Hillel House in Israel - portal.idc.ac.ilportal.idc.ac.il/he/main/about_idc/news_events/doclib2/hilel_eng.pdf · Hillel House in Israel Hillel Israel is an organization aimed at promoting

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Hillel House in Israel

Hillel Israel is an organization aimed at promoting a Jewish renaissance among students around the country. At IDC Herzliya, the organization has many different activities, including Friday evening meals on campus, the "best buddies" social initiative, and more By Gal Gingis Third-year student of law and government

Before we went our separate ways at the end of the interview, as he left the room to go about his business, Ran, director of the Hillel program at IDC Herzliya, said to me "Leave the door open". The open door is symbolic of the work of the Hillel staff who are true to their path and their aim of a Jewish revival, open to all.

Hillel Israel is an organization whose role is to promote a Jewish renaissance among students around the country. Hillel succeeds in touching and affecting thousands of veteran Israelis, new immigrants, and students from abroad by providing them with a unique space to experience Judaism, social expression, and the creation of social change in Israeli society. Hillel operates throughout the world, as well as

throughout Israel, in universities and colleges.

Pictures of liturgy and music evening

I arranged an interview with Ran Shabtai Yosef, a graduate of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy and the written journalism program, who directs the Hillel program at IDC Herzliya. "The main task", Ran explains, "is to provide a home for Jewish students while they are at university, on the assumption that this is the time when

they make decisions about their religious identity, and life in general. In addition, we make it possible for Diaspora Jewry to contribute to Jewish identity no less than the Jews and Israelis living in Israel." This assumption with regard to the symbiosis between the communities is an important key to the principle of Jewish revival that guides all the organization’s activities, from the communal Friday evening meals held on campus, through the volunteer campaigns and the lessons in Midrash and Jewish philosophy, to the excursions and outings.

What, in fact, is Jewish renaissance? "The Jewish character of the state of Israel lies with the generation of the future, and will be shaped according to the connection that this generation feels towards its Jewish roots. Although young Israelis speak Hebrew and follow the Hebrew calendar, many of them feel that Judaism is no longer relevant to their everyday lives. As a result of experiences they have had in the formal education system, personal meetings, or a charged attitude towards the religious establishment, a large percentage of young people see Judaism as a whole as dogmatic and feel alienated from it. As a result, we see many Israelis defining themselves as secular,

disconnected in practice from their own traditions. And yet, searching for a sense of belonging and looking for a secure place that will enable them to take a look at their choices, young people still want to learn about their identity.

According to Ran, Judaism belongs to every Jew. Affiliation with a religious stream, belief in the creator of the world, or participating in Jewish ceremonies - these are not essential conditions. Hillel turns to everyone and says: "The Jewish heritage is yours. Be involved in it, connect to it, and celebrate it in your own way". Hillel challenges students to seek and find what they are looking for, to choose what is meaningful to them in Judaism, to feel secure in the knowledge they have acquired, and most of all - to feel pride and love for their heritage. "Jewish renaissance", Ran emphasizes, "is shaped by the students themselves

as they see fit, based on the Jewish sources". This is a further example of the spirit that beats in the heart of the organization - creating "something from something". What is special about Hillel at IDC Herzliya? "The international atmosphere. A large percentage of the students are not from Israel. This offers fertile ground for the development of an organization that is varied both in terms of its activities, and also in terms of its culture. At IDC, the organization also faces unique challenges, such as the fact that there are not yet any student hostels, or the fact that many students work in order to finance their studies, which does not leave them time for intellectual and leisure activities at Hillel. The pressure of studies that results from the combined degrees is also a difficulty that we face, and yet Hillel has succeeded in holding a wide range of activities. Among the activities held by Hillel on the campus: "My friend, have you forgotten?!" - an Israeli program of liturgy and music; Beit Midrash study halls where Jewish philosophy and thought are learned; "Streams in contemporary Judaism" – a 2-credit academic course taught at the IDC and open to all students; a yoga course, held on campus for the third year; the "best buddies" social initiative - a program bringing together students and people with social disabilities; "Save a Child's Heart" - an international Jewish program bringing children with heart problems to Israel for medical treatment from across the Middle East; "Micro-finance" - a unique program helping refugee women from Darfur through a fund transferring money to encourage

them to join the workforce; Friday evening meals on campus - held once a month, each meal reflecting the variety and flavor of a different country; Jewish celebration of holidays and festivals; and more. Before concluding the interview, Ran wanted to underline the fact that "Hillel does not belong to any religious or political stream, and so provides a safe and comfortable environment for students to connect to their Judaism, and, in fact, to themselves and the basis of their identity." In conclusion, it is clear that the organization aspires to be a pluralist Jewish body that will serve as a source of inspiration for the culture of Jewish renaissance in Israel and the Diaspora. To fulfill their vision, the door is open at Hillel to welcome anyone who is interested in the cultivation of social initiative with a Jewish spirit. To contact Hillel: www.hillelidc.org.il

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