Hannah Ungricht Portfolio

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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PORTFOLIOHannah Ungricht

• Magazine Cover• Prezi• PhotoDesign• Montage• Business Iden� ty (logos, business card, and le� erhead)• Infographic• Coding• Web Page Mockup• Brochure

Hannah Ungricht6212 N Rd 68 #8APasco, WA 99301509.340.9760hannahungricht@gmail.com

Contact Table of Contents

Descrip� on:Design a magazine cover that showcases a self-portrait as well as ar� cles about yourself.

Date:September 28, 2016

Course/Instructor:COMM 130:15 / Jason Stucki

Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Indesign

Objec� ves:Create a magazine cover using proper typography and image placement.

Process:I fi rst chose a magazine to emulate. I sketched out a few ideas, then chose the sketch I felt was the best and made the layout in InDesign. A� er I made the layout, I did some tweaking and moved a few things around so that there was be� er fl ow. I incorporated various a� ributes from my other sketches and came up with a nice template. I did a li� le research and found that Times New Roman was the closest match to the text of the actual magazine. I also increased the ver� cal scale to 137%, which matched the actual magazine � tle as well. I had chosen to have part of my head cover the text of the magazine � tle. I know that the Na� onal Geographic is a well known magazine and that people would be able to just glance at the magazine and know immediately what it is. So I went to Photoshop and did some light edi� ng on the photo. I fi xed some blemishes and made it more magazine worthy. I placed that picture into my InDesign document, then went back to Photoshop to create another image for the layer that would be placed over the � tle text. I made sure my background was transparent and then placed that Photoshop fi le into InDesign. I had also fl ipped my image horizontally because it didn’t feel right having my head coming from the right side – it looked be� er coming from the le� side. I double checked that there was no text in the picture so that it wasn’t obviously a fl ipped picture.

It took some tweaking again to make sure the ar� cle text was not too close to the edges and the spacing was just right. I also wanted to make sure that the refl ec� on of myself taking the picture was addressed in the ar� cles and realized at this point that I needed to make an ar� cle about that. I swapped out a diff erent ar� cle and added the DSLR selfi e ar� cle. From here I changed the color of the font in the � tle and the main ar� cle. I used the eyedropper and changed the color to the skin of my neck (the part that has the sun shown on it). Once I fi nished my design, I put it onto the facebook page and got the feedback needed from my instructor. He suggested pu� ng a .25 stroke around the text on the text where it lists the website or bolding it slightly. I decided to bold it just like the text to the right (where it has the date).

Magazine Cover

Descrip� on:Design a Prezi presenta� on to showcase how benefi cial the program is for businesses.

Date:October 5, 2016

Course/Instructor:COMM 130:15 / Jason Stucki

Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Photosho; prezi.com | h� ps://prezi.com/i6vdnibcnpek/becoming-a-family/

Objec� ves:Create an eye catching presenta� on that gives quick snipits of informa� on.

Process:I spent a few days thinking over what I wanted to do my presenta� on on. I had my notebook with me in my purse and when a thought came to my head, I’d sketch out an idea, but nothing felt right. Finally I stopped overthinking everything and made a very short list of topics that I personally am passionate about, this let to my presenta� on on adop� on.

As with our previous project, I don’t feel that it’s impera� ve to spend hours on the sketches, so I quickly drew out an idea. Once my idea once on paper, it actually felt not so daun� ng of a task to complete the assignment. I watched a few Prezi presenta� ons and videos on how to create them. The hardest part of this en� re process was trying to fi gure out how the website to create the presenta� on. I didn’t think that Prezi was the most user friendly, but that might be because I s� ll don’t feel like I have a grasp on it.

Next I created all the graphics for my presenta� on. I had created a few more, but they just didn’t feel like they fi t once I placed everything into the presenta� on.I inserted all the graphics and then went and added the text over each image.From here I watched the presenta� on a few � mes and condensed my text on a couple graphics. I did this also so that the graphics that had longer text, they would stand out more because all the other slides were simple.


Descrip� on:By using photography and design skills, create a project that encompasses a consistent color scheme from the image.

Date:October 12, 2016

Course/Instructor:COMM 130:15 / Jason Stucki

Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Photoshop

Objec� ves:Use layers and adjustment layers to coordinate colors and design.

Process:I started off by deciding what color scheme I wanted to do. I kept going between a few, but I really wanted to have a lot of diff erent colors and make something that was vibrant. That is why I chose the big split complementary. From there I actually found a quote that I liked. I wanted something that might be a li� le upli� ing. I’ve been helping with a mental health fi reside for my Stake, so the message of hope has been on my mind. I then went to take my pictures. I wanted my daughter to wear a bright shirt, so I dressed her accordingly. I then posi� oned her into a few diff erent posi� ons.I took all my pictures and looked through them on my computer for the best one for my assignment.

I also found an image of rain clouds that fi t my color scheme. I placed that image over my picture and lowered the opacity to 39%. I also took my lasso tool and lassoed around the space that was covering my daughters body. I set the feathering to 50 px and clicked delete. This allowed a nice fl ow from the rain clouds to the image of my daughter. I then chose my fonts and typed my quote. I knew I wanted a script for the fi rst part and a sans serif for the second body of text. I adjusted some kearning on a few of the le� ers to allow for a nicer fl ow of text.


Descrip� on:Design a spiritually powerful poster, while blending 2 or more images and text.


Course/Instructor:October 19, 2016

Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Photoshop

Objec� ves:Blend two photographs to create visual fl ow throughout the piece using layer masks and fi lters.

Process:I had created a print for my daughters room with the quote “We can do hard things.” I knew from the moment I read about this assignment that I wanted to use that quote for my spiritual montage.

In Photoshop I made the text “can” and “hard” of my quote, with a clipping mask showing the fl ag I had found on google images. I then looked for an image of a fallen soldiers funeral or police offi cer. I found 2 that I liked the best, but only one fi t with the text and quote the best. I then edited it in Photoshop to make it black and white with a so� sepia overlay. I then added a blue line to the middle stripe of the fl ag on the coffi n. I did this because of the fl ags that are black and white with the blue stripe to memorialize the police offi cers that have been killed in the line of duty.

In Photoshop I then used a blue canvas background that I placed over my en� re picture. I then chose the overlay op� on. I used the eraser tool with a low opacity. I erased most of the overlay from above the li� le boy and the coffi n.

Then I added another overlay of a fl ag waving. I also used the eraser tool again and erased above the boy and the coffi n. I also added another blue line behind the “do”. I then adjusted the kearning on all the words. The font I chose for the “can” and “do”, it has very wide kearning, but I wanted it to appear like handwri� en words, so I spaced it closer together.


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Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign

Objec� ves:dfdasfasdfasdfasdfsdf


Business Identity



Riverside Rags - 3 Logos

R iversideags

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Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Illustrator

Objec� ves:dfdasfasdfasdfasdfsdf




1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Start a Crowd-Funding site

Hold aBake Sale!

Have a HUGE Garage Sale!

Spaghetti or Pancake Feed

Raffle, Raffle, Raffle, Raffle!

Have an Auction

Direct Sales Fundraiser

Sell Shirts

Mail Letters to Everyone!

Apply for Grants

Split Complementary || Red Orange, Blue, Yellow Orange



fundraising ideas!

Adoption Costs!







Public Agency $0-2K

Private Adoption $2K-10 , 000

Private Agency $4000-30 , 000+Out of Country Adoption $10 , 000-4 5 , 000+



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Program(s)/Tools:Notepad++, Adobe Photoshop

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Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Photoshop

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Webpage Mockup

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Program(s)/Tools:Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Objec� ves:dfdasfasdfasdfasdfsdf




Fill out the application online soon!

You don’t want to

miss out on the

upcoming season that’s starting soon!

|| cutout ||

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An audition-only show choir for high school students in and around the greater Tri-City area. An uplifting outlet for youth to excel in their musical talents.

A place where youth can realize and achieve their full musical abilities. A place where God and the arts can coexist in a harmonic environment.

Helping youth to develop leadership skills and strengthening their souls through music and dance. Forte! offers a place for youth to strive in an uplifting, optimistic environment where youth can still have fun while striving for musical excellence.

Forte! is an amazing group of about 24 young men and young women that love spending time together

in an intense and exciting environment. These youth practice twice a week without any complaint because of their love and joy of music. Don’t let the fear of dance make you scared to try-out for Forte!

Throughout all the practices each member of the choir comes to, there is no question that each person will gain a love and understanding of dance too!

A show choir is a group of people that dance while singing some type of choral music – the show may or may not include a storyline. Some previous shows have included storylines from “a day in the life of a High Schooler” or “the night before Christmas.”

Previous shows have included many Christmas shows ranging from a Variety-type show, to an old-fashioned Christmas. Other shows have included more contemporary music and others have had swing dancing or mod-ern dance. And of course the entire choir gets to dress in fun and elegant costumes too!

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An audition-only show An audition-only show choir for high school choir for high school

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