GreenIsleofTigrethPt3 SP v0.1

Post on 26-May-2017






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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

The Green IsleBackgroundThe Player Characters have been stranded on an island in the Western Ocean after a freak and sinister storm destroys the vessel in which they were sailing on the rocks of a reef around a dark island. During the shipwreck the group were able to save the life of a young Messantian noblewoman but were stranded on a clean, sandy beach in a bay at the foot of some cliffs. Searching along the beach the group finds a carved stairway from a cave that leads up the inside of the cliffs to a building at the top. Here the group rested, recovering from their ordeal.

At the end of this scenario the Player Characters should be 3rd level or close to 3rd level. Experience should be awarded for both adventure goals such as escaping from the island or returning the noblewoman to Messantia, as well as for skill and combat rolls earned during the exploration of the island.

In addition to the Conan rulebook, Pirate Isles would be useful for this adventure but individual statistics are provided as necessary.

A verdant jungleA badly overgrown path leads from the building at the top of the steps to the ruined village. As can be seen on the map, another leads off it to one side leading round the farmland. The paths are only just discernible but at least allows for movement at 10’ slower than normal and allows run actions whereas moving off either side prevents normal run and counts as difficult or rough terrain.

The majority of the island is lush forest, almost jungle-like in its exuberance. The higher and farther slopes of the central peak have less lush growth that could be regarded as ‘normal’. Even the central, relatively flat area of the island is full of over-achieving plants, though it is fairly obvious to any character with knowledge(nature) that it was once farmland (DC 12).

Every so often the path is cross by a flattened side path, as if something has come through and crushed the vegetation. A track roll (survival DC 15) is needed to determine that the age of each path is between 3 days to 2 weeks old and a spot roll (DC 18) is needed to notice signs of a glistening slime, now dried and worn because of the rain and weather. A knowledge(nature) check (DC 15) will have a player notice that many of the fleshy leaves along the flattened trail are bitten through, as if eaten.

The squashed trails criss-cross themselves all over the verdant parts of the island, only avoiding the higher slopes of the main peak where there is less vegetation, and a tracker can readily determine the more recent trail. They appear to be random, but after following the tracks for six hours or more a tracker or someone with him may discern that they are quartering the island as if searching for something (survival DC 15 or Int check DC 18). The most recent tracks lead back to the south west of the island and the village, taking a circuitous route through the crops.

There are vipers and non-poisonous snakes still alive which will attack if surprised but have otherwise learnt to avoid anything moving through the jungle and will flee at the sound of anything medium-sized or larger in the undergrowth. These are mostly small or tiny, but one or two of medium size can be found. These will only be encountered when the players are moving silently through the undergrowth and obtained a move silently check result of 19 or more. They will only be encountered singly. Refer to the Conan rulebook for details of vipers, treating non-poisonous snakes as vipers with no poison, and to the following table to determine the type of viper encountered after rolling a d12.D12 roll Type of snake1-4 Tiny snake4-5 Tiny viper6-8 Small snake9 Small viper10-11 Medium snake12 Medium viper

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Within the jungle can occasionally be seen a strange, vivid green plant, about 10-12’ high, at the end of whose limply-hanging branches site black blossoms. This is marked on the games master’s map with a ‘BL’ label. When first encountered, a successful Spot (DC 17) check from beyond 20’ away will notice that one of the stalks near the ground twists and snaps out at a lizard which flees from the PCs approach. The lizard is caught by the blossom and writhes in pain…

A craft(herbalism) or knowledge(nature) check (DC 15) will reveal this is a Black Lotus plant and approaching within 20’ could be dangerous (details are provided in the GM reference). The Black Lotus’ within the jungle are singletons, of which there are only five singletons in total on the island, though there is a single copse of six (marked as ‘BL copse’ on the GMs map) in the centre of the area of lapsed farmland. If tracking the slug, the crush trail of plants skirts round this group of blossoms though the plants can still be spotted by any character who is keeping a careful look out (DC 10).

Black Lotus plants are normally rare and are very useful to sorcerers. To find so many of the plants together is an unexpected boon. It is likely that a scholar with craft(herbalism) will only regret he has no facilities to the many Black Lotus derivatives and drugs.

The lagoonWithin the reef the lagoon is comparatively calm compared with the ocean waters. Waves constantly batter against the surrounding reefs and wash into the protected area. The lagoon is very deep in the centre but is shallow around the coast and reef and the surrounding islets. There is one safe exit between the two islets to the south west of the island though this is difficult to spot from the main island (DC 18) due to the waves washing against the islets to either side.

Whilst the gap tends to prevent entry to the majority of marine life, that already within the lagoon is plentiful with a great deal of luxuriant sea-bottom growth. Unfortunately, a lone shark can also occasionally be seen hunting off the food in the bay. Anyone watching for a week will notice any sharks in the bay are chased off by a school of dolphins that visit every two to three days (it would seem the dolphins regard the lagoon as a personal, safe larder).

All the islets have slopes or a shallow cliff to a rocky waterline compared with the 100’ cliffs on the main island. Two islets have plenty of vegetation and are home to sea-birds as well as lizards, rats and mice but the third is much lower, storm-swept during winter and supports nothing but sea-birds and even those only during the summer months. Neither of the islets with trees and vegetation has any fresh water except for rainwater trapped in the nooks of tree branches.

On the western islet are more overgrown ruins at its southern end and the remains of a wooden jetty, of which only the supporting uprights can be seen. The ruins are of a simple watchtower that was there to look out over the entrance to the lagoon.

It is worth noting that the wreck of the Dark Wind will have been pummelled to pieces by the action of the waves within a few days of it being shipwrecked. Few intact items can be salvaged from the rocks in any degree of reasonable safety.

The peakThe less-verdant peaks are more exposed towards their tips as well as the northeast cliffs on the island. Plant life is less exuberant and more normal though the old slime or crush trails can still be found. The highest point becomes The gaping mouth of the cave at the top of the peak is fairly noticeable from any clear area on the slopes or on the larger part of the island.

The path takes an indirect route up to the peak but is relatively gradual. Towards the top it becomes gravelled and as it begins to switchback the path becomes paved with very tightly packed stones. In front of the cave itself it levels out but the ground outside the mouth of the cave is littered with overgrown and lichen-covered rocks, dressed stone and broken statues which look as if they have been blown from the cave many years ago. There are no signs of life other than that seen elsewhere on the island and there is no recent sign of any mashed trail from the giant slug. Searching around the mouth of the cave will uncover a few overgrown ruins of houses, now just lumps and hints of stone.

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Around the cave mouth the stones and earth have been blasted away to reveal the underlying rock: it is this surrounding black mark which can be seen from so far away. The cave itself is man-made and reveals a dark, 15’ wide passage 10’ high leading into the peak. The floor and walls of this passage are smooth, though from time to time an intricate mark or rune is carved onto the wall. The footings for sconces are present but the sconces themselves have been blasted away. About 30’ in to either side are 5’ deep and 10’ wide niches, to the rear of which are doorways leading to rooms beyond. There may have doorways at one time but these appear to have been blown away aeons ago. The rooms are long-abandoned, only 15’ square and have ruined shelves and supports on the sides facing the tunnel. A character with knowledge(architecture & engineering) could hazard a conjecture (DC 15) that these might have been guardrooms and the shelving and supports were probably weapon racks.

80’ further on in can be found doorways to either side and the tunnel itself narrows to 10’ but continues onwards. The doorways, whose doors are no longer present, lead to a series of rooms. Though choked with dust, dirt, decayed and destroyed furniture and rotted remains these can be seen to once have been barracks with attendant communal privy (now no longer stinking), kitchen and common room, all of which have had their doors forcibly removed (blown off). The presence of the facilities should suggest plumbing and a good search (DC 15) will reveal a covered well in the kitchen and (knowledge (architecture & engineering) DC 15) suggest a sealed lower chamber beneath the privy the sealed access to which can be found via a similar search. The contents of all rooms have been destroyed and investigation may suggest the contents were destroyed in the same blast that took off the doors. A careful and extensive search (DC 25) through the rubbish in the common room or barracks will take an hour or more for each room come up with a few skeletons with broken weapons, desiccated leather armour and silver pieces fallen from long-decayed belt pouches. 2d20+30 ancient silver pieces will be able to be uncovered in this fashion but any other jewellery or items of value will have been destroyed or decayed beyond recovery.

The tunnel continues from the barracks and after another 150’ the stops for two 5’ massive doors across the tunnel can be seen: the ripped and melted halves of giant metal hinges are still embedded in the walls. From here the ragged end of the tunnel can be seen about 60’ away. The tunnel mouth ends abruptly halfway up the sides of a barren, steep crater approximately 250-300 yards across with slopes above expanding the overall size to around 400 yards. The bottom of the crater is filled with a pool and the sides have been blasted from the dark rock of the island. The sides of the crater are almost bare of vegetation though plants can be seeing growing over the top around the slopes leading to the crater, and soil has tumbled down at one time into the slopes as is evidenced by the sand on the occasional ledges around the rim.

The pool at the bottom of the crater can be examined by sliding down the sides of the crater (and climbing back up with a DC 10 climb check). The water is completely clear and safe. If Player Characters specifically ask or succeed on a spot or knowledge(nature) check (DC 15) they will notice the water is lacking pond scum, weed or any signs of life. The pond has a rock-strewn bed in which can be glimpsed broken fragments of statues of humans and animals. Searching the pool is possible if a character swims within it and a successful search check (DC 18) near the centre will reveal a number of small, dirty-grey/brown, semi-translucent shards about the size of a large egg. These can be retrieved by diving as the bottom at the centre is only around 12’-15’ deep. Up to 2d4 pieces can be recovered out of a total of 13 in the pool, though this will take an hour of searching and swimming. However, the remaining pieces will be buried under rocks at the bottom of the pool so will be considerably more difficult to recover.

In the open air the colour can be seen to be a murky, dirty green and the translucent finish can be seen to be almost an illusion: the shards are covered in fine fault-lines and the centre of each shard is hazy. They do not appear to fit together. These are Burned Amber, the remains of a Green Amber which was kept in the catacombs and subterranean palace of the sorcerer who used to live here but which was destroyed in the cataclysm aeons ago. The ruined remains now act in opposition to their original effect, suppressing and retarding plant growth.

Games master hint: If required this area of the island can be expanded to have a few tunnels and catacombs still surviving the catastrophe which blew away the crater. Its construction can be almost anything, given it was shaped by a powerful sorcerer. Within the catacombs could be any creature taking refuge from the giant slug, or a disused secret door can lead down to a water line cave in which a Black One, or any other horror, can occasionally be found.

[[[ Box text ]]]

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Burned Amber If used to support or focus a spell, a piece of the Burned Amber roughly the size of a large duck’s egg will double the power point cost of spells from the nature or immortality (see Scrolls of Skelos) styles at the point they are cast, possibly forcing the sorcerer into a Pushing It state. Such a piece will reduce the power point gain from any rite or energy drain involving or providing power for those styles by half. Whilst no corruption save is required on initial sight, every use of Burned Amber twists the user’s soul, even if accidental, forcing a corruption save with a negative DM equal to the total power point penalty the Burned Amber inflicted on the sorcerer.

When stacked together the pieces of Burned Amber affects larger areas. A single, usable piece has a radius of just over an inch (six having a radius of effect of a yard) but the pieces of Burned Amber in the pool are enough to affect a radius of around 250-260 yards (the crater). Furthermore they double the ageing process for those constantly within their area of effect though a character would need to be within the radius of effect of a piece of Burnt Amber for several years before such an effect is spotted. Over time, in an area like the crater, this has a sterilisation effect.

To recognise the Burned Amber as destroyed Green Amber and fully understand the effect it has an extremely difficult knowledge(arcana) roll is required (DC 35). A roll of 25 or more on the check will lead the sorcerer to understand it could, perhaps, be used as a supporting focus when casting particular spells and a roll of 30 or more will allow the sorcerer to realise the styles could be immortality and nature.[[[ End Box ]]]

The villageThe village holds the ruins of elegantly built buildings built on a very closing-fitting flagstone base. All is built from the dark stone seen on the cliffs though this has a strange green marbling running through it. The ruins are extremely overgrown with the lush plant-life common to the rest of the island and a spring in the centre pours water into a stone-lined pool that is overgrown but still contains very pure and clear water. The overflow is blocked so the water spills from the lip but eventually empties down a drain laid into the flagstone paving. At centre of settlement is a tall, tapered, smooth and solid column, 60’ high, constructed from the same black stone as the buildings. At the top of the column can be glimpsed a massive green jewel of some kind with smooth, flowing sides. The semi-clear stone resembles the smooth sides and translucency of amber but green, not orange-yellow. Now you are close you can the massive gemstone emits a soft, eerie green glow (see below for more details, but sorcerers and dabblers are subject to corruption on seeing the gem).

The place is eerily quiet and all the ground and vegetation is compacted and covered with dried or fresh clime trails. The most recent trail leads to one of the ruined buildings within which is a Beast of the Zhemri, a giant slug. This is a pale cream-grey in colour and is the creature which made the tracks whilst browsing and hunting for food. Whilst mainly vegetarian, it has long since eaten all the larger animal life on the island. The slug is “nesting” in one of the ruined buildings in the village will sense any creature approaching and crawl out to eat.

Read the following:

A noise from within a ruined building attracts your attention, an almost indescribable slithering, gurgling hiss. You cannot help but feel shaken by the sound, the like of which has never been heard by any of you. Over the ruined walls rises an eyeball on the end of a creamy-grey, slime-covered stalk. Another appears and stares around before both fix on you all.

From around the corner of the building slithers a monstrosity the sight of which shakes you to the core. It is vast slug, 15 feet long moving rapidly in its single foot. The plants beneath it are crushed by its mass and behind it leaves a trail of slime. It sees you and stretches its neck towards you revealing a vast toothless maw lined with cartilage. From the hissing maw comes the smell of rotting vegetation.

All Player Characters encountering the slug should immediately roll against its terror of the unknown fear effect.

Beast of the Zhemri (Giant Slug)[[[ Box Text ]]The sound increased to an indescribable slithering, gurgling hiss. Even Conan’s iron nerves were shaken by the strain of waiting for the source of the unknown sound to appear.From ‘The Hall of the Dead’ by Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague de Camp

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

[[[ Box Text ]]]

Huge Vermin; HD: 6d8+24 (54hp); Init: +0 [[[-2 Dex +2 Ref]]]; Spd: 10’; DV: 10 [[[-2 Dex -2 size +4 natural]]]; DR: 3 (resilient skin); BAB/Grp: +4/+12 [[[+8 size; Atk/Full Atk: Gaping maw +10 [[+4 BAB -2 Sz +8 Str]]] + snatch*; Dmg: Gaping Maw 2d4+12; Crush (trample) 1d8+12; Space/Reach: 15’ (3)/5’ to 10’ (2); SA: Crush (trample) , terror of the unknown; SQ: slime trail, eyestalks, mindless, poor eyesight, tremorsense (60’), vermin traits, vulnerability to fire, limited flexibility; SV: Fort +9 [[[5 +4 Con]]] Ref +0 [[[2 –2 Dex]]] Will +2; Str: 26 Dex 6 Con 18 Int – Wis 10 Cha 4;Skills & Feats: [[[ 0 ]]] Hide –10, Listen +0, Search +0, Spot +0; Improved overrun, power attack, snatch (maw)Slime Trail: The slug leaves a trail of slime which dries and remains for up to two weeks in dry weather or two days if the trail is rained upon, giving a DM of +10 on any attempts to track the slug during the period the trail is visible. This makes it readily easily tracked. The crushed trail will remain as a very visible sign for the first two weeks but will gradually be grown over for the next few weeks.Mindless: Having no intelligence score the slug has immunity to mind-affecting effects such as hypnotism.Tremorsense: The slug feels through its giant foot and can sense and pinpoint any creature up to 60’ away which is on the ground. Any attempt to Move Silently by a target within this range is opposed by the slug’s Spot check as if the target were hiding.Poor eyesight: The slug can see only up to 30’ as if in full light and up to 60’ as if in shadowed light.Eyestalks: The slug extends two eyestalks on top of its ‘head’ to see, its eyeballs unfolding at the end of the stalks. Two more stalks are extended lower down its head that it uses to sense and ‘feel’ the ground. Whilst this enables it to see over objects up to 10’ high (if it rears up) the eyestalks are vulnerable and may be specifically targeted by a defender at a attack penalty of –4. If an eyestalk suffers damage it is retracted for 1d4+1 rounds. If both the visual and sensory eyestalks are retracted the slug fights as if blinded: opponents are regarded as having full cover to the slug.*Snatch: If a slug makes a successful attack with its maw to creatures of medium size or small it will attempt to hang on with a grapple attack as a free action. Success results in the giant slug holding on to the object (or person) and automatically inflicting damage in subsequent rounds on a successful grapple check. It is worth noting that the slug does not have teeth as such, merely more solid, but sharp, gristle that substitutes for teeth.Limited flexibility: In contrast to normal movement and facing rules, the slug can only attack in the squares in front of a line extended to either side from the trailing edge of the front 5’ of its 15’ space. It can turn facing for free as a 5’ step or as part of a move action. Games master hint: once the players realise this lack of flexibility, this is likely to prove its major weakness.Crush: The slug will attempt to overrun and crush (trample) creatures it senses nearby of medium size or smaller by moving double distance and slithering over them. The target creature can attempt an attack of opportunity at –4 or attempt a DC21 [[[10 +3 (6HD/2) +8 Str]]] reflex save to take half damage.Player Characters will be subject to a Terror of the Unknown Will save on seeing the slug against a DC of 13.Notes: The slug will normally attack its bite, suddenly elongating its head and neck to do so for 5’ or 10’ ranges. If badly damaged to around ¼ hit points, the slug will try to retreat, slithering over anyone in its way. The ground on the island is seeded with eggs and fry who do not emerge for fear of being eaten. Once the slug has died, it will be 1d4+2 months before one of its fry emerges from the ground as a small sized creature (1HD) and begins feeding and growing. There are still 1d6+1 fry alive. If any two are alive on the island together for two weeks or more they will mate and begin laying eggs. The creatures grow slowly but constantly given the availability of food, taking a year or two to reach medium size (2HD), approximately 10 to 20 years to reach large size (4HD) and around 100 years to reach huge (6HD). Finding their hiding places in the 12+ square miles of the island where they are hiding will be extremely difficult and time-consuming.We first come across such a giant slug in the ancient city of Larsha, the cursed city of the Zhemri in ‘The Hall of the Dead’,Robert E. Howard & L. Sprague de Camp.

The Green Amber of TigrethThe amber-like gemstone at the top of the pillar reanimates once per year to ensure the plants on the island are especially fruitful. Refer to the sorcerous garden:enrichment spell description in the Conan rulebook but due to the size of the Green Amber the effect of this spell reaches 4 miles or more up the slope of the mountain.

The 60’ column on which the Green Amber rests is especially smooth. It is around 2’6” wide at the base and 2’ wide at the top. Its lowest 15’ is covered with dried slime as the slug has sensed the amber and has tried to get to it for food. However, the smoothness makes the climb exceptionally difficult (DC 25) with failure by 5 or more meaning the climber will slip, needing a DC 20 reflex save to grab hold around the column or take full falling damage. Ropes thrown over the Green Amber will slip off. There are no trees of any usable height nearby having been eaten or crushed by the slug.

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

The big gemstone is securely affixed to the column embedded within a hollow in the top with steel bars running through it which are drilled into the hard black rock. The stone of the column is 150% normal hardness (12) and has 150% normal hit points (360 = 540). The Green Amber itself has hardness 8 and 200HP, but a piece may be chipped off if the hardness is exceeded by 8 damage or more with a bludgeoning weapon. If a shard or chunk is broken off, roll 1d3 for the size of the broken shard in inches but any shard less than 3” has negligible effect and is unusable for sorcery.

If the characters do somehow manage to get a detailed look at the Green Amber they will see that it is smooth, about 18” across with a number of primeval ferns and fronds embedded within it. A large chunk has been taken out of the amber (by the now-deceased sorcerer who suffered the catastrophe that marooned the group). See boxed text for details.

With a knowledge(arcana) (DC 25) check a sorcerer could guess that the Green Amber has a sorcerous garden within it possibly timed to be released every year (+2 circumstance bonuses can be gained from both knowledge(nature) or from knowing the nature sorcery style). He might also surmise that the denizens are no longer here explaining why everything has become a riot of growth. The same may be surmised about the giant slug: perhaps it was originally normal size and either the plants or the sorcerer’s garden have affected its growth.

Scholars and dabblers are susceptible to corruption on seeing this massive piece of Green Amber (see box text).

Games master hint: It the use of a piece of Green Amber by the Green Sorcerer which set off the catastrophic events which stranded the group on the island.

[[[ Box text ]]]Using Green AmberIf used to support or focus a spell, a piece or shard of the Green Amber at least the size of a large duck’s egg (weighing ½lb) will reduce the power point cost of nature or immortality spells by half (to a minimum of 1), will increase the power point gain from any rite or energy drain involving or providing power for those styles by 2 and will also automatically provide knowledge of the sorcerous garden spell providing the sorcerer otherwise meets the prerequisites. A corruption save is required on initial sight and every use of the Green Amber makes the sorcerer subject to another corruption save with a negative DM equal to the total power point benefit the Green Amber gave to the sorcerer. A sorcerer seeing a piece the size of the Green Amber of Tigreth suffers a DM of –2 on his first, immediate corruption roll.

The Green Amber also slows ageing for those within its area of effect each year by half though a character would need to be within the radius of effect for several years before such an effect was spotted. Once this effect is noticed a corruption roll every year is required from its possessor as the lures of eternal youth tempt the sorcerer. The radius of effect for a single usable shard is around 1”, doubling for each extra fragment in contact or each doubling in size, so that at least six fragments (for a radius of 1 yard) or a piece the size of 6 duck’s eggs are required to have any possible full effect on a human being.

The maximum area of effect tails off after around 1,000 yards (16 pieces), finally reaching a maximum radius of four miles. Any catastrophic effect involving Green Amber has a DM of +5 on the effect roll.

To recognise the Green Amber and understand its effect a knowledge(arcana) roll is required: a result of 20 or more will allow the sorcerer to realise it can be used as a supporting focus in casting spells from a particular sorcery style; 25 or more will allow the sorcerer to realise the styles could be immortality and nature; 30 or more will reveal its strengths bar its potential for longevity; and a result of 35 or more will reveal all its strengths and drawbacks, including it’s longevity, corruption and catastrophe effects. Of course a roll of 35 or more will also mean an understanding of its longevity effects is gained.[[[ End Box ]]]

Living on the islandThe heroes could continue to live on the island for a while if they avoid or deal with the slug and its fry. Providing they avoid the Black Lotus they should also be safe. In the first week, survival rolls are required each day to support the party but once characters get used to the island or a more permanent encampment is established life will be easier. Fishing at low tide is a possibility by feeding off fish or the smaller animals. Building shelter is easy, whether in the ruins of the village or in the surrounding forest, with the ready

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

availability of vines and wood providing all the raw materials required. Tools, of course, are not readily available unless the Player Characters attempt to plunder the shipwreck after constructing a useful raft.

Escape will be difficult. The only real place to build and launch any craft capable of transporting them across the ocean is from one of the lower cliffs on one of the smaller islands and to get there a smaller raft or boat will need to be built to avoid the sharks. Furthermore, there is no fresh water on the other islands other than rainwater (see The Lagoon, above).

The AcolyteAbout a week after the Player Characters arrive (1d4+6 days) a sail will be seen on the southeastern horizon, the first the Player characters will have seen. It will be heading directly for the island (it is likely the party will have established a lookout and beacon fire). The only difference a beacon fire will have is to warn the crew of the ship that there are people on the island for it is coming to Tigreth. When it comes closer it can be seen to be a Barachan sloop (see Pirate Isles), a warning in itself (a profession(sailor) DC 10 check will raise the warning that it is likely to be a pirate sloop) with a normal crew of up to 12. A profession(sailor) check of DC 25 is required in order to recognise the sloop as the Grey Gull, a vessel used for a mixture of trading and piracy by a small group living in the Barachan Isles with a normal crew of 10.

On the deck can be seen a robed figure with long, dark hair beneath an intricate hat, a bowcase slung at her waist. The woman stares intently at the island and the crew can be seen taking orders from her as she points towards the ruined quay. The sloop sails slowly up to the wharf and anchors, immediately lowering a jolly boat into which the robed woman climbs together with four of the crew leaving six on-board. If the party set off a beacon fire or otherwise altered the Grey Gull to their presence on the island, perhaps by having a half-built raft around, a crew-member will row back to pick up three more crew, leaving three on board and seven accompanying the woman as bodyguards.

The woman is Jêmila, a Pelishtim sorceress and the same person who befriended the Green Sorcerer. Having realised she was unlikely to gain the skills, power and spells she wanted form the old man, she drugged him and tricked him into casting too many spells in too short a time, after making sure she had escaped first, of course. Jêmila has studied her old master’s spell books and journals and realises the source of much of his power was a Green Amber though she was not aware of just how powerful it is. Obsessed with obtaining some Green Amber for herself she has come to find it on the ‘deserted’ island.

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Jêmila the Pelishtim sorceressMedium Human Pelishtim Scholar 5; HD: 5d6 (20 hp); Init: +2 [[[+1Dex +1Ref]]]; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 12 [[[+1Class +1Dex]]]; Parry DV: 11 [[[+1Class]]]; DR: 0; BAB/Grp: +3/+3; Atk/Full Atk: Shemite Bow +5 [[[3 +1 Dex +1 Shemite]]] ranged 100’ or light mace +3; Dmg: Shemite Bow 1d10 (1d10+1 within 100’), 20/x3, AP 4** (Hd 5, hp 3) or light mace 1d8, AP 2 (Hd 7, hp 3); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: Defensive Blast, sorcery; SQ: Pelishtim qualities, Scholar, Background(acolyte, now independent), Knowledge is Power +7; SV: Fort +0 [[[1 Sch -1 race]]] Ref +1 [[[1 +1 Dex -1 race]]] Will +5 [[[+4 Sch +2 feat –1 race]]]; Str: 11 Dex 13 Con 11 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 16;Skills & Feats: [[80 skill points]] Appraise +6 [[2 +2 Int +2 race]], Bluff +11 [[[6 +3 Cha +2 race]]], Concentration +4, Craft(alchemy)+9 [[[5+2 Int +2 synergy]]], Craft(herbalism) +14 [[[8 +2 Int +2 craft(alchemy) +2 knowledge(nature)]]], Decipher Script +8 [[[6 +2 Int]]], Diplomacy +5 [[[+3 cha +2 bluff]]], Gather Information +8 [[[5+3Cha]]], Handle Animal +9 [[[2 bg skill +4 +3 Cha]]], Heal +8 [[[5 +1 Wis +2 craft(herbalism)]]], Hide +3 [[[+1 Dex +2 feat]]], Intimidate +7 [[[2 +3 cha +2 bluff]]], Knowledge(arcana) +16 [[[2 bg skill +6 s/p +2 Int +2 race +2 feat +2 decipher script]]], Knowledge(geography) +8 [[2 +2 Int +2 feat]], Knowledge(history) +9 [[[5 +2 Int +2 feat]]], Knowledge(nature) +14 [[[2 bg skill +6 s/p +2 Int +2 feat +2 synergy]]], Move Silently +9 [[[6 + 1 Dex +2 feat]]], Perform(ritual) +8 [[[5+3 Cha]]], Ride +3 [[[+1 Dex +2 handle animal]]], Sense Motive +6 [[3 +3Cha]], Sleight of hand +3 [[[+1 Dex +2 bluff]]], Spot +3 [[+1 Wis +2 race]]; [[4 feats Fav 1st & 5th, + 1st & 3rd]] Knowledgeable, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Bow, Shemite), Iron Will [[[Sch 5]]], Ritual Sacrifice, StealthySorcery styles: nature magic, divination, hypnotism Spells known: astrological prediction, entrance, greater summon beast, hypnotic suggestion, psychometry, summon beast, torment*Magical Attack bonus: +2 +3 Cha = +5; PP 6/12Languages: Shemitish, Argossean, Hyrkanian, Kothic, Ophirean, Zingaran, Stygian, and Shemitish Possessions: Shemite bow, combined bowcase/quiver with 15 arrows, ornamental light mace (150sl), sacrificial knife (25sl), belt pouch with personal possessions (d100+50sp) and equipment for spellcasting, flowing robes, sandals. Pelishtim qualities: +1 Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and Spot in plains; +1 damage when performing coup de grace;*torment: (from Scrolls of Skelos) PP cost 2, casting time 1 action, range Evil Eye, duration 2 rounds, Will negates vs. magical attack roll, usable vs. 7 or less HD only. The target cannot take any actions for the duration of the spell and suffers 1d4 non-lethal damage per round form pain. Following the spell the sorcerer gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks against the target.Notes: Despite seeking out the green sorcerer and living on his island for a few years, and despite her calculated approach in hiring and encouraging the small pirate crew of her sloop, Jêmila hates the sea and the water. She is generally contemptuous of those who are not scholars or nobles. When ordering an attack by her pirates she will try a summon beast for a wolf and will then use her torment or hypnotic suggestion to weaken or split up her opponents so she can handle them piecemeal. She will then use her bow rather than enter melee.

On her own and outnumbered Jêmila is a coward and will plea for clemency if threatened, apparently being humble and subdued when her surrender is accepted. However, she will never keep a promise she makes to her captors, quietly working to destroy them and escape as soon as she can (opposed sense motive/bluff checks are suggested).

Encounters with JêmilaJêmila will not be pleased to find the island occupied by the Player Characters, insisting it is ‘her’ island and demanding to know what they are doing there. The fact they are marooned will mollify her. She will ask whether the ‘Stone of Tigreth’ has been seen and, if so, demand to be shown the location of the Green Amber.

When faced with the reality of the Green Amber Jêmila will be stumped: her master’s journals did not mention how he retrieved a shard from the stone. If the party offers her a piece, or claims to be able to retrieve a piece of the Green Amber for her, Jêmila will be grateful though will insist it is hers already. However, she can be bargained with and will offer ferry them back to a port aboard the Grey Gull – from there they can take ship to Messantia or anywhere they wish. Ameline Pompilius will, of course, jump such an opportunity as she wishes to return home so will try and persuade the party to help. Jêmila will stick to her promise once a usable piece of Green Amber is recovered.

If the party refuse to co-operate, are unhelpful or actively oppose her, she will order her pirates to attack if she and her bodyguards outnumber the party or will otherwise snarl and curse the party (note that she does not know the curses sorcery style however!) and will return to the beach and order more crew to come ashore and help her.

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

She will leave two crew on board the Grey Gull as watch and will return with the rest of her pirates to attack the Player Characters, regarding them a risk to her command of the Green Amber and the Isle of Tigreth.

Leave it all behindIt is possible that the Player Characters may elect to come back to Tigreth as a place to live – despite the constant temptation of the Green Amber – or as a safe haven for any privateer, pirate or naval activity they may wish to undertake. Whilst any ship could be beached during low tide the main issues would be high tide and the occasional shark in the lagoon (sharks are outlined in Pirate Isles).

GM ResourcesGames master’s map of Tigreth

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Initial player’s map of TigrethThis provides an outline to the players without giving too much detail. On first landing, of course, they will not have seen any of the north, east and north west coasts.

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Player’s map of Tigreth after main explorationAfter the Player Characters have explored most of the island, they should be able to see the following.

Black Lotus PlantLarge Plant; HD: 4d8+20 (38hp); Init: +4; Spd: 0’; DV: 14; DR: 2 (natural); BAB/Grp: +3/+3; Atk/Full Atk: Touch +6 melee finesse; Dmg: Contact poison DC17, initial & secondary damage 1d4 Con; Space/Reach: 10’ (2)/10’ (2); SA: Poison, miasma, magical poison; SQ: Low-light vision, plant traits; SV: Fort +4 Ref +4 Will -3; Str: 2 Dex 16 Con 20 Int - Wis 2 Cha 26 (+8);Skills & Feats: - Notes: Miasma attack, a heady scent, has a 20’ range : all within this area must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) (17 + Charisma modifier of +8) or be affected as if inhaling black lotus blossom. On failure, the character sleeps for 1d3 hours but gains a knowledge(arcana) check whilst asleep to give some insight on the current situation as shown on the following table:

Result Insight10+ There is sorcery affecting the vegetation on the island. This plant is a Black Lotus…15+ As 10+ and the sorcery is probably a constantly renewed sorcerous garden20+ As 15+ and the trail is made by some vast creature which feeds mainly off vegetation25+ As 20+ and the focus of the renewed sorcerous garden must be still around and could be

extremely valuable and the creature has probably eaten all the larger animals, too

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Green Isle of Tigreth Adventure thread – Pt 3 Tim Bancroft

Jêmila’s pirate crewFor the ordinary crew of Jêmila’s sloop, the Grey Gull, the Zingaran Freebooters from Pirate Isles can be used. Alternatively, the following statistic block may be useful.

Medium Human Zingaran Pirate 2; HD: 2d8 (9hp); Init: +4 [[+1Dex+3Ref]]; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 12* [[+1Class +1Dex]]; Parry DV: 12* [[+1Class+1Str]]; DR: 4 (leather jerkin); BAB/Grp: +1/+2 [[[+1Class +1 Str]]]; Atk/Full Atk: Cutlass +2 melee and left-handed poinardF +2 finesse melee; Dmg: Cutlass 1d10+1, 19-20/x2, AP 2 (Hd 8, hp 5) and poniardF 1d6, 19-20/x2, AP 1 (Hd 10, hp 2); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: +1d6 sneak attack, ferocious attack; SQ: Zingaran qualities, allegiance(Grey Gull), seamanship +1, pirate code (Zingaran trumpets), To Sail a Road of Blood and Slaughter; SV: Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +0; Str: 13 Dex 12 Con 9 Int 10 Wis 11 Cha 12;Skills & Feats: [[[ 16 ]]] Balance +4* [[[1 + 2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran +1 seamanship]]], Climb +5* [[[4 +1 Str]]], Diplomacy +0 [[[+1Cha-1Zingaran]]], Knowledge(geography) +4, Profession(sailor) +8*[[[5+2 bg skill +1 Zingaran]]], Sense Motive +2 [[[+1 Cha +1 Zingaran]]], Use Rope +6*[[[2 + 2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran]]]; [[[Fav 1st,1st ]]] Freebooter’s Fortune**, Viper’s Speed ** Languages: Zingaran, Argossean, Aquilonian, ShemitePossessions: Knife, cutlass, poniard, belt pouch with personal possessions (2d6sp), loose clothes, sometimes boots. Notes: In combat the pirates will draw cutlass and poniard before using their ferocious attack. They will rarely throw their poniards, regarding them as useful parrying weapons. These pirates consider themselves properly hired by Jêmila and will fight for her when ordered. However, they do not consider the cause of a Pelishtim sorcerer to be something to die. Therefore, if she dies they will sue for peace. Furthermore, if half of their number are downed in exchange apparently little damage on their opponents, they will also sue for peace. If offered their parole they will keep it, even to the extent of carrying out one journey for those who spare their lives. If their surrender is not taken they will run rather than fight to the death. Of course, the Player Characters may be able to take over their ship as the pirates have no real captain, rotating the major jobs between them. If they Grey Gull is threatened they will always rush to its defence.* Seamanship: these skills and defences are increased by 1 on board any ship.** Pirate Isles feats: Freebooter’s fortune: enables an immediate, single re-roll with a DM of -4 on a failed Swim or Profession(sailor) check. Viper’s Speed: avoids attacks of opportunity when boarding or on shipboard manoeuvres. See Pirate Isles for further details.

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