How to create an Impact Map in 4 easy steps?

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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When it’s time to create a map?

When you don’t know whatshould be in the product.

When you want to prove to your client that a particular feature isn’t worth enough.

When you want to plan the next sprint or release.


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Here’s how it works1. Set & your business goals

Tip: keep them S.M.A.R.T.2. Identify personas (actors)

people that help you achieve your goals3. Define impacts

actions you want personas to take4. Come up with deliverables

what you can deliver to personas so thatthey do what you want them to do


@UXPressia /UXPressia /uxpressia

Let’s say you want to boost sales by 15% by the end of this quarter.

What exactly you wantto achieve.

Why achieving this goal is important.

How you will know that you’ve achieved this goal.



@UXPressia /UXPressia /uxpressia

Defining the personas (actors)persona Find people who can help you achieve

your business goals. And describe:

What you know about them. What they need What their frustrations are How you can solve their problem

Tip: you actors may also be those standing in your way


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Meet our coffee heroesPer Edvarsen.A coffee lover. Worries thatHe spends too much moneyon coffee.

Gilbert Arnaud.Occasional coffee buyer. Always ina rush. Hates waiting in lines.

Amy Stoyer.Loves to catch up with friends over a cup of coffeeHates distracting noises.


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Add Impacts

We want Per to buy more coffee without thinking aboutspending too much money

We want Amy to stay in our coffee shop longer so that she wants to buy another cup

We want Gilbert to pop in more often so that he’s notafraid to get stuck in a line


@UXPressia /UXPressia /uxpressia

Deliverables. What can we offer?

Offer Per “Every 7th coffee” is on the house loyalty program

Help Amy by decreasing the level of noise produced by coffee grinders

Optimize inner process so that Gilbert doesn’t have to wait for too long


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As a coffee lover, I don’t want to spend too much money without cutting down how much coffee I drink.

As an occasional coffee buyer I want my drinks to be served ASAP so I can make it to my meetings in time.

As someone who wants to enjoy chatting with friends I don’t want to be disturbed by noises.

@UXPressia /UXPressia /uxpressia


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