Gembrook Primary School -€¦ · 15/8/2012  · 27 August EDE asketball 27 August PFA Meeting - father’s day stall pricing 27-31 August GemOOK week 27 August

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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50 Main Rd GEMBROOK 3783 Ph: 03 5968 1313 Fax: 03 5968 1548 email:

Gembrook Primary School

Diary Dates Term 3

Melbourne Excursion (MLC)

Life Education Van permission note (all grades)

Adidas fun run

Run Gembrook

Notes that have gone home 20 August City Excursion: IMAX & Museum—MLC $20 (TBC)

20-24 August Green Week

24 August Tree Planting Day

22 August Building & Grounds 6pm School Council 7pm

27 August EDEC Basketball

27 August PFA Meeting - father’s day stall pricing

27-31 August GemBOOK week

27 August EDEC Basketball (5/6 )

31 August Special Friends Day

31 Aug-4 Sept Life Education Program (all grades—$9.50/student)

1 September Trivia Night 7pm in Performing Arts Room

3 September Book Club Orders Due

3 September Life Ed Parent Information Session

5 September AEU Stop Work Day TBC

7 September Everyday Hero Fun Run (all grades)

8 September Shopping Tour

12 September Produce Market

13 September EDEC Girl’s Footy (TBC)

15 September Working Bee 9-11am

19 September Footy Dress Up Day—gold coin donation

21 September Last day term 3: 2.30pm dismissal

13 October Girl’s Night Out

21 October Run Gembrook

Wednesday 15 August

A view to the future

MLC Science Project: Discovering what

happens inside the body

A view to the future Gembrook Primary School

is a welcoming and respect-

ful community that

provides modern, flexible

learning spaces that support

a personalised, engaging

and challenging learning

program so that students

will achieve the social,

emotional, academic and

physical growth to succeed

in a global society.

Lunch order special Friday 17th August Vegetable soup (gluten, meat

and dairy free)

$4 per serve with a warm

bread roll or

gluten free bread

Subject Contributions 2012 Instalment 3 Now Due For those families who have chosen to pay Subject Contributions by in-

stalment the third instalment is now due.


Kym’s comment

Kym Peterson

Dear Families and Friends Basketball Clinic Today in PE all the grades had a basketball clinic with some Knox basketball players. The sessions were very popular and a wonderful opportunity to practice basketball skills. Our year 6 students and some year 5 students will be playing basketball with friends from our EDEC schools on Monday August 27. Thank you to Cameron Morgan for organising these. Kids Teaching Kids Some of our eco warriors will be participating in the Kids Teaching Kids day with other students from Dandenong Ranges schools. Some of the students will be presenting while others will be viewing presentations from other schools. Gembrook Prima-ry School is a five star sustainable school and so we have a lot to share with other schools. Some of the eco warriors will also be presenting later in the year at the Resource Smart Awards organised by Sustain-ability Victoria. As a school community we should be very proud of our achievements in this area. Parent information session Technology is increasingly becoming part of our eve-ryday lives. The advancement in this area is rapid and the impact is dynamic. Technology will continue to be part of education and probably in different ways than in the past or present. At Gembrook we have recently introduced a small pod of ipads. We are keen to share how we use them at school and how you can use them at home to support the learning program. There will be a parent information session this week. Unfortunately we were not able to have the parent session, 'iPads in the classroom', last week but we are able to run the session this Fri-day after assembly. The session will be in the library with Tabitha.

Parent’s assistance in the classrooms The home school partnership is important to every-one at Gembrook Primary School. I invite all parents into our classrooms. The teaching team are keen for more parent helpers in the classrooms. Helping out in the classroom is a great way of finding out what your child does at school. There are many ways to assist including: hearing children read, supervising small groups of students playing a maths game, as-sisting with cooking, assisting at sporting events, laminating books or assisting children to write their ideas. Please contact your class teacher if you are able to help. Trivia Night Come along for a few drinks and a great deal of fun with friends! The PFA have organised a wonderful evening. They have sourced some amazing items for the silent auction. Gather a table of friends and book a table at the office. The PFA are aiming to raise funds to purchase seating for the undercover area outside the office area. Run Gembrook The wonderful parent Run Gembrook team are meeting weekly to plan this great family event. At this stage we are asking everyone to publicise this family fun day amongst your family, friends and col-leagues. More detailed information is on the flyer and the website. On the day we will require many helpers to ensure this day is successful, so please mark it in your diary.

News on the Picasso Cow Many people have already suggested names for our cow. If you have an idea for a name, please

send it along to the office!


15 Taleisha R-E

Mahli S

Phoebe P



Family Maths Work as a family to solve the weekly

maths puzzle and you could be re-

warded with a Computer Pass to be

used in your classroom.

Put your entry in the box in the foyer

near the office.

Have fun!


Answer to our last puzzle:

(C) 35

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Three weeks to go! Remember to log in and enter your books. Log in details have been given to all students.

Friday 24 Aug CAFÉ reading with Dale. Find out about what is happening in the classrooms with reading.

Friday 7 Sept Maths – how can I help my child - Jude

Friday 14 Sept Coffee & school walkabout with Kym. Come along with questions and ideas.

Parent Sessions: after assembly

Star of the Week Name Reason Grade Teacher Shania For your great enthusiasm in writing and drawing. Keep up the hard work! Prep 1/ S Mrs Smith

Eric You are a fantastic listener. You always show respect when listening to the teach-er and other students. Keep up the great effort. Prep 1/G Miss Gardiner

Emma A What amazing spelling work this week Emma! You are a star! Keep it up. 1H Miss Hutcheson

Abbey For excellent work in writing during our 5 minute starts! What a star you are! 2/3B Mrs Bigwood

Georgie For her enthsiasm during our science investigations. Wonderful listening and ob-serving! 2/3B Mrs Bigwood

Daisy For a great attitude during our science investigations. Well done! 3/4A Mrs A

Tyrell What a wonderful piece of creative writting! Keep up that great work! 3/4E Mrs Everett

Harry You are a true star! During LOTE you always have a positive attitude and try your very best all the time! 5/6W Mrs Wescombe

Ryan Ryan you are absolutley amazing during every LOTE lesson. You try your very hardest and it show in the work you produce as it is always amazing! 5/6W Mrs Wescombe

Dana For being a great student leader and showing lots of initiative and enthusiasm at all times. Terrific effort! 5/6F Mr Fraser

3/4E You are so amazing in everyway! Thank you for wonderful lining up and great work in your Asia group. LOTE Mrs Failla

Book club orders are due on 3 September

75 Nights Reading


Gemma, Paris, Sarena, Emily,

Owen, Bradley, Shania, Leah

We are so

proud of you!

Adidas Everyday Hero Fun Run

We will be holding an Adidas School Fun-Run as a major fundraising event this year.

The event will be held on 7th September within the school grounds. Please note that this is a change of date to the parent/guardian letter! The adidas School Fun-Run is a healthy, fun and active fundraiser that ensures we send the right message to our students about getting active, having fun and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The main focus of this event is on participation. Family support is most appreciat-

ed as we encourage all students to get involved. All students have received a Sponsorship Form to help collect sponsorship on behalf of the school. The funds raised will be used to help renovate our schools multi-purpose room. We ask all parents to read the Sponsorship Form and sign the front page to grant permission for their child to fundraise and partici-pate in this event. Students who raise just $10 or more will receive a reward for effort. In the Sponsorship Form you will also find many other benefits like the chance to win a family holiday to Disneyland! Students wanting to train for our event and to receive advice from sporting heroes like Scott Prince, Dale Thomas, Sally Pearson and other elite adidas athletes can do so by logging onto and clicking create a profile. Students who register will be in the running to WIN a Nintendo Wii and bonus Wii Fit Plus! Finally, we would like to welcome parents and family members to attend the adidas School Fun-Run event day at the school on 7th September to help cheer on the students. If you would like to volunteer and help out on the day please contact the school on 5968 1313. Thank you, good luck and happy fundraising! Cameron Morgan PE Teacher

Delicious honey $10/1kg tub.

A percentage from the sale of each tub goes to

the school. Forms are available from the office.

2012 Term Dates

Term 1: 3 February to 30 March

Term 2: 16 April to 29 June

Term 3: 16 July to 21 Sept

Term 4: 8 October to 21 Dec


needed: Scarecrow

clothes, brooms,

straw hats, box-

es for the maze-

Thur 16 Aug 6-7pm

Step into Prep Night Future Prep students and families are invited to visit the prep classroom to experience reading, writing, craft, construction and maths activities. This is a great opportunity to see our classrooms in action, meet teachers and parents and ask questions in an in-formal setting.

Wed 12 Sept / Wed 19 Sept 9.30-10.45am

Art & ICT During this session children will experience two of the specialist programs we provide at Gembrook Primary School. They will have an Information Communication Technology (ICT) 30 minute lesson with Tabitha O’Brien, our ICT and Teaching and Learning Leader. They will also have a 30 minute art lesson with our art teacher, Lynne Huberts. During the time the children are involved in these activities, we invite you to join us in the staff room for morning tea, with a chance to have an informal chat about our school with our principal, Kym Peterson.

Wed Oct 10 (Group 1) Wed Oct 11 (Group 2) 11.30-12.30am

Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P.)

During this session the children will participate in a series of activi-ties which are designed to develop motor skills such as balance, coordination, strength, eye tracking and memory. This session will take place in the malty-purpose room and will be taken by one of our prep teachers. Parents are welcome.

Wed 14 Nov/Wed 15 Nov Teacher and future prep buddies visit kinder

Prep teachers from Gembrook primary School and the grade 5 future prep buddies will visit the kinder and meet with the chil-dren informally.

Wed 28, Thurs 29, Frid 30 Nov 9.15-10.45am

Classroom visits Small groups of children will join the preps on one of the above dates, for a reading and writing session. The children will join in with our current prep children and complete some activities to give them a taste of school life. This is a good opportunity for the kinder children to meet some of our preps and to experience life in the classroom.

Thurs 6 Dec Buddy Visits Our grade 6 buddies for next year will come and visit the children at kinder and join in with an activity during the school year.

Tues 11 Dec 9.15-12.30

Orientation Day The children will participate in a range of activities which will help familiarise them with life at school. They will play in the play-ground and walk around the school to familiarise them with their new environment. They will need to bring their lunch and play lunch.

Tues 11 Dec 6-7pm

Information Night During this meeting we will outline information that will help you and your child prepare for their start at school. We will have a sausage sizzle (5.30-6.30pm) prior to the meeting. Baby sitting will be available during the meeting.

Thurs 13 Dec (NB: date may change due to weather)

School Christmas Concert Families are invited to our school Christmas concert. This is a great opportunity to get to know Gembrook families and teachers and enjoy the Christmas festivities together.

All enquires, please phone the school 5968 1313 Taryn Smith & Perri Gardiner Prep Teachers at Gembrook Primary School

The PFA have some fun and exciting events planned for the months ahead. We always welcome and appreciate helpers at all of the events and stalls. If you are able to help, please leave your name and contact number at the office. The PFA usually meet on the first Monday of the month in the staff room. Our meetings are very informal and a great way to find out what’s hap-pening around the school and a great way to share any ideas. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat we would love to see you there.


Monday 27

th August- PFA meeting to price fa-

ther’s day stall items Wednesday 29

th, Thursday 30


August- Fathers Day Stall, lunchtime and after school. Helpers needed from 12:45 (lunchtime) and 3:15 (after school) each day. Friday 31

st August- Special Friends day, we are

seeking donations for morning tea- cakes, cook-ies, slices, etc. If you are able to assist please leave donations at the office on the morning. Saturday 1

st September- Trivia/Silent Auction

night, 7pm in Gembrook P.S Performing Arts Room. Get together with friends and family and make a table of 8-10 people or just come along and join another table. All welcome. The cost is $15 per head, BYO nibbles and drinks. Great auction items to bid on, raffles and door

prizes, plus lots of fun and laughs! Saturday 8

th September- Annual shopping tour.

Seats still available so bring along friends and family. The cost is $50 per adult and $25 per child under 16 years, the cost includes coach travel, 2 course restaurant lunch, drinks and nibbles throughout the tour on the coach. (See full-page info in the newsletter) Wednesday 19

th September- Footy day! The

PFA will be providing hot dogs for lunch for the footy day. Order form to go home soon. Please make sure your child’s order form is in by the due date to make our job of ordering the supplies eas-ier. Please let us know if your child has any food intolerances or allergies so we can cater for them Helpers for this day welcome from 12pm on the day. Saturday 13

th October- This year we

wanted to do something different than our Girls night out so we thought a Ladies High Tea would be a lovely way to spoil ourselves. It will be held at the breathtaking Forest Edge Res-taurant in Gembrook at 12.30pm. The theme this year is Vintage Elegance, a great way to dress as ladies for the day. The cost will be $35 per person which includes a glass of bubbles on arrival, gourmet high tea, tea and coffee. There will be prizes and goodies. We hope to see you there. The PFA Team

50 /

(2 course restaurant lunch including main & desert)

Further enquiries:


0412183329 Send a text if too late to phone.

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