

Rai M Azlan

What is Digg?

Digg is a Social Bookmarking website

It is a user-driven bookmarking website because the content on Digg is submitted and moderated by Digg users.

How does Digg work?

The “About Digg” page says; Everything on digg is submitted by the digg

user community After you submit content, other digg users

read your submission and digg what they like best.

If your story rocks and receives enough diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of digg visitors to see."

How do I submit stories to Digg?

You can sign-in to Digg by using either you Facebook or Twitter Account

Digg will create a profile for you by connecting it to your already existing profile on FB or twitter

Submitting the Content

There are two ways of submitting your content on Digg Submit a story Use a bookmarklet

Submit a Story

If you have something that you would like to share at Digg, copy the link to the webpage you want to share.

Go to Digg main page and find “submit a link” option

On the new page paste that link and click on Submit

Use a Bookmarklet

If you have something that you would like to share at Digg you can navigate to the Digg button/bookmarklet in the social share section of a website.

To make people lots of people look at your submitted link you need to write an interesting description for it

To make most people look at story is called to get “dugg” in the language of Digg

Use a Bookmarklet

To make most people look at story is called to get “dugg” in the language of Digg

Exploring Main Page

Main page is consist of three parts Top Stories Popular Upcoming

Top Stories

BY default when you visit Digg you will see the Top Sotories on front page

These are the stores or link that have been ranked as “Top Stories” because of the natiure of importance they have

For example: Who is better for tech start-up? Obama or


Most Popular

If you drag down from Top Stories you will reach the “Most Popular” section

The section shows the most-shared stories on Digg in the last 18 hours


If you further drag down you will reach the “Upcoming” section

This section covers the most recent shared stuff on digg.

What is the Benefit of Using Digg?

For casual users Digg is a place where you can find

great stories, hard to find tutorials, practical tips, And much more on any topic or area you required

For website owners or bloggers Stories that are submitted to Digg and actually make it

to the front page can cause what has become known as the "Digg Effect", a huge influx of traffic from Digg to your site or blog.

It's a great way to invite more people to your spot on the Web.

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