

January 28, 2015

1. Research Report Writing

2. Online Journals & Resources

3. Bibliography Software

4. Saving your work

5. Plagiarism

6. Presentation

7. Poster & product exhibition

1.0 Research Report Writing

A report is a form of professional


Different readers will be looking for

different information

They may have different levels of


They may only need an overview

1.1 Report Style


Follow a standard format

Think of your readers’ needs

Make it easy for them to extract


1.2 Basic Structure Title page


Contents, Lists of Figures & Tables


Aims and objectives


*Middle sections (not to be used as heading)

Conclusions & Further works



1.3 Middle sections

Review of Literature

What others have done.

Identifying the GAP

How you would fill the gap

Likely addition to knowledge


How you did it


Your lab data. Analysis & findings.

2. Online Journals & Resources

Web of Science

Web of Knowledge

Google Scholar

Video and Audio learning resources

Illustrations: Pictures, Charts, etc.

3.0 Bibliography Software

Cite while you write

Endnote & MSWord


Online access

Importation of Citation

Adopting a standard style.

MSWord standard writing skill (Do it yourself).

3.1 MS Word (Workshop)

Writing enhanced with soft skills

Use MS Word 2007 upward

REFERENCES tab could help with

Table of contents

List of figures or captions

Bibliography (select preferred style)

Footnotes, etc.

[Need some hours of interactive practice]

4. Saving your work

Old style

Your PC


Drives (cloud/internet) Google

Drop box

Sky (MS)


Advantages: no virus or corruption of PCs.

You are on-the-go with your work.

5. Plagiarism Avoid copying and cheating.

Give reference to the source of text, figures,

tables, charts, designs, CAD drawings,

computer programs, equations, etc.

Software packages (online) to check against


Declaration of originality (examples online).

6.0 Presentation

Worth at least 10% of total marks

10minutes + 5 minutes for questions

PowerPoint available

You do not have to include everything

Tell a coherent story

Present your results clearly

6.1 Structure

Title page


Aims and objectives

Methodology: how things were done

Results: data analysis & findings


Further work


6.2 What not to say

o First I did this,

o Then I did this,

o But that didn’t work.

o So I tried this,

o And that didn’t work either,

o So in desperation I tried this last week,

o And it worked!

o But now I’ve run out of time.

6.3 Using PowerPoint Do not put everything on the screen.

Speak your work.

Let the people read.

Be very clear – graphs, figures etc.

Make text legible.

Avoid spelling mitsnakes

Use animations & graphics with wisdom.

6.4 Audience

Start well

Pitch it at the right level

Maintain interest

Eye contact





6.5 Questions

Try and provide an answer

Admit if you don’t know / don’t


Agree to disagree

Don’t fight

6.6 Yourself

Prepare well in advance.


Avoid “erms”.

Positive approach.

Don’t panic.

Examiners want to build you.

7.1 Poster Design Assembly of major constituent parts of research

results or findings.

Graphical summary of the work.

Major Statement

CAD drawings, Charts, Equations, etc.

Major Further Work

Major Publications from the work

Display / Exhibition.

7.2 Product exhibition

Designed and fabricated machine/device.

User’s manual.

List of accessories.

Proper documentation/copies.

Installation and pilot systems.


8 Summary Plan for writing-up and presentation.

Use standard referencing style.

Use software and web-based resources.

Time is money. Time is short.

Make your product worthwhile.

Prepare for success.

Do it.


The support of the Mechanical Engineering

Department is gratefully acknowledged.

for time & resources made available for the seminar.

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