Final presentation

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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English Powerpoint, Final multimedia Project If music doesn't play while viewing it on the site, download the file and try it, I'm not at all familiar with how SlideShare works.





n of Video

GamesBy: Larry Vogel

Two out of three American households contain at least one video game console, or a computer with gaming capabilities

The average age of gamers is 34, with over a quarter being 50 or older (Industry Facts)

Numbers are only growing as the hobby is passed down to children

Statistics from the ESA

Violence has become more prevalent in video games over the industry’s lifespan

Implemented in order to incite a more emotional response to video games from the biggest market, adults

NOT targeted at children, as many opposed to the video game industry believe

Violence in Video Games

Have received a reputation of encouraging violence and aggression

Violent behavior is only a problem in people who already have a history of anger management problems

Aggression is increased, but this is no more an issue caused by video games as it is caused by sports or any other competition

Entertainment Software Rating Board

Rates the content of everything in the game based on a strict procedure

Considers violence, language, “mature” content (ESRB Rating Process Summary)

Prevents children from obtaining games without parental approval


Massively Multiplayer games (Online Roleplaying games, First person shooters, etc.) are infamous for being major time-sinks to the point of being addictive

Being combated by game developers via the use of Parental settings to limit use,

In-game messages suggesting that players take periodic breaks from the game


Major developers (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) creating innovative games requiring more physical input

Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 Kinect, Playstation Move

Various Fitness games with built in exercise regimen and diet plans (Wii Fit, EA Active)

Physical Fitness

Puzzle games like the Brain Age series proven to increase blood flow to the brain

Video games have shown efficiency at improving hand-eye coordination

Improved reflexes and mental response time from first person shooters, which reward quick thinking

Mental Fitness

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have experimented with commercially successful video games in gauging Surgical skills (Rosenberg 372-376)

Games being used to directly teach/increase understanding in subjects taught in schools

Real World Applications

Toy company Leapfrog sells a line of educational video games designed to teach children basic core school skills (Math, Spelling, etc.) at a variety of grade levels

Chemu, a game designed by Robert Cosmano has shown promise as a study tool similar to conventional studying methods, but more engaging and enjoyable by its users (Cosmano)

Rosenberg, Bradley H. “Can Video Games be Used to Predict or Improve Laparoscopic Skills?” Journal of Endourology Vol.19 Issue: 3. (2005): 372-376. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 March, 2011.

Cosmano, Robert Anthony. “An Application of Videogame Design Principles to Science Education.” Thesis. North Dakota State Universty. 2007. Print. 11 March, 2011.

“ESRB Rating Process Summary.” Entertainment Software Rating Board. N.d. Web. 20 March, 2011.

“Industry Facts” Entertainment Software Association. (2011) Web. 20 March 2010.

Kennoy, Hunter “Phanterm”. Horace., 2010. Song.


The EndEnjoy the Music

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