Go Global via email exchange · δεξιόηηηερ ΣΠΕ, web2.0(wikis, glogs) για ... My name is Laura Howell and I am a Computer Resource Specialist from Virginia Beach, Va.

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Εκπαιδευτικόσ: Χρυςάνκθ ΝικοδιμουΒ΄ Περιφερειακό Γυμνάςιο Λευκωςίασ

Διαγωνιςμόσ για τθν αξιοποίθςθ των ΤΠΕ ςτθ μακθςιακι διαδικαςία(2010-2011)



Επίπεδο: Α2A’ ΓυμναςίουΤμιματα Α’2 & A’1(38 μακθτζσ)Ηλικία μακθτών:12

Go Global via email exchange


γνυπιμία με άλλερ κοςληούπερ όσι μόνο

ζηην Εςπώπη αλλά και ζηον ςπόλοιπο

κόζμο μέζυ ηλεκηπονικήρ αλληλογπαθίαρ

ζηην Αγγλική γλώζζα

δημιοςπγικόηηηα και καινοηομία ζηην

εκμάθηζη και σπήζη ηηρ Αγγλικήρ γλώζζαρ

ενεπγό πόλο και αςηονομία ζηην μάθηζη



εςκαιπίερ ανάπηςξηρ γλυζζικών

δεξιοηήηυν και κπιηικήρ ζκέτηρ

κίνηηπα για μάθηζη

δεξιόηηηερ ΣΠΕ, web2.0(wikis, glogs) για

επικοινυνία, παποςζίαζη & δημοζίεςζη

επγαζιών και εμπειπιών

παγκόζμια διάζηαζη μέζα από ηο ζσολείο



Σχζδιο θλεκτρονικισ αλλθλογραφίασ με μακθτζσ

ςτθν Ιςπανία, ΗΠΑ(Virginia Beach) Αλάςκα μζςω τθσ Παγκόςμιασ κοινότθτασ epals


Βαςίηεται ςτο project

“ Τhe Way We Are”

What makes me who I am?


USA-Virginia Beach

Kellam High School

AlaskaDavis-Ramoth School

Σο ζσέδιο ζςνδςάζει πένηε θεμαηικέρ


προςωπικά ςτοιχεία, επικοινωνία μζςω θλεκτρονικοφ διαδιχτφου, το ςχολείο μου, χόμπι και ενδιαφζροντα, θ κακθμερινι μου ηωι

Yλοποιικθκε ωσ ακολοφκωσ:

εγγραφι ςτθν κοινότθτα epals, δθμιουργία του προφίλ του ςχολείου μασ, δθμιουργία ονόματοσ & κωδικοφ χριςτθ για τον κάκε μακθτι



Chrysanthi Nicodemou - Cyprus -

From: B' Regional Gymnasium of Nicosia | Posted On:

November 26, 2010 | Member Since: October 26, 2008

Project Description

I am an English teacher and my students are in Year 7. Their first language is

Greek and they are learning English as their 2nd language. We would like to

learn about how other people live in other parts of the world and use English

as the language for communication. We are interested in any of the three

following ideas:1. " The Way We Are" project on the ePals' site but we are

flexible with the information that we can exchange. We can correspond by

email and write at least once a month. 2. create stories using

ICT(blogs/wikis/glogster) to publish our work.3.exchange Xmas

wishes(glogster is an option) You will meet an enthusiastic class and teacher.

We hope to hear from you!


Nicosia, Cyprus, Cyprus



Number of



Age range




εξεφρεςθ ςχολείων ςτο εξωτερικό/ ςυνεργαςία με τρία ςχολεία για το ςυγκεκριμζνο ςχζδιο(Α’2 με Ιςπανία και ΗΠΑ & Α’1 με Αλάςκα)

ανταλλαγι γραμμάτων με ςυγκεκριμζνο περιεχόμενο το κακζνα(φυλλάδια εργαςίασ ςτον ιςτοχϊρο ωσ βοθκιματα)



Victoria Escrig - Spain -

From: IES Palamós | Posted On: November 27,

2010 | Member Since: September 12, 2010

Project Description

Hi there! We are a class of 27 students (ages 12, 13) who really enjoy

learning English and would like to start an e-mail exchange with

another class in any foreign country. We would like to follow the

guidelines of "The way we are" project and maybe create some blogs

and discover new things. We are interested in practicing English and

getting to know other cultures. We would like to start as soon as

possible :) Hope to hear from you soon! Victòria


Palamós, Girona, Spain



Number of



Age range




Pam Grieve - USA -

From: Davis-Ramoth School | Posted On: December 3,

2010 | Member Since: November 20, 2010

Project Description

We are a 7th grade class of 26 students in northeast Alaska, also known as

the last frontier, approximately 3 miles north of the Arctic Circle. We are

interested in sharing the Inupiaq Native American culture with others and

learning about your culture, location, and environmental issues. We speak

English. We are studying the regions of the United states and would like to

hear from others around the USA in the lower 48 and Hawaii. We have 1:1

Macbook laptops which allow us the ability to check mail frequently and

respond quickly. We also have Skype capability for video chat.


Selawik, Alaska, USA



Number of



Age range




Laura Howell - USA -

From: Floyd E. Kellam High School | Posted On:

September 13, 2010 | Member Since: October 10,


Project Description

My name is Laura Howell and I am a Computer Resource Specialist

from Virginia Beach, Va. USA. I assist Secondary High School

teachers and students ages 14-18 with integrating technology into

their daily learning plans. This is our second year ePalling and we are

off to a great start. Our team consist of teachers in the four basic core

subjects - Science, English, Math, and Social Studies. I also work

with Foreign Language, Art, Photography, and Graphics Design. We

are excited to have the opportunity to partner with global friends.


Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA



Number of



Age range




Education, Gifted


Mάκθμα 1 :

Γνωριμία με τθν κοινότθτα epals

Απόκτθςθ ονόματοσ &κωδικοφ χριςτθ, το όνομα & θλεκτρονικι διεφκυνςθ του epal

1ο γράμμα, “All about me” με βοικθμα το φυλλάδιο εργαςίασ



Spanish Cypriots Email:

Selena Stavri(g) a2stavri@epals.com

Paula IoannaG(g) a2ioannag@epals.com

Marina & Jaime Agelika(g) a2aggelika@epals.com

Inssaf Ioanna K(g) a2ioannak@epals.com

Jackylyne & Andreu Katerina(g) a2katerina@epals.com

Ivan Skevi(g) a2skevi@epals.com

Lidia &Tania George(b) a2george@epals.com

Javier Nathanael(b) a2nathananael@epals.com

Manel Filippos(b) a2filippos@epals.com

Nausika Panayiota(g) a2panayiota@epals.com

Daixa Panayiotis K(b) a2panayiotisk@epals.com

Victor Nicoletta(g) a2nicoletta@epals.com

Simo Andria(g) a2andria@epals.com

Gisela Christodoulos(b) a2christodoulos@epals.com

Lorena Vangelis(b) a2vangelis@epals.com

Nora PanayiotisE(b) a2panayiotise@epals.com

Caterina & Ariana PanayiotisF(b) a2panayiotisf@epals.com

Anna & Patricia Marinos(b) a2marinos@epals.com

Ana Rocio & Abel Apostolos(b) a2apostolos@epals.com

Damaris Savvas(b) a2savvas@epals.com



Μάκθμα 2

• Οι μακθτζσ:

• μακαίνουν λεξιλόγιο για το ςχολείο, χόμπι, κακθμερινι ηωι

• ςυμπλθρϊνουν το 2ο φυλλάδιο εργαςίασ “ A day in my life”

Μάκθμα 3

Οι μακθτζσ:

• διαβάηουν το 1ο γράμμα από τουσ νζουσ τουσ φίλουσ

• ςυηθτοφν ςτθ τάξθ ςτοιχεία των νζων τουσ φίλων

• ςτζλλουν 2ο γράμμα




email: A day in my life

1. Students begin their emails with a friendly opening.(Hi.., Hello..) 2. Students answer questions their ePals asked of them in the first emails. 3. Students describe their typical day. Students should answer the following questions:

1. What are three things that you do almost every day?

2. What time do you get up and go to bed?

3. What do you do when you get home from school?

4. Do you have any chores or jobs?

5. What do you usually eat and drink in a day?(breakfast, lunch, dinner,

snack(sandwich etc)

6. What time do you start school?

7. What time do you finish?

8. How many periods of lessons do you have?

9. How many breaks do you have? How long are they?

10. What are the subjects you study?

11. Do you take exams?

12. What are your favorite activities after school?

13. What do you usually do at the weekend?

4. Ask their ePals at least three questions about what the ePals do on a typical day.Ask

any questions you have after reading your ePals’ first email.

5. End the letter with a friendly closing message (how much they enjoyed their ePals'

letters, etc.).


Μάθημα 4

προετοιμαςία για τθν θλεκτρονικι Χριςτουγεννιάτικθ κάρτα(glog)-ευχζσ, επιλογι φωτογραφιϊν

Τμιμα Α’2 :ςυνταγι για υπζροχα Χριςτοφγεννα




Μάθημα 5

Οι μακθτζσ διαβάηουν το 2ο γράμμα των φίλων τουσ

ςυηθτοφν τθν κακθμερινι ηωι και ςχολικι ηωι των φίλων τουσ

δθμιουργοφν λίςτα με κοινά ςθμεία και διαφορζσ μεταξφ τουσ

κάνουν γενικι αξιολόγθςθ τθσ αλλθλογραφίασ τουσ



ηη ζςνέσεια…

ανταλλαγι θλεκτρονικϊν αφιςϊν “glogs” ωσ χριςτουγεννιάτικεσ κάρτεσ και χειροποίθτεσ κάρτεσ για τθν θμζρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου

Η αλλθλογραφία κα ςυνεχιςτεί για να καλφψει το φυςικό περιβάλλον των μακθτϊν και άλλα ςτοιχεία τθσ κουλτοφρασ τουσ –

3ο γράμμα: “My environment” &

4ο γράμμα: “My culture”






email from Cyprus to Spain

From: ( ) To: ( )

Date: 2010-Dec-14 10:32:00

Subject: All about me

Dear ( ),

Hi! I am ( ) and I am 12 years old. I am from Cyprus, a small but nice island. My favourite colour is purple, made from red and blue. My favourite type of music is pop , which



is played by drums, electrics guitars and many other musical instruments. My favourite sport is handball, which is played by for hands. My favourite website is <<free games>>, because I can play a lot of times there. My favourite TV show is<<big brother>>, which is a reality show. My favourite book is a Greek one<<ηξ δελθίμι, η αοκξύδα και ξ γλάοξπ>>. Μy favourite animal is pompous, which are very beautiful and fat bears. My favourite season is the summer, because we go to the beach, but I like winter too, because it is Christmas and there is snow. My birthday is on 26 of October. Also, I have two brothers.

Three words that describe me are friendly, clever and hard working Love, katerina!!! P.S: What about you??? I am P.S: What about you??? I am waiting

for your letter!!!


2011-Jan-10 10:25:58subject: a day in my life

Dear ( ), Hi! In my last letter I described myself to you and now I will describe you a day in my life. Three things that I do almost every day are dancing, playing handball and other games and doing my homework. Every day I get up at six o’clock and I go to bed at ten o’clock. When I get home from school I eat lunch, I watch TV and I do my homework. I have got some chores or jobs only on Saturday morning.In the morning I eat two crackers and I drink one cup of milk.For lunch I eat meat with salad.For dinner I eat one bowl of cornflakes and for snack I eat a sandwich. I start school at 7:35 and I finish at 13:35. I have 7-8 periods of lessons. have 3 breaks of 30´ the first,20´the second and 5´ the 3rd. The subjects which I study are Maths, Greek, English, French, Art, Biology, History, Ancient Greek, Technology, Music, Home Economics, Geography, PE,


2010-Dec-21 09:18:18

Subject: a day in my life

Dear ( ) ,

Hi! Nice to hear from you. Every day I go to

school. After school I study and later I play

computer. I get up at 6:00 in the morning

and I go to bed at 9:00 at night. When I get

home from school I study. I haven’t got any

jobs. I usually eat sandwich and drink juice

or ice-tea. I start school at 7:30 and I finish

at 1:35. I have 7 or 8 periods of lessons. I

have 3 breaks for 20 minutes. I study

Greek, maths, art, music, physical

education, geography, religious studies,

English, French, biology, ancient Greek,

computers and history. I take exams. My

favourite activities are playing football and

playing drums. I watch TV, I play

PLAYSTATION 3, I play computer games, I

study and I play drums at the weekend.

what do you do every day?


( )


email from Spain

From: ( )

To: ( )

2010-Dec-15 11:08:38

Subject: Re: myself

Dear ( ),

My name is ( ). I am 12 years old, my

birthay is on 7/9.I am a spanish girl and I

live in Palamós, Girona.

I am medium height, i have got green eyes

and long black hair.I am friendly, kind and


My hobbies are playing tennis and

swimming. I like listening to music. My

favorite colour is green.

What about you?

I hope to hear from you soo.

Tacke care



email from Spain

Date: 2010-Dec-21 09:48:27

Subject: Happy Christmas

Dear ( ),

How are you? I'm fine. I have created a

glog for you.

Check it here:


I hope you have a great Chtistmas and a

wonderful New

Year 2011!

Your friend, ( )


email from Alaska

My name is ( ). I am 13 years old and have black and

brown hair. I love to read, listen to music, and watch

movies. I would say my favorite hobby is to play with

my brother. We made up a game called pillow

ball. It starts with a pitcher and a batter with a pillow in

hand, and we pitch it and hit it with the pillow, Itʼs more

fun than it sounds. My family and I travel

a lot to Anchorage, and a lot of places in Alaska. My

favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry. My favorite place

I would like to be is the Bahamas. I love to sing, I would

say I am good, but I hope to become better in the

future. So I would like to ask questions about you, first

do you ever get snow? Do you hve a nick name? Your

name is so cool, but I canʼt pronounce it. What is your

favorite thing to do during the weekend, and whats your

favorite holiday? I will also answer the questions when

you write back. In this picture, I am the on right with the

glasses,and in the middle is ( )

the one on the left is ( ). I hope to hear from you soon!


( )


email from Cyprus to Alaska

Dear ( ),

Hi! How are you? Sorry to think you live in an

igloo. We know you are very advanced there

especially with technology.

The three things I do every day are dancing,

doing my homework and walking.

I get up at 6:00 and I go to bed at 12:00. When I

get home I drink chocolate. I usually have a

sandwich for a snack. We start school at 7:30

and finish at 1:35. We have 7-8 periods of

lessons in a day. We have three breaks -20 ,

25 , 5 .

We have 15 subjects:

Religious studies, Technology, Art, Music, Greek,

Maths, History, Ancient Greek, Information

Technology, P.E, English, French, Home

Economics, Biology, Geography. We take four

end of the year exams in History, Maths, Greek

and Biology. My favourite activity after school is

surfing on the Internet. At the weekend I go to

the mall of Cyprus.

How about you? What's your environment like?


( )

email from Cyprus to Virginia Beach, USADate: 2011-Jan-17 09:47:20

Subject: All about meHello my friend ( )! My name is ( ) and I am 12 years old. My favorite color is pink. My favorite type of music is POP. My favorite sport is volleyball. My favorite website is MSN if you have MSN you can give it to me and we can talk from there. My favorite TV show is NEXT TOP MODEL. My favorite book or other is Tzaklin Ouilson. My favorite animal is the dog and I have a LABRATOR called DIVA!!!!! My favorite season is winter. My birthday is on 27/10/1998. I have one brother called Lefteris and he is 15 years old. Three words that describe me are friendly, funny and beautiful. That’s all for now. What about you?

Love, ( )



“The Way We Are” project

B’ Regional Gymnasium of NicosiaA’2 English class

Teacher: Chrysanthi NicodemouSchool year: 2010-2011






Λξγιζμικό, ποξγοάμμαηα, ενξπλιζμόs


“The Way We Are” project

B’ Regional Gymnasium of NicosiaA’2 English class

Teacher: Chrysanthi NicodemouSchool year: 2010-2011






Οπγάνυζη ηάξηρ

A: χριςθ εργαςτθρίου Η/Υ (1 περίοδο τθν εβδομάδα):

θλεκτρονικι αλλθλογραφία


B:Κανονικι τάξθ (2 περιόδουσ τθν εβδομάδα):

εργαςία ςτισ ενότθτεσ, λεξιλόγιο, οδθγίεσ για γραπτό λόγο, φυλλάδια εργαςίασ


Οπγάνυζη ηάξηρ


Σχεδιαζμόπ/Ποξγοαμμαηιζμόπ ηηπ Εθαομξγήπ και Διαχείοιζη

Το διαδίχτυο και θ τεχνολογία είναι το παράκυρο τθσ τάξθσ μασ προσ τον υπόλοιπο κόςμο και αντίςτροφα:

ςυνδζουν τουσ μακθτζσ από διάφορεσ χϊρεσ με γριγορο και εφκολο τρόπο με γλϊςςα επικοινωνίασ τθν Αγγλικι ι άλλθ

δίνουν κίνθτρα ςτουσ μακθτζσ να εξαςκιςουν και να αυξιςουν τον γραπτό λόγο ςε κζματα που τουσ ενδιαφζρουν με αναγνϊςτθ ζνα νζο φίλο εκτόσ από τον κακθγθτι

προςφζρουν ευκαιρίεσ για γνωριμία με άλλθ κουλτοφρα και κεντρίηουν το ενδιαφζρον των μακθτϊν για τθ ξζνθ χϊρα


Σχεδιαζμόπ/Ποξγοαμμαηιζμόπ ηηπ Εθαομξγήπ και Διαχείοιζη

ενιςχφουν διάφορουσ τρόπουσ μάκθςθσ(ςυνδυαςμόσ διαφόρων διαδυχτιακϊν και άλλων εργαλείων μάκθςθσ)

τα κζματα μελζτθσ(ενότθτεσ) αποχτοφν νζο ενδιαφζρον για τουσ μακθτζσ γιατί αποτελοφν το περιεχόμενο τθσ αλλθλογραφίασ τουσ που γίνονται προςωπικζσ εμπειρίεσ

προςφζρουν δεξιότθτεσ θλεκτρονικισ αλλθλογραφίασ και γενικότερα χριςθσ Η/Υ που είναι απαραίτθτεσ για τον μακθτι του 21ου αιϊνα


Σχεδιαζμόπ/Ποξγοαμμαηιζμόπ ηηπ Εθαομξγήπ και Διαχείοιζη

θ επεξεργαςία κειμζνου βοθκά τουσ μακθτζσ, ειδικά τουσ αδφνατουσ, με αυτόματθ διόρκωςθ ορκογραφικϊν λακϊν

το γεγονόσ ότι τα γράμματα φυλάγονται ςτουσ φακζλουσ “drafts” & “sent folders”δίνει τθν ευκαιρία ςτουσ μακθτζσ να επεξεργαςτοφν το περιεχόμενο για μελλοντικοφσ epals και επίςθσ να αξιολογιςουν τα γράμματα τουσ

Ο κακθγθτισ ζχει πρόςβαςθ ςε όλθ τθν αλλθλογραφία των μακθτϊν(ειςερχόμενθ & εξερχόμενθ)


Δημιοςπγία wikis

Χϊροσ εργαςίασ, αποκικευςθσ εργαςιϊν/υλικοφ, δθμοςίευςθσ

1. Τμιμα A’2 wiki:


2.A’ Τμιμα Α’1 wiki:http://ict4english.wikispaces.com/



Οι ςτόχοι ζχουν πραγματοποιθκεί:

επικοινωνία μεταξφ Κφπριων και μακθτϊν ςε άλλεσ χϊρεσ

θ γνωριμία με ξζνουσ μακθτζσ και τθν ηωι/κουλτοφρα τουσ αποτζλεςε τθν μεγαλφτερθ πρόκλθςθ

θ επικοινωνία αυτι κζντριςε το ενδιαφζρον και οδιγθςε ςτον εμπλουτιςμό γνϊςθσ

εξάςκθςθ τθσ Αγγλικισ γλϊςςα ςε μεγάλο βακμό

ενκουςιαςμόσ και αυτονομία ςτθν μάκθςθ

ιδιαίτερθ προςοχι ςτον γραπτό λόγο

εκτζλεςθ αλλθλογραφίασ από όλουσ τουσ μακθτζσ

ανάπτυξθ δεξιοτιτων και κριτικισ ςκζψθσ(ενθμζρωςθ, ςφγκριςθ, αξιολόγθςθ)


Εκπαιδεςηικό ςλικό:

Φυλλάδια εργαςίασ:

1ο, “All about me” & 2ο , “ A day in my life”

Ηλεκτρονικι αλλθλογραφία των μακθτϊν

A’1 class Xmas glog: http://chrisanthi.glogster.com/epals-a2-xmas-glog/

Χριςτουγεννιάτικα glogs από Ιςπανία ςτο:


Wikis: A’2 wiki: http://a2ictenglish.pbworks.com

A’1 class wiki: http://ict4english.wikispaces.com/

A’ 2 παρουςίαςθ PowerPoint “Our email exchange”


αρ εςσαπιζηώ!

Χρυςάνκθ Νικοδιμου

email: nicodemouc@yahoo.com


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