Gambar Modul IIb

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 1

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 3

    Pectus excavatum

    Learning point!The apex beat is the furthest

    position laterally and inferiorly,at which the cardiac impulsecan be palpated. The apex beat

    is due mainly to the action ofthe left ventricle. In a normal

    patient, the apex beat is usuallypositioned at the 5th intercostal

    space (ICS) in the midclavicular line (MCL).

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 4

    Palpation for the apex beat

    Palpation for a parasternal heave

    Palpasi daerah subxyphoid. Cara ini untuk meraba ventrikel kanan bila

    terjadi hipertrofi ventrikel kanan.

    Palpation for the apex beat.

    To palpate for the apex beatplace your hand over the left

    hemi-thorax region and feel forthe most lateral and inferior

    pulsation. To count intercostalspaces (ICS), first identify the

    manubriosternal junction. Therib attached along side this is

    the 2nd rib and the space belowthe rib is the 2nd ICS. Count

    down until you are at the levelwhere you can feel the apex


    Palpation for heaves:Place your hand on the patients

    chest in the left parasternalregion to palpate for any heaves

    that may be caused by rightventricular enlargement.

    Dengan menggunakan telapak

    tangan dapat ditentukan bataskanan bila terdapat pembesaran

    ventrikel kanan (right ventriclehypertrophy)

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 5

    Palpation for thrills

    The diaphragm side

    Palpation for thrills:

    Turbulent blood flow, which causes

    cardiac murmurs on auscultation (seelater) can sometimes be palpable

    i.e. a thrill. Place your hand over thepulmonary and aortic areas (see

    later) to palpate for any thrills.

    Stethoscope:A stethoscope usually has twocomponents:

    The diaphragm is better for listening

    to higher pitched sounds(e.g. 1st &2nd heart sounds systolic and aortic

    diastolic murmurs).


    Menentukan batas kananjantung. Caranya terlebih

    dahulu menentukan batas paru-hati (BPH). BPH normal berada

    di ICS Vgaris midklavikuler.Dua jari diatas BPH diperkusi

    ke medial, suara keredupanpertama menunjukkan batas

    kanan jantung.

    Menentukan batas atas jantung.

    Caranya : perkusi sepanjanggaris midklavikuler dari atas ke

    bawah. Keredupan pertamamerupakan batas atas jantung

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 6

    The bell side

    Learning point! Auscultation of the heart can detect many important sounds includingheart sounds, murmurs and other additional sounds (e.g. opening snaps, clicks,pericardial friction rubs, prosthetic heart sounds)

    The bell is best used to detect lower

    pitched sounds (e.g. the murmur of

    mitral stenosis). The bell should not be

    placed too tightly to the skin -otherwise it could function as a


    Location of the auscultatory areas:Heart valve sounds are best heard in

    the following areas:

    Mitral area (5th ICS MCL)Tricuspid area (Lower left sternal edge)

    Aortic area (2nd ICS right sternal edge)Pulmonary area (2nd ICS left sternal


    Lokasi Auskultasi Katub Jantung

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 7

    Mitral area

    Tricuspid area

    Pulmonary area

    Auskultasi katup mitral ICS Vgaris midklavikuler

    Auskultasi katup mitral ICS V

    garis sternal kiri

    Auskultasi katup mitral ICS II

    parasternal kiri

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 8

    Aortic area

    Mitral area

    It is essential to simultaneouslyexamine the carotid pulse long

    enough to give you an indication ofthe timing of systole and enable

    sounds to be placed in the correctpart of the cardiac cycle.

    Now with the Bell component

    of the stethoscope listen to the :

    - Mitral area- Tricuspid area

    Auskultasi katup mitral ICS II

    Parasternal kanan

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 9

    Tricuspid area

    Aortic area

    Roll the patient on to their left lateral

    position. Palpate for the apex beat

    and listen with the bell component

    of your stethoscope for the murmurof mitral stenosis. The murmur of

    mitral stenosis is quite localised justmedial to the apex beat. Also listen

    into the axilla area for the murmur ofmitral incompetence. You may want

    the patient to lie on their back whenlistening for the radiation of mitral

    regurgitation as it may be difficult toplace the stethoscope in the axilla

    when the patient is lying on their leftside.

    Ask the patient to lean forward, take a deep

    breath, exhale and to hold their breath for ashort period of time. (In doing this

    manoeuvre, it will increase the intensity of

    the murmur of aortic incompetence).

    Auscultate with the diaphragm component ofthe stethoscope the following areas:

    - Aortic area- Tricuspid area

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 10

    Pada beberapa keadaan perlu

    dilakukan pemeriksaan dalam posisikhusus misalnya jongkok, berdiri,

    valsava, isometerik dan setelahpemberian amilnitrit.

    Bising fungsionil akan menghilang

    bila dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan

    cara berdiri.

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 11

    Image of a patient who presented with shortness of breath. Clinically the patient was found to have pale

    conjunctiva. The patients Hb level was 6.6g/dl and the cause for his anaemia was due to a bleeding

    duodenal ulcer.

    A patient with finger clubbing due to pulmonary fibrosis

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 12

    Nicotine staining on a patient who smokes cigarettes

    Assessment of anterior chest wall expansion

    Assessment of posterior chest wall expansion

    Palpasi waktu pergerakan. Perhatikan derajat pergerakan dan bandingkanantara yang kanan dan kiri (perhatikan pergerakan dari tangan pemeriksa)

    Pemeriksaan fremitus suara dengan

    Palpasi kedua tangan bagian ulnarsecara sistematis dari bawah, tengah

    dan atas, waktu Palpasi penderitamengucapkan suara getar misalnya

    menyebut angka delapan berulang kali.Hasil pemeriksaan dibandingkan antara

    paru kiri dan kanan, mana yang lebihkeras

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 13

    Palpation for position of the trachea

    Percussion techniquei) Place you hand on the patients chest wall with the fingers slightly separated andaligned with the ribs and pressing the middle finger firmly again the chest.

    ii) With the other hand (usually the middle finger) strike firmly the middle phalanx

    of the middle finger that is on the patients chest wall.

    iii) The percussing finger is removed quickly therefore not to dampen the

    generated noise. The percussing finger should be held partly flexed and a loose

    swinging motion should come form the wrist

    In essence you will be comparing the quality of one percussion note with another

    over the entire chest wall. Therefore percussion should always compare left to right

    at each level throughout the chest wall.

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 14

    When percussing the anterior chest wall start in the supraclavicular area, percuss

    the clavicle directly with the perusing finger and then the rest of the anterior chestwall. Do not forget to percuss the axilla.

    Areas to percuss in the anterior chest wall

    When percussing the posterior aspect of the chest, the scapula should be moved outof the way. Therefore ask the patient to move their arms forward by doing this

    will rotate their scapula anterioly.

    Areas to percuss in the posterior chest wall.

  • 8/7/2019 Gambar Modul IIb


    Buku Modul Skills Lab Semester IIb 2007/2008, Ax & Dpx Thoraks 15

    Areas to auscultate in the anterior chest wall Areas to auscultate in the posterior chestaspect of the chest

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