
Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience for my music magazine is aimed at male and females aged from 14 to 24. I have also based my magazine as pop-punk, which I feel as though it could appeal to a lot of people who like pop and punk. I decided to target this age group due to the fact that this scene is increases, also the type of music that is featured is more appealing to young adults. People that are in the emo social group will also be attracted to my magazine.

Through my research I have become aware of the typical stereotype of pop-punk music. I decided to portray my model through poses, clothes and make-up, this would then enable me to reach my target audience making my magazine as successful as I can make it. Here I have made my model look fierce and angry therefore portraying the heavier music that is featured. The make-up backs up the angry look as she has two lines under her eyes, which in the media it is normally shown when someone is ready to fight or when they mean business.

By having a model that is young it will appeal to the audience as they can relate to her. Also boys will be attracted to her physically and girls will look up to her as a role model and aspire to be like her.

When researching what I could do my interview about I noticed that in this music scene they have very personal interviews with artists. By having personal quotes about real life situations that the artists have been through may relate to fans therefore this will attract the audience, also they may just want to read something personal that had happened to their favourite artist.

How Did You Attract/ Address Your Audience?

Before I created my magazine I needed to take in consideration what my target audience would want from my magazine and what they would most like to see. First I looked at what elements I would need to include to attract this certain social group.

For the masthead I wanted to go with something that was simple but stood out and attracted the audiences attention. I went for a black, bold heading and I also added the lines around the ‘o’ in volume to personalise it and also to make it go with the theme of my magazine which is loud music so I wanted the o to look like it was vibrating because of the music.

I have added free posters at the bottom of my magazine, by having freebies in your magazine it is most likely to attract your audience as they are getting something free from your magazine when they buy it, it may also persuade them to buy the magazine. Also sometimes people might actually buy the magazine because they want whatever the magazine is giving away. To make the ‘Free’ stand out I have used capital letters and bright colours like yellow and orange to grab the attention of the readers. I have also added photos which I have took my own photo from the original copy of the bands photo shoot. I added the pictures because people will notice there favourite bands on the cover also its better if you give people a sample of what is free.

I have added cover lines to attract my audience, this is because if the story is gripping and sounds exciting then people will buy the magazine to read what the a cover stories are about. I decided to use the colour red because its bright and makes them sound more interesting and dangerous. On my cover lines I have added some pictures because I wanted the readers to recognise the person if they do not know who the band is, it makes it more personal and the viewer can relate to them more.

I have specifically used colours that go with the genre of music that I am portraying, I think that red, orange, black and white go well with pop-punk music as it has bright colours for the pop kind of music like the orange because it is a fun colour, and then there is red which can be interpreted in two ways for my music magazine as it can symbolise danger and the darker side to the music genre, however it can also be a positive colour and link to the pop music also. The darker colours are for the punk music like the black is always shown for music like punk and metal so I added it for my magazine as I thought it would go well, it also stands out and highlights certain parts of my magazine . I also think the colours stand out very well as the attract the readers attention because it’s a very bold magazine. I believe that the colours can relate to the audiences music style and I think that it portrays the genre very well.

My cover star is portrayed in different ways. On the image on the right hand side I have made her look vulnerable so it links with my quote and standing up even if your different and like types of music that is not very popular like the chart music or pop, also if a certain type of music influences you to dress differently. However the image on the left is also used for the same quote but I have her looking like she standing up for what she believes.

I feel as this will attract my audience because she could be interpreted as a role model and someone that teenagers can look up to and idolise. Also because I picked a younger model people can relate to her more because they are around the same age.

By adding a date and issue number the audience will be able to keep up with the latest issue, also it makes it easier to see if you have missed an issue or if it is needed. It informs the reader when buying the magazine.

ContentsTo attract my audience I wanted my contents page to look appealing and bold. I think the colours that I used capture this look. I have made the title bright orange and used capital locks to emphasis the tile, I think this would attract my audience.

I think that the images displayed would draw my audience in because it is of there favourite bands and they are exclusive to the magazine.

I think because I have different competitions featured in my magazine this will help me attract the audience because you can have the opportunity to win free things.

For my double page article I think that my layout will attract the audience I also think that the large image of the artist will draw the reader in. I also believe that the quotation will also attract the audiences attention, and will make them want to read on about what the article is about. I think that because the quote is so personal to the artist it could relate to the people reading it and if not they may want to read about what life is like for this person.

I think that the black and red stand out and makes the article look more attractive and more interesting to read.

I think the images would really help to sell this magazine because it makes the page look more attractive to read.

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