
Question 4.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

• This person follows the ideal target audience as they clearly follow popular trends. They look to be around working / middle class which is what my magazine is targeted towards. Their clothes suggest that they like to wear what is popular and ‘trendy’. My magazine is targeted towards students who like pop / popular music, this audience also follows popular culture. This person clearly follows popular culture as they are wearing fashionable clothes.

• This person fits my target audience as they are wearing fashionable clothes which are modern. This fits the genre of Pop music as it follows trends and is modern.

• I have chosen this person as he fits my target audience for my magazine. I have decided my target audience. I have targeted my magazine towards students and young adults. This person is a student so they fit my target audience.

• These fit my audience as the look around 25, my target audience is students and young adults. They are wearing modern clothing therefore follow some conventions surrounding pop and popular music – the genre of my music magazine.

• These fit my target audience as they are students, they are also wearing modern clothes which shows they are modern and follow trends which is regularly influenced my pop music.

• This person fits my target audience because they are wearing modern clothes and their look like they care about their appearance this shows that they look into popular culture and celebrities and listen to popular music. My magazine it aimed towards students / young adults who listen to pop music and my magazine would suit this persons lifestyle.

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