How to Create an Employee Birthday Calendar Step-By · PDF fileHow to Create an Employee Birthday Calendar Step-By-Step ... the box tools in SharePoint to create an employee birthday

Post on 16-Feb-2018






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How to Create an Employee Birthday Calendar Step-By-Step Did you know one of the most common requests for an Intranet is an employee birthday calendar? Many folks have

created custom code solutions in the form of either web parts or Apps to be installed but they don’t have to. To show

you how SharePoint can be powerful with only out of the box tools, we have put together a set of steps and tasks you

will be able to use to create a customized birthday calendar for your organization.

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Overview Creating an employee birthday calendar consists of three basic steps:

The List: Creating and customizing a list to hold all the birthdays.

Workflow: The workflow that will be used to automatically increment the next birthday for the employee so that we

can use the out-of-the-box list views to show the employee’s birthday.

Document Retention Settings: The document retention settings will be used to trigger the workflow anytime that

the employee’s next birthday is in the past. This mechanism will consistently update the employee’s next birthday.

If this seems like a lot for a simple birthday calendar – it is. SharePoint supports recurring events so you can technically

create a birthday as a recurring event except that this breaks when you get more than about 100 employees. SharePoint

can’t process the number of recurring appointments in the calendar and throws an error. In addition, you probably

don’t want to share the year of birth since this is sensitive information – particularly to those of us who are aging.

So let’s use the out of the box tools in SharePoint to create an employee birthday calendar.

Create a Custom List Steps:

1. Start Internet Explorer and type the URL for your organization’s SharePoint server. The Start page will open. If

you want this custom list to appear in one of your subsites, navigate to that site.

2. Click the Settings menu gear icon. The Settings menu will appear.

3. Click Add an App. The Apps page will appear.

Exception: If you don’t see the option to Add an App, you do not have specific permissions to perform that function.

Check the permissions settings to ensure you have the appropriate access rights.

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Figure 1: The Your Apps Page

4. Click the Custom List icon. The Adding Custom List dialog box will open.

Figure 2: The Adding Custom List Dialog Box

5. Click Advanced Options. The Site Contents – New page will open.

6. In the Name field enter a title for the new list. This is used to identify the list throughout SharePoint.

(Suggestion: Employee Birthday Calendar)

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Figure 3: The Site Contents – New Page

7. In the Description field, enter any notes about the new list. This appears as an information icon next to the list

name when your list is open in SharePoint.

8. Click Create. The new list will be created.

Figure 1: The New List

Now that our Custom List has been created, next we are going to customize the columns to manage the data needed to

track the employee’s birthdays. We will use the columns to enter the data needed which is limited to the employee’s

name, their birth month (Month), their birth day (Day), and their next birthday (NextBDay).

Customize the Columns of the List Steps:

1. Click the List tab. The List ribbon will open.

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Figure 2: The List Tools Ribbon

2. Click List Settings. The List Settings dialog box will open.

3. In the Column section, click on the Title Column. Change the Column name: Employee Name.

4. Specify Require that this column contains information: as Yes. Specify Enforce unique values: as No.

5. Leave Default value: as Text.

Figure 3: The Create Column Dialog Box

6. Click OK.

7. Click on Employee Birthday Calendar. Click the List tab. The List ribbon will open. Click Create Column. The

Create Column dialog box will open.

8. In the Column name field, enter a name for the new column: Month. (The person’s birth month) Specify the

type of information in this list column as Number with no decimal. Specify Require that this column contains

information: as Yes. Specify Enforce unique values: as Yes. Specify Min: as 1. Specify Max: as 12. Specify

Number of decimal places: as 0. Leave Default value: as Number. Click OK.

9. Click the List tab. The List ribbon will open. Click Create Column. The Create Column dialog box will open.

10. In the Column name field, enter a name for the new column: Day. (The date of the person’s birth) Specify the

type of information in this list column as Number with no decimal. Specify Require that this column contains

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information: as Yes. Specify Enforce unique values: as Yes. Specify Min: as 1. Specify Max: as 31. Specify

Number of decimal places: as 0. Leave Default value: as Number. Click OK.

11. Click the List tab. The List ribbon will open. Click Create Column. The Create Column dialog box will open.

12. In the Column name field, enter a name for the new column: NextBDay. Specify the type of information in this

list column as Date. Specify Require that this column contains information: as Yes. Specify Enforce unique

values: as No. Leave Default value: as Text. Click OK.

Now that our list is created and customized, we need to create the workflow. The workflow should run anytime that an

item is created. Let’s begin creating our employee birthday calendar workflow.

Create a Workflow for the Employee Birthday Calendar in SharePoint Designer Steps:

1. Open SharePoint Designer. Open the site where the List was created. Select Workflows (in the left pane).

2. Select drop down for List Workflow. Select the Employee Birthday Calendar previously created.

Figure 1: SharePoint Designer Workflow

3. In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the workflow (Next Birthday). Set the Platform Type to: SharePoint

2010 Workflow. Click OK.

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Figure 2: Create List Workflow

In the designer we’re going to create a workflow that looks something like the following when we’re done:

Figure 3: Employee Birthday Workflow

4. Create first Set Variable action by starting to type Set Workflow Variable and press Enter. Click on the

Workflow Variable highlighted text. Select Create a new variable from the drop down.

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Figure 4: Create a new variable

5. Name: as Today. Type: as String. Click OK.

Figure 5: Edit Variable

6. Click on Value and then Fx button.

Figure 6: Define workflow lookup

7. Select Data Source: as Workflow Context. Field from source: as Date and Time Started. Return field as: as Short

Date. Click OK.

Figure 7: Lookup for String

8. Begin typing in the Step 1 box: Extract Substring from End of String when it appears press Enter.

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Figure 8: Create a date

9. Click the 0 (zero) characters and change it to 4 (since years are 4 digits).

10. Set the output variable by selecting Create a new variable. Name: as Year. Type: as String. Click OK.

11. Select the String and click the Fx button. Data source: as Workflow Variable and Parameters, the Field from

source as Variable: Today, and the Return field as.. As String. Click OK.

Figure 9: Lookup for String

12. In Step 1: start typing Set Workflow Variable and press enter. Click on Workflow Variable. Select Create a new

variable. Name: CurYearBDayStr. Type: as String. Click OK.

Figure 10: Create New Variable - CurYearBDayStr

13. Click Value and click the … (Ellipsis button, not the Fx button).

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Figure 11: Blank String Builder

14. Click the Add or Change Lookup button in the lower left. Select Data source: as Current Item. Field from source:

as Month. Return field: as As String. Click OK.

Figure 12: Lookup for String, Month

15. In String Builder: Add a forward slash. Click Add or Change Lookup button.

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Figure 13: Lookup for String, Day

16. Data source as Current List. Field from source: Day. Return field as: As String. Click OK.

Figure 14: Lookup for String, Year

17. In String Builder: Add another forward slash at the end of the string. Click Add or Change Lookup button. Data

source as Workflow Variable and Parameters. Field from source as Variable: Year. Return field as: As String.

Click OK. Click OK again on the String Builder window.

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Figure 15: String Builder

18. In Step 1: start typing set workflow variable and press enter. Click on Workflow Variable. Select Create a new

variable. Name: as NextBDate. Type: as Date/Time. Click OK.

Figure 16: Create a new Variable

19. Click the value and the Fx button. Select Data Source as Workflow Variables and Parameters. Select Field from

source as Variable: CurYearBDayStr. Select Return field as As Date/Time. Click OK.

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Figure 17: Lookup for Date/Time

20. In Step 1: start typing If any value equals value and press Enter. Click the first Value in the statement. Click the

Fx button. Select Data Source: as Workflow Context. Select Field from source: as Date and Time Started. Click


Figure 18: Define Workflow Lookup

21. Click the second Value and click the Fx button. Select Data Source as Workflow Variables and Parameters.

Select Field from source as Variable: NextBDate. Click OK.

Figure 19: Variable NextBDate

22. Select Equals in the middle of the statement. Change it to is greater than.

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Figure 20: Equals Selection

23. Click in the area below the statement and start typing set workflow variable and select it. Select Workflow


24. Select Create a new variable from the drop down menu. Select name as YearNum. Select Type as Integer. Click


Figure 21: Workflow Variable

25. Click Value. Click Fx button. Select Data source as Workflow Variable and Parameters. Select Field from source

as Variable: Year. Select Return field as As Integer. Click OK.

Figure 22: Lookup for Integer

26. Click in the area below the statement and start typing Do Calculation and select it. Click the Output to

Variable:calc and selecting Variable: YearNum. Click on the first Value and the Fx button. Select Data Source as

Workflow Variables and Parameters. Select Field from Source as Variable:YearNum. Click OK.

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Figure 23: Lookup for YearNum

27. Click second value, type the number 1 in the textbox and press enter. Click in the area below the statement and

start typing set workflow variable and select it. Click Workflow Variable text. Select the Create new variable

item from the drop down list. Select variable Name as NextBDayYearStr. Select Type as String. Click OK.

Figure 24: Edit Variable

28. Click Value and the ellipsis button (this reveals the string builder). Click Add or Change Lookup button. Select

Data source: as Current Item. Select Field from Source: as Month. Select Return field as As String. Click OK.

29. In String Builder: Add a forward slash. Click Add or Change Lookup button. Select Data source as: Current Item.

Select Field from source: Day. Select Return field: as As String. Click OK.

30. In String Builder: Add another forward slash at the end of the string. Click Add or Change Lookup button. Select

Data source as: Workflow Variable and Parameters. Field from source: as Variable: YearNum. Click OK. Click OK

again on the String Builder window.

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Figure 25: String Builder

31. Start typing Set Workflow Variable and enter. Select Workflow Variable. Select Variable: NextBDate. Click

Value. Use Fx button. Data source: Workflow Variables and Parameters. Select Field from source: Variable:

NextYearBDayStr. Select Return field as: As Date/Time.

Figure 26: Variable: NextYearBDayStr

32. Click in the area below the box that contains the statement and start typing Update List Item action and select


33. Click the this list text to display the Update List Item dialog. Click the Add button then select the drop down for

Set this field: and select the NextBDay field. In the To this value: field, click the Fx button. Select Data source: as

Workflow Variables and Parameters. Select Field from source: as Variable: NextBDate.

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Figure 27: Update List Item

34. Click OK, three times. Go to the ribbon and click the Publish button.

We have created our customized list and the workflow for our employee birthday calendar. Our final step will be to get

our employees’ birthdays updated each year by using SharePoint’s document retention settings to cause our workflow

to run every year, six months after their birthday.

Set Up the Document Retention Settings Steps:

1. Go back to your Employee Birthday Calendar. Select List tab. Select List Settings button. Select Information

management policy settings.

Figure 1: Information management policy settings

2. Select Content Type - Item.

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Figure 2: Retention Stage

3. Check the Enable Retention checkbox. Select Add a retention stage link. In the Event button set Time Period as

NextBDay plus 6 months. In the Action section choose Start a Workflow from the drop down. Select Start this

workflow: set as Next Birthday.

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Figure 3: Stage to activate

4. Click OK twice and return to the List Based Retention schedule page.

Now you have created a way to track employee birthdays with out of the box tools in SharePoint. You could easily adapt

this process to managing employee anniversaries as well. We’d love to hear from you. We’re always available at

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