Final Report -

Post on 31-May-2022






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Final Report

For the implementation of the activities

included in the work package М8 – 5 (BU)

„National dissemination of information”

Meeting the requirements set in action M8-(BU) for the period from the

beginning of the project until now the Executive Environment Agency (ExEA),

associated beneficiary to the project FutMon - LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218 had

realized the following:

With the aim to provide important public information we use the ExEA


A seminar was organized during the reporting period. It has been

presented the aims and objectives

of the Project FutMon, the main

types of activities, the methods for

analysis and evaluation. The

Indicators and results of the

present activities have been also

represented. On the meeting has

been reported the progress of the project. The meeting was attended by

experts from the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Executive

Agency of Forestry, Ministry of

Agriculture and Food, directorates

of the National Parks and Natural

Parks, Institute of Forestry of

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

University of Forestry, Faculty of

Biology at the Sofia University,

NGO representatives and media.

The photos from this seminar are available in gallery.

By the end of this year we are arranged a round table with the

representatives of the scientific society, particularly forest and ecology

scientists. On this meeting were

discussed the possibilities for an

application of the FutMon project results,

the methods of analysis and different


d) Press releases

Regarding to the presentation of the

project results and meeting the requirements set in

the Action M8, articles for “Ecology 21”

magazine and “Forest” magazine were prepared

and sent for printing during the reporting period.

They presented the aims and objectives of the

project FutMon in Europe and the implementation

and results of the work packages in which our

country is involved. The articles were released in

the “Ecology 21” magazine issue: number 4/2010

and in the “Forest” magazine issue: number 8/2011.

With regard of the general results of the FutMon project in Bulgaria, a

presentation on the status of forests was prepared, based on the data

obtained from the FutMon project. The presentation was made at a special

Forum, organized by the Union of Foresters in Bulgaria and the

Department of Forestry Sciences of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria.

Executive Environment

Agency as Associated

Beneficiary has organized

the FutMon closing meeting

on June 24th 2011. Experts

from the Executive

Environment Agency,

Executive Forest Agency,

Regional Inspectorate of

Environment and Water,

National Parks Directorate,

scientist from Bulgarian

Academy of science and Forestry University have been participating in the

meeting. More information for the meeting can be found in the link below:

b) All type of reports

The publication of the booklet presented the report of the FutMon

projects results has been prepared and presented on the closing

meeting. It was printed 300 copies. Part of them were provided to

participant in the Close meeting and the rest were distributed to the

Information centers in the National and Nature parks, Forestry university,

Forestry institute by the Bulgarian academy of science, Executive forestry

agency by the Ministry of agriculture and foods and to the Information

center in the ExEA. 50 copies were distributed during the Bulgarian-

Romanian bilateral workshop of the expert panel for assessment and

management of the ambient air quality in the border towns along the lower

Danube, which took place in Rouse, Bulgaria in November 2011.

All deliverables did not raise any costs.

The brochure can be found online on the web page of the project:

The results from the assessments and analysis of the data, received

from the implementation of the FutMon project were included in the

National 2009 Report on the State of Environment in Bulgaria

(, National

2010 Report on the State of Environment in Bulgaria (in the press)

and in the Indicator Report 2009 (in the press).

Notice boards - On the 21st of September, 2010, a procedure for

“Design and realization of the notice boards for FutMon project needs”

was launched in line with the national legislation. To the end of October

2010 it will be done. You could see the design of the notice boards


Photos of notice boards placed on the 3 Level II Plots

SP Vitinia (SP 0001)

SP Yundola SP (0003)

SP Staro Oriahovo (SP 0004)

a) Scientific publications :

1. Rosnev B. 2009. Abiotical and biotical impacts on Bulgarian forests – Journal

of the Bulgarian academy of science “Forest science”, 3, 41-48.

2. Rosnev B., P. Peткоv, М. Georgievа. 2009. Monitoring of the Scots pine health

(Pinus sylvestris L.) in the middle Old mountain – Forest science


3. Tzakov Hr., Hristova. Hr. 2009. Forest growth and tree composition of the

forests on flat hilly terrain near Razgrad region. Management and

sustainable development., 1, 150–153. ISSN 1311-4506

4. Tzakov Hr., Petkov P. 2009. Growth and healthy status of the Hungarian oak

(Quercus frainetto Ten.)- Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) forest near Stara

Zagora SPA. – In: Proceedings Economics and Society Development on the

Base of Knowledge – Stara Zagora, Vol. I, Agriculture science, 552–556,

CD. Summary - Oak forests in Sredna Gora, as a natural phenomenon, grow

in the conditions of specific relief and climate and are important forest

economic resource. Each disturbance of these dendrocoenoses integrity leads

to worsening of their ecological, recreational and economical functions. As a

result of 9-year stationary studies (after the year 2000) was followed the

dynamics of the thickness growth and the time for radial growth accumulation

of 1, 2 and 3 cm of oak trees. The structure of the stand was established and

its resistance to strong winds via coefficient of mechanical stability (Kms). The

health status of the stand was studied which after the year 2000 was stabilised

despite of partly dry tops of Quercus frainetto trees and decreased crown

volume of Quercus cerris. The investigation is with regional character and will

support the future management of oak forests in the region

5. Malinova, L. 2009. Comparative analysis of the chemical composition of

litterfall, litter and soil in the ecological sample plots Vitinia and Staro

Oriahovo. - in Forestry ideas Journal. 2/2009 (38). 26-32. – UDK 631.4

Received 11.11.2009; Summary - The purpose is comparative analysis of the

chemical composition of litterfall, litter and soil and assessment of changes in

their quantity passing from one component to another. Selected objects have

different adsorption capacity for organic matter entring in the soil – very low in

stationary sample plot Vitinia is and very high in St. Oriahovo. The absence of

solid adsorbent in sandy clay loam soil from beech ecosystem (Vitinia) is

prerequisite for significant lowering of quantity of elements entering in soil with

litterfall. Most strongly is changed manganese – 15.7 fold, next is potassium –

10 fold, nitrogen – 8.9 fold, calcium – 4.2 fold, phosphorus – 3.5 fold,

magnesium – 2.3 fold. Insignificant are changes for copper, zinc and sodium –

from 1.2 to 1.3 fold. In clay soil from oak ecosystem (St. Oriahovo) with solid

adsorbtion capacity quantity of elements entering in soil with litterfall are

increased – for magnesium 5.8 fold, zinc – 3.9 fold, copper – 3.2 fold,

manganese – 2.4 fold.

6. Pavlova, Е., D. Pavlov, М. Donchevа, L. Маlinovа, Е. Tcvetkovа. 2009. Intensive

forest monitoring of beech ecosystem in sample plot Vitinia. - in

Forest science, 3. 1-27 (Scientific journal in the field of Forestry).

7. Rosnev B., Petkov P., Georgieva M. 2010. Research of the tree species vitality

from genius Quercus (Q. rubra L., Q. dalechampii Ten., Q. cerris L.) in

the Middle and Eastern Old mountain regions. Forest science journal

(in the press).

8. Rosnev B., Petkov P., Georgieva M., 2010. Monitoring of common beech

(Fagus sylvatica L.) and oriental beech (F. orientalis Lypski)

vitality in the Middle and Eastern Old mountain regions. Forest

science journal (in the press).

9. Tzakov Hr., Delkov А., Hristova Hr., 2011. Строеж по дебелина и точност на

измерванията в церови дървостои при дългосрочни обследвания в

Източна Стара планина. – В: Сб. Научни доклади „Устойчиво

стопанисване на горите в дъбовата лесорастителна зона на България”,

Научна конференция „50 години опитна станция по дъбовите гори –

Бургас”, 17–24.

10. Tzakov Hr., Hristova Hr., 2011. Reliability of the dendrometric excerpts for

beech forests in Old Mountain as a result of monitoring observation –

Ecologisation 2011 (in the press).

11. Tzakov Hr., Hristova Hr., 2011. Дебелинна структура на букови дървостои при

мониторингови наблюдения в Средна Стара планина. (Велико

Търново) (in the press).

12. Tzakov Hr., Hristova Hr., 2011. Dendrometric characteristic and reliability of

measurements in pine plantations in the physico geographic area of

Kraishte region. – Ecologisation 2011 (in the press ).

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