How to Develop Your Skintuition by Yancy Lael

Post on 26-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Learn how to develop your ability to listen to your inner guidance when it comes to healing your skin. You already know what's best for your body - you just need to develop the ability to hear your inner wisdom and act upon it.



The only real valuable thing is intuition.

-Albert Einstein / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Get Mindful & Prepare

0Turn off your phone

0Tell your family you are taking one hour off

0Close any unnecessary windows on your


0Take this time for yourself and give it 100%

of your focus / © 2014 Yancy Lael

My Background

0Author of Glowing: Soulful


0Struggled with skin issues for

two decades

0Healing my skin came only

when I decided to listen to

my intuition / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Why I’m Doing This Webcast

0People struggle with their ability to “hear”

their inner guidance when it comes to their


0The skincare industry scares us into

mistrusting ourselves (it keeps the profits

rolling in)

0It’s a noisy world out there / © 2014 Yancy Lael

How to Develop Your “Skintuition”

Take Your Intuition Inventory

0The ability to hear your intuition and let it guide is already active within you.

0Take an inventory of the times in the past when you have successfully heard your inner guidance, even if you didn’t act upon it.

0The more you take note of this, the more your confidence will rise. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Be Willing

0Cultivate a sense of willingness to be more open to your intuition.

0Write it, say it, affirm it: I am willing to hear my inner guidance. I’m willing to hear it even when it tells me something that scares me.

0Take baby steps: Just be willing to listen. You don’t have to do anything yet. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Connect with a Higher Power

0Your intuition comes from your higher self – your soul, your spirit, your connection to the Divine.

0Make a space for this connection in your heart. Cultivate it through prayer and meditation.

0It’s easier to act upon your intuition when you believe it comes from your Creator. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Make a Pact

0Make a commitment to yourself and your

Creator that you are going to listen.

0Promise yourself that you aren’t going to act

on any guidance that makes you excessively


0Give yourself the reassurance that you can

take this process in baby steps. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Be Still

0Meditation is one of the best ways to get in

touch with your intuition.

0In order to hear your inner voice, you have to

quiet the constant noise and distractions of the

modern world.

0You can use any method of meditation that

feels right for you – including just sitting in

stillness and receptivity for 10 minutes per day. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Free Write

0When you wake up each morning, get out

your journal and free write for 2-4 pages.

0Don’t censor yourself or plan what you

want to write – just go for it (longhand!).

0This often allows your subconscious to rise

to the forefront of your awareness, giving

you the chance to hear your inner guidance. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Be Mindful of Your Body

0The sensations and feelings in your body will often serve as guideposts when you are trying to make decisions based on your inner guidance.

0If you feel sick over something, it’s likely you need to make another choice.

0Be sure you discern between natural feelings of anxiety over the choice to following intuitive guidance that’s “outside the box” and feelings telling you not to do something. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

A woman knows, by intuition or instinct, what is best for


-Marilyn Monroe

What if you make a mistake?

0What’s the worst thing that could happen?

0Do you trust your instincts enough to

correct course?

0Is it possible that you misinterpreted your

intuition rather than that it was just plain

wrong? / © 2014 Yancy Lael

When it comes to skincare, where do I even begin?

0Get a feeling for what’s going on with your


0What’s the story?

0What are your issues?

0What do you want?

0How do you want to get there? / © 2014 Yancy Lael

When it comes to skincare, where do I even begin?

0What is your inner guidance telling you is

the first step you need to take?

0Check in with yourself daily to see what

your inner guidance is telling you. It is

always giving you feedback. / © 2014 Yancy Lael


0Intuition isn’t necessarily logical. In fact, it

oftentimes is the opposite.

0Intuition often asks you to do something

outside the box.

0Other people won’t always agree with your

intuitive choices. But that’s okay – it’s your

journey, not theirs. / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -

which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions

drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart

and intuition.

-Steve Jobs / © 2014 Yancy Lael

Don’t forget to join She Came Into Focus! Starting September 1st, we’ll be taking a journey into self-

esteem through our camera lenses!

Check out / © 2014 Yancy Lael

For more information:

0Check out my website:

0Read Glowing: Soulful Skincare available at


0Facebook: Yancy Lael

0Twitter: @yancylael / © 2014 Yancy Lael

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