
Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE


Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?Q3

Finding the audience for FRESHERS:

• Misfits• Skins

• Hollyoaks• Hollyoaks Later• The Inbetweeners

Current E4 programmes which have an audience that is relatable to the our target audience for Fresher’s:

Because Fresher’s characters are ALL students; it is obvious that our Soap Opera is aimed at

students/university students etc. I would say that this is an age group of 15-20. Because of my

following research of other soaps myself and my group decided that E4 would be the suitable channel for our Soap Opera to be broadcasted on; I feel that

E4 is relatable to the issues that have been in our soap opera trailer such as Drugs, relationships and


E4 is the UK’s most watched digital channel amongst 16-34

year olds


Positive feedback from audience:

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

POSITIVE FEEDBACK: The audience were pleased with the use of a fresher’s hash tag in order to let the audience tweet about what is happening on the episodes.

The audience were also impressed with my E4 branding – the use of the E4 font (American Typewriter) and also the E4 colour scheme made my FRESHER’s ending title card look impressive and professional.

Positive feedback from audience:

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?


The audience were pleased with my song choice as it was up-to-date and modern which was the effect I wanted for my trailer – They also liked the fact that I edited out the lyrics and just put in the sound with a good beat which was affective through out certain parts of the trailer.


I also learnt from my audience feedback that I created solid story lines which had a strong affect on the audience through out the trailer and my trailer displayed the 3 story lines well through out the trailer which were: Drugs, Sexuality and a Run-Away Teen – 3 images on my left to show the main characters within each story line.

Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?Q3

Audience’s criticism - changes that they would want to be made:One of the changes that could be made to improve my trailer and was said by my audience for my feedback and changes: to create a quicker affect would be to shorten this shot down and edit it to less seconds, as it is to long for a trailer and the audience doesn’t need to see the entire text being typed out as they’re already aware that the text is typed out.

Another criticism that I have taken into consideration with this clip is that it could be affectively used at the end of the trailer as this gives away to early to the audience that JP’s character is gay.

JP’s story line of coming out “gay” in the trailer is a big shock to his best friend Sophie (Myself playing the character of JP’s best friend) - The audience watching the trailer made a comment that I should zoom in on JP’s reaction on the line where he says “HER?” this would create an affective reaction for the audience as shock on his face will reflect through to the audience/viewers thought on his “shock”.

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Audience’s criticism - changes that they would want to be made:HAL : RUNAWAY-TEEN - Scene

This scene was of Hal leaving her home and running away: this scene consisted of after Hal wrote he letter she got up grabbed her bag and left the kitchen with her coat on and bag on, then shut the door.

This scene is supposed to be affective as it is a big moment my trailer for giving the audience awareness that she is leaving: I have learnt from audience feedback that it would have been more affective to get a shot of Hal closing the door and a strong emphasis on her actually leaving the house rather than just the kitchen.

The shot above shows Hal grabbing her bag in-preparation of leaving out of the kitchen door and

running away from home.

Audience Feedback on Ancillary Billboard Product.

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

I uploaded my first billboard poster to blogger and received some audience feedback which is below with regards to “washing out” the background in order to make the characters stand out more on the poster. I made the changes and the final poster is below. I am happy that I received audience feedback as I am now aware of the improvements that have been made.

Final billboard poster with changes made from my audience feedback.


EVIDENCE: Fresher’s Soap Trailer Feedback SurveyI also conducted 8 surveys to give to my target audience (aged 15-20) to get accurate feedback from my trailer; I did this as well as the feedback from my class above.

Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

The following slides after this slide are photographs taken of my feedback survey: I have done this for evidence that I created a Soap Trailer Feedback Survey. I have also analysed my results on my final slide of this.

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Audience Feedback Survey: EVALUATED

7/8 people who watched the trailer Said “YES” thinking that it is appropriate for E4:

6/8 people said“YES” from watching the Fresher’s trailer that they thought the story lines were portrayed clearly through out the trailer:

2/8 people said“NO” to watching the E4 programme: FRESHERS on a weekly basis:

From receiving this feedback off my audience I am pleased with the results of the survey; This has shown that I have done my research into making sure FRESHERS is suitable for E4 and that my research and planning has benefited the show looking more

professional and it also fits in well.

I am exceptionally happy that this question received such a small number for NO on this question; I feel that this was one of the most important questions for my survey as the overall aim for creating my trailer is to entice

people to watch the programme; it is extremely beneficial to see that 6/8 people WOULD watch the programme on a weekly basis.

From receiving this feedback off my audience I am happy that over half people have thought that the story lines are portrayed clearly. I have learnt from this that it is important to plan and research before your produce your work; I am pleased that my

hard work of researching and planning has paid off.

Q3 Question 3 – What have you learned from your AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?

Audience Feedback Survey : EVALUATED

8/8 people who watched the trailer Said “YES” thinking the trailers target audience of ages 15-20 is suitable for the programme:

7/8 people said“YES” from watching the Fresher’s trailer that the camera work and location was used to its full potential within the trailer:

From receiving this feedback off my audience I am pleased with the results of the survey; This has shown that I have done my research into making sure FRESHERS presentable and most importantly that it works. The one person that said NO to this

question said that I could have varied my camera shots, this is something that I would take into consideration if I were to do it again and possibly experiment even more with different camera angles.

From receiving this feedback off my audience I am VERY pleased with the results of the survey; This has shown that I have done my research into making sure FRESHERS is suitable for the age group of 15-20 and that my research and planning has benefited

the show looking more professional and it also fits in well.

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