Hooadiold - Clinton County

Post on 26-Mar-2023






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i» DM •

rtMr» pm %mm m rttMMyt^* »<•!’■?» lAiumiMifi M rurafmm f«4 ttALf «TI«« AT r»«ft I VIkMIC^ T«lta



lit «M«« «

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Ifc^: W i«« te««

««ai l9»1

• ^1 ri Bin^ atti ftnattM «• ~r«« M JaMia w«« ^# fMM** «aiii^ %i# >n»Wiii m <% i*e♦ • •••* ^

• - ♦1*=^# tA’ 4h» «• TV # I ■.«««- »V»• v#*« if m , ^ ♦ i •♦ K.4»- ii.*< % fM* #1♦ ♦!♦ K ♦;

t mkt KUA.

«%•« >«« «»i

> n«MBi b* I lb tHi#aaDM» is svOTiiMw Um Dcisr* Is IM |M*«s-1 flf visit sMasllF h«pp*«s I tev*

MS Is • psblti Is-) IsuaM out Is mu Mbsrlssrv Is lb* II «s«s ibss rftm* «ss b» i Isvssll* ssstt tSst ib* SMSt Mrisi Is isnp«IsmssmsM sr Aasib'* tb>s« D bvsiss MD Is s SMAbvr's lss«

ssM Jsip* MitfliA W yisabssi. ml' ssA tb« slrasswt bslvsrli sf sortsljr lbs <Tm»—■ D««bll» MMm is s Isr j tb* bssa* Lm SMS Is lbs IMMMssI asi Otlr Issbu*'; ssbsr ibsst ss Mr "Hiiibar's CtMspMssOss Lms.** j lb* sburlasaSt M lUsMb af Osr lbnb>r Is Iv j < — )tsMi fsisUy

IMSM Is M MSSi Sf Ssib, ' bs * ssMl *saM vM sssilss* As is ssUl' b

tbr *IMII4

PS«AS Wbsi Is sf Abs

SSI MssH Iby M Is tobsb. bsl IM SS briss tbs *AIM Sf ^ vbHs

Islsssrss y,-» Tbss sbslt ssl psjr sst ssMbballs of ss isstlisnas ^ ^ ^ bsosss* s a


asiss aCsa4 IsNl vtti aofs tbs vary varal

^ wmwm OS IbjT ISS /Thmm sMb ssl sas bsaib frail, sr

A* tby asbs wNi ba baavji. aflar vaab- ^ *4*bb44b44^* Isbibs asfsssis ss4 fslalsa tbss absll* ^ ^ bs oars tbsjf ars Abersagbly bry,

Ml Tb* rssMbi tbsi esrss aibsfs sMy I Tbss Mab ssl Ibrav*sr sr - - —' i - vary bssa mss isbsW tbsir \ Tbss sbsb sat 4ry vbits (lovaa sr

'••ub. bat ibsi MS*! vbsi balps tbasi boas Is lbs ass. last Ibsy tars

mmmm k muiTIM THNIQl TO RillillBMIlfl NsAsm Ais*% tiHaM tbsl ya aMsy waarjiMa^ bgbt aaUbbi^

alMia. sat tss aaslltaiab sod brsstbty bsaasa, by ^ bsiSSasssof lbalblBpilbslssbs.aarrAA*ls •msMssm sAmo ms aAisM ssb. TlMaaMa|pMS**lslbsibM*baf^|^abasbtsiiaslst*sABr Mosi laab far aas-

^ M*yiilMsi>dlb*l*Alfbisar'|ya|jM'<« >-sSa^. ssdibi a ibbsiliM uStiSiv I* mnav


asd Is ladsy JsM ss Ms s I Mustlbn IS* aaas*i. I

Ds.' PtaMV^f mXSnss^SLnar,vs«*r < i*fT

I asA I’AM Is ?MS.Aabp* l^a*baM daalaasd tbs pos' Mias af SsAMMbasi Msabaaa vs*

alsiSfy lbs owtbisa Mb af lbs Mks af sUsmMs Mm Mstbaaa Is ssm far

n isM*at rbUMMi tsaassi sf plsr S ibasi Is as issiMaiAas fSr ss«*

II ««sia bab sa Maab Aa sass**n s sbibi As lb* aarv af ba vaai assiSsr as a 4aaa As assa lar lb* aaaM ablM M a vbsrllabli MwNIalias, bs aaM

psst vboAsaM lasbis

I't gsi ssM far Italbsr srefaaalaa


Il vss t bsly ysM Marb la laaas Is Ms vbsl b rlgbl If yss Mas*t do II.

It b sar tbaary tbai a ra«taUr*allsr

Tbaa abab sal dbasrd Iby bag baasaaa sf a bsb. bai i bai assd as salt sad ivUI D«s all

rabbar •II vMb

bs a ssasral rula, vbss a sms Miss«a s trsb. Mbs alga b* ossat


.. I ba as* s Isa** SMsiSNI* a*K Ss*-^ S».*<S S«

I ti. S* *4«*s i«s'* *t. M bs« I r* ** •• ' *'

1 SsS. tlS W- r-: ' «u «.s ksst ISO:'* *•0.. .ocv fcoesi-

LO» -

k*ic^ I**-

i I

*sssbbbbbbbbbbbb # ♦b tlMISMrllA *MSti|l|% bb ♦bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

b tb* sMtiaablUly af lb* aisM bs-

«SHbi^ vbb* MM'^Moibsr b aUll abb »*r> sssloas la ^ a«a>vatilsg ualll abr I ^ -r lb« airasgW fart A girl laaaa bar lalsrsal la vIM

_ govsra abaal lb* lias* yoaag ataa b*-MsriH> baa bsaa irvsMai4u«Ml> AM «*sdiag bar lb* bat btHio* vartsi)

S4MS b Ms las Is Mm rsst iMsItMltt* «i«**.• af Its waag A aidt»a*sl l*r»*bsbly tb* aisy at bnai* rsrani

•i^*-. ss* basa V*«<M IS ih* sssi u. ^*MIM M s siso vbo bsa aars aat WmM *«« Asbs tv tarstsbtus sui- swaMlag |scA*U during t*«sar* ai t»- bM**t» sa4 'b. tAbtss r*r »*sr* af laariiMa IW* mt tb« batt ■ as « aaMbM It I* *ll ss ^•b** biMMM i*«s ♦sa Sa suasdsks « *• • r***•« baab rwa«l us.- »*laaaas*rt s IsmII) *»* •• sr* furrtag t**^*"* said saytra* a Mb brain*rs. Ma«b.i K. M-Mar thri •*f»Ui »*' ralJ s rigsrvM* Sira.

bit » ti < lb* «4UaUA4 sltaNt?

bsisMng Nsngrng VaniaTbs dlSu uli > i. usi*rit.^ bsnatns

Sbnis b tt- •! IK* *»si*r tirtn* nu I** lb* boui It I itr* snMil runnsi Is ln»*rt«d Hi tl>< »4>ll btddm b* lb* luUas* 4Ml 'b. «*ri*r s t'lxf in ibl*It bill • adusli* >**0 lata ibi' aadl vitb*#^t u )s|dim us lb* fbar

Idsria|<:r«lo ur III ,*an util ssl

s«. .«*<d !...«< f.ia-M ikm*. stlb tu<«rb*uV ( . ii&t. li^fft )>*sfari*<k ntsii ui d'ssr(. ■ r •«-«. t bi.u** lb*SiSa ' -ra. s■^i*d* ™ IbsAS

( ii Mbnr*

Tbss sbsh ssl bi lbs Isles ssss SSI frost tby Hs. bssssss tbau ess

.... b-.. is .i.ub. praassi It by bisdisg tbs sMg* vliba So SMbss Msd slebbs sbsuld a j ^ ^ abbs alalb vmsg asl sfIsr s rsbs Is vsgy I ^

Tbss sbsb ssl pay brgs snaas Isr dry elssBiag. bst tbsn absll sss **sl- bso grass* vbb asb* sf Msgsssb

Tbsn sbsli sst DIov *bssss Is nwld. vbss a sisib val tm vissgar aad psi sasr It will pravsal

Tbsn sbslt ssl ns* tby asv bsbing dlsba* nniu after ibou bas pal ibsst Is a paa of esM vralar. sst It vbsrs It vlli boll, anb'lbsa ssl aasy nslll vs* Isr bas saslsd Nsilsaa) Magaalas

babag Haflbvt.rsi abaal lars pssada sf baMbai

lots plosoo IMS Issbaa agsam. alsaa aad vIps dry aad psi la a dlab vbb

laaglaaas* af abarry visa, bus-

Ta Ciaan Afarbla. Wbaa SMrM* Is dtaaalarai by |

ar asy slala, sMi tvs parAa af eoi -aab*~g •••• *tiA mm Pbrt af

I AM* IbbrsAk iM«.t


*«..! I Sss s**Mrv»*u t I > «t*«(ta* 4**i> IvonSi lb* tilir.<ru.

iiM *'>>n u n«s snai is* ,•s .*< t -iss ssilats- s I • r* M >• ti

l. . fl • lAi •*! « nrutlk* I * ta* • «sa • * •

) t. ».«!> «( i'4Hita* s«. ^.A**<*i .- -i '■>*>• tU IvOMIt* Sbtali !•

■m MAu*‘ k*n*n.i«u '«.! . AS*, .t < 4 lit *!«:•

fioUSEHOLD^Due^ions I

aprlabls HgbUy vbb brsad _______aad lai babs aatU daas aad alasly i _ _____ ^—bfwsad Tabs ap lbs Asb aad paar _ _ . ^ ^Isis paa la vbiab b vas babsd bait I .^ TTr J Tt ^a plat af afoasi Maai aa tap af ' •••••• , rT?.* -..t , ^aisaa. ibMbsa vbb a ItIUs Aaar. dJ^u «ttb ‘ballar aadgarsMItsd vbb paralsy. Or If pfv J* 2!tsrtod aMit a llitls isors ballar la K il^?s. vbb^ITJIl!paa. a4d a Util. Msms laM. to II ^sad psar srsr Asb If lb* vlss Is asi arsaMsblaatMaabla ysn vlll Aad Ibis dsll' ——————•Mss ssd bait lbs psrtlaa snAlaMai MirM** Naai Aaiad.fsr ivo. OaMr rrsasi rbssa* a llAbl grssa

— — — ,, «tis sMibrAio esMrlag; rail laM ballsVllsv i^mrta lb* alas sf bird*, •ggs arrsaga aa

tias aaa get bsanlifsi allk vsivst I**''*** leataa aa«l aarm niib aaay aad tapaairy sanarss apprssrtats fsr ••••*•♦sofa ptllee aovsra la lb* big vbol* || • .. ..sal* aad mall apltol*isry alMp*

I Tb*r« ar* tuvsly oao* froai a dollarug sads sf pisros ibsi tb*y sis gladtu dupoM* ot at grustly rndnesd prtossTb*y voold Btsk* vary srospiabi* ^_ _ _ _gifts If lb* solor* SIS ssrefnlly tsloct- nsss**

Hsrpsr'* Itsasy

N*t Libs tbs NstlantI bswM. tl*r*lutn* ld<l *04 *t«i' play bias

tag team**? tUrsId- V*s, sn< I ra­nt* tub* r (h*iu *• tanit>s Ibsi dbla'I bsvi to h* rstU-tl iMi smutui of dark

*«*•• %4'

ffCmiM ind EFFECTS1 • • - ■ ♦■•-a* '

It 4r.'y, :k*•1 a • • «bs- 0 - »

* », . 1


1 sa*t bida«}* to- IlsaSvosd 1 «o4i'a • d

kto ^ A f to I Dt r*.

. 1. : 1 Jw to « 1 a • -i%b C?^ *0 * 1 ■ i.-c » . S'is“ 'S'tdnea ^ a*. ira«i' 'tv lb*' ' s 5*:iD ' to«t*d to*. • . iSt ‘. ■ . ‘ •|ii son* s* grt|i

■t . A. •«* * 4 .. dlalfsssMg ssdHA » ' - it . ■ -» 4 i«S« 1 ro* duOAt «tobd<<**«•'. .- •» ,» •< ■ tb« aids* r* • b N s

-■ i*.. * ♦« * *4 - ;—.-vw -J**' s* I’t'srt>« watt.' ■ •« « ' tn. sna bs*a sM »*APs«*•• ni.i. t *. ■ i.i tie^c 1 ICV't.C'Xi - -^inn tost An AHto**-<

.4 14 i .Hr'+T* .'ll gPOMt C3» oa s« « #*US[+.S g||togds *41*0 *-*4 itovoaM rwn ss. '4.' ' S 'Mtoun Atdaoi <)«< fum

t ■ I %<V +

-MS**.****"* I ifttO ' Mnpdwg •ms* < = l^-irsl 4+^^4 •*..-r-* ytsAs HVM* • •.'* A- ' 4 m n

*• *4 - S - I »f •»-■ irtS A.«r » MOso.^ W*-' * -■■ ■- S' —V*-*'*■» *5 |u»w»a* Sot SMM I - Wt

•oMt ‘t- btopas* -■-♦ - «• ».* • i« t 0 otw. , S«ASi|.|bBn • 4. ■ I

o*-** ■ so* libber c-ii-uarOc. •" *0* sn^ Kb Ilf vlbfpt AbnllAi||w*Mi||4| iMlil a 0* *

- S' I C » '• Htt bbPS«»» b?>n 'V*ast'**■*»»»•'a t''4»4B| b.| -*

'■S' (“ •’'» 0'-> - fc. . i - b >»»*'<•♦ g t. fDifeiPb<5i ■ " V• - . (t.. ! os tt*' MKsO- I awMd » a stspW V. <*

w>sto**i' »». ”.4|M»‘- Tbs' t* sts** ‘b ' db. t CS3(S*CtO&n On* sAv M aiMM ♦* % t. _

♦ d-'i'A .■« c4m ScwRo < •«S»*b.t sl.1 utM nits btbf Wo rfc cw♦S'-V. MCMsvdi *4 flawysatb-* «• « bafSIb* SM* ASMl^ *v> cs -■ J4U4-* cCir;::;; *py*c “•■ b*-* gst* p* *■" vn• "■ csisS o> »' ' ■* --♦lAns

► = i-vi b - I •»•%b di M

^Hgivallvv QuMSllona. *4.-^- —A fmna, s S ■ S' 1a *• V


Try orsrbisa psesss ants by pissisg tb*st on sod bt lbs sni rrncbvr iMs viguron* rmsbisg sf lb* •rnrbsr will ^ split tb* sni span tbrungb lb* *os-t*r

Wbss biMiAng Asilrssa *«po*laU> lb* btsd with rsMwvdbW bssdMs tarn ss «ibl pan sr Astlba otsr lb*st ss tb«y srs gr\*uiMd tu4*ib*r ssd lb«y niU bsol sin«a nntrbsr ssd ator* *««*nly

A tin psti viU b* fsnsd «*r> ss* fnl M sbnl bsb la bsisr* pnlllaa M In ib« Msbus Pisa bas a stmoa eMor vbMb psfMsst** »ib*r loud sad sbtMtbi s*«*i b* pul In lb* Mvbus ns Ms* stossli <a«««*n

In Ironing *nibro*dar*d isM* sap- bia* tma tbsa* Arst on tb* tigbt sto* lAtsn an lb* umag std« sad bssA os ibo itgbi ston b**ag nsrstol awl m pros* lb* »nibao*d. ri dnslan MM lit* lis*n Iron lb* sa>brold»»sd ••ro*i - *n« s suit rMib

TAd* I* * «*rt asslol blat to •I**'- larstory baitos aurbbi nsabstosds ato iSti asMS puvd*rsd batbbrwb Mto aa add aaoest awf s4M a UnK parsMIa m* to nmaina M >ib a suit bto *'•% 1^ nMtrb to tot M* sand oMb tods ndstnm iSm* nHb vain*nsi*« Too «M| And itMt aM Mala* sod aim ofU Dnsppoat

Tarotoi mmt b» bsgd groan and Asapb a« sAbtot poi b Ip a siroaa baftobg b*4 britn af aaM av4 oaioi ivs** In a bait bpat nad MMn bang « to a Dt tosto VMb to* Atoanpyi a*«a a*pt to Abi« *si n to a* sm* to* •avosaag nnngv A»tonia«s rto a* otona n to tosnbt} Aug #aibs4vd

loa* as-: 'Mas fPM tfamn*-.. lu* as nn^ vM tt0$mnatoMr * v V** tfVbA Ha. its St*, .u IS. tooMd TtoAw

tVM* a om4« «4 bbsna Km tw '-I Ah.tost AM tVo m Asp*

M b sag Wavs tom iton'Aso osaM si*«* 4Ai an* Mfe* t1 bvdMig nn +141 u»L\-4-' flbb#*» Av4 dtoMbM ttor ■nbd |g ba * * AbMn bvasb baitog igtralMt SM S. toi tb* %Mb t«V* mito wvtof tttos ^ f«tos 9b

Mv nto' idiito itoiaMpMdtonsg 9d lbsbi totob bbto* toftosi Ato 9)«Am b^b » liTtotopsa 9lto btotot w to0k0000 Ito ^

^ItofOiioiui/^ inlluL

Oivd U

«■ .\


I '• t tv IM limiTli V i IIMtl f ttsiv. MtMt>S%Mi |te

. - » t--sin»* bt ‘:.+5a*al i<>SAa* <- ‘ * ‘tt* toIt 4 4 I f-' *^rd ?5*iCb«? Hi »i*sdit) *4*010# - 5 • »r“"^

|-^ to Mto r**nd tb« u.aaavi ir«»*l v-.*'*** ts • »r* smf j ♦>! +cd sto'i Id rb'* pr »d»a‘ •v'i- d* n «*1 : s lb. dn-i'A* lif HutSy ball tiind » =•♦■ 1

. ‘s... Ai'S'ts +tod ”■-+ SI-'* oAtot »b* 4*+'«ni .'1;...^ .-4 * I- '4' I ikiu. '' •■'*1 ' * »b 'to i*»**tin*n» A ti^i. »n 't

. it . u -■ •-! •»

1 > • I -si & aJ?-** * ii» i." ‘Tt * \ it.' u I •- •'t + *.i,SC;, ii.*, , '.tut SI* ".omI* ' . '1»»14 '6* S- * V*t,, . 1, g* . A *‘*1- •+ *1' ■>

> l r 'S- *'41* - h4 itilOB ■# ~4t' *1**' ^* 'b'-n* -ii vigil stst* uHlbisg '. s ' "

“•si* |S> btobs*' , tu * *t .. •(**.'

i ♦ ’ !!•**• 'S' s tOd ’ -d I- I +» • i vng »w*; S4 b*l>i .oi 3W(;4». ?*s

A t ' t, '* a*d a.* tor C)**t i

■ ot* "'top «p .....* Mil Ilk to I* toiist W,1 'to btHsuAM T Mxt:

I .... .

j ••TA9 tomMto toyib.1%999««9%9fVVVVVVVVVVVVVAVV. ^

bPM AHAk Ab « Atoto toto pAit

,♦%( *i‘* n ^'It te-Mi'to - * v|Vt t4 : .1 ?-A,

*. w* tot . S '< *- M* • •**!?* I'M ttvgX, S**d PI tb I ♦to-t *d s* ' eDs tbt-t-^ Ia

9 •b'* sb^t tto asl* bid M tbt(>ns. n. a * b : b. sbd> I «•* * Ay dbtol '"i s ’ bti* • sk.- A^iabdoi bu ••

»« Id iHMbAMPA todfi to bs^*» =i>c-


"mU Ign-tor ■'-2L‘ I»b .4

V t « A k iddb’s* b*'*4

tu *11b 9t* __

Ito kg

toABbto. «a tbiyoa bs yM'to to bdk Ttob

’ll lb Hbb Ito nv. towm 9*


i '■

«Ar Kg..H 4


ftn »**


i! 4 '■ '4



to% vikb*

%ft U<



—PBBRtflunr«, 1*13. PAflE 5k KA«>A.Ajuaouuu^

MCMGAN STA1IICWSonnoooooooooc


»l«Mir nHMKilMl KYnci'TIfllIf U l« tlWT •!

!*•« TIkkI t%> |Mk4 •on*!•r IW Hiiv ilh- mmIv (v<MnVVvMM I9 !• !• Al>

M)4 • Ifti-iwry «t Iky m>»i •#wfitr t»<rlkHk «IU af tie U*'•vat hNklaiaa H» N* 4l*n44M>«4 at tlti> «M«al •«•!» w>a»4i>» «f hknaata' tft*

«lk«rlk «iU W iMtM at M 4 t ha0lMk«a« miMk fV4 t^v, «mI la*!!*! ’ ■<kr»a 4a5>«

It Ikaa f»4iiatli4 »r«afal>«ar» tiMii H«tk( Millii l« Ma lkVlaa «'a«

t?aali>i m wwli a aa> *a to

I?.- ilMlr•«h


I T4* y«t«l lo W braaiat <MM •( mMi4«i|« palaitv* la aMMta »«Hata la

iHta l»t tlMt ngM iMiia «Mialla4 fat )|m«} tn^ «My W mmM fraaiabit. ' II tea teaa i aaHtete by l^aaa teaa*

l*fM Tall, rtaf ^ N rtatielt ate J. A Jatea) itei ite Mtel tte^ MIitA- laaa raa. Ii> ite ealil^aHaa af aaite. te laate laia aalaaWa teytetea

t'lnaa4.« AMIaataa Ite alfatei ^»ai« li itel af aatia ate lla ivaaiaiaaia. by itllaaaw 4falaa«» aa dfaftlHaatm. I^al, J A Ja«ry. MAO all! *iv» faar ateriaaaa «m itHafa. Aralaact^ ate aaaarai tetelia* af aolla Praf J C M'tiluta*. OAlo f\|i»Hiaaai ■laiiaik alii fMaruaa c«a*>ai»prlal aarllllaaia ate liter aaaa

Tbv aiaal lairrratlac teter la iH^rtliani MtrAtaaa fanaara ate aaay te%v Uabi aall. ar iracia <4 It la llurtr fanaa alll te lb* oaa aa Htera

riittrYwaci4te» lAAi II nbrritei tester I im-mtim; ia MKMMCMMItr I AH kteiM

IKManMlrAT ffHI Mi.

Tte aaaaal witlte at Ite INateaM. MaMbl Plra taaataaj n iteayate ari laaM ^laabaalai ate t'Maiaa rtakailaa a«i ai Ite t'Aiy bail aa Taiatey.

laara aaa Ifaaai ab«a af Ite vaai a>tei ay* af mm teiv baaa layal yaay ate teira a



$930 CompleteDetroiter


lo HU

raata frte**oii«r*f atelfa tel4a, aa*l Ite j^Haiaiaa K* tel la*im*raiaaai by M 4te-aaiH'a af alfalfa 9r**ata« alii te j TtetaMaa Maalaiav Oalite

*?«^**L*T*!i*^ teyawiarai of abrlraliara Mr*** rallote Aite i « lafMra will 4aal orriaafariH^ ffata all t.ter Ibr alala tial> aHh'a«rlcuHaral raaollaIMtiaf^ baa broa bulMia* la aartb^ra

'-A . Mhrbltebaiiiiaa* lAiaaaa. Nllaa. alll a|«eak *>a >

Ibv ftraaHM af <raa yoaa Ibt tel fat' i|M«all**a la aaalbrra MKrbUaa J A 'Kirwioy. TAraamab. alll ba«v tte lople |«f alMklla cahaia la Mirbmaa Mr 'Kraaay baa Ite lafteM alfalfa teM la MIrbibaa. Ite irart raaalallat of lo*>»er«» O fr Markia Haltaa. ate JaJr^ r^ Holraa l#allo. alll »««'h ateraaa

AMl IH'I ITITIOA I ll.I.b Mm Mimb*



ibal ateaM barv lb of Ite nitaaba «t II la abirb It i* 4alaa i Ite It raara af lla

tVateoa "Wall, Aaly} yraily aoaa 111 baka lo fat a |Mk»brart **

Maty firteyr ' tebaaalira! Tbay'ra ar«lii^ Iv mm fram rv^ryabara waaliac Iv baow b\ a la daaa iKia, tbal ate Iba alter lbia« wiiK Kah Vaylba teay. Hal I aaraor Ibaat cvar) aaa Juat aay' ‘Aaly Ortefa, Miila4alybia, ^a "*

Next to uin); h II X b a n

w i 11 •d.

KcU'Naptha S«»apls the handiext thlnj; a wonuin can have about the houNC. Nt»t <»nly on wash* day is Kels*N uselul, hut when* ever there is any* thinif to he cleane*i.

For w a s h i nff floors, walls, lino­leum, tine china and (•lass or uiuthinu rise that is Mash* able just use

f els \'apthu Soap, *«*ol or liikoM arm «. alii a nd a soft * loth.

Ymia afst a iHoa bad tbroa «row«I r»a far a bom be teerted moallotia,Tba trat »»•«• aaa vary amari, Iba ao»t

i oar vrr) t*a*d. Ibr laat oaa rrry aim*I |dr mladod la bta wtadom Ibr maa

aald Tbia <*ar a bu la ao amoH I alll nmlir a laayor *4, Ibr tot'd oaa

I aball br a yroorbor, |«H)r Jarb baoara i au lliile. I alll mate a farmer *4 bim

I Hut times bate rbaatod Tberv U av tavuitalhia lu ibe aorld Ibal valla y»r m*>r*< «hilll> Ibaa farmlag I l a a maa a )ob Tt> pb*a aad a*ta and reap

' allbout uaderalaadlag la ast nmr** real farmlag ibaa cwlliag a nmab leg of! a lib aa asv Is real aurtrr)

Vgrteullur*' Is lb*' basis *4 tbr aa*Ilona aiHilih Tbv s«t|| Is ««iir great- si sssel. «M«I v«<aaer*lug and hulbt-

lag Ibis u|> b -Ijo e\er>s*av I In lea >«'ars. b-iaeen I1»m* and l’»lo, lour |*u|*wlatloa invrvased lirteoa mtl- ‘ lb*a about It |>er real *4 our fgnu area bas tavreased oter 4 |*er real. out meal prodtu lag aalmala avluall,! dTs<|>ii«al oil tivet I a ml* mil*IKms In aumla r

The g*«*ernmrai and lb«- slal*'a bate I siM'iuted t*\ei la«i hiindrvd millions t>l didlara In dr*tlo|ilng svimtib* kn«ial«*dge rrialtng lo agnmllurr rbis knoaledg* Is |>ra«llrall> In eobl sl(«rag« \\ h* nol get |i «iul an*l put II lo a.irk «U4 Ibr (arms* Fbal InisiltN lua- giaiil and empire loilldrr .lam«*a II Hill sals \Nv Wnoa mougb noa

..gin i.llurv II 11 aeti applied, lu .iwiihlo «>ui (aru< * 1*4*1 aiol lo Itlpl*'’ll. far«io‘r« luttunr

«i«ir siai* Is en«lr>a**iring ibr*«i>gU lu fariuers Insiilule* «s|«eiluimi sia m:t) bullvlins ami lls various bel*! liirtt lt» gel this biota l**«|g« *iul l*i Ihi tarni ers

l«i*i Veal li.^all* lout bundi*'*!>' .»us ’oeu S|eul tight a. tbs al Ibe kgrit I.lineal I'tdleg* gtlllug bui*l **! prai llt'ai bnoaledgt Tbes* lorh * ar ried iaiuabir inrormalHUt bat'b Iti Ibe I laliti rb< * arr« abl* to pul Inlu! piariU'ai US* lb« inturmal«**a b******* | nn^in,!

btany naypoW Ibroe vouailoa

Mboga. imrbbf' I Ml tar > M baa.

yite «ai ba>4rs4 at 4*4Mra f to Ibor e arte baw ba4 losses. ^ ate bag alaoya adoyied a liberal yal-1 try m arfUag all rlaagos of iagur*| aare ate glviag every oar asaotlag} olib laag Ite awai guagfaag a*t)us<- amai imaalWg.

Of Ibe lit lagagg yaM la Ibit a large yor eoai aaa fram ligbiaiag, aaaiiy all teoerar batag gligbi taag* agoa K) ball4lagg ate lire Mvsrb blllo4 la Ibe teWM. aaly Ibroe bulMtags be*lag oauroly Aaairoyte froai ibtg eauorMaa> amavbora are aaa rooflag Ibeir bulMlagg a lib aieol, raailag Itllle mare Ibaa gbiagMa ate ntordiag gg gvaal If aai teller yralerltaa Ibaa ligbialag rtea.

Tbe Ibis laages gggragaig4 abaal bAomi leaa ibaa la Ibll, yermllilag aa aaasgameai af oaa mill bar Ibll Maa Ibaa ite Ibll aaaaaaamat ate Ue levy af Il.Tft aa oaeb ll.bte laauraare mate by Ite Hoard alll yay oi all IM* bllliMa af Ite ivaayaay

Tie meeilag wag ealle4 la order by \*lre*yrealdeal llaueb af yewaawv. ate Ibe aaaual alaleaveal wag read by Ibe teeretary aad adoyled 4M» ma- ttoa Ite rwMa were gueyeteed aad Ibe i»errelgr> laoirwcled In rag| Ibe ua- aalmosig wvie for iMarg*' IVier Joba- e*wi of (Irooavllle. Jamoo I* Tbitv«|i af yvrrM. J Is Nalbrsnvb af At Jnbaa. and Tboa Mill af WlatMM an dlrerhvre for ibree vearw ileorge H*viUad «4 AbeOdgn, suiarvMor of AMaev Iowa* nbliv ogg elm'led dlre*Mi'r H* bll va* ronv*

Tb*' H*v«ird *4 IMre<4*vm amended hv^lno ,V«*. 14 Invmmgiag ibe limit |vg>sble na borees lu IfOd, Uis 4N»m« |vgn> |««.ving full mgrbei value on live glori ellMvut dtenvuni Tbe hvrin of spylbatlan bvr Insuraaee wgg algo ebgnged go nu I** bUabei In *vn«' rlnaa all bg) grsla and tviber farm yroducU 1lv<< si***'W farm Imylemenlg, ele., all

utur«> kvsseg t** be adjualmt under Ibig Alee form

A t'vHnmlllm- eas apptvial<*d lo re* v|s*‘ Ibt rule* and readjust Ibe raise for esltmallng Ibe inaurabl*' value *4 ••utidings Tbe nee h*ard *4 dlre*'t«*ni eas **rganlted b> lb«- re*ele*'lloa of bMein lAvrler «*( Isuiglass as rbalr*^ man

Him I- Ibul lb* aimvual al risk var ruel h‘. Ibe l‘eo|*lv s l'*MU|*aa> bas been imvre than d»'uhl«*d an«l ibe mem | hersKIp in*'rease*| «»vsr liau loiiia | Alamlaid


1,111 IMHIM MM'MvwrrKiim \Mi INI. iNNiHtni)

iStMlIs* When I'olleellua ^Unagerf Walsli ami r«**ui>lroller Tlasm *ii *4. Ibe Uakland Motor I'ar v*uu|anv err**-

|oti b* « e,.* teaons


« H, V -d

« «

ihe vitlleg* I'bls gavr .i,Md«'i oultook ii|M>u Ibeli pn4«*s i

:)oi. aad riiabliel Ibem to ln« rease | ..r* mn*b Ibe pr,*«|uvin»o *4 Iheir' Und

\ *••< Ilk I. .«!. ebo ev|e-«la IO|S|M-ua us lilt uii lb« far**! taa niakt bt> in v*>siMov«i ol ilHi* oi m****.’* ehivb «||| vt^ld b-i treat returns us« gbori foure*- ai M At figbl

1 r*Ls In iiuit .*nd bll* *ioUam in lavn*’* '«ltl open uy a m u euiM lu •'u* Frvtti a m*»us» giaodp»‘iu* I* eii: g'Vr bin* an evalletl opluloi* ul nt jIK s earn and Ihig M Ubal lb* f ltt<;) neselt m**** IbaH auvlbllg

lit sbiouM magml* bis * slllni

IIIMI4 MINI I I Abl b IIIHIM I I All <41 I U ll.mm

ll.iUks 1 Hollaed bes a |..rMlaliu4*I IS* I oMing M Ibt bngei

r. Ibr Mlikia^toHieb> y blisbeie o4 H n <• rit:*

fior) fb* iguise shoe sa Itt- »xxiry Of I tie •41iee lb. .. u« ^ »f -Ew ki Ibv presiHH esl' *» iS! **«f'1ft pegUMHuu si Ibt •»** fvd'tu

slit spyroti” st< I ' ‘ li LI, groMib d'iiMi l> I- '

*, uss * « *. I-u.arksl-Ea Misttst will. lb* tguteo e-J- ’b ft

=»* 'f* »*ure l’•♦eeei. *I ‘ I tMBO ‘b'V* ‘ Sift I- ‘

». ,, o :»i

THY NKW8 1 INKMSI Hit- htMtitftfts uctisra t

a<«oa4«Ml f**r « la«l 0( leelvr tears Iheir beiils eere s*i louvbtHl Ibal I bet b«tl on It pul bIm itii Ibr |tat roll, but Imuybl him a nee «*ulbl «»( vbtfbea

A t|e|Hiit taviorv liisp«-*'i«ir fttund ««u| alutul It and se*tr* Itt vomplaliils

lb* leo intKit ttn a rbargs of eiuploting vbiM lalwii >Vbso Tina man and M alsit told Ibeir alor) In

I (Hturl Ibet esr* released tut a bus i |ieads*l seuleaie after pleadlug gulHt

l-T** cjir and cxhihitiHii atIll.W'K have bccurcrl the a^Tncy fnr the famous ’*K-K

have a Mmfel “KT” rive*|»nssen>'er toiiriii); car on iny >raraKe.

I)tiriti|{ the three years which the K-R-l-T has lieeii on the market it ha> iiKule a reeoril for |»ower ami endurance of which every K-K-I-T owner may be proud.

The K-R-I-'I' touring car is easy of control with comfortable n»om 4»n the footho;ird wdiich makes driving pleasant aiul easy, no cramping or crowiling, no muscle strainiiyg, nerve racking efforts are renuiretl to oper­ate the car. The e<)uipnient inclmles electric lights throughout, horn, tool kit with jack and tire rcj>air <»ut ht with pump, mohair top with si<le curtains ami top cover, wimi shiehl.tive demountahlc rims and tire Imhl- ers. (.'oinplete for $930.

'Phe Hetroiter ffashetl t4» success almost in a «lay—one year ago. The public has never before seen a car cmlMulying all the fundamentals of liighest*price<l nn»t4»r car practice at this price of S8.^). Here is an attrac­tive, straight line automobile with long stroke motor, multiple disc clutch, full Boating rear axle, platform rear springe, left-hand drive, and center control—six^hest features that ninety-nine out <»f a humlrcd exper- ieneetl motorists w<»ul<| check off as those most lo he ilesircfl in any car at A.VN price. Hut these six features are not all. T'very part of the niechan isin folliiws those i«leav which experience has shown to he the s.ifcst. the least wasteful of power, and the most conducive to the comfort of the pas- veiigers—*.uoh ideas a> a unit power plant with enclosc<l tly wheel mounted on a three |Miint snpiMirt, a selective three-speetl transmission, and hall hearings throughout the car. I‘'very ilefcct »*f the Iow-f»rice<l tiehl is c«»rrect- eil in thi*. high product of engineering skill.AT.IAIMRIi NOtlKI. 1*4 r4»NI*I.FT»: «Mg. ICgutygMuti Tuy wltli ftMe rurfgjg* ate ftlly-uirr 4««l rwveri wItesliMM) rMrltfr NgSi btfulyaiggl (bihM bgilrry. ruwbhMitMa «l4e ate tail laaiy, Iwg largr gMrlHr tete llgbfsii gaMb dbfgrteMr 44*aiuuaiablr Haisi vMgwarl Ml tirr Iruasi ruaiyMIr lirr ate rwygir twul kH ate Jarki rate raili kara.

Both ol lh« above cars are equippod with ball boariag crank sbafta and ball baaring tranamiaaiona* Thia faature is not gonorally found .on cars costing loss than $2500 to $4000.

Theodore MillerThe Cement Garage Higham St., W., St. Johns

4 NINI44I u ti rraiAbuFkk NFI riA44 ri 14 I

('burl'dI* -KAurig ur* telug luadvbv rllUrbg bi'r* l*> |*n*vb|g gullabitc vlub MHibts fur Ibv ubl a**ldlgrg Ibgl IbvY mu) bgvt • Uif-allug |»bi*r fur tielilag ggMiss rv'g*4late *(' Tbr- M»si«tb«>rgbi|t ul Iba A a NVIlliuu.g |ms4 HAN af Ibig rio ntimters ly. ubd Ibg islsraui bavv m<* |*Ur^ la galbsi gbd dig* ug# old |Imu>s Tbv «Nt* gte svi>vHft^ af gggigilug ruia- iwdag fr«*U4 IIU4V lu llmv awd lu siuug f *’fm rarrylag Ibstr dt4aa Is sInuiI all |(‘< |eigi aw* bubdU gud bt*l«l lis or g..ulgaila** ImuvI abd II Is l«>r Ibig Uftit.'h Ibgl yluns giv b^tug Mud> l*i fuiutftt Ibaei V-llli 4*>auiuvtH bssd


Farm Notes!rgg ft 4as«aabAik**su!?£j

suur. *>r In a glatr of gvidlly, syiil) llmsgluur lantuiidi at Ibr rgl<- t4,Su0o lu IkSV Iba lurr avra

As fur yraiMrallun *»««• sb«iubi yluvk right or ia« larhas dory and yrsyarv Ibr gu4l lu Iba Idr4il aaaU IhhI sUHdsrd, l4*av|ug lbs gubsvdl roiu- yavl a lib m dust uiukb «H4 lay (Tbv barb yard •*4sburr sbuuid lu- syyll«*d lu Ibr yrtHvdlng t'lvty l

Hutnl drgibua* M gardr«| <*u aUaila Ubds lu «'srr> *41 lbs gurylus imtls- lurv sad lu yravsai ib* bey fruiii rsvl ortng distuulHg out ate g*i f«>rib

Wbru ylanllug alfglfs ylsnl giiAuirruau varlsli t>l Ai4i**rl«'au grtiuu .vate Takv iHia bundrad brrarbi and 1^1 briurv yUnlln# l‘ui ibrni ua a n4ula4 bbiltar |*a|>**r and all«>a ihsni grua tor a svwM aland II gbo*il*l ba f«4vgr«H| ullb mImiui uua and iHivbaif lu iwe lu* bus ul dlri A n44ra*i> * ruy Ig uu4 bsuaaeary lu U4«igl ita-allllrabut Is all rigbl I'b** bast uurs*- vruy Is alulrl r>‘ al Ibr rale of *H4r ball bmdisi yvr a* rv I'g* lab tn iRjuuds el allallg aaad liar a* rv

a ail gg ally lllv. Is urggnlaad and un* III lhar*- Is In aitrh rural ctMiHounliy soma nnr an anargliar, a rlvlr and gurlal ravlvallal, g iaadar. In a way a boaa wboar bualnaeg ll M to make It wurk al toy ayaad

Hwlfi waa born and bixMight ay in Haluo Rayblg and anjoya*! ,4 iiiah rhurrh and aorlat standing haiv ha* 'tvrr aatabllshing Iba Haulah lliwi.

TNFI. I’NUrs Ah. UNFIT rNIkfK II ubal J l(44aa(*l| Amlib, yrolaea*>r

t4 Induitr) al ibr I'nlvarali) of I'ann says la irua, waaiam Mlvbigan

nvaniitg 1 ninfa wy."Takaa us stiror ilma tu train a

Bin." rumarbad lha heed of tha larfe dayartinanl alora "And than you loeo a lot of glrla through marriaga " “Yae;

i,‘' bai tbiags avan up A lot of glrle^getla ibi' var> lurrlrMil nt agrirullural yrogrvas Ai-tMirdlng tu tbv yrsdaseor Iba wivrbl la gaaaral. and Ibr I'aliad Hlalaa la itartU'ular, bas barn making a iiilaiakr during lb* Iasi fan ranlur- las In ylanllng grain InaisMul ol tra** V ru)»a

Traug bv btdiM lu an arlU'lv la Mar- liar g ntaggslaa ar*- nuira yroduvllvv In Iba gad, billM uy Inalaad of at ba44*ilng Iba g*dl. and ra«|ulrr only a Ira* Hun ol Iba labor la barvagiing

' Tb*' varv favl Ibal gisHind muat ba I ga|>a« lall) yrayarad N»r grain yl«*wlng

1^,, la yriMvf la bis uylniou, Ibal Ibr wbuir

(Irud of thalr husbands aad gomu Ssak to ua."

I A4ITMI: II4MF l.ll>T*N ArrKAL.T« all bn.iaina surtarrm af rhruiustiau.. ahrihar mus«'ular nr of tba Jolnia. srial

lira. lll•Nhacoa harbarha ualns In tba bMnava or naursllgta palna. |o wrila to bar for s tvonv* traaimani whtrb has ra Oaaladly vtirad sll af tbaar torturaa Hha

j faals H bar «l»ity to aatul ll lo all suffar*: i'rs FHKK Yo** <**ira y*»ursalf ai bntnv aa thousands will |^|fy-no rhangv of • llmata haing naraaakry This a|ivit>la dis

^vo,ar> tianiBhaa url.* arid fram lha t*l«aal looaana lha slirfana,! J.«lnls. |*Mr* iniaa Ihv Mood an.t taiablans Iba av<w glvng alaailrity and Iona In tha whoA svBiawt If lha ah<*va IniaraaiB vmi. fui proof addraoa Mrs M yummars Hoi N. .Nmra Iwma Ind

A44M I44N INI 4«N44HIA4* 4I| II I II I t

Baforg BuikHiig CoiMNure Materiab



ISNU blfirtteri S| fuNudil te ksktei

b ftbfWs b| siMrlrv voa* •HuMbU. Isklte Ite sgrl

Nm te.TbSbi lligh

avei iMglurr glfalK Sral year b4ii ally baodo bN wlib aiow9*r gad Isa vs ibgat an ibe gi»«ite far a winiai l■•ttT•us ^vsl yawl 4,*«Maa Iba ba) ablvb Is -~ti valusUI* fur fuadlag all bintls uf ablaials l‘AHKFH

tesrsb M I iNNkMb lAH PIN! kk lAiaT,

fS* gifttdS* faiai* Seami <4 lk« Sbbfli b's

m biotebiikite •< hay '4alv

lb* la.'l Ibal lb« yaiaal yuai bag gl bu,« bmwgSlI lA* I'lilsb g

4alu|M #4 biKibiry arteu, * ate a aluwu la SH tebiik) boftsugg Iks werw jiall Is Nis mmi bl il*lug lau 1 g r«bg**u

sdM||4«Sblt« fuiNMte 4M *te sMtally Ifwr dlewiuNifWiMvai Tka giftiwib «4 a Sgi. ubsa bbSSf* ktl«t«B4 IS Ib* IsmiHI Sabli lakbg llta*

rigg ul allfllA b’ ft*' k « Mtbl I Iwu rsmawiter ikr giun mi irullai ftebtel tsi faftebbi Ubl4 tel ‘frrisbl ll Nl aufk a mira* ttbrna ibbt* NA4A iMtefAteli* saifSteMs !*•' rvtMiuiiusi. i« bnag yr«*dw«gi ate fri s IMl limh TSSi lh« nil rusiMsiwsi i*agaiSat g*- Iblitualgl) ibai

mas StetM yb'w ‘is* silMIgiygo wu*4N bg«« i*- lebs

H bHte'w»ste<

lb* IlSb Al

•vs ♦ wStStebS tvtte biNt rntm

kis4 SI ste$ tel tete H

It as|)*4i If


Wall ll iMda I TtemI teva. tv l4t*4 Iba iruliayb« lai# a umIuI yubli*

Hauytb VHMild bo4 du


tee ««• •• S

itefilliteN WlfSbUI It

Tkabs M b« bbatvlli b< Msakb#** b) yaftal ydte tteNi Ite aliiss Miv ibv

^asutslf) Hei ll teteubg M Ite blH** ibssteteg M brfiNitete ste *i-uk i.

m b«te“ wya.-

. I gralu fgnill) la runiyogad ul waak liagft Aft yr«M4 mt ibla aural «sarriloa bv in.inis lu pia 4-basiaul and nllva ur* rl.ardft uf Hal) and Ibr avurn orrbarda ul SiMila Miau) at Ibaiii ytaMlug liar at r* as luiivb as Iba whtuil Saida uf Ibr I aliad Aiafba Tba wbaal grows bu Ibr ritbabi ate uuwi illUblr gull lu Iba I ullad Alalag. wblla Ibr or rbaifttft wrup) Ibr fwaby, ualllMbla mutiaiaia aldaa Tbr i'baalaul ha ra mla«M ua tonua ibr brwad supply aad Hiobat I ray bf Ib,*uaab4a of Madllar ranaaa dwsliava

la ibM lukkaif) lUa wblla a*aa for iwb rauiuriipw bee baou ruiiiag d«iwa bf* bards lu Miabv Saids Tu Ikla favl I'rwl Nsillb Irwrag iba agrU'ullural da- rilba S4 Ava Miglabd Sliag by balurr fur Utile abd frwlie, but yuabad br ybte Its yasaibllliibg wbaa aabad lu yiald sraia Tbs bboM fuiurr bf ibis bbbiHm ate assay bibarg la this bbwsin Ibal ar* rarby billy nr Mhi. la ddyasteul ba ballavae dS e batos l.)HHb VI Ibr valua bf lb, varunag IroaA i(*i*ft

A LineYoa Om !

of Labor Saversba Tbk Line at This Store

s ' w I ilvs M-

Pmt Lamlwr Ca.6.

Ji H «ea ' fmtm ss r«bli SbS SMAfMtaltt i*His

$%M Is ISlSIb N Sbfkteb bOMWte lisduaya. N* i-t- u. ikM^^ kSd ■Sufad u ■■ «ei.

tev f' H. bilk liib saste sli is* era mm Ails 4 lal farllM* te *tefl • teSH ubdri ir«te>

■Iay ■*'

I t tllA NiriNb Nl A INk fNlI UHIII Nl INI IN

kkkiai farllM 01 rgiasd

(tell te(fi

Ibvifi m

teaiflSStsa44tSi IM*


iferWb Nayuls A j .iliU-H wbl i« JtebS aMi ufsiad bar* 4<tr>:^ te*

ted; dsfb Bb li- Hov l^irta aiiA e laq Nil bf neiuaa aab’^ i^:i tsfr iftes teftebsai b» 1*fk« -bib p itiwiMii i. Swill • -5b •bf p MSiMk fteM# Muysa iTl^fls qpi lifQHS A s^Mfi ituia maa

bf lite

fteSI IB

sten NcI te SMS


T^\ON*T br afWud to come into this .4toreany time you want to and look at the

ttiitefi fpe base hate. We won't Mk you to buy— you know baiter than we do whet you want sod wbm you went H.

Tbwste see tklag we weal to suifset to you — wHsa M buy ea saflae, (ead you>s beuiid to seais do) —• ks SUPS you fol ea OMs. Ws hevs tbsm hste. Theie Isa*! e better saelas atsds. We kaow |t| you euflit te^

If yeu seat Aed limb lo soaw end tes us, eek us te


eomb ead sss yeu or seed yeu e ftros _ selelet of Olds Kofleie.


f ^liarL lliffham St. W.• IV| ^ Jdhne, Miidiv


l^CE 6


l>«iiTi*Cr pr«p«rly iMrfMi « aHA la*

Rock lolMid

mm kM* •risLx^



A *011001 for liunlr*«*o* hM boon MUbllthevI QMir l*»rt*. Cor th« piMu* uro <«( Ml* wouirn wbo h«v* fouiMl Uni* unu»u*lly hi*AV) on thoir baiM* Ual* fall Ola) |il«fOQ* and oih*r Iral* union bird* arr thrown Into the air from nuu'hlne*. and diimni) wild b*n*i» are eet up thri>uahuut the wood*. Home unkind peiwon* may re* mark that in aliutna at the beaat* of the earth the women niarkamen are likely to hit the bird* of the air. Hut ao Itwa a* they don't hit «mi' anothar It will be all rlcht


“Mr*. \Va«ir»<>n I* always worktnf for aonio charitable object or other."

“Very commendable What Is ahe ancaired In now 7"

“Hhe’c making fancy pin cuahlona tor some imor factory children who don't get enoucfa to aaL"


tttontto—d fraaa PMia l.>n typn to aad nlwmjm will bn tb* land* nr of nll tbtopk

Own nf tbn dientoni Innnnan tbnt a ban mnnt Innni to tbn lannnn nC onw* tormltjr In tow. bnt anww neenr loniw tt In bto anibton. tbn mnnc onbnm piwnn to life to own wbn dnns nnt rnntonn in reaianabto antfinrtty.

Owe of tbn crantoM WMibodn nf contiwl wnn acntnd to bn la tbn on* prana tan of tbo ton* and la tba tow* of tb* watoo. Do am raeoaJ all yonr atranctb. lot tboaw b* a bit of a myn- tary abnnt pan.

Tb* aftemoMi anaaioa npnnod with a nnlaattoai ffwaa '^t a «ak.** Tb* •rat Inncnfw wan aande by Dr. O'ibna upon tb* aabjoat Tb* Cbild an Hnir of tb* ^aat** Ho toaBniaod tbo grant dltorulttoo that aria* on a ptoy ground If a “ataag.** a boy poonltar lo tboir own gronp arriron. tboir drat In* atlnet la to—kill him. Tbto to a trait of tb* aaraaa^ a trait iabaritod from tboir anooatom On* of tbo grwataat mtotakon a matbar ona mnkn to to af* romlnat* a boy. No typtoal boy up to tw*lT* or thlrtaaw yonr* of ago ever d*llboratnly waabaa bto banda. b* to roatoting all e0orto to b* elonn. bo to Indifferent to wbat bto people think of him. Hat bin woltare doponda up­on tbo grant tranadormotlon which eomoo over him wbato be to about Ilf* toon year* of oga. wb*n be flrot be- comeo conartoon of tbo oppoatt* ana.

In bin opinion, tbo enntlnual dght- lag among boya Ip nnt an bod aa It might b*. Tlmy are living over the great trait of tboir aacoatora. tor the hero boo alwnya been the fighter. Tbl* tmlt la b*4ng outgrown to a certain extent, but the aacloBt life atlll re* nuUn* In thorn.

ITnf. Hourbor of the Kalamaioo College, who wan prenent at the In* Mitute wa* Introduced by <'om. Townaend and apoke a few word* to th«> teacher*. He welcomed them to tk*' college and exclaimed that he hoped very much t(» oee them all In Kalamaaoo. which ataiemopt created much merriment. He hastily ex­plained that he was referring to the educational renter.

ThI* talk waa followed by a song. “Ho. th.> Wild Wind” by the HIxth and Hctcnth tirader*. h^at HMr

The affcmo«>n ckwe*! with an ad­dress by I'rof C H l^rtelere u|»on the subject ••The Teacher Out of School ' A trachem aucces* depends upon her ctmdiicl o^glde of school. The) nr«*d plenty of go*ul rest as It taken n lot of nervous energy to auc- ressfully teach school. It takes en­ergy and vitality to hold altentloo. thus making It necessary to keep our- aelves in good physical trim. f<et In- tereste«| In thing* outside, thing* next to nature HU strong advice to teachers was to keep in touch with humanity—to be nii«> among them.

The sessKm cioo*d with a aelectloo fronj T*at’* I*lck“ by the Institute,

j The Institute waa unusually well at-

by nil•wgto bn wary bnipfn^nwd


onnrt nf

JMUi MXJnbn Mnipbnil «hw no

obtof jam ton nf tb* Snprm tb* ITalind fflntow Tbnt towga to Jnbn Jay nf Now Ynrb. Bnt It to not ni nil atrange tbnt tb* Moo nf pvtorlty nbouM b* aaooBintnd in tb* grant Virginian. Maiwbnll arno by tor tb* grantoat nf tbn Bnprmn* court jitdgan. Hn may wall bn onltod tb* “tatorprntor nf tb* itowotiuttow.** tor hto wsmnrdbla d>clainng tmtob- Itobed tb* onwatrwchona tbnt bnve but aaldom bsan dapnrtnd fram. Mar- •ball won on tba gnprame bawch from Ibdl to ItU. and during tboae 14 yranro bn told tb* fonadnUnn tbnt promlaaa to atoad whlln tb* gnvem- m*nl Itself ewdumo. In km*rtoan connUtttUonnl btotory no mun* U abov* Mninbnllb. ^

bn- In

DAT Off TVDIUff OMIBT OOlfl. “Otor an honrof Saleiatoa tbn Mag-

I albr«wt,'* tb* bantna Turks migbt wall• naclnlm In tbto day of tbair nxtlnc-• tkm an a grant mlittory pownr. On ] tblrtnnn diffnrwnt arnnalonn Dnlnl-> mania nrwdna aaarebnd forth from Oon* I atanUnopI* through Ito ^Adrtonoplegat*, and m amay UaMn ratumod la triump tbrotigb tbnt pnrul of ric-

> tory. Tbn egnnlly tonmna gold** gnta ’ wan walled up by Mohammad II. after

hto capture of tbn dty In 14U. as a I aupnrstlilow nran* tbnt by It tb* Cbrto-

tlowa would f <ntor Coantnatlnople.I victoiiou*.

IIVEWTiMINM INNOHNIA.One iMtara fiwgueat oomptolnto of

Innomnto from p*r*oao who tall tb ; tb* next brwntb that tbny have slnpt : from four to five hour* but who think that In order to mnlaulfl perfect

, hnalth eight or nine hour* of sleap are necessary. As a maltor of fact, there are periods to averyonc's life when health 1* ao abundant that five

: hour*, and. In exceptional oaaaa. four hour* sleep are ample. Hersons who sleep for fiv* hour* and no longer are not auffertng from ItMomnla. They are enjoying exceptional bodily health. Hut the entire five hours

> must be devoted to a sound slc*p. or ' otherwise- the body will not be suf­ficiently re*ted.

HKIIHI.Ms UIMI WtlK^ HYt'ustom* slip in and almost before

we are aware of them they are there * the wearing of the wedding ring by men. for Instance. Twenty years agu

^ this was almost unknown In Kngland hut now It is quite an ordinary thing It has Its advantage* for men. as for women; It is a sign, as It were, of ownership, of not being on the mar­ket

".Mr* t'ulling seldom aaka Mr. Cul­ling lo shake • down the furnace

I Hhe'd rather do that herself."“She ought not to let him be so

I lasjr.”"tlh. she has no wish to pamper

Mr. Culling, but when he tiis* to shake down the furnace something usually goes wrong and abe'a afraid he'll shake down the boo**."

tbnt to

tabsr, witas A. Q. ffymnnii In tb*FtoMt Qpnator. It to ng to bim to ao nun tor tb* fowto In bto nbnrgi an to rang tb* gganmt ramapd. Hn mam aggiy bto tatoUIgnaea to stady tbn 4n> toll* tbnt arn ao aanaailal to ngg pao- daalton. Tbn ban to a mnobla*. nlanly bnllt and pfogarly adjaaiad. aad tba

at bs toadltor witb this to ardor to anaar* tb*

grant aai profft gar fourL Tb* variaiy kagt baa *ary llttla to

do witb tbo pooolbto profft pmr fowl. A •oak of PlyaKMtitb Rooho atoy ba maffa to ylald grantor rataraa than n Soak of I agbnma gar cagita. Tima It to that noma vartotto* nr* battar agg pro- daaaaa tbaa etbara. bat It to ntoo tma that aoma vartottss ara battar aaaat praffbeara tbaa etbara. No oaa *a> riaty baa a monopoly on advaataffoo or profft-paytag tgMUUaa. Tbar* to ao variety witboat aoaa


af UMI* Dlrffa.

Oaa of tb* tbrag MHa paafftog la

oaaaa pabMe aaattoaaat. la tba ffvot pAaoa^ to agalaat tba daatmatloa of birffa. aad. aaaoadty, baaaaa* tbaa* to aa tatoortaat ■oanamie raaaaa for tb* ■aantmaat of atroag town la tbto dl- raatloa. OMatobi of tba bioiogtoal aar^ vug'of tba dapartatoat of mirtoaltava aattmaia that M par oaat. of tb* a*ar> ag* aaamal crape af tba caaatry to daatroyad by toaaota. Away baab aa tor aa IfM It waa foaad that tb* daai- ag* don* tbroagb tba raragaa of to- aaata anMmntod to Tbtola a diraat toaa to tba aatlon. and one wbicb mnat bar* a vary agpraalaM* ■Beat to dataraMatog tba pttooof prod* acta. Tba farnwr meat ffagand on tba bird* atom tbaa any other aganey to ollmiaate tbto toaa. yat tb* bird alaagb tar oonilaaaa. Tba daatnKitton of la-

aoativorona bird* to of apaaial ooneam to many aaettona of tba ooaatry, ba- oanaa of •xtaamlv* fratt growtog. An tba daotroyara of laaoata. Mrda barneoma to ba roeognlaod aa agaata tor roaaanrlng ant toaa I wealth. Tb* kill­ing of a bird tadlrscily to a ooatrlhn- tkm to tba atroogth of tba laaaet honto wbleb Infant tb* vagotnbl* prod­ucts.

wsnosww, umasm cam.d tpidUj jidii to Dr.. It aaoil


NaW DiaoororyirritaMd

aaoilMM tito indaiaad and tba oog|^ in

maay egaii jagtomtly loaaMM tba oolJ and aid* aaBdctotafiag. Daa*t ha agDoyod aad aitffar from ooagbs and colda. T^be Dr. Kiafb Near Dtoeawnff aad be caiad.

**Onrii^ to a aavere oonab and Ingg trvmhia I ctmld mai work at ml for aararM atootba,'* writaa Lanria Chambiin, of Mane ebaaier. Ohio. ^^Two of tb* boat doetoig eoold not help am. Mt waiEbt ran down fen 115 poonda. Dr. Kin^a New Dtouurary eurad nw, aad 1 now wai^ 160 pooadA**

am an old lover of vonr moat vafaie able Qodaamd to soffehw homaaity—Dr. Kinit'a New Diacovery. — write* Jannig FlamiaB, New Dover. Ohio. **tor it enrad mm of a dreadful ooagh of three yeart' stand him It waa ao bad tlmt I would cottgh until I would ba apaachlkm. but, for tbn quick raliif of your wonderful remady gave aw. tt% worth more than all the ntinediea I tear wnd before.**

Thoneaada have baeai helped in tba «iag way. by Dr. Kh^ New Dtoeovavy. It iff not a new medici^ bat one that baa baa need effbetiv^ more than forty-tbras for the cure of oougfaa and ooldb Tour mitt will refund vour inooey if Dr.New Dieeovery does not hatp you. taking right now. Sold by

Tram Drag Co. k VnSicklo&ClisiiieNews Wat Ids


A PrlM Winner.

Auction Sales

: tores that can b* so managed by the ' aklllful poultry keeper ns to bring good ratoms.

The basis of profit docs not rely up- I on whnt branch of poultry keeping one I follows. There arc chance* In every Una. eggs, meat and fancy. The ordi­nary profit ascured In any on* of these branches can be doubled, or trebled, by the skill and intaillgenee of the caretaker *

The regular pn>f1t of one dollar par fowl seems to satisfy the average poultryman. This is wrong, for no one should be aaiisfled In any line of

' work, but constantly atrivlng for bat- j ter results and larger profits. Two ' and three dollar* per fowl Is a poasl- ' ble profit and is being attained by {some m*n In the poultry busioea* to­day.

The aacrat does not He In the fowl or the variety, but In the human brain. Let ua all study more care­fully the rulsa and piinclplea tbnt govern poultry culture. l.at us strive to Incrense the profit In oar flocks, and thus ench year act up a new standard for the succeeding year. By thought, parseverance and persistnace great thlnga can be accompllskad with poultry.

millThe NKWS‘ method of advertising .\uction Sales has hcen

nniver.sally endorsed by the people of Clinton County and by those living in adjoining counties who know how thoroughly the .Vl'.WS covers Clinton Cdunty. We have testimonials from many of our patrons who realized from $100 to $700 more than they c.x- p^'cted from their .Auction Sales.Lai:ge Ciowds Are Alwayi Present and Bidding is Lively. WHY?

1st—Because the N’KWS is read in nearly every home in (Minton County.

2nd—Becau.se the .Auction Sale advertisements are read by the men in their homes at times when they have the time and disposition to read them.

3rd—Because the \EWS is saved and the dates rememher- nl. If the dates are forgotten the NEWS can be readily secured and the dates remembered.

W'ith the old-fashioned .Auction Sale bill, rain, wind and the *Mrrcpreisible kid” soon put them out of business. At the very best they covered but a small territor>’—and that usually right around the place where the sale was to be held. As a result but a few neighbors were usually present, attracted more by curiosity and a desire to buy articles for less than they were worth. Bid­ding was slow and articles sold cheap. NEWS Auctisn Sale ad­vertisements draw people from all over the county and we have advertised many sales at which people have been present from every township in the county. 'Hiey were present because arti­cles were advertised that they wantetl and they came prepared to hid.THE NEWS' METHOD of advertiiing Auction Saloi hsi been


1st—By the State Association of Auctioneeri.2nd—By all the leading Aiictioneert of Clinton County.3rd* *By all Auctioneers in other Counties where the same

method has been pursued.Any printing fdlirr can print auction sale hills, hut only a pa­

per having H large general circulation, such as the NEWS has can •iiccessfiiily ailvertise an auction sale that will bring results. The \cvvt 1* iioH printing papers each week and covers the( otintN "like u hlaiiket."

MARGIN OF PROFIT AND LOSSIf H*n* Do Net kail Balew Avarag*

of SO or to Bar Cant, to Laying Thay Ara Men*y Makar*.

A fioek of bans aboald b* mada to pay a good dtvidand oo tb* tovaat- maat. If thay do not do this, tbar* la soasothlag radlaallT wrong soaiawbare along tb* Una.

If you bava kapt a record of the coot of prodactloo and the aalas you wUI b* abto to t*ll wk*th*r or aot yonr baas are paying. Haas that are laying an avarage or 10 or 60 per e*at. are doing well, aad will nmke a good showing la the tight side of the cash book. Any averagea above that will ba ao much more gala, aad will BM>re than jastlfy kaeplag the birds.

If thay toll way balow this mark yon bad battar Invostlgata aad find out die oauae of the trouble It may be that you have a poor strain of birds; that you are not feeding the right kinds of food or la aaflclent qaantlUao. or that you are not glvtog them the proper attaatioo that thay meat have to ordar to ba grant pro^ dacara.

Ogsratlen Is Not OlfSawIt W»«sn Clip­per Is Used. Taking Horn Off

Without Crushing.

(By C. B. BRAPIIKAK. MiMeurl C*U*a*of Asficultur*.)

Dehorning la not the painful opapi- tlon It u**d to b*. The clipper^ 1* taking the place of the debonilug saw. Ita advantage* are that It is more quickly operated and it gives the animal lea* pain.

It baa the further advantage that the done confinement of the animal necessary for the operation of the uw la not needed In the use of the clipper. It is used successfully with­out s dehorning chute.

The snitnsi Is tied to a tree with a rope, passed aronad the neck. A ting with a rope attached la placed in the nose and pulled in the direction oppo­site the tree. This throws the head In position for dehorning.

The horn Is more often cat too high than too close. In fact. It Is hard'to cat the bom too clone, aad the hom outs easier low. The wound also heals quicker aad the head la given a nicer shape. A ring of akin should b* tak­en off with the bore.

It la a good plan to grease the clip­per* with graaae that la mixed with soa>e dlalnfaetant. sach as ereolin*.

The bast clipper on the market baa V-sbaped aotche* In the bladaa. * It clip* the horn off anally, without crashing. The knife with straight edges tsada to crush the bore and is hardar to operats.

iUKL W.t.vtKb. To do genaralhouse work. Mrs. D. W. Kelly.


B AXTBD- Married roan wanted to work on John Knight's farm by the year. Must be a good milker and not afraid of work. Hood wage*. l*ay every week. Parra 3Vfe miles west of Klale. Write at ooce. E. R Knlgbt. St. Johns, Mich. tf


*' i Baaaty.a I Baaaty to as summer fruits, whlah 2 ! are easier to corrapt and caaaot laat;

• a And. for the arast part. It make* a dto solute yroutb and an age a littto oaA of oountenaace. But y*t certatolp again, tf It light well. It maketh vaiw taaa ahiae aad vie** blaah.—Uaaon.

I ffoelal Living.I Union. organUatlon. complex Inta^ aarvlce are the essential processes of a growing a«>clrty; in them, the nveiv Increasing discharge of power alouR

I widening line* of action la the joj and health of social life.—ailman.

K1K.1I KOK HALK 40 acre* la OvM township on aection 8. known as the Wm. H. Warren farm. FMr par­ticulars call at premises or address A. 1). Warren. 844 Woodlawa Ave. Owoaau. 27 wS

KOK HALI' Pair of yearling colts, well bred. Price right. L W. Porbes, I'nlon phone. 96—2L-18 27w2pd

K41K HALK- Il-year-old mare in foal weight 1150 Iba. Spring Hrook Ice C'o. 27w2pd

“Sywiptoma."Occasionally an afficted lady tells

why she left her husband. Por the married man. of some tntms(»ection and conscience, the feeling produced by the recital Is something like tha feeling one used to have In reading the patent medicine list of “symp­toms “ He uaed to feel that he had 'em and de*erved the treatmenL

I F1IK NALK—2-borsc power gaaoilne engine. A bargain If taken at once. I.iUther (Ireea*. Ovid. Mich. Union phone. 27w4


FOR HALF Pine lO-acre farm 1 mile north aad 4 miles aaat of St Johns. Would take good 40 to oxchanga.

Pred Kesby. Route 8. St. Johns,* Mich.26w2pd

HOH^: FOR HALE -Cheap, if taken aoon. R. M. Smith. Ptona dealer, 8L John*.

HOOD FOR HALE—J.W. Snyder. Both phoa«*. 26tf

inxniimiiii iixuuxiiixi

TIi6 $t. JohM Haws

ffhaag Value to Farva.Th* ear* of a flock of ahoap to a Job

a good d«al laas awaaty aad laborious than tha awing of tb* aoytbe aad the ho* In an oaaadtog •Sort to kill oS th* w**da. la the praaaaea of aaeh a flock, th* wasda rapidly dtoapgaar. aad th* graaaaa taka tba poaaaaalon of th* ground. Boas* toraiars are aald to healtat* about startlag a ffoek of shoop baoaao* of th* paaalbl* rodac- tloo of tha duty oo wool aad th* da- elto* la price that porhapa would fol­low. Hot tbto would oat ao ffgnr* to th* oaa*.

Mattoa alway* comasaada a pvofft- abto prta*: and the comhlaad rataraa from mattoii aad wool, added to th* •ervicaa of the ahaap to kaagtag down th* weeds aad enrtehlag tha land, will perhapa aaake tha ffaak a highly valuabi* ooatrtbator to th* proaparlly of th* farm.

Cara With Turtraya.Alwaya h* aura that every part of

any Inclaaar* where th* tarkay ban aad poalta nr* kapt la wall dralaad. flom*tlBMa the h*o will alt down at alght In a low plana aad a heavy rain will fill the dapraaaioB with water aad chill ar drawn the poulto.

Whan Ceaffaad Ton Cloaafy BirdsAr* Cenatoatly Trying to Baeura

Liberty, Making Peer Raturna.

ft fowls ara too eloaaly eonllaad. thay will ooaataatly ba strivtog to got at liberty they will try to fly over tha hlghoot faaeaa. and In ovary way show how wall thay love the range of field aad paatare. Such uaeastnoaa aad aaxlety to gat out militate agalaat their good baalth. aad a ban that la not to good baalth will not toy aggs. says tha Now York Phnaar. They should. th*rafOre. have all tha space that may ba allowed them, aad this amy not be torelshad at all. then bow much amre Importaat It to that one does not keep too amay fowls coo- flaad within the llaUt of the poultry house sxelasivaly.

However wall tha poaltryamn amy toad aad tood them, whoa thus ra- otiictad. If tbar* ba an axcaaa of naai- bors crowded togaChar, tha baus will eaaaa to lay, thay will lU, they will loa* thair Baab. baeoma aatoar- abla to a short Uaw. aad to no m ana thay ha amda to give good raturna whan tbaa raatrtetod to thatr qaar- tava. If jrou had ao room for tha h< to axarctoa to, you would battar gat rM of them.

! FiRD FOR HALE 160 acres of land or part thereof, four milas from

{ Pewamo aad five miles from Fow­ler. Or will trade for sraallar farm. Wm. Bower. Pewamo. Mich.

______________ 26w2pdPOR HALE—A good farm of 120 seres

to the center of Clinton county. In­quire at this offtee.

Real Estate Transfers

FIdward J. Weraar to John Miller, e Va w H ne to Sac. 18, Dallas, exo a 12 a. 1400.00.

Austie B. Wgldellch to Wallace A. HuggetL a 10 a nw fr'l to ow fr’l to. Sei'. 6. Olive. 11.00.

Wallace A. Huggett to Auatia B. Waidelicb. a 10 a nw fr'l to nw fr’l to. Sec. «, Olive. 81.00.

Bari C. Wells to Hen Coperoaa. w Ms* 100 a ne fr'l to. Hoc. 17. Water- town.

John .Veal to William 8. OraMtan, e to se to Bac. 1. HIngham. 84.000.00.

Wallace A. Huggett to Albert J. Waidelicb. e to ne to Sac. 26. Hangal. 81.00.

Cyrus Sherman to Luke B. HIcka, lou I. 2. Bl*k 28. Ovid. 81,375.00.

Dorothea Hauk to Bberhard Spat- helf. ne to ae to. Sac. 21. NeWitL 81.00. ' ______

I FARMSFOR HALE- -Bight extra good brood

aowB. Poland-Obtoa. Ifinquire of Walter Burlingame. St Johns. 2&tf

iU—ScoFred Atmar, 24w2pd

Marie Beach, Mich. it^r buildlnna. ir^erty in ex-

VARDIED.Wedaeaday. Fab. 5. IflS, Judge C.

M. Merrill performed th* ceramooy that uaited OlaaB A. Walters aad Mtaa Blaache RMeaour of Victor la marriage. The happy couple will ra- sMe to Victor tiian^tp.

<n alway*, of eoBf«sIt Will mirk toH will, h*maei ItV a___________ ______BuuUtoatiekoaaatll it driv** o«ttk*|wki of Nmralgia. Lambaao, Pk amatlim. •««. Tavd roUa ffl.BS) mgwUir ata* M*. At ail drauglMs or dlaaot l.y bmUI from n»«i«a looTMMCa. Feo Iwk.

mm mm rm—-i, Se. ttane.


UNION moMm NO. r



haaOauBh a Wonaktol

•a 0«

naww Aiatf•t.

0<L now Vot*

FOR HALE—t)ae of the moat pro­ductive SO acre fanna to Clinton County, located six milas southwest of St Johns. For price and terms. Inquire of Lsalla O. Brown. 8t Johns, Mich. 85w4

TO RK.VT—Phnn of M acraa, for cash. (Irant Phelpa. 610 State St. E., Bt Johns. Pboae 181-Rad S5wl

TWO PARMH FOR HALE—One of SO acraa. good bouse with furnaca. and good out-bultdtogs. One of 74 acraa good bouse and out-build toga. Both Bsar Bt Johns. Inquire of LTON ff MOINBT.14tf

Birds Voraaleus Paadaea.As lastaace* of the amount of food

some Mrda ooaauaM, the Rev. C. T. Phllllpa. vtaar of Ivoglll. a wall- known Cumhartaad naturallsL th* oth­er day faaad In the crop of a wood- plgeoa he shot 140 beech nats. wbUat another wood-pigeon had deeourad BM>re flB*ly-chnpr*d tninip l*av«a than ha oaald hoM In the palm of his hand.

THEIR PECULIAMTY."Fla* speaker, ek?"ttoleadid!""AM yet hi* wife Mya ehe has

never heard him make a apaaefa ’* “WIva* are rarely liataaera."

Task Mathar Literally.Marian pointed to the glaaa or

cap when she wlahwd a drink, otter- lag Inarticulate sounds lateaded to convoy kor doaira. Sh* waa old enough to talk some, bat ah* had \

»v*r been taught to a*k for a drlak. | Mothm aald to bar: “When you want; a drtaa. Marina you auy. ‘Mamma, or • papa, or Hatel, or Mildred, drink,'" The next tlam Marian wished a drink aha palBtad t* th* cup aad aakl: j •Mamam. papa. Hasal. Mlldrad. dtoh-! dtoh-tohy-tok-laki*'

I I have them. Come and let m* I show you. Can nave you time and money.

I Bast money making 260 farm. 7 I mile* from St. John*, two new, torg*. basement bares aad ot Would take small pi change.ISO acre farm, fine bulldtngs. good -plaec of Umber, 885.00 per acre.

ISO acres, 7 mile* from St. Johan.good buildings, 875.00 par acre.

ISO acre*, ftae farm, close to 8L Johns. 81SO.OQ par acre.

ISO acres. 1 mile from lOurska, It acre* of good timber, 870.60 par acre.

M acr**, 1 mile from Eureka. Sen Clarence Troop, 860.00 par acre.

Two good 80's 1 mile north aad S mllaa w«at of DeWltt. good bulld- laga. ftae laad aad locattoa, aonaa timber.

to acraa. 4 mtlaa from Bt Johaa, good land aad buHdtaga, 1100.60 par aera.

•0 acres, 4 to milas from Bt. Johaa. good laad, fhir bulldlaga fiO.OO par acre.

W acraa, 4 miles from St Johan aaiall houa*. ftae new bare aad out- bolMtaga. well faacad. all tlla dratoed. good atroag soil. Thla M a daady at 8100.00. por aera.

SO acraa, S mllaa trim Bt Johaa, tlMO.OO.

SO acre*, good laad aad bulMlaga. 4 nUlas from St Johaa. SSOOO.OO.

40 acres. 5 miles from Bt Johaa. good house, lair bare aad oatbalMlaga.itoau.oo.Caa funrtah you anythtag you waat

In fanna. pricaa aad tanna to autt Cheuper thaa ywa caa hoy them yogr self. /

City property and kuatooaa proposi­tions for sale aad exehaags.

P. H. BOYDOMre ever H4al* Ranh, Bi. Johaa.

I alia Phone Idt Parmaaa* Phone WLIMIT TDITR HPRHDIBfi.

Aad aav* tho kalaaaa la a battar way to got a elan uma la llaatt your ■nviBff aad spend Om halaaaa Th* CHafeaa Cnawlr Mags RggR.

(Raaaupaaa HBOJOO.)Mg* S par cant laaeaMi aa all ffagaa-


armmart j. BALDwm. pmai* OOduir & HAUaWaalW

OL CL rUMk Waw.

fA£!M, 7


iMar* witfe Dl U Hml OIMM* fltta*. Dr. MMlr. HIM Mriir* Pmrr wMt Id

1.». C

iiDii— Of Bar cnr naurt m

lattar part of tBa waak.Mlia Maal# Baalilar of I ata«ii>wr»

vaa ta BL Jakaa Thufaiar.‘------ miiWil af tka M. A. C

" ; aaa 1ft Bt. Jakaa laai BataiBay.Atiaraay J. Bari Broaw «aa la

ilac; ^NUBora oa baafaaaa, laat Filiajr.■akart Taaa of rocaat HUI aaa'la

waa. at Jakaa oa aaiiaiii laat fMAay.WlUlaai Laaav of Uacialt «aa a

pMit: Soadar «aaat of Mtea KatiMatBa Hart laday la laaalaa j H. a TkoaspBaa apoat BatanlarW. H- Rioluaaad «aa la Baatlae; aad Saadar wltk hla aaat la Oaroa-


Howlaad af I aaaiaiiar.ma. A. J. Qrlaaold

a U. Allloaa aaa la Uraad Haptdi a bmlaaaa Wadaaoday.Mlaa Roaa Plin of Pftalar aaa la 8t

U a Eyar of Ovtd aaa la St joina tka drat of tka waak.

Altoe M. Blnalngkaat of flkaparda villa waa la 8t. Jokaa Moaday.

AUoraay B. H. Idraa aaat to Da- trolt oa bualaaaa Wadaaoday.

PM«r TtKNaa waat to Lpoao Moa­day wkara ha will apaad a waak.

Mra Floraaea Balatoa of loala waa ha St Jokaa oa baalaoaa Moaday.

JaoMa Makar la la Praaaott today.Ha will ship book a load of horaaa

C. J. Sowla waa la Owomo aad lalBaahuwp oa baMaeaa Wadaaaday. I q q Vauahan waa la Buffalo oa

Mr. aad Mm T. H. Clark aapact to! bntintm aavaial daya tke lattar part •0 to Qrand ladji tkla waak to vtalt. of the weak.

A. J. S. Jury of laaalac opeat Sub- : Mra F. U Tkome opeat two daya day wltk kla nwchar. Mm. Oaorpe tke lattar part of laat weak with Jury. I 1 analaa fiieada.

Mlaa Judith Clark attaaded a daac- ItoC party la I laaiap Tuaaday ema- iac.

Mra. Aaaa Read of laaalap netted ta St. Jokaa tke tatter part of laat week.

Mlaa VlTlaa Butler opeat Saturday aad Suaday at her hoaw la Lake

Mlaa Aaaa LeOley opeat Saturday aad Suaday with bar pareau la Uowall

Mlaa Collak Brlak opeat Saturday aad Suaday with kor paraaia la Bt. Ckarloa

Dr. A. O. Hart ezpoata to atove la- to tke W. T. Kelley bouae oa Church

T. Read aad ekll- ere la SC Jokaa

Mr. aad Mra.dren of Taaaln Moaday.

Mlaa Ckriattaa Oelltaa of Ovtd waa a pnaat of Mlaa Aaaa Braalea tke drat of the week.

Mlaa laila Walt of Ovtd apant tke drat of the week aa tke puaat of Mlaa Helen Hunter.

Mm. Lottie Brlftbam of Muir waa a gueat of Mr. aad Mm. P. B. Wala- worth Monday.

John Fedewa of Detroit epent Sat­urday and Sunday with hla mother. Mm. John Fedewa.

Mlaa Hell Wlnfleld of Shepardavllle waa a irueat of Mlaa Laum Walker the flmt of the week

Mlaa Pearl Ruehler of Rath apent a few daya the flmt of the week with Mm. Earl Ridenour.

Mlaa .\nna Fedewa of Jaekron

Mra. William Muldar waa la Lea- atas oa bualaaaa two daya tha latter part of the week.

W. T. Kelley of Chlcaco waa in St. Jokaa a few daya laat weak. He re­turned laat Friday.

Mm. F. L. Thome weat to Omitd Ledge Tuaaday to apead a week with Mm. Claud Alaalle

Mlaa Ruhl of Lanaiag waa in St. Johaa laat Friday aa the gucet of Mlaa RIanche Dexter.

Mm * G. L Odie of lauialng epent Saturday and Sunday aa the gueat of her aleter. Mlaa lleralrf Dougherty.

Mlaa Hiaitiiee Harlow waa a gueet of her alater. Mlaa Bdna Itarlow, In Ionia the latter jiart of last week.

<’ 1). Jarvla of l^ake Ddeaaa visited at lb** home of Mr. and Mm. D. M. Piilntuii the latter part of lalt week.

.MIm Rea* Abbott went to her home

Mlaa Kathartae Upward ratavaad to har haato ta New Laadaa. O, Ikelattar part of laat waak aftor vialtlac at tke keato of Mr. aad Mm. F. C.Bark.

Mr. aad Mm. Bari Magley, wko

kom la 8L Jokaa. mturaed to tkelr Moan la Fowler tke latter part of tk

Mtae Beae Ckrlaad. wko kaa boea apaadtag aaverml daya with Mr. aad Mm. Robert Kelley, returaed to her home ta Comaaa the Sret of tkeweak..

Mlm Allakell SUlaa of Tkompaoa- nile earn a laat Saturday to vMt kar auat aad uaele. Mr. aad Mm. R. H. Forbaa. Ske eapaeta to apead enme tlaM kere.

Mr. aad Mm. Bari Baagle aad two cklMma apaat Suaday la Bureka with kla fatkor, 1. N. Baagle. aad bro- tker aad wife. Mr. aad Mm. BurtBaagle.

Mlae Opal Joaae aad Mlaa OUve Baacb eapaet to attaad tba **J’‘ Hop of tke M. A. C. keld at tke Maaoaic Tkmple la laaalag Friday evealag, February t.

W. T. Kelly eapaeta to BMve hla bouaahold goede to Cktoagp about tke the Iftb, wham be will make bla fn- tum beam. Hla oiater, Mlm Mary Kelley, will go with him.

Dr. Harley Stroud of Doaglaa caaa* laat Saturday to apead eeverdal days at the borne of bla alatar-ta-law. Mm W. H. FMds. He waa called bore oa accouat of tke illaem of bla fktber- la-law. ABdrew Hodaoa. who baa bean 111 for aeveml moatka.


RILBT PBITBITH NflTBB. l^-ter iimnai oa Ckrlat's auffer-

.t ‘i acd death will bogib at 8L Pater's Lutbema church aest Suaday. Fab. 7. > ih. rama Suaday. Holy Commua-

Wt.l ba eelebmted. Coafeeatoaala aaaouacemeaia at tke pamoaage Fri­day aad Saturday. Pmpamtloa: Tka Tea Oommaadmeata. Aa Palm Sun­day aad Haater bappea aa early aa they poaalbly ever oaa. a few weeka beaoe oaly. ail eekolam of the ooa- Urumtlon claaa are regueeted to at- taad regularly.

CSuy wgii!yr amik

■ IM-nt Saturday and Sunday with h«'r jjj last Wednt-edjy wh- remother. Mm. John Fedewa. a|,«.nt th«‘ remainder of the w- k

.MIm Vera Steel of Trufant return- mIm lx>uiiie Ki-lley a|>ent Suni;. ml iHimr Monday after •p'-ndlng a wjth )),.|. aiatpr iind husband, Mr. aiol w..k with Mlaa Ellen Moblnaon. ^ jnchanla, in Grand l.ied--

.Mr and Mm. Glenn Steel and Mm.R Goette wen* In IH-trolt the latter part of laat week attending the auto show .


i Social Eveols II EVENTS OP THE WEEK g •IN ST. JOHNS SOCIETY g1. -...... ......• eeoeeeeeeee oeeeoooooeoooo

■BTMOBIfIT ('BITBCH NOTBM.Bervleaa oa Suaday. Fakruary t. as

fallows Lovafaaat at t:flO a. m. Tha Sacnuasat of tke Lord’s Supp*r at ia:M. alao reeepUoa of ommbam. Suaday sekool at IS o’eloak. Wum- aak BIblo Study Clam ta tka east parlor at 4 o'clock to be led by Mlae Mery Smith. Brotherhood aorvlee at C o’eloek to be lad by tke peotor. Bp- wortk T eagiiii at 4 o’eloek. with For- eot Ptowmaa aa leader. Subject, Tke BuTdea of tke Stroag." Bvealag wor­ship aad aenaou at 7 o’eloek. Sub­ject. ’’Abraham Liacotak Religious Faith.-

Our prayer roeetlag aeat week will be held oa Wedaeoday evealag (la- etead of Thureday) at X:S0.

TWe am plaaafag to begla a aeries of special aeetlaga oa Sunday evea lag. Feb. Itth. to be beM each evea- iag for a few weeks, aad to these

I meetlnge everyoae la cordially lavlt- ! ed. We eapeelally hope our own peo- ' pie will plan to attead aad help la tbeee mecUnga aa much as possible.

The C. C. A. met with .Mm. F. P. Ruck Tueeday evening.

SET SUITABLE WALL PAPERPet at ef tiwpertawaa to tke

That le Toe Pregueatly Bet

Ton pam bmoc of tke days aad algku la tka koam. Always yoar gaae la oa Ita walla If tka wails am light tke roam la right, bat If they are wroag you aaa aevor do a tklag with that room aalil the walla am doae over. 'Sfabe a study of wall pm per. Oo to tke paper dealer’s aee- •ral tUaos aad do aot ba la a harry about laaklag tka aalaatloa Have two roUe of the paper you tklak will salt seat koam. Arreaga tke wtdtka aide by aide la the room tke pagar Is lataadad for. Lat tkam ramain them for a day or two. aad. take every oggorteelty to atady tka sBeot. aotlag how tka color aad daalgB agmo wMB the carpet, tke farkitam aad tke gaa- •ml aepeet of the rooaa. Two widttw am belter tor tkla parpoes than ousl as tke laigar aapanee gives a better opportaatty of Jadglag tha oBaaL

A lad who had aavar seen any pager bat tke Imto. Mg-ffgared toad, weat lato a koam wham a partoatly platn. soft gray graau papor was baing pat oa. The h fiat aaa aeatag him g^t ao lataatly at It said: "How do you Uha my paparr* -I reehoa that tVa all light.- he rapllad. "Bat It looks aa qutoc-llhe aad sUU.-



The I.udlea’ Helping Hand, a so- rlety of the Churrh of Chrlal. met at rir«- home of Mra. L Rbafley at the comer of Dibble nad Church atreeta ^v«.(ineaday af'*moon.

.Mr and Mm. Fmnk Hunt retume«l home .Monday from a flve days’ visit at the home of Elmer Yerrlck In Corunna.

J. L Morgan, deputy for the MinI- em Woodman, was here from Gmnd Rapida Moaday. He went to Eureka to do aonie work.

Prank Cowing and Ray Rerrla of t ; M .\ <’ i^ere giieats of Mlm Fani.i

Mulder one day the 'at* t pan of li»«t ' week. I

Mm Elmer Loop wm called to M:t- , pie Kapida Saturday on aaaount of; I the lllneaa of her aunt. Mm. Walter' ! Sowle. !I Mlae May Moreland, who spralne<l; her ankle about three weeba ago is j bark at .Noble llumett'a dry good* | store again.

The Y. n. 8. girls left Tuesday • veing on the .*> o'clock car for Merle Heecb. where they were enter­tained .M a <> o'clock dinner nt tbe home of Mm. Prank Itaumgurtner. They returned on the midnight car \ll reported an enjoyable time.

NT. JOHNW ('NITBf'H Flmt Sunday in Lent. Holy Com­

munion at 8 a. m. Mattna and sermon at 10:30. Subject. ”A Lenten Medlta- ttm on the Power of the Tongue."

Evensong and sennon at 7:00. During tbe Sunday evenings in Lent •Mr. Bishop will deliver a course of sermons on "The Fiieuda of ChrisL"

Wednesday and Friday evenings service at 7:30. A children’s service each Friday p. m. at 4 o’clock.

I’MHISTI.IN H4 IKYCK >GTF.M. Chrlellan Science Society bold ser-

vlr«>s at their rooms in the .Hunger block Sunday evenings at 7.00 o’clock, and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 o'clock. Subject of ieeson-sermon next Sttnday Is “Spirit.” All are wel­come

Sunday school for children under twenty at 3:U0 .Sunday afternoon.

Wftoto Aehee aa an Ovnamsat.Aa lagaaloua method of dtspoelng of

tim aakea of a cromatad body baa to be recorded. After a woman bad been eraamted tbe husband took the aahce to a chemist for the purpoee of aa- traeCing the Iron, which be Is now wearing ast la bis ring, as one would wear a diamond.

The Ever Ready Circle of Kings’ Daughters met at the hotiie of Mrs. Robert Lee Monday afternoon.

The KIw-ell Street Rrldge Club was i-nlertalned by the Oakland Street Hridge Club Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mm. K. G. Steel.

ClirKCH <H’ niKIST.Sunda) school at 2:3() p. m. Preaching service at 3; 00 p. in.

Rev. J. A. Joyce will preach, taking for his subject, “A Reasonable Ser­vin' ’’

By This ffacy Method the Ce«er WIN Be Prseervsd and the Life ef

Material Lengthened.

Many bouaewlves own eurtalaa of Ambian lace. *niey realise that a great amount of their beauty la loat after washing. The lovely ecru tlat has disappeared, and to recolor them! Is not always satisfactory. |

ITieee curtains can be dry cleaned In the following manner:

Spread a sheet or two upon the floor and lay tbe curtains carefully oa them I

•Mix two parts of bolted commeal with one of salt.

W'lth a dean brush nih tbe mixture thoroughly through the curtains Hang out of doom for a couple of houm and the curtains will be sweet and clean.

In tbia simple wray they may be fre­quently cleaned If the dust is not al­lowed to settle In them for any length of time, they will wear much longer.

This hit of Information should be well received by tbe housekeeper, for It saves a wonderful amount of time and labor.

Mm 8. 8. 8.. VanBuren SL. King­ston. N. T., (full name fumlabed oo applloatlon) had auch decided benefit from using Foley's Honey A Tar Com­pound that she abares her good for­tune with otkem. She writes: "Fo­ley's Honey A Tar Compound brought my voice back to me during a aevere case of bronchitis aad laryngitis. Oh. how many people I hace recommend­ed It to.” VanSIckle A Glaspie.

Many m Oaa.Tke value of oae pereoa’b mlad eg

ooa peraoa'a wortt la staadffy dlmim taking; It la tke ameclate mlad. tka maay hearts baaOng as oaa. that now move tke world; aad this M ao wall understood by woomb that tkay aaa rapidly learning what oaa ba sBBoaa pllsbed In economic, soelal and latok Isctnal life by tbe power of aa eto|| oatad public opiaion.

BrevKy to Correepewdeaaa.For brevity notbliig can beat tka

eorrespondence between Victor Hugo and bis publisher on the Iseue of *’I.<es Misemblee." Very busy bat aaxloan to know bow the book was selling. Hugo sent the publisher a card mark­ed simply The mply came back -1.-

_ . Today. Caotaln's Voice.Today is your day and mine, the (Lrliiig may I

only day we have, tbe day In which , a:id ^ vour barkwe play our part What our part may - widow—signify In the great whole, we may not undemtand. but this we know—It Is a part of action, tiot of whining; of love, not of syulctsm It Is for us to express love in terms of human helpfulness.— David Starr Jordan.

yo'. CHii U ny • iUnexpisinabis.

Men who complain Gist natural neldom lose tl

to those who are.

be your down tba ’No; but




Mm. R. D. l^tts returned to her f went to Haginnwhome In Bannister Wednesday after visiting at the home of Bert Bentlng- er and family.

Mm J. G. Kopf of Grand Rapids came laat Thumday to vtalt at the home of Mr. and Mm. Alva Q. Ruff. She returned home Monday.

Mr. and Mm. Brady Martin of Lan­sing came Wednesday to spend tbe remainder of the week aa the guests of Shsiiff and Mm. J. .M. (Tamer.

Mlaa Frances Lyon expects to go to Ann Arbor the latter part of the week, where she will attend a house party given by Miss Marian Davis

ITof. A. D. Jonsa. Mias Marian Jonsa. H. Waldo and Mlaa Katherine Finch of SIsle were guests of Mr and Ifm M. R. VanDeuaen tbe first of the week.

Mm Pearl Rsuidlct Jones of New York City was entertained at tbe home of Mr. and Mm. John Plowman while here to give her song recital Tues­day evening.

Mm. A. J. Grtewoid went to Ionia

Monday morning to make a ten days' visit with her parents. Mr and Mm. A. H. Brady.

Mm. Pauline Hale retorned to her home In Grand Rapids mtiirday after a visit at tbe home of her brother. W. W. Hmwn.

Mr and Mm. Aifreil Smith of Alma cjuitc Monday to spend a few dam with Mr. and Mm. William Ward arid other relatives.

-Miss Nell Holmea went to Grand Rapida laei Saturday on account of the death of a relative. She expects to spend a month there.

Miss Florence nilssard, who has been spending several months with friends In Kansas City, Mo., Is ex- (lected home next week.

Mias I.<ois Georgia went to Fow­ler last ’Thumday to spend the re­mainder of the week at the home of her unde. Tyler Georgia.

Mm. J. E. Hendemun of DetrolL who has been visiting at the home of

The I^^dles’ IJtemry Club met with Mrs. H. S. Holmes Wedneeday after- ' n<iou. About thirty-flve ladles were! present.

The Richardson Embroidery Club meets this afternoon with Mm. Geo. Sumner. North Clinton Ave. The la­dle# will wear Colonial costumes and a Colonial supper will be served.


r . ^ ... Mm. J. D. Heodvoon. returned homeLW Monday to speito a few days as the,A# ASm W T OliLniMr AAm

Mm. Emma Holton returned to her i borne In Semnton. North Dakota . Tuesday, after a visit at the home of

guest of Mm. W. J. Shipper. Mrs. Shipper expects to return home with ' her for a visit.

Clyde Hendemhott, Con Stephan, Fmnk Ward. A. T. Smith and son. Paul .Smith attended tbe auto show In Detroit the latter part of last week. The latter two brought borne a new car,

Mra. Charlsa Harper, who baa late­ly undergone an operaGon at tbe Hart Private Hospital wlakes to thank her many friends for the kind remembrances sent her In honor of her birthday aad says they found her well on tbe road to leeovery.

Mlaa Bdna Hudaoa. wko has bMS raring for Mm. J. Duaa tke past three Yrrsks. returned to her home In Ovid Saturday. Her nleee. Mm. Alice Sboeutoker. of Huieoa cant# Tuesday to aaaiat la caring for Mrs. Dunn, who baa beaa 111 for soam tiflie

Mr. aad Mia. John FIMew weat to Howell last Friday to apead tbe day with tbHr daughter. Mtoe Helea F1I- dew. She returaed boais with tbeai. Mlsa FHdew bee aot be«ia eo well during this cold weather ao It wee advteed that she *> Weet for her health. She eapeeto to leave anea

her aunt. Mm. Brnma Manning.Fmnk Loomla went to Addison last

week to visit at tbe home of his sla­ter. Mm. Ed. Hrancb. He will also visit In Hudson Itefore be returns.

Mr. and Mm Willard Jolley and two daughters. Rva and Iva. left Moa­day morning for Bugene. Oregon, where they will make their home.

Mr. nad .Mm. D. M. Putnam and cor Harold and C. D. Jarvis of I^ake Odessa attended tbe funeral of Mrs. James Jarvis In Ovid last Saturday.

Mm Ham Rmdner and two sous. Burk aad IJnn Rmdner. came from *rBcoma. Wash., tbe flmt of last week to spend a few days witb Mr. Brad- aerk parents, 31r. and Mm. J. W. Rradaer. She was on her way to New York City where they expeet to make their boaw While hem Mrsi Rmdner slipped on tbe lee aad broke her arm which makaa It Impossible for her to go for aoaie ttai#.

Mies Thelma Sage, the fourtaea* year-old dad^ler of Mr. aad Mm Charles Sage, living In the aortbem part of the rity. was seat hoiae from

n by



The Woman's Club met at tbe home . of Mm. H. 8. Holmes Wednesday, February 4. It was Bichlgan Day i and tbe papem given by Meadames | Donley, Lyon, Kaeeland. Jones and VanAmburg were able and Interest­ing. aad added much to our know­ledge of tbr history of our state., The next meeting will be held at tbe home of Mm C. S. Babcock. Feb. 19. 1913. It will be Reciprocity Day aad ; Club ladles from l.ainslng will be gumta for tbe afternoon. *

for Aiigona.The followtag reladvea from away I school last Thureday aftei

were here to attoBMl tke funemi of . her teacher. Mlaa Powell. She be- Normaa 8 Kubaa laat 8uB4a>. Mm. j came um tiaaclous about .1 o'clock and Dr. L. 8. Wkaver of Bemaac; Mr. j was net revived until early Saturday <.n<I Mm F C. Carrus nf DePHtt; ' tpoming. Ske Is much better at the Ford Weaver and a Mr Peek frtou I present time and Dr. Dodge, who la

Hew Vorlt'a Nieknatne.Gotham ta tbe name of a village In

■ngland whose inhabitants, according to anclsat tradition, were noted for their uasopbiBtleatedneas and simpll city aad henee were called, by way of lidlcule. "tke wlae men of Gotham *' Bagilab legends and rbymss refer to tke wtae amn of Gotkam. and Wash­ington Irving, In Salmagundi, applied It aa a Blekaame to New York because tke lakaMtants were sach wtseacre« Tke nlckaaaMt baa survlveri Us oiig- taal algalllcance If it ever bad may.

GlinrAKV.Orange W. Flaher, subject of this

Sketch was bom In Riley, Clinton county on February 13th. 1880 and de- iwrted this life on Jan. 37th. 1913.

On Jan. 7th he (-ontmeted diphther­ia and after ao Illness of tkree weeks succumbed to the disease.

At the early age of fourteen yearn, leaving his father's borne he started out Into tbe world for himself, work­ing in .Northern Alichlgan. Wisconsin, and l*ennaylvania. returning to the neighborhood of bis old home at tbe age of twenty-four.

In 1907 he waa tinited in marriage to Katherine Hienesteadt of Riley.

The deceased leaves a loving wife and Infant son of two ream, ao aged father and mother, flve siatem and two brothem with a hoot of friends to mourn him early death. It seetned Mr. Fisher bad the faculty of making flmi frlenda of those aGUi whom he came In contact Those who knew him best loved him most He waa a kind and loving husband and aa in­dulgent father wbooe wkole Interest in life was centered In bla family and wbooe sole desire waa to provide for their welfare.

('AHI) i»K THANHK- We desire to ex­press our heartfelt gratitude to our frlenda and nelgbbom for their maay acts of kindness, during tbe illness and death of our beloved husband and fathsr, also for tbe boautiful floral offeriags; to tbe ebdr and minister and tbe F. A. M. lodge, and ail who rendered any service.

Mm .Norman 8. Kuhns.Helen Kuhna. pd

Suggsctlona.Comforts and quilts dried in a good,

stiff breese will be as light and fluffy as when new.

Save cold tea left from supper aad use In place of water on 3roar house plants

tf your mgs curl at tbe edges they may be made to lie flat by dampening tbe curled edges and prscalng with a hot iron on the wrong side.

I.aunp chimneys nibbed with salt after wasblog have a sarpiiatag bril­liancy.

A few drops of turpenttne added to the water In which elotbea are waak- ed wlU whiten them.

A Valentine GiftThere Js aelhlag heller for a Talentine Day gift than n dnintj piece ef Jewelry. Let it be a Watch. Bmeelei, Breech. Rleg, Cbala. Beads, Pin* or perhaps n fpaea all glfta of lasUag valoa. We have a great variety ef data- ty glftN at very reassaahle prices.

Walter EmmonsManufacturing Jeweler and Engraver

To Remove OH ktalna.Do not make tbe mistake of pntttag

bat water on machine oil stains It will not remove the greeee. but It BMy set It so linniy that It cannot be re­moved. If tbe garment stained Is waohabls. mb the greaar spot with cold water and soap Immedlatoly tko aeddont has bapponod Another good plan la to apply a little French chalk or gasollae to the spot, taking tbe pre­caution. however, to tnoert uader- aeath tbe material a pteee of blotting paper. This to prspsnt a rtag being perceivable when the grease has besa removed.

TARI) OP THA.NMH- -We wish to ex­tend our most sincere thanks to our relatives aad nelgbbom for their sympathy and beautiful floral offer­ings extended oe during our late be­reavement in tbe death of our be­loved husband aad father,

37pd Mm. Peter Smith and family.

UnWed States Bettind ffurope.In tbe making of porcelain enameled

•aattary ware In Orest Britain and j Oermany Isadleas enamela are gener-; ally usad and are there regarded aa even superior In durability to tbe j sesflisis In which lead la used. The i mault la that la neliber Orsai Britain! nor Garmany le this ladeetry looked npon •• a dangerous one. while In tbe United Metes It raaha aa the mos jangeroBB. heeaass of the obameter of tke metertols eeed aad tbe almost to tal abeeaee of lasaaarsa to protect tbs workaMU.

Detroit; Weltor Rogem aad Kd. Kuhna aad eon of Lansing and a Mr. Kuhn from Indiana.

Yoar favonit drew or ro-dyaing your iaded Riff, aad deliverad to yaar doo*^ Parori

Abaohric affiriactioo Wepayckarfoa. PaMlowdMngs

pfkea and isAb Imw ara do AtDBliBil


atuadlug her. thinks that with pro-! per cam. she will recover. |

'Tka following people saw "Thej Pink laidy" at the Gladmer In Lnn-] aing Moaday evening: Mm. JohnCv^sptn. Mm (lalnakn Pencil. Mm. R. L Doming. Mr. aad Mre. R G Clark. Mlaa Rena ^rfc. Mlaa IMIth Clark. Hun Clark. Miss Winnie Waltem. Roy Trimper. Mias May Rabcoek, Mias Beaa Carlaad. Mm. Robort Kel­ley. Mlaa Tot McKlaley. Mm. R. 8 Clark. Mm. O. P. DeWItt, Mtas Lsaa Magley. Mlaa Veda 'Tmep. Mlos Ul- Han Martla. Lae Hen, Gaytan Judd. George Jndd. MIee Anna Lnlley. Mies Igara Walker, Mr. and Mvn. FPBd Bnadny and A. J. OrtowaM

Blood HumorsCecnmenly caucc tUmplea, bella, hive*. e«*r^*na or aalt rh»um. or ^ >n*e Oliver fufiTi of »ru|illon; Init •onvettoir they exlot In tbe draieoj. Indlc^led by ^e-*- Ings ef wo«an««^ lencuor. lorn of nt*- petite, or general (tebtitty, without cmualng any breaking out.

Ttwy are espelled and tbr wbols o^- tstn Is renevatsd. streagtbeuijd ai»d toned by

Hood’s SarsaparillaSat n tsBay In eeaal MaaM form or

W. R. C. NDTRIL Thirty roembem of tbe W. R. C. at-

teadsd the Thtmbis Party held at the home of Mr. sad Mm. Reuben BHnk laat Wedaeoday afternoon. It proved a very pleeaeat aeelal occeeton. A abort program wee given la boaor of tbe birth of Wai. McKinley. Other tatsrsetlng aeieettoas wove read by Mvn. Hamet Adama, Mrs. Nettle Bteae aad Mra. Julia Andrews A bouatirul plcalc sapper wee served. The Iodise will pleeec prepem a Lin­coln program for next thimble party, which will probably be heM at the G. A. R. ball. Fakruary It.

.Next regular corps meetlag Febru­ary It. 1913.

Narprfse Twar Friends For four wseks ragularty uae Dr.

King's new life INIIa. 'They stimulate the liver. Improve dlgaetion. remove blood ImpunUee. pimplee and erup- tlona disappear from your face aad body aad you feel better. Regia at once Bey at Travta Drug Co aad Vanaicklc A Glaaplek.

i . _ ____I

Ceaetttutleaal.A little foar-yenr-oM girl waa walk­

ing with her nmtber. whoa a caterpll- Iar, the Srat ske had ever asaa. crawled la front of them. "Muvver, mower!" she cried exeitedly. "Loekl I Year maffk little gtrl le oat taktag a walk!**-

Crust for ^blskea Me.Sift together one plat of flour, oae {

teoapoafnl ealt. two tensponfols bak­ing powder. (!bop In two tabtaspoon- tula each of lard and battar. Molat- sn with sweet milk to a stiff dough, roll oat tks Stas of tbe dteh. hatter tbe edgs of tke dlah aad cover with tke erost In tke eenter make a deep cross, tarn bnab the edges aad inasrt a oeae of stiff papor.

Whea dnsUag or dseelag fleeta them are always soom ptoeas where •vsa tke flaeet mop wtll aot ctaea. sepsclelly la eeraera aad nndar aoma pleees of fnraltars aad eaiar and anmad radiators, whom muck daat •olleeta To clsaa tkeae pISBSs oae of tke dieb BBops. to be foead at oay tea scat store, works like a charm.

Wash two aapa of spitt paas. eeak aver night hi n qnnrt of water aad IB tbe morning add oae quart of water. Let H boll up aad skim. Add a sbmU ptoes of baeoa. oae speoa of tagar. oae green pepper chopped Bne. salt aad eeok slowly until a smooth nmoa Add one plat of ersem Jaet before ■trying.

We go the LimitNothing is too troublesome to make your photo exactly as you want it. It’s as much to our interest as to yours. You’ll find that we 'are mon* than willing to go the limit to please you.

Come and see our work.

Baumgartner’s Studioto Bougltlon

Cat bread la thin sllsee. rsranvw tke ovaota, spread with a mixture of soft cheese molateeed with cream to spreadlag eoaolateney; seas an with salt aad saate fkem quickly la hot

Waatilng Oeed Laos. Wash oM aad pood htos by

It ap aad dowa m warm oaapa rakMag It very paatly la tks and Umo. aftar R has kaoa rl

Ms foMi ef a oefi ipwaL

Sl JoiiBs and

L J. Pioxe, Cash(kucerHigh GfrcIb Goodff at Short Phew

20 fts. Sagnr • - 21*00 tOO As. Suvorr - - $4,90We will sail yea Mf Iks. af Hraanloled Hagar at iLTi

»r ef fRBt or mare ef Uraeerlea.fli Ibo. Bed Bose Ffeer at (tor fli lbs. Hpriaa WlMol Fleer _ firfli Iks. Red Mar Flaar ..... ... 7ic

Wpfrtal prieea ea horml lets.4 lbs. Arm A Hammer ftoda Mr7 lbs. Arm A Hammer Redo Sir Bis lha. Bice ___ Sir

i plum. Baisias ........4 lbs. Sweet ITaaeN 4 pkgs. I'evn Flakes I Ih. Hembey’s ('eeea Rea. Mr Extrarts

JM toMr

4Ar pail Hyrap Mr pail dyfap .

Htap* FraU, la. «• aad lAr sas (Iraages, Fleridn. IM. the aad nraages, Navslc, Mr aad 4le. Extra Faaey Baaonaa, Mr am MaMss CaSmap ttip MpJoMto Taw, heal eol, 41 oW I

^ BWBET, jrirr, prriih.Rev extia Bar.

BArv per deaoa.


cnr couiiciiI

Mta* P«»rl WIIMui hM inM4 to lito I* I* *\lto» Wlormte* #rr*^**S« Ktjom. IM. JoluM. Jan. ». I»U

" ‘ ItMCMtor !. • tine of ih- rity cowtolltifld on thf above dm the Mayor. K t: Je'Trlaa. proaldlne.

{When if Baying^

! Baking \I Powder |I For this M iMe g

pinvdtr o tbat^oiakes tbs * haWbt boctcr.” 1It leavens the 1 food evenly g

m tbronfbuut; PoBs m r it op to airy Iieht- ■I ness, makes it de- g M Ughtfully appetii- g S and wbolcsoosc. ZZ Kemember, Cain- S g met is moderste in ■ I price — hifhest in g m qnality. m

f* Ask yoor grnoer lor • Calumet. Itoo’t Uke a ■Calumet.tuhstituia.



I Ttiuss Ith

family.Kdward Maker spent Tbureday at

iauialns.The teachers In this vicinity are all

eontempIsthMl to attend the (’ounty renebera* Instltuia at dt. Jokne Fbb- ruan ad aad 4tb. l»ll.

ttooree Ott purehaaed a One work hone of Mdward Mabar last weak

Mlsa Flora HelUer of Hath and Ma^ damea .Soak Wltbelm and Melville Kyea of this place apent laat Thurs­day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8le4gbt and family In Hew.

Mrs Laa Uoiy and dauitbter Irma and Mlaa Florence 0weet were callera at the home of Mr. and Mra. Husr dnilth and family laat week.

Mr. and Mrs. Morae and family, who have been occupying the l.a>ula \eller farm have mov^.

Mra, Bd. Mabar. wbo hna been quite III, Is much Improved In health.

A C(Kidly number of the patmns of this vicinity met st the la»ve school last Thursdsy eveninn. to make ar- rsudemetrta to dive a play and enter­tainment In the near future, at the above named place. A committee wna appointed ae followa: Kntertaln-luent. Meeera. IamiIs J. Volalnet and Warden Kyea and Meedames Jamea

leindbe and Frank Htelnhardt; com- mlttee on mualc -Mm. Ham Proctor and Theodore Sober The committee will anain meet In the near future at the home of Mr. and Mm. lamls Vola- tneL

f>anlel Blwanger, who haa been quite III and under the doctor’s care was able to reaunae his work as teacher at the Pearson school last Thursday.

Ouy Hlchanlaon la spendlny the winter at l.m>alnc

Mlsa Cladya Mahar spent from Thursday evenlny to Sunday with her iwrenls. Mr. and Mm. Bd. Mahar. and family, retuminit to SI. Johna school Monday inomimt

.Mm. wnniard Sweet of Hath was In this vicinity laai Friday afternoon. Her dauichter. Mlaa Florence, retiim- ••d with her to Bi»end the week-end at home.

Conim r of schools. Theodorr- H. Towmaend of St Johns vlalted the U>ve sch«iol last Tuesday and also other Hath schools.

l.rf>Vere Hsrte of lUlh spent Tues­day with Mr and Mm Jamew ('lem­ons and family.

('tarfleld Peltier of Hath a|*ent Sun­day with Measm. Joseph and Prank v’olalnei

1k4' MatropolHnn IPo

ikb—Capital KIsr Rng. Co Iti- I'nion Trtepkona Co.197 Wlsatem Slarcrtc Go 19k>«B. CHsaabrook

Total Klee fund dlsbta. tlbT S4Xo further bnetnean appealin'^, on

motion the Council adloamad.

crsdtt of aald CHy for the payment li thereof. o**f M

The Council was callad to ordar at 7.4ft o'clock p. m. Pfwaeol: Aider- man Fowivr. Mcttonkay, Slone, Smith and M'ard. |

The minutes of the last meetlns were rand and approved. |

• of »Ma h>«wd St resierftvi f 1 •• • i; i

p.Mi by irrevooahly ptadMsd. dd In Wltnaas Whereof, we. the aa-

.»e ’ dersigned aassrs of the dty of SC John«^ being duly autkortaed to ese« cute ibla okllgatlon on behalf of the said City, have bereualo set our oflkrial algkaturee and enuaed the ror» rata ac * * »he city to be - -iunto < Hiked th.a U( day of Feb: ar>, A I). 1»I3.

< eapaa Na.The City of St Johns. Clinton

County,^Mich., wl!] ^ay bearer out of ' special *asaeaament dlairlcta .Soa. 39.

40 and 41. Street pnvtnv fund of the —_ . .1 ••*<* < *•). hundred nine and 34-Fowler. Stone. Smith and Ward. , aollam (IMiJUl. at the oOtoe of

('ooncll Room, 81 Johns, Jan.ST. 1913.

Adjourned meettag of the city r^a- cll held on the above date, the May ^r. R. (I. Jefferiee presiding

The council was called to order at ft o'ciork p. m.. praasnt Aldermen

The oomidtlee on claims prisantsd I ^*<*7 Trenaurer of aald City of St.the following report.

To the .Mayor and Cummon Council of the City of St. Johns;Ceotlemen: —

Ml by Al^r^ Wsi^ that the tlnal ^ ^reports of the ( Ity Knglneer. on th-Walker. (Htaara and lllgkam street ___pavement, also Stale street east, and

We. your committee on claims, to •***‘V'^^^*tronlingent fund ^

Ayes, Aldermen Fiiwlsr, Slone.Smith and M’ord Nays, none

the Isl day of Fab- being one year's Interest

on Street Paving Bond .So.— of aald 1^ A I Thousand one Han-

**T****”_!‘ . dred elgfaty-alji and 7ft-l9k dollara.(tt.IKd.Tfti. dated February lai. 1913.whom wna referred

ciatnia .No. ftS to «i; (leneml Street .'V?'’""'" Further be It resolved, that thefund rlaliua No. 4U to 43; Water fund **•"”" ^ Mayor and (’lerk of aald City of St,claltua .So. 70 to W) and Klectric' J**' "'iT" / n*****»*^ Savings ■ john». be and they are hereby autb-Ughi fund claims Nn. »S to IW Ik* toltowing. ■ orixed to sign and eiecute the aaldhereby reiiort that we have I to"**i^IIl"*** ' **®*“** ooupone on behalf of saidekauilned the same and find tbam' ^HF. "tol thereto the corporatecorrect at their footings, and w« re- <*cnilemen^_\\ e smI of the aald City of St. John#apectfully recMMninend that they be allowed by the council, and the clerk be instructed to dmw ordem on the proper funds for the several umuunta


f'ommitlee on claimsMoved by

your consWemtton t^ foHowlw pr«^ ^he following wna adopted by the position for the purrhaae by this bonk following voleof -Paving Honda of the City of St., Aldeimien Fowler. Stone.Johns." aggregating eight thouaond nine hundred fifty two and uh-lOb dol- lam. «tK.K.'iS.oN I as


s|>eclfled In the local newspapem. In Vi.'ilmilt. ’•*•'**■ Jnnuary 23. 1912

hv atoMPnian Mei'nnkev (hat ! " * **** *** ^ Treasurer.report O'dot-

br orroplrt .nd loptoJ.Ayes kve; nays none. I . . . '

Smith and M'ard. .Nayw none..No further business appearing

motion the cuunell adjoumsd.Wfli. Cochrane.

City Clerk

The Mayor submitted the nnme “"Jrur^erUAM

hereto attachedVery Heaiiectfully.

The Clinton County Skvingp Hank,Hy John C. Hicks. I»re*4deni

R. C, liekler. Treasurer. ,

... . i. At. , .At, .K-’ «'“• check for lloo.ou\V. J, Black, auditor, to audit thelawks of the City Clerk, siibjact to the approval of the council.

Moved by Alderman Fowler, aup- iwrted by Alderntan Ward, that the appointment of M'. J. Black, auditor, be ronfirroed by this council

Ayso live; (toys none Moved by Alderman Fowler, sup-

IMirtcd by Aldvrman Smith, that the ...lability and Compensation f*ollcy ‘b**subinittsd by the Tmvelem Insurance i‘l***'*^ IR.9.>2.0K to •*‘'*** -Company. Iw accepted, and the clerk j <hereby reducing the amount be instructed to dmw an order for, therefor the premium. 1264.32.


Mrs. M*. K. Russel and Miss Mollle Webster of St. Johns were guests of

Alderman Ward offered the follow- friends and relaltvea in town Snttir- fuij. ^ da> and Sunday, returning .Monday.

Whereas, that since the sale of bonds was advertised, the amount of

Miss Hasel .Newton of liuraod visit­ed her iwrenis. Mr. and Mm. Ide New­ton. last week

Mm. Helen Howe of lainstng la vis­iting her parents, (leo. Cow-lea and wife, and other relatives.

Thad Kidder was in St. Johna Sal- Resolved, That the proposition of uftlsy.

Ayes five; tuiys non*- I the Clinton County Savings Hank l»e house on the Mcl^herson farmAlderman Smith <»ffered a res<ilu- ^ accepted, provided said Hank will re- formerly occupied by John Jolls and

tion Instructing the city clerk to ad-^diice their bid In accordance with the fmoHy !• being newly painted and pa- vertlse for bids for iMiving iMinds, for i $2(»*> OR slwve referred to, the clerk Mr. and Mm Pmnk Roberta,the amount of the deferred payments j to e«» notify said Hank Alto that the who have rented the farm willon the Walker street, (Ntawa street,,

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ I.Aki:. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

HIgham street. Stale street east aod State street west, said hide to be filed with the City Clerk not later than 4 30 o'e|<M*k p in., on Monday the 27tli day of January. 1913.

The foregoing was adopted by the following vole

Ayes Alderman Fowler. Mr<’onke>. Stone. Smith an«i Ward.

.Nays noneCnnlingenl fund HUburwemenU.

City Pay RollClaliii No

Council pmiiosr to place total m„ve In as soon as the work |t rom- amouni of fR.T47.*N», In four t»onds of |»ieted$2.IR6 7.*. eat h | William Redfem. Jr., of lainsing

The foreguliig wa» supiiorted by j been visiting his grandparents. AlUeniiaii Smith and adopted hv the vir». F W Redferu, while eo-followlng vote ' joying a few days' vacation from his

Ayes. Aldermen^ Fowler. ^Ktoe. duties, due to his good stand-Smith and iVard Nays. none. imp. exeTiipting him front taking the

Alderman Ward supiiorted by Al- wriiien examinations


Vm dwt'f MSS atsato oim ysa ftagrokassee fttr-saaftalktof gswdsr. Dm’tAs auMsd. Bn Coimmti. U’t awm

AsMsswJb. Caksasf 4s/assaga8sr4s

Worried Haro.A critic of Wells’ novel. "Marriage'

8b8s In the confounding of the herr **tke doatre to have It all wavs to gonswas a woman who shall have all the ekami and the caprice of tbi gksmal feminine, who shall by the gnaasaeas of bar desires and the petti- MH of converantlon. give him an •graaabis sense of superiotity, and fat ahall. to order acquire deep sptr« ItanI Insight when her husband feels ka naads It.”

I Skating Is fine al Alward laik«- Mias Kuginu Herbley spent Satur-

’ (lay and Sunday with her staler. Mm I Kugene p(*ltler In South Hllv*- j

Prank Huffman visited bis cousin. |' Mm. Blla Saxton, In Bagle last . 'Thursday |

Jimmy Staub la visiting relatives in ' Maple Rapids and Hubbardaton this i week.

Mm (leorge Myers vlslt*>d her als- ler. Mrs. J. P li.ver, in latnslng last

j TuesdayFmnk Clark of latnsing called on

his daughter. -Mrs Orrin lainkton.' last Tues4ia> <

Mm (leorge i'ulp si»enl Thursday, in S( J«>hns with her mother, ftim. ' Thomaa Hefty ,

Mrs. (leorge .Myers visited her par- ' ents. Mr and Mrs J M Roher, In IteWitt. Sunda> I

Mr and Mm Kmmanual t'reaaman. Mr and .Mm. Kti ('ressiuan of Olive;

I spent Sunday with with Mr and Mm :Albert Martxke !

j Mr. and Mm Hymn Hllxxard and son Nell of West Olive vlalted .Mr , and Mm Mark Hill, lam Frldm

Mias Oertrude Howe. Mm (' L. • Reynolds and son laimont spent Sat- : urday and Suntlay with relatives In j lainsing and attended the play "Baby [ .Mine " at the (Madmer Saturday after- i noon

1 K J. Molnet (leo I. Tlnkhaii: l> L Hunt Win ('orhmiie Ads J ('ochr.viie John Crichton


Roy Hiigner was In Corunna last week.

Mr and Mm Prank Huberts. Sr., celebmted tlieir 2.Mh w^-ddlng anni­versary at their pleaeant home In South Ksvex Salurdav. Feb Isl •Neighl-ors. friends and relatives to

Palirel.yman M Alward

Fire HefS. A HallJohn ( richion

Total |my roll i C S Post OITi<-c i- ('linton Republican ‘ Kngiio-ering l*ub ('o• Cnlun Telephone Co* l>r \Vm H (tab-

1 Fowler A Halli St Johns .News I Treas Alert Htvse t'o I Treas Hook A- laidder ('<» '• W II HIchmund

demian Smith offered the following Resolveil, That the Imnds of the

( itv of St Johns, to the amount of Klghi thousand seven hundretl fortv- seveii dollars lftR.747 tMn shall Ih- .«n«l llie.v nr»- hereby aiithorlxed to be Is­sued for the ptirituse of defraying a

16 66! of the cost and exjMfnae nf , (j,.. nuiiilter of IT wer«- present to aid.MMHt, Walker .Street from Clinton in the eiijoyii eni of the (Mcaslon Mr.16 67 * **’ Httawa Sirert also Htin-* and Mm Roberts received a number

J wa Sireei from Walker Street to „f naefiil and lienullful present* I HIgham Street, also HIgham Sfre«-f which will long serv*- lo remind them

106 X3 ^”**” Ottawa .Street to Hrush Street, j of the event IMnner was served by I also Stale Street from ('Union Ave- >|f.„ Ho|>e Jones. aasist'Hl hy six

line (o Oiiawa Street, also Stale St , I young ladies .Mr and Mrs Roberts from landen Avenue to Whittemor**: are enjoying g«Mid hewlth and theirStt (Ml

10 tHI

Ilk 33



than a breakfast food

Dr. Prices.Alquun

A combination ofWmtsOitfs BictMd Biriw

Absolutely the most delicious and appetizing

* food you can eatservings for 15o

Total Contingent fund itlsbtsttenenil Street fsml Hislits.

('onimisslowem Pay Roll Claim No. 40

Bngleben Smith H. A Carpenter James Smith Joseph Michels (leorge Ordwa^- H. C. Welch Bd. Bradford Schuyler Rnss^J A. Humham K H Uke

Snow Plowing (ieorge Uunsbiiry J A Humham Schuyler Ross John Hopkins John Stiles .Norton Aldrich H, C Hyman

12 .'. .'. 06

Street !n »|>eclal ussessmeni dls- rncta .No .19-40 and 41 in said ('Ity That raid Und.* ahall be itayable al inaiiirliv (mm a fund to l>e pmvldevl for that pur|M.fi<-

That fald fund is to i-onslsi of the deferred |>ayuieni» arising fmm the special aasessment mils of sia-clal aseewaiiieni districts .N«is .39. 4(» and 41, for the paving of the treets alMWe referred lo. and to b»- known as fh** Walker Street. Ottawa Street HIgh­am Street and Slate Street (tavlng fund

That four bonds shall be Issued for the piinrlpsl sum of two tbousaiMi one hundr^ e|ghty-slx and 7.'.-1<Kt dollars. (tS.lioT.'.i said lamds shall b«* numbere<l consecutively one to four. (1 to 41 all of said bonds shall be iMvahle at the office of the ('Ity

J Treasurer of the ('Ity of St Johns.('Union ('ounty. State of Michigan

I That each of said bonds shall l>ear “ ! interest at the mie of five |.er cent*-®®lper annum, payable annually on the

I 1st (lay of Febniarv of each year 1 , suc» eeding the dale thereof until the* j princliail thereof shall be fully |Mld ^ *91 Fnch year s Interest on each of

■2’* i raid bonds shall be represented by a I coii|v.n thereunto annexed, and shall

4 R(» j l>e latyabie out of the fund herembe- 6 (to fore mentioned, at the office of the 6 *M), aald ('Ity Treasurer ol

34 .'m

of the ('Ity of SI4 RO Johns, upon the surrender of the said.00

Total ('(Miimisaloasm pay roll 9&.l.%41 -M'm. (illllaon Uft

; 42 Mm loicy Palmer S.lo‘ Total (ten Sreei fund Disbls |»9 .'m

Haler KsmI IMvknrwsnienl*.Ray Roll at the PIsni.

I ('laim .No. 70; —Archie Bishop 14000(leomr l.tasch .17 iOWm. Smith 32.00James Strseter 34.00laMils Ollaon 34 00

j Ada J. Coehrsne 2..'S>

cou|H>n thereforBach of said lionds and coil (tons

many friends hope for them many an- nlversarieK to celebrate after their golden v\ eliding day

•Mr*- Ijiura Townsend nf .North Shadt vtas the guest of friends In town Friday

.Mr and Mrs Fr.'d .Schmidt visited relatlv<<s in Ubanon Sunday

The I’nion ('emetery Tssn held a meeting at the home of F W Red­fem Wednewlay, Feb .'»th

Hr B L .Martin was selected as delegate lo the stale convention of the .National Progressive party to be held at Hattie ('reek. Feb. ItSh..

Dr. B. I- Martin, aasisied by Dr. A. O. Hart of SI Johns perfomied an op­eration on Mlaa (lladyw Parr, daugh­ter of Mr and Mrs Herben l•afT. re­moving her apixmdix last Thursday aftemoon. .Miss l*arr is doing nicely

.Mm Mae Caster line is suffering greatly fmm blood-poisoning In one of the flngem of her right hand. Mm Belle .Norton Is caring for her.

A second rendering of "Diamonds and Hearts." will be given by (he Star Dranuitic (*lub In Diinslall's hall Wednesday evening. F^eb. .'»th.

The Cnlon Cemetery Aaan. will hold their annual fair. Feb I.lth. this year. An active canvas is being made by the tnembem selling tickets

Representative (’has. Hiilse has In­troduced a bill In the legislature to prevent Ashing in Maple river ex­cept with hook and line

Martin Allen. I>aniel Wright and■k.it K-. — ... Wright. Jr., transacted hiisl-

m Hubbsrdston last week Mr and Mrs ('laud ('rook spenttinguishing numbers and dates when

coupons and bonds shall fall due. substantially In the words and Ag- ures and form following'

(’Ity of St. Johns, Michigan,Htreet Paving Hond .No

Saturday night and Sunday with Mr aird Mm l>. A. ('ole In Rkst Kasex.

Mlsa Francis Barrett of Union Home was a visitor al Mr. and Mm Forrest Co«ley>B from Saturday un­til Monday.

Mrs. Cordle Redfem of Ov|d Is vls-

! Total pay roll I 71—Use Fklor j 7I--IC. J. Fslor

73- U R Peek I 71—K. J. Falor j 74—Tha Wiekas Boiler ('o I 7ft-4Caton Tsiaphooe Co ; 76 Slaorge (>. FlaCchar I 77~ Spaulding A CO.

79—RIcbssoMl A Holmaa I 79—Rickard Gay j 99—Alert Pipe A Supply Co

a pacluig^ Algrain I

0 oi Dr. Pricers ram frooa yo«r gKMser today

j Total water fiiad diahtaKlarirti Fuad IMshamemsatw.

Claim No It—Noal Valentine I Ijse Fslor

I K. J. Fslor fft 1* R Peek

I 94 A O Hnnt 19-(toe. n Flstohar 99 MtoklAan Supply ('4x •7—SpauMtac A ('o n—Rtohmoad A Holmaa 99- Richard Gay

199—Alert Pips A Supply Oo, 191—A. B. THwasi Jr

RiceVvBPk C. Teal On





Know All Men by Thear Presents.that the CHy of St, Johns In the „ _County of Clinton, in the State of A*, ***** ho*»e of Mr. and Mm. F..Michigan, is Indebted and hereby i - . _ .hold* Itself Armly houad unto the I **!.** ^'bearer In the sum of two ihouaund ^J*****^ **

Mias Ads Wrtglilone hundred elghty-six sad 7ft-190 dollam ft2.IM.7.’ti. lawful money of the United Mtalaa of Amerioa. pay­able at the office of the City Traaa> urer of the aald City of St. Johns. In said State, on tha lot day of Febru­ary. 1914. with interast at the rale of Ave per cant par annum from the date thereof, payable annually upon the preaeatatlon al aaM (Sty Traaa- urer'a office of the proper tmupons hereunto apnexed

This bond la tosued In accordance with a mmlutloa of the fSty Coun­cil of the City of St. Johna. paaoad on tbe 27ih My of Jaitaary, A. n.. 1913. and In conformity with the pro- vtatona of "an Act to provide for the Incorpomitoa of ('Ittos of the 4th class within the Slate of Michigan.' and approved May 27. I99i, and of the Acta amendatory thereto.

The principal aad tnlerenl on this bond la to he paid al maturity fmm the fund to he providad for tiMt pvtr poos. whIrA fund Is to constat of ih< deferred payments artsihg from the speelai sassaamsnt rolls of apeclal aansaanient Dtstrieta Non 29. 44i and 41 for the paving of a part of Walkerlft.43

lAAAlntreat. (HtavNi otrsm. HIghnm street.19.99 Siata airsat oaat aad Slnte otreat

lo clerking In Claud Crook's geneml merchandise store

F. D. Groom was able to attend to hit dutlaa at the bonk the latter part of last week.

A number of siloa will he erectad by the farmers in this vicinity the coming yaar. R. W. Hewitt la aeiiing the Saginaw aad W. K Townsend the Ka la mason

RsH Willett oolshrated his 21st Mrthdoy Sunday, Feb. 2nd. by visiting hlo imrenis near Middleton.

Rev. B. T. Spobn Is hoMIng revival nseetlngs at Middleton.

Mr and Mrs C, T Rockwell aad family entertained Mr. aad Mm Floyd Holley of Prise Sunday evan- Ing Mm tiolley was formarty Miss Mary Knapp, daughter of Mr. and Mm Ira Knapp nf Oilve.

Dr. kings .Ssm DIaeevery.Hoothaa Irritatad tkrnat and litaga.

ocopa chronic and hacking cough, re- llevoa ttchling thrsni. tmmtm aiaa. Take no otbar; anon noai, alwaya unad Ruy It at Travto Drag Co. aad VanlNrkla A Glnog4a%

. M ^^ikTStirs try news job dept.

Good Coal



Cokl Weather

Sudi Coal You Had Better BuyTbat the two go wall togatiMr ism kset jpon*!! noA dmoy



John F. Parr•rre CX>AL MAN.”

Judge the FLOURby the resuk of


M’hf 1 lou^ckceiKT \vh(» i" iookiiin tor the jjreatcst

1(10(1 value t(»r her nioiiev will buy

Tube Roseriour. j;[oo(l ihmr. h;i' more DmmI v.'iliie, C(»nt;iin.6

more n(»uri>linient ih;in an\ other known product of the held, hut much depend.'^ mi ihe whe.'it and the miller. W inter whe.'it i** m*! .'ippro.iched hv .'inv other wheat jjrown: it comin.'inds a fireiiiinm price .'ind \t'< w(»rth ii.

Xo iiiatler how ij«M»d .'i •ilice «»f hre.'id ma\’ he. the (piality is .'ilw.'iy; improied h\ the .'ijipear.'ince.

.•\ henntitnl browned crust mitside .'ind the whit­est. liphlest kind of bread inside, these ;ire the fea- nres worth considerin';,

'Phis winter wheat properl}’ milled makes the whitest hour, pood risiiij;. e.'isily working donj;h and bread with a rich, nntt} flavor containing; a .snper- ahnndance of vitality hnildiuj; .i;lnten and ph(»sphate.

'Pnhe Rose I'lonr will he a threat aid to von in improving; the appearance of your bread. t'lean, wholesome and |)nrc. ^’on*ve heard about it. hut have yon tried it ?

Order Flour that goes the farthest!

OvkL Michigaii

You can ALL with NEWS WANTABS.

THS8T.JOHNS NEWS^THURSDAY AFTEBNOON ^FEBRUARY 6, 1913. PAGE 11*y«rry>Mipofir«"ryTr¥Tnmnnprgnnnnnnnn>.*y3na"X200POOOOOOOOOOOOoeoooooocxx300orxx)

News Short Story CotmpimimH m Ta3iory u





km tot km akamk$i. br to kirn kip witk am «

mma m aUMtlr b«Ut ■ daiM daifnriii ttot i


TW aoors had aomm; mOarty vaaiaa- ad away, la thair plaaa thava lay a blaakat of blUawy whlta that aaat wild atidhnuri o^warda to tha flrla* aall of eloada. Only a qaaitar ailla of tha BMdn road waa rtelhla. aad ap It tha Srat waaa of tha ml^ la* uadatloa waa naarehlac Hha a lofty wall. I raa toward tha atabla. earalac myaalf ta aiy mad dtaapoiatmaet.

I sallopad for tOt yarda. aad thaa tha tag aaibarad laa to itaaif. aad I had )aot aaoagh aaaaa to pall tha horaa to a alow troc

I eoald attll aaa tha road for a dooaa pacaa. bat all aaaaa of proportion aad diotaaaa bad poaa from aaa. Tha fop waa aot atalioaary. bat eorlad ta broad oonfuatap wraatha, or poarad

> aidawayo upoa ma la aaalaachaa of daaaar mlat. ■omattOMa tha oar waa oa tba road, aooMtlBMa off ft Twioa I aaariy napalaad. la tha aad I cllmhad down and woat to tba boraa'a haad. loadlap It forward at tba ran. I mada battar propraaa altar that.

Tat 1 waa not mora than bait way to tha ealra bill wbae from tba whirl* tap abadowa to my laft thara cama a sound that aa< my baart Irapiac la mr braaat It was tba mufliad thud of a filla.

1 stoppad, llstanlnp and ataiinp Into tba mist. A sacond abot followad. And than, as If ralsad by tbaaa acboas. tbara clangad a distant ball, a daap volea of loud alarm'from tha prison towar, tailing tba moor that a conrlet had ascapad. that Julius Craig was fraa and that 1—1. mlsarabla fool that I was. bad failad In tba trust which bad baau placed upon ma.

I triad not to think, but ran stub­bornly on baalde the horsa with that infamal ball rioting In my ears. My Ufa on tba moors had put ma In sound condition, and I narar slack* anad my paca till I bad trottad up tba rlso to whara tba track to tba nilnad farm began. I checked tba bora* nod walked slowly forward studying tba edge of tha moor besides the high­way for tba mark of tba grass grown ruts I knew so well.

I board the footsteps long bofora I saw him, a quick pattar upon tha bard

UouiD i:Tfji;rDbir.)li

^ » - -r VNO OUST


UouiD E^lOVEPOU' WAhOWAgf 01AL- as


“Ba anrafnl with that gnn.” 1 anld; —for ha still had am oovorod.

*1 bag your pardon, ahr.** ha pant, ad; **hnt wa wars ckma to blm and—^

“Cloaa to whom?""Thara^ n ooortet oaanpod. * ho am

plalnad. "You hnaan't aaaa hlmf* **110, nor llhaly to In this wnntbar.** Ha had got hlo hanatk by thAa thna

and stood laaalag on his rfffti, looh- lag wtffaaly ahoot btan

ara tight, air. Wa slai^ % ftg battar ehanoa of losing ouraaiana than of finding him In a fog llha thin Bat omm thing Is agually oorlala—ho anal got far, althar.**

It waa while ha spoha that I board II tha aMnk of a boot atrihlag a stoaa^ aad that got a aeora of yaido awoff.

afraid you aro only wostlhg tlmak** 1 aald. aa oarolsaaly as I wao aMa. **A aaadla la a haystaoh la aaoy eomparsd to a eonatet la a

I**I think I mast taka your adrloo,

atr.” bu hughad. 'Wu wlahad aacb otbar good aftar*,

noon, aad ha moltad away aa a bum ' might slid# batalnd a curtain. His i fOotaSaps dlad out down tha road by whleh ha had eoaaa aa I moaad for*! ward. I

**Tbut waa a naar thing. Klngalay,** auld a Tolea In tba shadows, aad I humbly thaakad my luck that Haaraa Btappad out upon tba road.

**I>a no ageuaa." I hagan. **11 woo all my fault, aad—**

“Huab! baap qulat.** 'Ha stood for a momaat llataoliv

Ilka a dog at a door.**Tf that fool of a warder bad not

gone back we ware done.” be whiapar- ad. ‘The guards chased us right into tba mins. While they searched them wa slipped down the track. Coaaa along. Craig, all’s well,”

The convict rose from the boat bar. where he had lain, and stumbled to­ward us. He was sbaking like a man with the ague, and the sweat waa mnning off his forehead and down his cheeks In narrow etreakt

"Am I safer' he stuttered, grab­bing my arm. “rve money, man. money. You shall have It. l swear you shall have It all! Hut I won't go back there—oot alive!”

“Come, null voursalf tncetber.” said waaraa, with a band on bto ahoal- dar. “Wa bava ao ttaaa to waata. ra> man bar.”

We wrapped the long coat owar his yellow clotbaa. atuck the wig over bis cropped haad. and helped him to tba front aaat I took my place basida blm. Haame clambarad up behind, and aur loumey began.

Tba borse was of tba old moor bread. Ha could have bowled us along at a good tan mllaa an hour if the fog had allowed It; but ns It was wa rarely uxceadad half that spuad It waa a mlaerabla time. Craig aat hud- dlad by my aMa, now cursing me for tike delay, now peering buck along tha

rtd. while be Implotad ua to tall blm

Ha waa aa IB-tsaaparud, pal* in. aad I did not waste althar

ar aympathy apau him. It mat until wa had paaaad ouar

I mllaa of roUlag uplaada aad pad down a stoop daueant to a

hrtdga. that tba fog show* ad signs at braahlBg. As wo strata* od up tha oppoatte hill M bagaa to toor away ta flying wlopa llha tha. aaoha of great gttaa. givtag as' gttmpeaa of a narrow alopa of tarf aailag ta a cliff, at tha foot of which ao aoooaa rtvar moaaad aad ehurhlad.

T holpod you loyally—you havw ao nnm plaint sBitaat. aMf” aahad oM yaaraa. tapplag ma aaddaaly ca tha

Rla band Ml baak with a kmc Hgh. aa that 1 tbniighi ail waa over; hot praasatly ba ralllod again, ta tba laat bMad effort at Ufa wbiab area a ama with a hrahaa baak will maha

*TioC a ffa. Mary daar ” ha called.How eoa thoy toll yoa It was mar-

Ho flalalMd hla asplaaatloa la an* other warkL

'nmt Is aboat all I naad tall yoa. I toaad tha horaa graalag by tha road atda aad drova to Aabburtoa witb no ■rant ears wbatbar they eaugbt ma or aat. Tat I waa baek ta LMdoa bm fora they found tbaf bodioa.

• •••••■o aadad tha story of John Haadar-

aaa aa laspactor Panes told It to

"Aad yoo?” I aahad.T aaapactad that 'KlagaMy' had

halpad la tha aoaapa, hot 1 navar Idea* Uflad blm with Jack Haadaraoa. * Wha UgHgag Haaraa might Im why hp

*THm thraauaed to threw hai wa­ter la aiy fnaa.” said a aahaal attaad- amof gfli ear, refer ring is a womaa

of tha traaaay of bar child. "Taa maai not threw hat water.** tha attpeadlary toM tha dafsadaat '*Tha oaa hasp ooalB of flta oa Ua hand. If you lika.**






H_wam galloping hoofi thht be

Women Are Constantly Being Restored to Heakfa by Lydia £. Pinkham’s

Vegetabik Compound.“Worth mountains of gold," says one woman. Another

says, “I would not give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for all the other medicines for women in the world " Still another writes. “ 1 should like to have the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound thrown on the sky with a searchlight so that all suffering women could read and be convinced that there is a remedy for their ills.”

We onokt till a newiiimper ten timea the alar nf this with such quo. tationa taken from the letters wr have reoeive«( fmni grateful mrnien whose health has lieen restored ami Buffering baubthed by LydM K. Ptnklianra Vegetalde (Vimmuml.

W’hy baa I.ydtat K. I*lnknam’s Vegetable ('ompoiind acenmplished such a univenml suoress? Why ha» it livetl ami thrived aitcl kept on doing its glorious arork among the sk-k women of the world fur more than .10 years ?

Simply and aurrly because of its sterling worth. The rmsnn no other medieine Itaa ever appmached its Biieoess is pfailnly and gim- ply beratise there is nootlier r.<^'(li(-ir.e mi gr>«ifl for wonmiia ilia.

Heir are two lettent that ju>t e to the writer’s desk—only two of thouaands, hut lioth trll a rvnnf< rtoig sfnry to every suffering wo­man who will rnod them—cml hy them.FUiiJi D. :i. nnov.*::.lulu. KaiiMo.—**I>u7ingtlieC!);.;t *r-

of Life I *^ni* »lf*W for tero **Mi*-». I ■- ffvre 1 tn>tk rofir UMwiicIne 1 no-,,., aoi buur iiMt> w.-ialti uf my «'’■ uud wa* v«'-y l>T -Mr Itorrd Hirer leildid mr no mrai. rhr> saiil «*Binat uevr . « r...3. r -rlardm t*. * .U I. ll f’-kS » VaffatabMOimpotiTiilaml !'Nircba- ■ a bottle. Hrfora It was poor tiir bloatlnr left on- bimI I wa*- r -t »«•■ora I eunt:niir«t taking it >tnt 1 1 bad taken Ik hottlea Now 1 am alroeger than I baea liteu for yr- a aad cun 'lo all mr work, ev*n tli« waahlag. Yntir aMsHHae la wn.-tli Ma woight In gotil. 1 ouaaot pralao It aanngb. If more women would taka your Bta‘<llrine Umre would hr | lt.< iana.OBors boslthy wrimen. Vera may oar Ihla loMer for the gonal of .hera. — i Mrs. D. 11. Ilauua, ana North Walnut '■IraaA. lola. Haa.

rnte to LTMA E.PI!«hMAS SCBirfSBi;#. (0BSf1IIVimAl*» LTHS. SAMI.. rwradvlM.

’Will Ba gpeaad. reaal and aaawgpgS

TTiiiiATm satbiT.' .hnri, In!. —“ I aefT»r*d for >4

*■»: r fmr-i onr*n‘'*tn0ainTnatkia. fiii* MruMUoaa. paiuuud il regulcH*

Til** p-^io- la ar sIBm ware - .M..I K.-rtr vtvntNag OB

IT f*-*'* nmi I bail «m*hawfal buariag • ..mil n. dcprvaa«d in

' i' S' ' * t' ’n and pals*- •■ «t H h- —- r*-*->, I had six < lot s ir<.n* wit- III 1 raoeivud only t« mpurarr relief. I derided to gtva I.Miia M rinkbam's V’flgetoMeCvaa- pi'iiiHi a fair trial and alaotbe Saai* ttre Waah. I hare now naod tho rrtoediea for four laontha aad oaaaot expreiM niy thaaka for what they hare Unae fornm.—Mra. .Sanca Wn.* UAaa,4Aa Jauma .'oreoi. Rt'fbart,

AouTder."I could novor wish a battar eoaa~

rade.” I told him.‘"rbat la bow I hopo you will al*

waya think of maHe waa not a kind of man to talk

■aotlaMat, and I glancad back In aur- priaa Thara was an axpraaaion of paaoo upon him, such aa I bava navor aoon la a human countonanco. altb* ar bafora or ataoo. Ha amllad. aad. raachlag osrar, gave my hand a ■quaaaa.

*Tou bavw tba making of a good fallow In you.” bo aaM. "May tba fatoa forgot your folllao.”

We drove on In alionco for awbilo, aad then tba old man roae. knaaling upon tho euablona of tba back aaat.

"Here comao tbo sun. Julian Craig,** ha oaM. ‘*Tbo mlata ara aeattofiog. aad tbo world cornea paaplng through Ut walcoma you back to fraadom. Women ai^ win# and carda iaaa tbo old spirit stir within you?”

"And who tbo devil may yoa bar* oakod tbo eoavlct, turalag upoa him.

‘*Havo flvo yaara ebangsd mm ao moebr Psrfaaps asy board la wbltar than It waa tbo ntgbt yoa flod wttb bar to tbo yacht ta Oadts bay.”

Tbo eoavlct gavo a mlagtod cry, llha a boast in pate, abriaklag baak. with bis faoo oaa gray maak of four.

'*Not Mortlmorr* bo whlsporad. **It oan't bo MortUaar. Ha diod.”

"Ton aro qolto miatakoB.” mid Haarao polltoly.

It all bapgaaod vary awtfUy—la oaa laag braatb or so. It aoaaaad to mo. Craig sprang from bis aaat aad raa wfMly down tbo alopo; bat tbo old ama wao not flva yardo babtad blm. I bollovo that tbo eoavlat bad tbo paao of Mm, bat tbo eltff tataod Craig to Um right, and tba aaat moamat thay bad eloaad. aad hang, swaying agon tbo adga.

TBq fliabar of a kaifs. a abrill. pig- tag ary. aad tboy ware goao

I was aioaa la tbo great allmaa^ OBoo for tho talat maramia at tbo otream m K fought tbo rooks bo- low.

reasb thorn, tor t bad to aMrt tba aSff arnil a agda of graafto boaldara gore BM a path ta tbo bottom. Craig waa dead, tbo halfo bad doao Ita work;

waa alfre, tboagk Ms wore glaalag tost Ho

killed the convict T ooold never find out. 80 I failed, but I doo't know that I am ashamed of It, alt things ooaaldared.”

"Did Hondaraon dio la tba bos-piuir

"No; tbay pullad blm round. Bobm old frieada found him a place to sooie racing stablaa. He Is tbore now.”

"Ho bad brokaa aovoral aorta of laws.” I Buggeatad. “Wbao bo recov­ered didn't you—”

“No. I didn't.” aald tba Inspactor, •rmly. '*1 lat blm go frea—and wltb- oot atralnlog my eoaaclance. olthsr.”


bat tho oM

itolatly. I ralaad hla band apoa my arm and wipad bin wrlahlod toon with

Ij^y baadbareblaf ] "la ha daair

”Toa.” 1 taM btm.■patn,^^ whiaparad. '*jfly daagbtor

—ba took bar to bla yaubt aanaadrel waa laarriad alriady aba dIod ta baa-

llttla child.”Loag aaareb—toaad ha

to Mil him. IMig Mm asaapa asaoMly. Thao bo woaM In I to too—If I bafl tool I

drain Is Beneficial to All ffaiwi Fouda, but Variety la Naanaeary for

Egg Production.

Oratn la the staple food for poul­try. and will ue used for that porpoae ■a long aa fowls are kept on fanaa; but hens ran not give good results on grain alone. It ta beneficial to them and will be at all times rel­ished. but tbe deawnds of the bens are soeb as to call for a variety. In the shells of eggs aa well am tbeir coropcMltlon are several forma of rata- eral nuitter and nitrogen, which «w» only be partially obtained from grain

Even grains vary In compoaltloo. and whea fowls are fad on one kind for a long tlam, tbay will begin to r»- fnaa It. as thoy omy be overaappllod with tbe elements of tbe food par­taken and lack tbe elements that ara beat supplied from some other aoaroa ftor this raaiBB tbay will aecagt a chaage of food, which la of Itaaif aa evtdeaoe that the bant raaaito from haaa oaa only be obtalaad by a varlaty of food Corn aad whaat aaur ba aaad am food wttb advaataga. bat orast ba gtvea as a portfcm of tbo ration and not mada axelaaiva ar- tlelaa of disc

SAW HORSE FOR SUAa LOGSOtreaNoaa Oivoa far Mabiag OvdBmry

Baak far tko Pargaas af Cog Mag Up Tlwsbar.

PBr mwlag up haavy timbor wBtreaa ordlaarr mw boras woaki aot bo strong enough, taka a Mg about 1 foot la diamator and Id or It toot long. Bore four S or S laah boMa la arblah to twaart tour atroug. round


Sotoare Can Mdtoly Bay.

Dr. Klag'a Naw IMaoovory aad give It to the little oaaa whaa aillag aad suffariag srlth coMa, cougha. throat or lung troublaa. tatosa aloe, harm- lass. aace used, always usad. Mra Hruce Crawford. NIagra. lio srritaa: "Dr. Klag'a New DMrovery changed our boy form a pale weak alek boy to tbe picture of beaJtb.” Always belpa Buy It at TravM Drug Co. aad VaaBIckle k (llaaple'a.

lavltad to Olao.Hla Wife fat the otbar and)—"Wall.

I If yoa'va already aahad Mr. Law to I dine with aa. I aupgoaa I'll manage ■amabpw. bat yon know I don t Ilka ' blm.” He fat tkM eadl—"Bhe aaya

, arerytblag'a all right, aad aba'll ba I tioklad to doatb to aoa yoB.”-~Browa. 1

•lag's Magdftaa j


They keep your feet dry—ssve doctor’s bills and give full ^ue for the price you pay. If you want

Boots, Lumbermen’s (Xers. Arctics, Gaitei^ Heavy or Light Gum Shoes for any memb^ of the family

ASK FOR LYCOMINCSthe rubbers that give satisfsctioiL

ticaUy all shoe stoics.Sold at piac-



Wednesday, FeL 12, ’13COWHEYCIHM AT Id 0*CL4N’K NHAKPt

A fine 80 acre iarm^reem bea«r. nprigbl ldx:Mt wia a I4x±!t graaar} Idxfldi leelbea«r Hxitt rera rrih aad wagea shed idxflit

h«irM- tiani l^tS::: bay barn totkft rew and •brvp >Num IdxFIt goad smeke keasa, lira h«a«r aad keg pea; gaafl juanx i»iTliarfl nf TA Irrr*,: an extra treed well aad ririrra.


IlilHHEH.tiray man*, witb foal. jr«. eld. lira) niarr IS }!>. old.:t yr. old iiay gridiag. itray mart- celt, ft men. old.

CIIH.Ilarbam mw. dur Bar. Ptb. •• ym. oU.

HtN.M.HreiNl Miw, dar .\pril id.

SIIEF.P.Lt rnr% dnr ia AprilHam.

ItllTLTHI.4d mixed bra*.

IHPLFMEATS \MI TtMll.h. t'bampinn Hadrr: llerriag amwrr. M«bera hay rak«- (IS feelf.IliM- barrow, arw; waperiar drilL new limrb :f.|rnr»r raititater.

iMi.|oeih Irirr •plkr drag. arw. S-berM- ilftbera •priag drag, btrri laad rollers ^l«*etb raltitaler. (ireeaillle walking plow, tiliier «alky plew (I hettem) 0 I'air ef %leigb«t iwlr ef «leigk ragaer' IMatferm buggy, opriar *eat.Hiag|«- baggy t wheelbarrow.Bide tire wagwa; grind «teae. Platforai wagea wHh steek raek.Hiieil rarkt Keck iotaad bay leader. Hay ferk aad Idd ft. rape.I «el damp imards.

NARTEfBt.bet heavy harnesst single Hame K Hlagk- Hame harness.Pair ri) nets.I*air nf bnrse blanketst two robes.

HAI A.\n OKtI.V.Qaanlity of timnlby hay.

ifnaatity ef mixed kay. black et clever bay («eeoBd rattJaff) tlmat Imi baadles ef rera stalks. Ibeat -itW bashels ef uals.In acres uf wbeai ua the groaad.

WlMCELLl.YEorH. i leg chainst sbetels and ferks. .Sreeps; |m»s( digger.

white oak feare pests, lb rds wire fenre.Haleriai fer 7u crates.Pnlleyst Htaek canias to by It. new Abent Id grain sacks.Hel of dies aad laps.Hlacksmilh tire.a set whiffle trees, complete, new. tine-mnn crnss.cnt sna.3 cider bb|s.t bnm bbl.t 13 gaL creaftA few honsebeM goods nad other ar-

lieles te«i namerons t«, meatloB.

"I^.HHS **^^*'-**^**^ 'I- PHMPKRTY d&.gti or under casht ua snms oxer distw. niae monlbs* time will be giv* en on gfMHi bankable aeles drawing s ix per ceal inlervst.

Gn^6, AdministratorR. L. BIX BY, Auctioneer


t»\E \M» OMNHILE WILES WENT l»F HT. .M»li:^H, 0.>



HORSESr»;i\ Imrsf. ‘t years did. weiphl t ir.'iy iuir.se*. / yrs. <d<l, wciLjlit IlrdWM marc. \vcij;rlit IJ.SO.Hlack cnlt, coininjj 3 yr.s. old.

CATTLEKctl ct*\v, f) yrs. did, dm- in March.Red ct»w, 7 yr.s. old, tiue in .May.Red Cdvv. 7 yrs. «dd, due in Afiril.Red Cdw, ri yr.s. tdd. dm* in .-Kpril.Three .sprinjj calves.

SHEEP2*> jjfidd breeding ewes.Shrop.^hirc ram.

HOGSDuroc Jersey hnuid .sow.f» Durtic Jer.sey pigs, wt. 100 Ihs. each.

roULTRY.25 White Leghorn hens.

IMPLEMENTS AND TCKDLSMcTtirmick hintler; Jone.s mower.Jones hay rake; Thomas hay loader. Empire grain drill; Osborn hay tedder. Surre: > manure spreader.Iilaek Hawk corn fdanter.( dixer iilky plow; 2 walking plow".

()shorn hay tedder..American 2'hnr*^e I'nltivalor with bean

puller attachment.I wo l-hnrse cultivators.Hench 2*hnrse ciiltivat«»r.Oshtirn sfiring lofith firag.'>0-tooth .spike tlrag: land roller. Werder; lumber wagon; hohsiciglis. Double buggy; single buggy.2 sets work harness; 2 single harness.2 .sets fit heavy fly nets; wooden sled. Hfiy rack; sttick rack; 2 set hay slings. 2 sets dump-hoards; 100 hu. crates.11 hhl. steel tank; 1,000 .Ih. scales, h'anning mill; corn sheller.2 .sap pans; 200 .sap buckets.Feed cooker; 2 lawn mowers, (irindstone; .some fence posts.Grain l>ags; 2 .10-gal. crocks.12x.U) Kalamazoo .Silo, new.Forks; shovels, and tithcr articles

numerous to mention.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dresser; 2 bedsteads and Heating stove; oil sto\*c.Kitchen cabinet.




S-ll mkmm

■ff PtoPb bavtaff two galre



Darius Fldridge 5on. Prop’rsR. B. HIKB. i'Mril. "Al'MPNT HILLRS,

Only ONE tUn^ lETIO Uma a News Want liaw aad! IkM is - - - Another one!


The Easy L4ucativeIb iBfCNtP yomntU ymm tk

wmmmy twcit If jroM daa't liltstSTtlna tiuc BMlIy 4o glv« mm

Omd hmth is Istsiiy disiuJisi «psa Um (wvsls. Whsti tlMv bwMM

^ ««Ms Msisnsl ISai is

* mSssns 9ktSk sSnwSST UiISmSh^iiw bs4ir. tSAilit to etsAto sssSsd


mmd Mssiss *1 ^k^tewsts sad asss*

Make Ua Prove Itt«as to III—tl svanr

- ^ ■ iUssifAsoM hassS iisisssliss s— pay—s Ws ss—tos to istaafl svanr

Thsr 0^ ba« I—psssnr fsMsf. psaar paid as Isr Bsaall OsdssNw ifTWrsft—sNSSsaatotW rsai tooalda da aa» #aa saNss saSNiasItsa.TIms sss pstlisaisrty bad lar sMI* Wa ask as pstMisss aad aaia — dMa. dalisaSa sr aasd psess— war oMisasa paa. Yoav asasawasd is

saasi—l far as to pta»"i«»

I ia tobiai lotto, tosto )——d sta aasad far tkaif

srtpa.Ir SVVBBBStototot aaaaa UMI

■ tltoadasi up— tbs uas of pafslirsa. Tbsir asitoa u so c4^

toat llw toktas of Rasail Oidar-lias alasoas bsootoss a daaira iaaaaadaf a datjr.

Daaaa't tkat prara tkai RaaaM Ofdarfias toast ba ngktf Y— toato kaott as aauid aat dara aaka aarf* a praoa— aaiaaa — —ra paaltiva^ eortoia tkat llaaall Ofdarfias adl da mi — rfa— far ikMo. Tkaaa is aw tooBsy nak attackod to a trial of ataaTl Ordrrfiar. aad ia jaatiaa tr yoararlf. p— akoaid aet k—tala to

mmmmmt vnwraov s— va—r^to—-iaat vast paakat aasa ua boaas: IStabiata. lOe; M taWata. aSo: 10

TW too idaal for a«Nl or ifakaataCAtmON' PtoMo boar ia aaad tkat Roaall Rstoadiaa aaa aat aoid fay aU

Ato You aao bup Kaaall OadarlM* oalp at Tka RaaaU Storaa ^y— a— bay Kasail OrdmUm ia tkia ootasauaitp oafp at oar atora:


The Tbaott star, michioah

-------- owti ««ty la tk» 17aiiaii Stiiaa. Caaada apJHataady lar naariy aaarr "wilaary haaiaa UT^

Bl far aaiirli H m tan rawanSirU a Na—: J—to la aaartr IW toja — — M a iiSawat HaaallJUiyanally lia^aaif far tkr partiadar Bl far wtmtt, H m tan tawanSatTiM Kaxall fttor— at« Aatorfca's Or—t—t Dnag kcor—

Thara will ks a aacrad HBBssrt giv- — kp tha ofMdr si tks M. ■. diMrcIi Susdsp av—lac. rsk. Mb. A sllTsr ofCatins trill bs tsirad.

Tka M. R L. A. 8. trill nssi artlb Mrs. dauN Hlalckt for dlssar Thsrs' dsp, rab. IS. Tka Isdl— art rsqsast- ad ID brims tklsibl—. naadlss and apron pnttams.

Wto. (ioodrtck. wko k— bs— apamdlng tks pnst taomUi In Utsk st tka koaae of his dsuskisr, Mrs. Ksrl 8src—t. rsinrmsd komto Tussdsp.

Ksrl Msklsr. llUla som of Mr. sad Mrs. Pstsr Mskisp, hsd his sollsr* tboaa brokam wklla plsjtas nt school FrMsy. Ho Is cstUms slomc nl—lp.

Mr. ssd Mrs. John McOoaUcsl of ' ssstni ap—1 Ssiupdsy In this plseo with the formar's slsior. Miss OttsUa McGoalssl.

Mrs. Mlllsrd Slotckt. who w— isk- an WOT— Issi waak. ksa s trsined nur— to — for bar noar.

Mrs Whtto of Imnslnc Is aisylss with kor dsusktor. Mrs. Mlllsrd rtlalckt.

.Ml— Ruth Childs of Lsnslns spoet fromi Ssturdsy uatll Moadsy night with hor aunt. Ml— QuMir Mcftonlgsl, in this plseo.

Mrs Plors (luidott h— gone to De- Witt for a fsV days arlPti friesda

The Miss— Della (isrdaer and Mias Hhlrlsy Kounda. west to 8t. Johns Tuesday to attend the taatoher'a In- atituto.

Jam— Sweesa). who had bseti very sick with the lasiippe. is able lo be around again.


Alloa Hefty w— Quito atok for s raw daps with aanito isdig—tins, but Is bactor sow.

Mr. aad Mrs. Ivaa Rosokrs— aad two bsbl—. a leas sad Floydr, vtsltad Mr. sad Mrs. DsHd Qllsoa sad Mr. and Mrs. Ray Qllsoa oas eraatag last wash.

Uall Ur—al— sad Clauds Msssrsll of North 8lsr rlsltod tko irst of this wssk wfth rrsd sad CIsrsa— Qis—• wpsd.

Jay Macs of 8ostk Uskofs vlsltod a fsw days I—t trash sad o—r Ssa- dsy St the hoBu of Chari— sad Lssf Ura—wood

Tbsra w— quits a largo crowd st tka* dsaclag party st tks Bsaaor Ursage Hall last Prfdsy eYsateg. Tksre wore S4 oumbs— out. This wssk Prldsy eesalag tks— will ks s prog—1 Ye psdro party.

Mrs. Orpks Batlsr of Mspto Rapids Yisttsd s raw days Issi wssk srttk Mrs John Wsac 1— sad-Hay—oad Wlast took ksr bo—s Ssturdsy. stay- tag oYsr night with M—. BuUsr.


Mrs B. B. KslUm of St. Johns vls- Ued Mrs John J. Ijong Saturday. She returned home Ssturdsy evening.

Co— and Ruth Hsrka rlalted their sisters. Mrs. Ruby Willyoung and M—. Herman Homer, the last of l—t wssk

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Wlllyoungs are the proud possessors of a tine new pi­ano and little Bernice is taking lea- ao— now.

Ml— Hiiah Eddy went to Saranac Thursday to visit relstlv—. She re­turned horns Monday.

Mrs. Addle Lwe vlaited in St Johns one day laat week. She alao visited friends In Pewamo Wednesday.

Mrs John Swartz visited In lools one day last weak.

C. F. Meyer was in St. Johns last Thursday.

Haynond Meyer went to Ann Ar­bor Thursday. He returned boms Monday evening.

Mrs O. E. Kti—. who visited her sister. Mrs. Ueo. Baldwin, the drat of Iaat week, rttumed to her home in Lake tidesoa Thursday.

Ernest Thornton returned to his home in Rochester last Wednesday morning

Mrs. Will Everts. Mrs. Dr. Schemer, and Mrs ^E H. Fletcher were In St. Johns W^nesday.

Mrs J H. RockwfKid from Saginaw vlaited .Mrs. D H .Macpheraon last week

.Mrs Agnes Baldwin vlaited her mother and slater in Ovid last week Wednesday and Thursday.

Mrs W H. Snelling was in St. Johnb last Thursday.

Mias Maggie Buckley of .Saginaw < am*- last we«»k Wednesday lo visit Mrs W W Kinley and huaband.

Char Hauck of Detroit came Fri­day to visit hla aunt. Mrs. James Fln- ela. and family Me returned home Tuesda> morning.

Ola IaBW from Bath visited hla friend. Ml— Blanch PV>x. Sunday.

.Mrs. E. Ia. Baxter of Shepardavllle IS visiting her daughter. Mrs C. F. Meyer

Rev t'hatfteld of ffubhardaton vis­ited In town Tuesday.

Mrs Oeo .Mullins was in St JohnsMr> Cha.' I>ane of Warousta visit­

ed iheir auni. .Mrs. M A. Trsvls. the laat .if ?h. we<=k She also vlaited Mrs <* Briinn In Pewamo and old fiiendu here .sh»* returned to her lion'. Suturdsv noon

Mrs ('lias Brtinn of Penamo vlalt- •^1 friendi. In town Friday

Hefti. Bel? Mlicnitt went to St. Johm* on* «Im' iiftt week

>lr .iiul .^lr^ \ IfiifiiHge! went toCrsiid V' >n<'Tv where she ex-• i«i n< 'h<r fr»*at'-ent.

Frank !i. . ...p jp,, returned home fro;u lie’rtilf Mondny .ifter a two

’ vl»|. with relatives and friendsM lose Fox and brother Herman '

atlen.i.^i tSe play at Westphalia Mon- da) .-v^nlng

The lAsdl—* AM vrlll ro—t with Mrs. Samuel Parks next week Wed- n—day, Feb. llth.

Maiion Stiirgl* visited In Grand Rapids over Sunday visiting friends

Miss Maggie Buckley returned to her home In Saginaw Tuesday noon.

Mra. K. U Baxter returned home to Shepardavllle Wednesday.

Mlsaea Alvlra and Agn— Bandt vls- llcd their grandmother, Mrs Sophia Pa—h, Sun^y.

J. W. I»lerre and aon liSland. were in laitngsburg the last of the week.

Mrs. H. P. Thornton visited her sla­ter, Mra. John Swartz. Tuesday

Alva Hafner attended the play In Westphalia Monday evening.

The Mlsaea Pewri Baldwin, Hllah toddy and Irene Fineis and H. Rny- inaaid Meyer from here attended the '••^l^er'a institute at St. Johns Tu—- day.

Nearly all the teachers of the sur­rounding country attended the teach­ers’ Institute held at St. Johns Tu—- day.

M'c arc very sorry to lose our Jew­eler from our midst as O. E. V'lnim Intends to move to Racine. Wia. this week A farwcll party was tendered them Saturday evening.

Mi— Eva tteller went to .St Johns Monday evening.

Joseph Schueller and Chns. Theis went to tirand Rapids Monday as Mrs Schueller expected to have an­other operation that day.

About twelve of the young girl friends of Miss .Agnes George gave her a farewell surprise party Mon­day evening, as she Intends to enter the convent In the near future. .She was presented with a dozen napkins as a remembrance of the occasion. A fine supper was served and all enjoy­ed a very good time

MIse Kegtna Thelen attende<l the play at W»'stphalla Monday evening ;«s the play was iiost[Mined from Sun­day evening on arcf»unt of one of the actors being sick.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ M.ITKRTDH>. ♦


O M (’lark snd wife of Wacoutta are visiting friends slid relatives In Ionia county this week.

Charles S Ingalls and family were entertained last Sunday at Peter .Shafer's In the north part of town.

The 1-adi—’ Aid .Society of Water- town met with Mrs. M’llllam WIckani l—t 'Thursday.

Herman lAoroff Is getting ihe ma­terial on ihe ground for a new barn In the spring

Mr. Bartlett of near St. Johns has li>aacd the Fenton Brink farm here and will mo^ on In the n—r future.

Quite a gi^ number of teachers from this township attended ths In­stitute held at St Johns last Tuew- day and refiort a pleasant time.

ftocar Case entertained hay bailers last Tuesday. D Devereaux and force from Olive township dfSng the work.

Mrs. Fre<l Beaty received word last Tuesday that her father w— very sick In Oakland (*o. and not ex|>ecled tp siinlve. .Mrs. Beaty will leave for Oakland Co at once.

.MIse TeMie Elliott who teach— In the Harlow district was compelled to

i give up teaching the first of the week on aeoiint of sickne—.

j Word was received here the other < dnv that John M. Burroughs, a form- I er resident of NVatertown. but now of I Mecosta county had burned out and j they had lost everything In the house I which was a total loss .Mr. Biir- j noichs Was a kind neighlMir here nad

has ih* symiMlhy of this nelghbor- I hood

♦ tNlimi IaEBA.NOK 4♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Chari— M. Plggott was a lASnslng visitor last Sunday.

Mrs. U. R. Townsend visited at the home of • leof^e Ulillaun In Haat Bl—r- ham last week Tuesday and Wednes­day.

The four children of Paul Jander- : noa. who have been HI with scarlet I fever, are getting niong nicely.I Joeeph Clark and wife were In St I Johns last week Friday on bustne—.

Mrs. Agn— Whittaker of Fowler rlslted her parents. F. M. I*lggott and wife, last sreek.

Ell Smith and wife and Herman Smith and wife attended the sliver wedding of Frank Roberts and wife E—ex last Saturday.

Miss Anna Ptggott went l—t Mon­day night to care for Ed. Bertram and family of Dallas, who are III with scarlet fever.

Mrs. Carrie Kellam of St. Johns |

ONE-HALF OFFoo Coats, SiRtt, Wool Dresses, Sfcirts and Fws

Our 64th Anniversary Sale closed Saturday, February ist, 1913. It was a great success and we wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their most liberal patronage.

Our Ready-to-VVear department is somewhat broken in sizes but we still have many exceptional good values which we are going to offer for a quick clean-up at HALF-OFF.


.OaL tttjSe HAMBHTh .


ILL SlJgii «AB■BNT^ .

ALL iISjft MARHBNTS .ILL siaae qabvbnts



ALL MdM QAnBNTS .............. mM

ALL Kuts QABmrm_______ luaALL SLM QARMENTN___ _

ILL #4.00 QIRVe.YTS _____ IMt

ALL mjim U.IRMK.YTN _____il.75ALL mjm IMMMKNTN_______ llOe

ILL mm QARMKNTH_______ •!.—ILL S1.S0 QAIUIE^TH $ .7i

HALF OFF CoaiMt SaUm and SUrtM

J(dm Hicks33 CU—ew Ays*. St. JsImm, Mick.

HALE OFF WoolDrmmmm

and Farm

uf laM week atspent several days Chari— Howard's.

Howard Dstiourne and wife of Pom­peii arc visiting at Eli Smith's this week.

Mrs F M. IMggott was called to |« Ionia laat week Wednesday by the ^ Illness of her cousin. Mrs. Dniay i ^ Martin. She returned home last ' a Saturday as her cousin w— better. '*

Mrs. Ell A. Smith last season rala- | # ed fifty seven goslings from three I • ge—c When she marketed the geeac « laat fall they brought seventy-—ven • dollars, dressed, the f—the— t23 dol- 1 * la—, total tiuw. M—. Smith Is a gr—C j • imultry woman. Who can beat this *

i record? aj Archie Smith and wife were Sun- •I day guests at the home of H. Face In I ^! Essex. : •

Two ChiMrea Die.The sympathy of the whole com­

munity is centered in the misfortune of Mr. and M— Adam Bert—m, who live a mile w—t of town In the low of their little daughters. Florence aged seven y—. who died Wedn—- day, and Marcella, aged live yea—, who died Saturtla\ A t—Ined nur— was procured and everything that loving hands could do was done but lo no avail The parents aad other reimtiv— «re heartbroken over their sad fate

\V S .Skelton, a merchant at Stan­ley. ind . sn>» he would not take tlOO-

for tin relief a single box of Foley Kidney IMlIe gave hlir I had a se­vere attack of kidney trouble with Kharp |M«lnr through my back .vnd could hunil> straighten up. A single box of Foley Kidney Pills entirely re­lieved me ■■ VanSickle A Glaspie.

Halj Trialtj f'harrh Na|e«. lotot Sunday was the Te—t of Can-

dlema— or fhiiiflcatlon of our Bis—ed Virgin Mary.

Monday the feast of St. Blaxe throats were blessed

Wedneada) wae Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the lo^nten season

( \III» tlF TIM.NKN We wish to thank the friends and nelghbo— for their kindn> ee during the sick­ne— and di-ath of our babe, also the Gleaners for the b—utiful dow­ers. Mr. and .M— August Hohn

.S^oocxxxxxxxxy ntxyrxxv oc-c moooooooc;

Majestic RangeSale and Exhibit

Beginning Feb. 17th*and5asting all the week. $7S0 worth of ware given FREE with each range sold during Exhibit. Remember the date. Feb. 17. See big adv. next week.

Spaulding & Ox

I'KMKTKHY MKFTIM;.The Silllson t'emeterv Aaao<iallon

will hold their next meeting at the tirove church Wednesday evening. Feb. lltth. After a short husine— meeting a well prepared program will be given as follows dinging by a quartette; Invot'ailon; singing; oftening remarks hy the pr—Ident. .M—. Jones; r—ponce, Helen Hchoais; Hngliig. male qMartette; ‘History of the Stillson t’euietery dating l»ark to 1H56." prepared and rend by Annie Hchoels; solo, l>onn:i l*nrker; recita­tion. Hoy Balrom, recitation. Jack tiregorv; singing; recitation, Roy Miiyck; sulo. Ralph Jon—; re«-liation. Zelmii .dcf. recitation, Mrs Ralph Jonej,. singing; recitation. Paul

’ Crane; singing; r—dlng. ('leon • Irrene. r*-cltatloii. Ralph Jones; solo, Rov Balrom• recitation. Ira Gregory; closing song The singing will con-

^ iiist of well prciwred solos, trl— ami quartett.^ .Mrs. Edith dh—hsn and Doris l*arker will act — organists. A

j ct,rdlal Invitation is extended to ail 'lecting win call promptly at eight



.Ya WaNdar Zema Is urAHA.YTKKD ta Stoll ItrMag a—l INIRN II.

.\» .>ee>d to H|#|i HarkWhen the doctor orders you tu sioj) '

work it staggers you. I can't you —y. i You knoa you are weak, run down ' and falling in h—Ith day by day, but you must work at long as you can stand What >011 need Is Electric Hlt- te— to «lv« tone, strength and vigor ' to your system, to prevent break down ^ and ^lild >ou up Don't be w—k, sickly ur uiliug aitb Electric Ritters j will bcnctli you from the first dose, i Thousands bless them for their glorl-1 ous health and strength. Try them. Every iNittlc Is guaranteed to —Usfy. | Only *.o«- at Travis Dnig Co and Van- , dlrkle Al tllasple's.

Saturday %)ecialNmxt Satwnday, Fmbruary 8th, will amli you a 60c packagm of

Matches for 38c. Not a short undersized match, hut a Ml sized. Ml length, double dip safety match, the best thing made—hltse or white tip. We have bought heavy and htwea liberal supply. Don*t fail to take a package home with you.

Fr2uik J. Wauxlwawaaaaaaawawawwaa aawwawwws

A few application of ZKMO, tha —- markable nww re—ady for akin affllc- ttono. and atoay go the torrfbla Hek- lac and pnin of acta—a aad se—a oor—. ptoipl-, hlotcb—, prickly h—t.

It glY— —llaf laotantiy to any Irrl- tatad, taWamniad or raw skta. It soothioc effact la al—t k—oly. ZMMO la a liqaM. You apply It la a too—t. It oialM light Ta aad tia work hagtas It caaaot ba aqaallad by aaythlag la tbia worM for ooa- hura or rsdd—ad oktai U— H oa tba eblMr— for prtokly boat oa aay ao—a. btt— or oMaga. SBMO la ab- aolutoly aafa. Daadmff abaolatoir dl—pp— aflar uoiag SMMO.

It will ooot you ag|y fl oogla to try SMMO Saat aad proY* It

SUMO la ooM ta W Boat aad 91 bai- tl— or oaat dtfwat oa raoatpt of prt—. by R W. Ra— Madlctaa Oo.. St Laala. Mo. TIm 91 botUa costalao olx tta—a ao mooli aa tba W saat boUla.

•dm oai gaaraatoot la Mt Joluia by tba Tiaoto Drag Oa.

DHITI’IRV.Mary Ann Calder was burn In New

York Hiatc January 3u. lH2s. She came to Michlaan when a child of eight yen—, settling on a farm with her (tarents In the township of Olive, j Clinton county. It being one vast wild-' erne— .'the endured all the hardships i of the early pioneer, her father's cab- ! In being the rtrst ererte<l In the town- ^ ship at that time not named. She be-1 Ing th< oldent of the family of four | children cared for the younger <ui— j while her mother worked with her ’ nt'edle to help support the family At | th«- ug< of twenty she united In mar-1 liage with William .Sherman of I»e- ! Witt >’''on after they moved to, Miokegfui. her husitand working In the liitnlH-r wtHuls and she with a lit- i tie halu- cooking for the men In 1>*6I ' they returned to her old home In Dllve. Soon utter her husband and one child l«ssed .iway leaving her In meager circumstances to care for a l.vinlly of i tivi children. Htlll ah«- tolled i>n with ! that phuieer spirit which she retained until the last, giving her rhildi*n a. fairly gmai education After a nciii-' ber of y—— of atdnwhooil she unlteu . again in tnarrlage with Jacob Botroff. j To This union was born one son. and | when he was four y—— old she was again left a widow She soon after united In marriage with Jam— Knn—t after living together neorly 12 yea— she w— again called to mourn the lo— of a kind huaband aad step-fath­er. She and her aon stayed oa the farm until her health failed her. She aold her little home, she aad ber aon remoYlag to Ithaca wtae— abe ' cared for uatll her death which oc­curred Jaauary 17, ItlS. at the age of <N yea—. II taontbs aad 17 daya. be­ing a great auMe—r the Utot year. She la aorvlYed by tmo aoaa. John Botrog, with stbooi abe lived at the tin— of ber death; Myroa Sbermao of Gratiot; M— George Jooee of laaotag; olx groadchlldron; aloe great graadchtl drea; heeld— ooe atotor. M—. Man Coraell of St. Johns

The fuaorol woo held at Olive eburrb Soaday. Jan. Iftb. the Rev. Flober of DeWitt oftolotlag. Intor- meol ta Merrtbew ceotofery, heatde her lato huaboad who paooad away n yea— ago.

Satisfaction in Life.I would have nobody to control me;

I would be absolute, and who but I? Now, he that Is absolute can do what be llkeo; he that can do what he llkee Oaii take his pleasure; he that can take his pleasure«an be content; and be that can be content has no more to desire. So the matteFa over: and come what will come, I am satleSed.—- Carvantea.

.Ire A’eo a fold HaSererl Take Dr King# New DIacovary.

Tito Rest t'nagb. fold. Threat aad l.aag medicine made. Money refund­ed If it fella to cure you. Do not hesitate -take It at our risk. First dose helps. J. R. Wells. Floydada. ^ Tex—, writ—; 'Dr. King's New DIs- j covery cured my terrible cough and cold. 1 gained IB pounds" Huy It j at Tntvls Drug Co. and VanSickle A ; Glaspic's


Title of Pope.It la uncertain when the title pop#

waa fl—t used. The earll—t Instance we can cite. Is that of Mermcllus. Pa­triarch of Alexandria. In 222. It la still the ordinary title of palish piieota in the eastern Greek church. In the weat. It continued for several oanturlM to be applied to blobope gen­erally, but It was r—tficted to tba . Roman poatig by Gregory VIl. in a aynod, held at Rome In 1073

But He Wouldn't Oet Up.There was net I'ven standing rxito

In the crowded electric car, but aaa more passenger a young wemaa, wedged ber way along Just inside tha doorwgy, Bach time tbv oar took a eudden lurch forward sne fell bal^ laoaly back and three tim— she laa4 ad la tha arms of a large, oomfortabla man. The third time it happened ha ■aid. qntatly: "Hadn't you bettar eta hero?"—kxchangc

SI. Juhns, .Mich., Febftmxmn.

Wheal, white Wheat, red(tou

«. 11*13.

Aucllofi Advcftiiinf Fiyi

NEWS JOB DEPT. New, modem, up-to^atc.

CASTOR IAto Ito—— OhiUMk

111 Md Ykiln SNg lap

.. 1103 ___ ll.UI........... 30

___ hoChoice band picked beans .. . 91.toOther Seans tic per buffer each Ib.Corn shelled, per bushal-------- ------- tOCorn in ear-------------- 10Clover seed. June-------------------- 910.00Clover aeed. Mammoth --------------$10.00Clover. Alyelto 911.00

LIYV STfNIILCAltIf. fatted__________ 94.00 • 90.00Veal calv— ___________ 90.00 • 10.00Hogs, per cwt-------------....... _ I0J6Laaibe. par oert. 99*00 # 90A0


GimbinationAt Gardners* Bam

Wednesday, Feb. 12Beginning at 12 o’clock, sharp:

Boat draaaad r.OO • IIOJOrPork. dreooad ----------- 99.00 O $$M'^alvaa. dreoaod .... 910J0Vaal oalvto . . 99 00 o 9M

LPri MOLTBlellagB. laiga, fot 9 to 10Toaag okleiia, larga, tot ___ 0 • 11Daoka. larga, lot........ __________ISOaa— ........ 0Draaaad Gaaoa . 11Turkaya. larga. ____ If • 14

Baaf kMw — •W—eoBOi XlWO^iP 9mm...... _____ IMOCalf eklna, graan Urv—■— sa—e 09Sbaap peltovmmftm.Battor

to iLiO

Hay aeMiag, 0 yve*. wt. IIM Hay BM—, H yya. eld, wt. 1190. Ray caN. eaailng twa yaote aid.

diaagbt brad.■ay ally, age yaar aM.May fwM, twa yaara aM.

■ay toaea, wt. MiO Ibo.■ay eaU, gaailag twa yaan ■ay toato, age • aad S yia. Tw> yaar iM oage aaN.

Npibe l«■Ml drag.read eariksr.

i ro«i.

Tm hMIOto, Mi 1

Um dstfaa.

Fatato— _______ UISH • 19

Na. I TlntotbyNa. 1 Clavar........ ...............—— 9T.S0Na. 1 Qtovar alaoi ■■

This fist cowtaiaia a Bne lot of Mack

August MiBor

top related