Guidelines on towage · TUG. • Size. Calculation of bollard pull. Check of available tug capacity. • Trading permits and certificates. • Towing equipment. Suitable chains, wires,

Post on 14-Mar-2020






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FÖRSÄKRINGSAKTIEBOLAGET ALANDIAMariehamn - P.O. Box 121, AX-22101 Mariehamn, phone: +358 18 29 000, Helsinki - Itämerenkatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, phone: +358 20 52 52 580

Stockholm - Löjtnantsgatan 17, 6 tr, SE-115 50 Stockholm, phone: +46 8 5058 8480, Business ID 0145065-2,,

Following setup can be used in applicable parts. Relevant laws and regulations, instructions from authorities and international conventions shall be taken into account.

PLANNINGPreparations and planning before towage:

TOWED OBJECT.• Risk assessment

- Seaworthiness. - Manned/Unmanned. - Cargo. - Route planning and timetable with port or place

of refuge. Other traffic. Navigational warnings. - Draught, freeboard, bow height, air draught,

current, tidal water. - Weather. Restrictions on wind and wave height. - Speed and length of towing line.

• Plan for towing arrangements. - Method and connecting arrangements.

- Chain bridle is recommended. - Location of connecting point, strength/

adequacy, calculations/to be checked - Navigation lights and shapes. - Emergency tow wire.

- Boarding arrangements. - Bilge pumping arrangements.

• Contacts with authorities, classification and insurance.• Condition survey of towed object.

- Certificates. Control and update if necessary. - Stability. - Water integrity. - Safety (lifesaving appliances, fire safety etc.)

• Towage approval. Before departure.• Communication

- Contact list and means of contact. - Voyage reporting

• Contingency plan for emergency situations.

TUG.• Size. Calculation of bollard pull. Check of available tug capacity.• Trading permits and certificates.• Towing equipment. Suitable chains, wires, ropes etc.• Towage agreement.• Bunker and supplies.• Safety in work to be assessed.

Guidelines on TOWAGEPlanned towage of unmanned smaller vessels and barges in coastal waters.

The goal of each towing operation must be a safe implementation with minimum risk for persons, property and the environment. A well-done preparatory PLANNING is a prerequisite for successful IMPLEMENTATION.


1. Installation of bridles and check of strength of connecting points.2. Stability calculation in actual condition to be performed/checked.3. Secure cargo and all loose equipment.4. Water integrity secured/checked.5. Securing of propeller shaft if applicable.6. Securing of rudder if applicable.7. Tank and bilge sounding. Survey of empty spaces.8. Draught readings.9. Marking of actual water line.10. Emergency pumps installed/checked.11. Navigational lights and shapes rigged/checked.12. Emergency towing installed.13. Anchor and winches checked/tested if applicable. Preparedness for emergency use.14. Gangway/pilot ladder or other boarding arrangements made available for use during voyage.

Connection of tug and checks at departure.

1. Installation of towing bridle.2. Connection of towing line.3. Check of navigational lights and shapes.4. Check of emergency towing arrangement.5. Check of emergency anchoring arrangements.6. Check of tug certificate and permits.7. Check of tug´s towing arrangement and certificates.8. Confirm weather forecast for next 36 and 72 hours.9. Confirm weather, wind and wave height restrictions.10. Check route plan.11. Check procedure for arrival to destination and ports of refuge.12. Check contact details and reporting routines.13. Approval from classification/authorities regarding towage arrangement.14. Review of towage operation with tug master.

TOWING ARRANGEMENTPlanned towage of unmanned smaller vessels and barges in coastal waters.

A. Towing lineB. Intermediate pennantC. Delta plate or equalD. Wire or chain bridleE. Connecting pointsF. Recovery wireG. WinchH. Emergency pennantI. Float lineJ. Buoy

Disclaimer: This is only a recommendation to be used as applicable. Relevant laws and regulations, instructions fromauthorities and international conventions shall be taken into account. Alandia Försäkring/Alandia Marine accept noresponsibility for loss which may result from reliance on these guidelines.

FÖRSÄKRINGSAKTIEBOLAGET ALANDIAMariehamn - P.O. Box 121, AX-22101 Mariehamn, phone: +358 18 29 000, Helsinki - Itämerenkatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, phone: +358 20 52 52 580

Stockholm - Löjtnantsgatan 17, 6 tr, SE-115 50 Stockholm, phone: +46 8 5058 8480, Business ID 0145065-2,,











FÖRSÄKRINGSAKTIEBOLAGET ALANDIAMariehamn - P.O. Box 121, AX-22101 Mariehamn, phone: +358 18 29 000, Helsinki - Itämerenkatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, phone: +358 20 52 52 580

Stockholm - Löjtnantsgatan 17, 6 tr, SE-115 50 Stockholm, phone: +46 8 5058 8480, Business ID 0145065-2,,

TOWAGE. Checklist.Planned towage of unmanned smaller vessels and barges in coastal waters.




A. Towed object. Before departure. Check Yes/No

Sign. Comments

1. Installation of bridles

2. Strength of connecting points

3. Stability calculation in actual condition

4. Secure cargo and all loose equipment

5. Water integrity secured

6. Securing of propeller shaft if applicable

7. Securing of rudder if applicable

8. Tank and bilge sounding.

9. Survey of empty spaces

10. Draught readings

11. Marking of actual water line

12. Emergency pumps installed

13. Navigational lights and shapes

14. Emergency towing

15. Anchor and winches (tested if applicable)

16. Boarding arrangements

B. Connection tug/tow. Before departure. Check Yes/No

Sign. Comments

1. Installation of bridle

2. Connection of towing line

3. Navigational lights and shapes

4. Emergency towing arrangements

5. Emergency anchoring arrangements

6. Tug´s certificates and permits

7. Tug´s towing arrangements and certificates

8. Weather forecast, next 32 and 72 hrs

9. Route plan

10. Arrival procedures destination

11. Arrival procedures port of refuge

12. Contact details

13. Reporting routines

14. Towage approvals, classification, authorities

15. Tug Master review and acceptance

FÖRSÄKRINGSAKTIEBOLAGET ALANDIAMariehamn - P.O. Box 121, AX-22101 Mariehamn, phone: +358 18 29 000, Helsinki - Itämerenkatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, phone: +358 20 52 52 580

Stockholm - Löjtnantsgatan 17, 6 tr, SE-115 50 Stockholm, phone: +46 8 5058 8480, Business ID 0145065-2,,

CERTIFICATES. Checklist.Planned towage of unmanned smaller vessels and barges in coastal waters.

C. Tug certificates. Check Yes/No

Sign. Comments

1. Nationality certificate

2. Tonnage certificate

3. Classification certificate

4. Manning certificate

5. Bollard pull certificate

D. Tow line certificates. Check Yes/No

Sign. Comments

1. Nationality certificate

2. Chain bridle certificate

3. Shackles certificate

E. Towed object certificates. Check Yes/No

Sign. Comments

1. Nationality certificate

2. Tonnage certificate

3. Classification certificate

4. Survey report and/or certificate

Disclaimer: This is only a recommendation to be used as applicable. Relevant laws and regulations, instructions from authorities and international conventions shall be taken into account. Alandia Försäkring / Alandia Marine accept no responsibility for loss which may result from reliance on these guidelines

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