Fostering a Love of Reading through Read-Alouds

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Fostering a Love of Reading through Read-Alouds
    Pam Wolford
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2. 3. Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate
For 10 minutes, write whatever comes to mind about one of these prompts.
When has your life been like a dry river bed or an out-of control raging stream?How did you handle the ups and downs of living life on a day to day basis?Do we need the extremes to mold us?
This story is said to have originated in Indian legend.Do you have stories which have been passed down from generation to generation?Why do you think those stories are told and retold?What is the importance of family legend?
4. What is literacy?
5. Literacy Events Strengthen Learning
6. Researchers who believe read-alouds are beneficial.
Reading aloud to students serves to reassure, entertain, inform, explain, arouse curiosity, and inspire our kids to read.J. Trelease
7. Critical Components for Implementation

  • Regular time and place.

8. A variety of literature. 9. Literature interests the students and their literature communities. 10. Apprentice:reading between the lines 11. Discussion precedes and follows 12. Monitor group size 13. Model fluent reading and speaking 14. Extension activities

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