How To Be Happy With Yourself In This Short Life

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Being Happy With Yourself In This Short Life

We are only on this earth for a short

amount of time

You can do certain thing like eat right, exercise an avoid smoking to extend

your life; however, in the grand scheme of

things, it is still only a short amount of


Since we’re only here for a short amount of time, it is important to make sure that you find happiness with yourself during

this time

Anand Mishra CEO tells us to make the best of the short amount time

that we have and make sure you are happy with yourself

during it

Accepting Yourself As You Are

Self-improvement is a good thing, however, there is a point where you have to be able to appreciate and accept

the way you are

You can't change everything. For those aspects that you can-not change, you have to be able to accept

them if you want to find happiness in this short


Things like your genetics, your personality, and

your mind are impossible to change

These are the things that you have to be able to accept by

yourself. Once you ac-cept these things, it will

be easier to find happiness with the per-

son that you are

Treat Yourself

Do nice things for your-self each day. These are small things that act as

rewards in a way

They can be anything from treating yourself to a special snack after a

workout, or standing from the mirror and say-ing something nice

to your reflection

These gestures will go a long way in improv-ing your mood and the outlook that you have towards


Forgive Yourself

You will make mistakes in your life. It’s impor-

tant to be able to move on and forgive your-

self when these mis-takes happen

Learn from your mis-takes and ensure that they do not happen


Don’t dwell on the past. Instead, use these

mistakes as opportuni-ties for growth and


By doing this, you will continue to improve yourself as a person

which makes it that much easier to find

happiness with the way you are

Read more on How To Be Happy With Yourself In This Short Life..Visit:

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