
Friday, April 7, 2023 1




Student Of Post RN BScN YEAR 2, SEMESTER 1



ObjectivesAt the end of this presentation the learner will be able to:Define Auditory Hallucination.Introduction of Auditory Hallucination.Categories of Auditory Hallucination.Signs and symptoms of Auditory Hallucination.Causes of Auditory Hallucination.Nursing deferential diagnoses.Auditory Hallucination interventions.

Auditory Hallucination


Friday, April 7, 2023 5


An auditory hallucination, or paracusia,is a form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus.


Auditory hallucinations are an enduring problem in the treatment of serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, mania or epilepsy etc

Categories of Auditory Hallucination

The main types of auditory hallucination can be broken down in to 3 sub category's.

1; a person hearing a one voice speak.

2; a person hearing one or two more voices arguing.

3; a person hearing a voice narrating (describe) their own actions.

Signs and symptoms of Auditory Hallucination


Signs and symptoms con…..

•Social dysfunction.•Occupational dysfunction.•Split personality.•Confuse and feel insecure.•Nonstop speaking and abuses.•Irritability.•Lethargy.

Common causes?

Causes con……1. Current theories of the etiology of

hallucinations include a metabolic response to stress.

2. Neurochemical disturbances.

3. Brain lesions.

4. Thoughts disorders.

5. Kidney diseases.

6. Head injury.

Nursing deferentialDiagnoses


Nursing diagnoses Self-care deficit related to low self steam

Disabled family coping related to pt’s bizarre behavior.

Disturbed personal identity related to

mental condition. Disturbed sleep pattern related to false perception.Risk for suicide related to disabled coping irritable voices


Interventions con….First of all find out the real etiology and manage the problem according to etiology.

1)Provide reassurance of safety if client responds with fear to inaccurate sensory perception. Client safety and security is a nursing priority.

Interventions con….2) Don't tease or joke with the patient and

maintain privacy during procedure.

3)Decrease the amount of stimuli in the client's environment e.g. noise level, remove television, radio, tape record etc.

4)Move the patient an other area to reduce the misperception of any object.

Interventions con….5) Do not reinforce the auditory

hallucination. you do not share the perception again and again. Maintain reality through reorientation and focus on real situations and people. Reality orientation decreases false sensory perceptions and enhances client's sense of self-worth and personal dignity.

Interventions con….6)Family therapy very effective than patient’s therapy. Remove specific object which is reinforce the auditory hallucination e.g.Any person who involve with auditory hallucination.Remove knife, picture, wall clock, animals etc’ which is disturbing to client.

Interventions con….

7)Don't touch the patient without telling him first exactly what you're going to do. For example, clearly explain to him, I'm going to put this cuff on your arm so I can take your blood pressure.

8)Correct client's description of inaccurate perception, and describe the situation as it exists in reality.

Interventions con….

.9) Diverting therapy by using enhancement set e.g. FM tape or songs by mobile set till specific object forgot.

10) Engage the patient with games, picnic, morning walk, any place which he/she was like in past.

Interventions con….11)Teach prospective caregivers how to recognize signs and symptoms of client's inaccurate sensory perceptions. Explain techniques they may use to restore reality to the situation.

Ovoid from mashroom

References1. ^ Leo P. W. Chiu (1989).

"Differential diagnosis and management of hallucinations" (PDF). Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association 41 (3): 292–7. 

2. ^ Chen E. and Berrios G.E. (1996) Recognition of hallucinations: a multidimensional model and methodology. Psychopathology 29: 54-63.

3. ^ Visual Hallucinations: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment (2009)

4. ^ semple,David."oxford hand book of psychiatry" oxford press.2005.

5. ^ Horwitz, M. (1975). Hallucinations: An information-processing approach. New York: Wiley. pp. 163-194. 

6. ^ "Medical dictionary". 

7. ^ Young, Ken (July 27, 2005). "IPod hallucinations face acid test". Retrieved 2008-04-10. 

References con….

8^ "Rare Hallucinations Make Music In The Mind". August 9, 2000. Retrieved 2006-12-31. 9^ Engmann, Birk; Reuter, Mike: Spontaneous perception of melodies – hallucination or epilepsy? Nervenheilkunde 2009 Apr 28: 217-221. ISSN 0722-154110 Phantom smells11^ Wolberg FL, Zeigler DK (1982). "Olfactory Hallucination in Migraine". Archives of Neurology 39 (6): 382. PMID 7092619. 
