Experiences of Czech Production Co-operatives in the public procurements

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Experiences of Czech Production Co-operatives in the public procurements. 17th december 2008. Main aims of Union of Czech Production Co-operatives: greater participation of our members in public procurement strengthening competitiveness of our members - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Experiences of Czech Production Co-operatives in the public


17th december 2008

Main aims of Union of Czech Production

Co-operatives: - greater participation of our members in

public procurement

- strengthening competitiveness of our members

- to contribute more towards growth and employment

Difficulties faced by our members• 1/ difficulties in obtaining information; • 2/ lack of experience in tender procedures;

• 3/the large scale and thresholds of the contracts ; • 4/ too short time for preparing the offer; • 5/ cost of preparing the offer• 6/required high reference levels, economic and technical

criteria • 7/ discrimination against foreign tenderers and favouring

local and national enterprises; • 8/ required deposits and guarantees are usually too high. • 9/ finding collaboration partners abroad.

Resources of information:

• TED – Tenders Electronic daily • Information of Commercial Sections of

Czech Embassies abroad • Databases of state administration and

municipal governmental organizations about issued Calls for Tender issued in Czech Republic

Training courses and seminaries on tender procedure practice:

usually organized by CzechTrade - National Trade Promotion Agency ofthe Ministry of Industry and Tradeof the Czech Republic.

Problem of large scale public contracts


- its breaking into smaller LOTs

- participation in consorcium

- sub-contracting

• Low participation of our members

in foreign Calls for Tender - reasons

• Preference of participation in public

procurement contracts in the Czech Republic - reasons

Thank you for your attention!

Věra Řeháčková Union of Czech production –co-ops• tel: + 420 224 109 422, fax:+ 420 224 230 319

• rehackova@scmvd.cz, http://www.scmvd.cz/

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