.

During lunchtimes the children are supervised by a team of lunchtime supervisors

who help with the choice of meal before moving to the playground for supervision

duties. We also have three „Your Sport‟ play leaders who are employed to work with

groups of children across all year groups.

We ask parents of children who bring a packed lunch to respect the „healthy eating‟

approach towards both food and drinks.

If you are receiving Income Support, then you are entitled to free meals for your

children. You do, however, have to apply for them. You may also have a right to

school meals depending upon family income after certain deductions. To qualify

for Free School Meals you need to be in receipt of Income Support, Job seekers

Allowance- Income based, Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (not working tax

credit). Please contact the address below or the school office for further


Information from: Benefit Services Division

Council House


West Midlands

DY1 1HF Telephone No: 01384 814987

Howley Grange Primary School

Health Education

From Reception to Year 6 children are made aware of the importance of personal

hygiene, healthy eating and living lifestyles and are encouraged to grow up in a

secure community/environment.

Health education and science combine on several occasions in the school curriculum

for example, as they do in Year 6 when sex education is delivered as an ongoing part

of the children's studies. It is dealt with sensitively in order to help children cope

with the emotional and physical changes they experience as they grow and it is

carefully matched to the maturity of all the pupils involved. Parents have the

opportunity to view the materials we use before the lessons start.

Health education and healthy lifestyles are taken very seriously as we are a ”Health

Promoting School”. We have a healthy school tuck-shop and positively encourage

children to bring fruit or a healthy piece of „tuck‟ for their mid morning break. We

need your support in this and ask that only dried or fresh fruit, low-fat yoghurt,

cereal bars etc are sent in – please avoid chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cakes and

sweets in particular. Drinks should also be plain: water, squash, or fruit juice ~ no

pop or sugary drinks. The school supplies all early years pupils with a piece of fruit

or vegetable each day. Children can also purchase toast during morning break

(current price: 20p for a whole slice, 10p for half a slice). We continue to

participate in the Dudley Schools‟ Milk Scheme, which allows our children to enjoy a

small carton of milk each day at a subsidised price, if they wish to. This has to be

ordered on a termly basis and parents are asked for payment prior to the beginning

of the term.

We are also aware of the fact that children work better when they have eaten

breakfast as a result of this, we offer a Breakfast Club (at present twice a week on

a Tuesday and Thursday) at 8.30am for all years at a cost of 70p.

We allow the children to bring a water bottle to school which they may drink from

throughout the day (plain water only allowed). Each child new to the school is given

their own named water bottle. Replacement bottles (£2) and spare caps (50p) are

available from the school office.

Howley Grange Primary School

Behaviour and Expectations

Our philosophy is to foster mutual respect for individuals, together with care and

respect for the environment in which all members of the school community work

and play. We endeavour to ensure that children are able to make informed choices

and know the difference between right and wrong. This requires from everyone an

understanding of and commitment to a consistency of approach, to ensure that

expectations of what is acceptable behaviour are clear to pupils and all adults

working within the school, and to parents. This will be achieved by promoting and

recognising responsible behaviour through encouragement, praise and example.

In creating such an ethos, our school will have a positive and lasting influence on the

social and moral attitudes of all pupils. Difficulties will not be dealt with in

isolation. All adults working in school can feel that they will be supported by

colleagues, from whom they can seek advice and expertise. We believe the active

involvement of parents in their children‟s school life is an essential part of the

support process and will be sought and welcomed.

We want pupils to leave this school having developed confidence and respect for

themselves, consideration and regard for others and pride in the wider community.

We want our children to take with them the positive attitudes and values they will

have experienced and shared at Howley Grange Primary School, enabling them to be

effective and caring citizens.

If a child is unable to conform to the standards of behaviour and self-discipline

expected in and around the school, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with

the whole school behaviour policy and in partnership with the parents concerned.

We endeavour to support children through this process and to give every possible

opportunity for children to improve their understanding of behavioural

expectations at Howley Grange.

Howley Grange Primary School


Regular school attendance is important and parents have a legal responsibility to

ensure that their children receive an effective full time education. If your child

fails to attend school for any reason, please use one of the following contacts:-

telephone / e-mail the school

send a written explanation to the teacher

If parents know that their child is going to be absent from school for non-medical

reasons e.g. holiday, they should contact the school for guidance.

Any unexplained absence has to be recorded as unauthorised and annotated

accordingly, and it is these figures that are published as truancy percentages.

We strongly urge all parents to ensure that no absence is unexplained and that

contact is always made with the school.

Holidays in school time

If parents would like to take their child out of school during term time, a holiday

request form should be obtained from the school office. This should be completed

and returned to the Headteacher, who acts on behalf of the governing body to

approve or disapprove the request. Only in exceptional circumstances (Regulation 12,

Education Regulations 1981) will the leave be granted (authorised).


When it is essential that a child receives medicine during the day, we will accept

responsibility for the medicine if it is brought to the school office, details

recorded and signed by the parent/carer. This refers to prescribed medicines and

non-prescribed items. If possible, please ask doctors for medicines that can be

administered three times daily (before school, after school and before bedtime). If a child has a

medical condition which necessitates regular care / medication, a Care Plan will be

drawn up by our School Health Adviser in conjunction with the parents and our

Special Needs Co-ordinator.

Howley Grange Primary School

Extended Learning

Out of Hours Learning is becoming increasingly important to schools and parents

and we offer a variety of optional activities outside the normal school day. We run

an increasing number of before and after school activities. All year groups are

offered these activities on a termly or half-termly basis. In addition, our school

Breakfast Club runs from 8.30am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The building

is also here to serve the community and we welcome it being a focal point for local

life. It is currently hired by Rainbows, Brownies, Aerobics and Neighbourhood

Watch organisations and can also be used for private functions. In addition, we

welcome Family Learning courses such as ICT sessions, and parental support groups.

If you wish to hire the school for a private function, please ask at the school


The Community

We encourage the visit of local people and services to enrich the school curriculum.

Throughout the year we have frequent visits by people from different professions and

organisations. We also take our pupils out of school to visit local churches, playgroups

and homes for the elderly, especially at Christmas time when our choir and orchestra

provide musical entertainment.

Our Partners

We welcome young people who wish to spend time with us as part of their

training/work experience from universities, colleges and schools. We have links with

the local high schools, Leasowes, Earls, Perryfields, King Edward VI Five Ways,

Windsor, Bartley Green Technology College and King Edward VI College Stourbridge,

which include staff and pupil involvement with several different areas of the

curriculum. Similarly, we also welcome students from Newman University College and

the University of Worcester as part of their Teacher Training course. We are also

working in partnership with Salafi Independent Faith School in Small Heath,

Birmingham; a school in Massachusetts, USA, and an Independent school in Vietnam.

Parental Involvement

We welcome parents who wish to support us in the classroom. Guidelines are

available to any parent who wishes to help. Any parent offering assistance is CRB

cleared before coming into school. If you are interested please contact the

Deputy HeadTeacher, Miss Lewis for more information.

Howley Grange Primary School

Industry Links

We have taken part in several LA initiatives involving curriculum development and

industry. We welcome this participation which frequently involves working

alongside other schools in the area as part of the Halesowen Learning Network.

Parent Teacher Association

The school has a thriving Parent Teacher Association which puts on social and

educational events for children and parents. Their support is invaluable to the

school and they are always ready to welcome new members. Events include our

summer fete, skittles night, discos, winter fairs and much more.

Home and School Links

We feel very strongly that if a child is to learn and work well, we must create an

environment where the child is happy and secure. It is only within such an

environment that pupils will develop socially, emotionally and academically.

With this in mind, happiness is put very high on our list of priorities and staff work

hard to create a friendly, tension-free atmosphere within the classrooms and

around school. Children are always encouraged to ask when unsure and to approach

staff with any problems they may have. Our SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of

Learning) and PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) lessons support this


We believe that education is a three-way contract between child, teacher and

parent and to this end we have three open nights a year (one each term). This gives

us the opportunity to talk to parents and discuss their child's progress and any

problem that may be causing concern. In addition to these open nights, there is

always the facility to arrange meetings with staff at other times throughout the

year. This includes the Headteacher if needed.

At the end of the school year parents will receive a written report on their child's

progress. Parents will also receive a written update at the end of both the Autumn

and Spring terms. Parents are encouraged to reply to the child's report by making

comments on the form that accompanies the report.

Parents and Pupils are invited to read and sign a Home/School Commitment drawn

up by the governors (following government guidelines) and school council. This

document reinforces commitment to important issues including behaviour and

homework for the benefit of the child and will be issued during summer transition


To comply with Data Protection regulations, we need parental permission before we

can photograph or make any recordings of children. We like to use these for our

school prospectus, on our website, for school-to-school conferences, to celebrate

achievements in the local press or to have DVDs of school plays, performances and

assemblies. All parents are asked to consider giving their permission and are asked

to complete a slip when the children start school and again when starting Year 3.

„Inspire‟ sessions are held once a term, when parents/family members are invited

into school to work alongside their child to through a creative / activity session.

We also encourage feedback from parents regarding the progress that the school

is making and ask for your support in completing a parental questionnaire.

Letters and Newsletters are our main source of communication to keep you

informed. This is also posted on the school website at We

have also introduced Parentmail, a system where correspondence (newsletters etc)

are sent home electronically via e-mail. Further information will be received on

your child being admitted to the school or from the school office.

We also have an online payments system where parents can pay for visits and other

items online. Please ask at the school office for more details.

We also set targets every half term. These contain targets in both English and

Maths and will be sent home for parents to keep. These are linked directly to the

attainment level that the child is currently working on.

Ofsted Inspection

The School completed its most recent and successful Ofsted Inspection in

November 2008. The report is available on the Ofsted Web Site

In January 2012 an interim assessment was completed showing that Ofsted would

not visit the school before summer 2013.

Howley Grange Primary School

Teaching Staff

Year Group Staff Member Area of Responsibility

R Mrs E Lowe Community Partnership and Early Years ICT

R Miss J Mee

1 Miss A Hope

1 Mrs E Trimmer School Council

1 Miss R Holden

2 Mrs H Rhodes Key Stage 1 and RE

2 Mrs K Tibbetts Environment

2 Mrs S Graham

3 Mr D Guest Music

3 Mrs W Faber Enterprise

3 Mrs J Farmer PSHE and Extended learning

4 Mrs K Westby-Ross

4 Mr P Panes Science

4 Mrs M McEwan Humanities and Middle Phase

5 Mrs J Simcox Modern Foreign Languages

5 Miss C Savage PE and Games

6 Mr M Allen Teaching and Learning

6 Mrs E North Literacy and Upper Phase

PPA Mr D Hill Upper years ICT and Technology

PPA Mr S How Sports Coach


Year 5 enjoying their

own „stunning start‟ at

The Beatles Museum in


Howley Grange Primary School

Support Staff

E Williams

L Layton

V Vincent

D While

Reception Support

L Kelsall

P Thompson

H Warburton

A Dunn

K Blakeway

Lower School Support

J Amison

A Simons

P Bates

H Riches / R Bryant

R Shipman

S Hinton

Middle Phase Support

S Tustin

S Lane

V Taylor

A Dunn

D While

M Willcocks

M Willetts

L Barrett

Upper Phase Support

R Donowski (School Business Manager)

C Corbett

L Hyatt

School Office

M Matthews Site

Howley Grange Primary School

Progress and Attainment

Key Stage 2 SATs Results 2012


Level 4+ = 97%

Level 5 = 68%


Level 4+ = 92%

Level 5 = 52%


Level 4+ = 88%

Level 5 = 45%

Percentage achieving Level 4 or above in both English and

mathematics 2009 2010 2011 2012

School 85% IA 79% 87%

LA 71% IA 73% 77%

England - All Schools 72% 73% 74% 79%


At Howley Grange we feel it is important to develop pupil‟s awareness of

enterprise activities as they move through the school. We have an Enterprise co-

ordinator who has established a range of fantastic opportunities. These include a

school shop, HSBC school bank and termly mini-markets.

Pupil Responsibility

We feel it is very important for pupils to understand what they contribute to the

school community. We have a wide range of pupil responsibilities. These include

Prefects, House Captains, Toast Monitors, Tuck Sellers, Fruit Monitors, School

Council, EcoCouncil and many more.

Howley Grange Primary School

Some of our fabulous experiences.

"Pupils are well settled in their day-to-day routines and there is a “buzz” about the

school that permeates the whole environment"

- School Improvement Partner 2012

Year 4 build a Tudor


Our Cricket team visit

Warwickshire County

Cricket Club.

Year 6 Walk to Clent

and learn about the

legend of St Kenelm.

Howley Grange Primary School

Our lovely school

Our new Early Years

outdoor play area.

Our new whole school

ICT suite.

Our newly refurbished


Useful Information regarding Applications for Primary School

You should only complete one application form for admission to a primary school.

This form will enable you to indicate 5 preferences. Local Authorities (LAs) are

required to co-ordinate primary admission for all maintained (non fee paying)


Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire

(LAs) and Education Walsall have agreed to co-ordinate applications for their


You must now apply to your home authority for all schools you wish to express as a

preference, regardless of the school‟s location.

Therefore, if your child does not live in the Borough of Dudley, you must not use

the Dudley Application Form. You will need to contact the Admissions service of

your own Local Authority for their form. Birmingham Local Authority

School Admissions and Appeals

Birmingham City Council

Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BU

Tel: 0121 675 0555

8.45-5.15 (Mon-Thurs) 8.45-4.15 (Fri)

Sandwell Local Authority

Access Service (Admissions)

Children and Young People‟s Services

PO Box 41, Shaftesbury House

402 High Street, West Bromwich B70 9LT

Tel: 0121 569 8244 / 8217

9-5.30 (Mon-Thurs) 9-5.00 (Fri)

top related