Fr. José N. Alfaro,Pastor Fr. Yamil Miranda, Parochial · Fr. José N. Alfaro, Pastor Fr. Yamil Miranda,

Post on 13-Mar-2020






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Fr. José N. Alfaro,Pastor Fr. Yamil Miranda, Parochial Vicar


Parish Office 4020 Curtiss Parkway

Virginia Gardens, FL 33166

Phone: 305-871-5780 Fax: 305-871-5781

Fr. José N. Alfaro, Pastor

Fr. Yamil Miranda, Parochial Vicar

Dennis Jordan, José Alemán, and Javier Inda


Our mission is to live the Gospel message and to bring God’s Trinitarian love to others in order to be a beacon of

light and hope for all.

Office Hours Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5 pm Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm Sunday: 9 am - 2 pm

St. Joseph’s Convent 1040 Hunting Lodge Drive Miami Springs, FL 33166

Phone: 305-871-3246

Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus & Mary,

Sr. María Andrea Oliver, SCTJM Superior

School Office 4020 Curtiss Parkway

Virginia Gardens, FL 33166

Phone: 305-871-5766 Fax: 305-876-1755

Pre-K2 through 8th Grade

Mrs. María Teresa Pérez, Principal

Our mission is to witness and nurture the transforming power of the teachings of

Christ through the education of our children.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 29, 2017

ABCD: Give and You Shall Receive Our church is a place to pray, to give thanks, to mourn and to celebrate. A place for us all to unite—in need and abundance—to have mercy, lift each other up and ease pain and suffering. A place people turn to in their time of need. We are all instruments of God’s mercy and peace. One church, one family uniting to help those in need. Thank you to all who have already generously responded to this year’s ABCD. Your support strengthens the ministries that serve our Archdiocese and allow the Church to form new disciples. As Scriptures remind us, Give and it shall be given to you. Your neighbor needs you. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. If you have yet to respond to this year’s ABCD, please join us by making a gift now. You can obtain a pledge envelope from the parish office or you can make a gift online at Thank you for all that you do and the spirit in which you do it.

ABCD: Den y se les dará

Nuestra iglesia es un lugar para orar, para dar gracias, para lamentarnos y para celebrar. Un lugar para que todos nos unamos –en la necesidad y en la abundancia– para practicar la piedad, sostenernos los unos a los otros y aliviar el dolor y el sufrimiento. Un lugar al que la gente acude en sus momentos de necesidad. Todos somos instrumentos de la misericordia y la paz de Dios. Una iglesia, una familia que se une para ayudar a los necesita-dos. Gracias a todos los que ya han respondido generosamente al ABCD de este año. Su apoyo fortalece los ministerios que sirven a nuestra Arquidiócesis y permiten a la Iglesia el formar nuevos discípulos. Como las Escrituras nos recuerdan, "Den y se les dará". Su prójimo necesita de usted. Usted es la respuesta a las oraciones de alguien, y juntos estamos transformando vidas. Si todavía no ha dado su respuesta al ABCD de este año, por favor, únase a nosotros haciendo ahora una contribución. Puede obtener un sobre de compromiso en la oficina de la parroquia, o puede hacer un donativo en línea en Gracias por todo lo que hace, y por el espíritu con que lo hace.

The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated on the following dates:

ENGLISH: Sunday, February 5th, 2017 SPANISH: Sunday, February12th, 2017

Baptismal Preparation classes will

be offered:

ENGLISH: Thursday, February 2nd 2017 SPANISH: Thursday, February 9th, 2017

Please, call the parish office for more information or to sign up.

February 2017

Dear Parishioners:

At Blessed Trinity Catholic School, we are lucky to learn, pray, and grow in a special environment. This would not be possible without the generous support of people like you, the members of Blessed Trinity Catholic Church. When you support our school, you invest in the future of all our students and the Catholic Church.

As we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, we want to thank you for all you do to help our school. We are grateful for your prayers and contributions, and we appre-ciate the time and talent you so generously share through your volunteer efforts.

The National Catholic Schools Week theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” We consider Blessed Trinity Catholic Church an important part of our community, and we hope you will join us as we celebrate Catholic education week.

We will host an Open House to the community on Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Presentations begin at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall following with a tour of the class-rooms and school grounds.

We hope to see you there!

Gratefully, The students, faculty, and staff of Blessed Trinity Catholic School

Blessed Trinity will have a visiting priest for a few months beginning on February 9th… My name is Fr. Martin Guyot. I am a member of the Emmanuel Community, the one who put together your Easter Mission last year. I was ordained a priest in June of 2014 for the diocese of Versailles, France. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters; my younger sister Charlotte took part in the mission in your parish last year. I began to hear God's special call for me at the age of 17 during World Youth Day in Rome when I was 17. I have a Master’s Degree in management from the French Business School HEC-Paris. Right after graduating in 2007, I entered the seminary and studied in Paris and in Brussels (Belgium). My first assignment as a priest was to get a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture in Rome at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. My last semester was spent in Jerusalem, at the Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française. I look forward to coming to Blessed Trinity for one semester to get to know the Church in the U.S. so that I can bring new ideas back to my diocese on how to better evangelize. Fr. Martin is 34 years old and speaks French, German, English, Italian and is learning Spanish. We will wel-come him with open arms!

Santísima Trinidad tendrá un sacerdote de visita por unos meses a partir del 9 de Febrero... Mi nombre es Padre Martín Guyot. Soy miembro de la Comunidad Emmanuel, quien coordiné su misión de semana Santa el año pasado. Fui ordenado a sacerdote en Junio de 2014 para la diócesis de Versalles, Francia. Tengo 2 hermanos y 3 hermanas; mi hermana más joven Charlotte tomó parte en la misión en su parroquia el año pasado. Comencé a escuchar el llamado especial de Dios a la edad de 17 durante el día mundial de la juventud en Roma. Tengo la maestría en gerencia de la escuela de negocios Francesa HEC-París. Después de graduarme en 2007, entré en el seminario y estudié en París y en Bruselas (Bélgica). Mi primer destino como sacerdote fue obtener un Licenciado en La Sagrada Escritura en Roma del Pontificio Instituto Bíblico. Mi último semester lo pasé en Jerusalén en la École Bib-lique et Archéologique Française. Espero llegar a la parroquia de Blessed Trinity por un semestre para conocer la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos y para poder aportar nuevas ideas a mi diócesis sobre cómo evan-gelizar mejor.

El padre, Martin, tiene 34 años y habla Francés, Alemán, Inglés, Italiano y está aprendiendo Español. Le acogemos con los brazos abiertos!

Sanctuary Lamp Intentions:


Week of January 22nd: Available

Week of January 29th Available

Saturday January 28 Vigil

5:00 PM Fr. Yamil, Dc. Alemán † Rodolfo Cepero Marietta Heckinger

MIA Airport Chapel 7:00 PM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Alemán For All Travelers Parish Priests and Deacons

Sunday, January 29 8:30 AM Fr. Alfaro † Rafael Tomás Gutiérrez His family

10:30 AM Fr. Yamil, Dc. Inda People of the Parish Parish Priests and Deacons

Español 12:30 PM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda † Juan Odino † Sebastián Ortíz Por la salud y Recuperacion de Stephen Hohauser

Su familia Sus amigos y familia Monica y Vince Vigna

5:30 PM Fr. Yamil, Ernie ††† Antonia Laredo Hernández, Elpidio Hernández e Isabel Hernández

Su familia

Monday, January 30 7:30 AM Fr. Yamil † Raonel Tapanes Jacqueline Tapanes

Tuesday, January 31 7:30 AM Fr. Yamil † Sebastian Ortiz Parish Priests and Deacons

Wednesday , February 1 7:30 AM Fr. Alfaro For the Health of Carlos Villalobos Parish Priests and Deacons

Thursday, February 2 7:30 AM Fr Alfaro † Jesus Martinez Parish Priests and Deacons

Friday, February 3 7:30 AM Fr. Yamil † Monica Carnieri † John Bianis

Her family Ambar Vidal

Saturday, February 4 8:30 AM Fr. Alfaro † Isabel Hernandez † Antonio Lukanda Wehbe † Sebastian Ortiz † Lee Modny For the health of Lynda Randolph For the health of Eugene Bechamps

Her family Granddaughter and family Carolina Plasencia The Ghalloub Family The ladies Guild His Sister Rose

Vigil 5:00 PM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda † Antonio Escanaverino Marietta Heckinger

MIA Airport Chapel 7:00 PM Fr. Yamil, Dc. Alemán For All Travelers Parish Priests and Deacons

Sunday, February 5 8:30 AM Fr. Yamil, Dc. Inda † Angela and Javier Pelayo Their daughter

10:30 AM Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda People of the Parish Parish Priests and Deacons

12:30 PM Fr. Yamil, Dc. Alemán Elena y Emilio Rosales Su familia

5:30 PM Fr. Alfaro, Ernie † Iris Aida Ellis The Drew family


for husbands and wives married in the Catholic Church

Celebrating their Silver, Gold, or over 50 Wedding Anni-

versary this year.

Saturday, February 11, 2017 4PM

Photos with Archbishop Wenski

5:30PM Mass St. Mary Cathedral

7525 North West 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33150

To register, please call the parish office.


Spring Class starts at Blessed Trinity in March 2017

The ten week small group Bible study teaches God’s perspective on managing money and possessions, while giving participants practical tools for handling their personal finances.

The small group discussions will be held every Wednesday (English) and Thursday (Spanish) for ten weeks beginning March 7/8 at 7:30 PM here in the parish. The groups are limited to 10 participants and registration is required

Compass representatives from BT will be reaching out to individuals already in the waiting list to obtain a confirmation of interest.

Teresita Obermann 305 799 34 84 Helen López 305 308 9453

Beginning again on February 2nd, 2017 Thursdays - 6:00-7:30AM Blessed Trinity Parish Hall


Saturday, 4-5 PM Sunday, 9:45-10:30 AM

¿En búsqueda de una relación más íntima con el Señor? ¡Inscríbete en los Talleres de Oración y Vida! Este Taller te llevará a través de las Escritu-ras y diversas formas de oración, ayudándote a desarrollar una íntima relación con el Señor. Los participantes alcanzarán la Paz del Señor y experi-mentaran la alegría de vivir. Los Talleres serán en español y se iniciarán el lunes 23 de enero a las 7:00 p.m. en la biblioteca de la escuela, llevándo-se a cabo por 15 semanas consecutivas. Trae tu Biblia y un cuaderno de notas. ¡Jesús te está espe-rando! Para más información, llama a Héctor Avilán al (305) 244-7650 o a Bertha Peña al (786) 541-4306 o escríbales a las siguientes direcciones: hector.avilan@ o a

Una Nueva Evangelización

Aprender a orar, Aprender a vivir

Padre Ignacio Larranaga

Victoria González Baltar, Nicholas Schaffer, Milagros González, John Cavalier, Jr.,

Richard Vázquez, Hans Baumann Hermes Hernández,

Jimmy and Libia Restrepo, Antonia Esther González,

Rose Bechamps, William and Joan Sachs,

Elaine Floyd, Gerry Trepanier Ovelinda Rodríguez,

Ana María Tillit, Margarita Jordan,

Evie Sholtis, Isabel González, Ruth Coward, Charles Perks,

Carol Snoke, Gina W., Prudence Highfield, Hunter Ciccarelli,

Mike Sinclair, Tana Verdooren, Celeste Nápoles,Adrienne Nápoles Huizenga,

Rafael Zayas, Víctor Marchena, Valia Malaragno-Skelton,

June Malaragno, Donald Bender, Lynda Randolph,

Elizabeth Annable, and Dottie Adams.

Stewardship Offering for the week of 1/22/17 was $ 12,794.10 Thank you for

your generosity.

Weekly grief support group meets on Sunday afternoons, 2-4 PM at Blessed Trinity, starting on Sunday, January, 29th, 2017. Cost for Workshop and supplies is $18. Register at 305-871-5780.


The next Emmaus Retreat for men in English will

take place

March 3-5, 2017

Blessed Trinity Church

Blessed Trinity is proud to host the South Florida premier of the independent feature film...

“Ignacio de Loyola”… a historical drama based on the memoirs of

St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order.

Two Show times available: Friday, February 3rd and

Saturday February 4th

All showings are at 7:00 p.m. at the Carney Center.

Admission Fee: $7.00 Seating is limited, come early.

*Due to some strong scenes the film may not be suitable for children under 11 years of age.

*The film is in English; it is not available in Spanish at this time.

*Snacks will be available for purchase.


Please join us this Saturday as we pray The Rosary publically

with our Lady of Fatima for Traditions, Families

and Properties (TFP)

America needs Fatima ! The World needs Fatima!

FINALLY MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH ! WHEN: Saturday February 4th, 2017—12:00 Noon WHERE: Corner of 40th St and Curtiss Parkway At the end of the field in front of the Church

The Legion of Mary “VIRGIN MOST POWERFUL” and The Rosary Group at Blessed Trinity Church



Without Faithful Adorers, Exposition of the MOST BLESSED


Exposition of The Most Blessed sacrament stars at 9:00 PM Friday, February 3rd and ends at 8:15 AM on Saturday

February 4th.


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