Fowles !5 basic needs

Post on 19-May-2015






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Advertising’s Fifteen Appeals

Jib Fowles

Advertising Appeal

The advertising appeal refers to the approach attract the attention of consumers and influence on their feelings.

Can also be viewed as “something that moves people, speaks to their wants or needs, and excites their interest.”

Emotional appeals

Emotional appeals relate to the customers’ psychological needs such as consumers’ emotion and feeling

Many’ motives for their purchase decisions are emotional

The need for


Advertisers appeal to the

need for consumer’s

attraction, though it’s quite

easy for the ad to become

to blatant

Need for affiliation

As a part of human nature, we desire to be in good company and to have good relationships.

Need to nurture“to feed, to support, help, console, protect, comfort, nurse, heal.”

For take care of small defenseless creatures such as children and pets

Need for guidance

Every human has a need to be nurtured, protected, shielded, guided

The Need for Prominence

A portion of human nature is the desire for prestige and high social status.

The Need for Attention

A primitive human instinct is the desire to be looked at.

The Need for Autonomy

The need to be individual and independent.

The Need to Dominate

A human desires to be powerful, strong

The Need to Satisfy Curiosity

Humans are curious by nature.

The Need to Escape

When life becomes too much to handle, everybody wants for freedom.

The Need to Feel Safe

We like to see that our lives will remain in tact and that we can avert crisises successfully.

The Need for Aesthetic Sensations

Consumers have a much more acute sense for the aesthetic than they know

The Physiological Needs

Eating, sleeping, and drinking.

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