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ndocrinol Nutr. 2016;63(10):560---568




ut microbiota and type 2 diabetes mellitus�

raceli Munoz-Garach, Cristina Diaz-Perdigones, Francisco J. Tinahones ∗

ndocrinología y Nutrición, Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga, Spain

eceived 20 April 2016; accepted 17 July 2016vailable online 4 December 2016

KEYWORDSMicrobiota;Obesity;Type 2 diabetes;Insulin resistance

Abstract In recent years, many studies have related gut microbiome to development of highlyprevalent diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Obesity itself is associated to changesin the composition of gut microbiome, with a trend to an overgrowth of microorganisms moreefficiently obtaining energy from diet. There are several mechanisms that relate microbiotato the onset of insulin resistance and diabetes, including changes in bowel permeability, endo-toxemia, interaction with bile acids, changes in the proportion of brown adipose tissue, andeffects associated to use of drugs like metformin.

Currently, use of pro and prebiotics and other new techniques such as gut microbiota trans-plant, or even antibiotic therapy, has been postulated to be useful tools to modulate thedevelopment of obesity and insulin resistance through the diet.© 2016 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. on behalf of SEEN.

PALABRAS CLAVEMicrobiota;Obesidad;Diabetes tipo 2;

Microbiota y diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Resumen En los últimos anos son muy numerosos los trabajos que han relacionado la micro-biota intestinal con el desarrollo de enfermedades de alta prevalencia como son la diabetestipo 2 y la obesidad. La obesidad por sí misma se asocia con cambios en la composición de

Insulinorresistenciala microbiota intestinal con tendencia al sobrecrecimiento de microorganismos con una mayoreficiencia en la obtención de la energía de la dieta. Son varios los mecanismos que relacio-nan la microbiota con la aparición de insulinorresistencia y diabetes, entre ellos destacan loscambios en la permeabilidad intestinal, endotoxemia, interrelación con ácidos biliares, cam-bios en la proporción de tejido adiposo marrón y efectos asociados al uso de fármacos como lametformina.

� Please cite this article as: Munoz-Garach A, Diaz-Perdigones C, Tinahones FJ. Microbiota y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Endocrinol Nutr.016;63:560---568.∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: fjtinahones@hotmail.com (F.J. Tinahones).

173-5093/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. on behalf of SEEN.

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Gut microbiota and type 2 diabetes mellitus 561

Actualmente, a través de la dieta, el uso de pro y prebióticos y otras nuevas técnicas comoel trasplante de microbiota intestinal, o incluso la terapia con antibióticos, se postulan comoherramientas útiles para modular la aparición de obesidad e insulinorresistencia.© 2016 Publicado por Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. en nombre de SEEN.






Description of gut microbiota

Microorganisms living on and inside the human body formour microbiota, and their genes are known as microbiome.

Approximately 10---100 trillion microorganisms live in theadult bowel. They weight 1.5 kg and are approximately 1000species which exceed by 100 the human genome. The vastmajority live in the colon.

Components of microbiota are mostly bacteria, with aminority of viruses, fungi, and eukaryotic cells. The mostabundant phyla in both human and mice are Firmicutes,which account for 60---80% and include more than 200genera (of which the most important are Ruminiococcus,Clostridium, and Lactobacillus); Bacteroidetes (particu-larly including Bacteroides, Prevotella, and Xylanibacter),accounting for 20---30%, and Actinobacteria, which representa minority of approximately 10% (with predominance of thegenus Bifidobacterium). Proteobacteria such as Escherichiaand Enterobacteriaceae are less commonly found (Table 1).Microorganisms have significant interactions with each otherand with the host.1

Gut microbiota is involved in a variety of metabolic func-tions such as fermentation and absorption of undigestedcarbohydrates, absorption of electrolytes and minerals,modulation of bowel motility, and synthesis of somemicronutrients.2 Because of its role in performance of thesefunctions, microbial changes in human bowel have been pro-posed as a potential cause of obesity.3

In addition to its metabolic functions, microbiota isinvolved in interaction with the immune system, providingsignals to promote maturity of immune cells and normal

Table 1 Bacteria predominating in human microbiota.

Firmicutes (60---80%)RuminiococcusClostridiumLactobacillus

Bacteroidetes (20---30%)BacteroidesPrevotellaXylanibacter

Actinobacteria (<10%)Bifidobacterium

Proteobacteria (<1%)EscherichiaEnterobacteriaceae





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erformance of their functions, as well as toxin and car-inogen destruction, preventing colonization by pathogenicacteria.2

Composition of gut microbiota depends on age, sex, geo-raphical area, ethnicity, family, and diet, and may beodulated by prebiotics, probiotics, and antibiotics.4

Babies already acquire their initial microbiota at the timef delivery, especially from the maternal vagina or fecalicroflora. By contrast, babies born by a cesarean section

ave a microbiota characteristic of the skin. These differ-nces by type of delivery appear to influence the immunityeveloped in the first year of life, leading to different guticrobiota.5

Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria predominate in therst few days after delivery. Bacterial composition starts tooverage toward an adult profile of microbiota at the endf the first year of life, as the child grows and starts foodntake. Microbiota increases in diversity and is completelyimilar to adult microbiota at approximately two and a halfears of age. From this stage, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetesredominate.

During this time, the immune system ‘‘learns’’ to differ-ntiate between commensal and pathogenic bacteria. Onceicrobiota has reached maturity, most of it remains stable

ntil old age. The ELDERMET consortium studied microbiotan elderly people and found a characteristic composition dif-erent from that seen in young adults, particularly in theroportions of the Bacteroides and Clostridium groups.6,7

There has been an increasing interest in microbiota inecent years, which has resulted in an exponential increasen the number of publications on the subject. Attemptsre being made to clarify the relationship of microbiota toevelopment of highly prevalent diseases such as diabetesnd obesity.8

It should be noted that microbiota is not an immutablentity, but may be modulated over time by changes in thenvironment and different influences. Changes in humancology have affected the composition of microbiota duringuman evolution, but a more radical change has occurred inecent decades.

One of the most significant findings is that in developedountries there has been a loss of certain species that col-nized our bowel some decades ago, with the resultant lossf biodiversity of our microbiota.

Factors that have influenced this change in micro-iota include water sanitation, increased performance of

esarean sections, more frequent use of antibiotics inreterm newborns, decreased breast-feeding, the newodel of small families, increased hygiene, or widespread

se of antibacterial soaps.9

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The microbiotas of European and African children haveompletely different compositions. African children havereater proportions of Bacteroidetes and Gram-positiverganisms in their bowels, while a Western lifestyle appearso promote increases in Firmicutes and Gram-negativerganisms.10

One of the most important factors that may alter compo-ition of microbiota is use of antibiotics. Although thepecific taxon affected varies depending on the subject,ome taxa do not recover even after months of treatment,nd there is usually a long-term decrease in bacterial biodi-ersity after use of antibiotics.

In relation with these assumptions, research on isolatedopulations has found a greater variety of microorganismss compared to industrialized subjects.11

Other studies in humans at specific stages, such as preg-ancy, have identified changes in maternal microbiota asn adaptive mechanism to the fetus and the different bodyomposition.12,13

ethods to measure microbiota

n order to ascertain the mechanisms that could be involvedn development of obesity and other highly prevalent dis-ases, large scale projects have been undertaken, such ashe Human Microbiome Project and MetaHIT.14,15

Research in this field is mainly performed using 16Sibosomal RNA (rRNA) and whole-genome shotgun, and hasrovided an overview of the commensal microbial commu-ities and their functional capacity.14---16

These studies have shown a great variability in micro-iota composition in healthy individuals. They have evenhown that twins share less than 50% of their bacterial taxat species level. This does not mean, however, that genet-cs does not play a role in the establishment and shaping ofut microbiota, as composition of the bacterial communityas been shown to be influenced by host-specific genomicoci.17,18

Traditionally, study of gut microbiota has mainly beenased on culture of microorganisms and in their identifica-ion through conventional morphological, physiological, andhemical phenotypical tests.

Culture of fecal microbiota in selective, differentialedia appears to be the simplest, most direct method;

t is however poorly reliable because some bacteriaannot be cultured. Ninety-nine percent of bacteria inecal contents are strict anaerobes, and many of themre extremely sensitive to oxygen. Strict reducing con-itions are therefore required during processing andulture.

Indirect methods basically consist of the study of bacte-ial metabolism. The principle is based on estimation of guticrobiota by testing and quantification of their metabolites

r some enzymatic activities. Metabolites such as volatileatty acids or products of bile acid metabolism may be testedsing chromatographic techniques, or enzymatic activitiesf microbial origin may be analyzed. These study methods

ave the disadvantage that many enzyme activities are notpecific of a particular microorganism or bacterial group.n addition, species sometimes have a great metabolic vari-bility or plasticity.


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A. Munoz-Garach et al.

The disadvantages of traditional study methods have ledo develop alternative approaches. Molecular genetics toolsther than culture have a great potential for identification,uantification, and typing of gastrointestinal tract microor-anisms. Polymerase chain reaction, with all its variants,s of the most widely used procedures to estimate non-ulturable microorganisms. Many approaches are also basedn differences in the sequence of the gene that encodes6S rRNA, which because of the alternation of conservednd variable regions, with clear phylogenetic implications,s particularly useful for studying microbial diversity.

16S rRNA is the macromolecule most widely used in bac-erial phylogeny and taxonomy studies.19

The most commonly used procedures include:

-- Fluorescence in situ hybridization. This quantitative pro-cedure uses rRNA probes marked with fluorescence thatdirectly hybridize with bacterial preparations fixed on aslide. Fluorescence microscopy is used for detection orvisualization.20

-- Construction of genomic libraries of 16S rDNA sequencesobtained by direct amplification of bacterial DNA fromthe samples. If amplification is not biased, the numberand diversity of clones in the gene library will reflect thespecies present in the original sample. Microbial diver-sity is determined after sequencing and comparison ofsequences with those in the databases.21

-- Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and temperaturegradient gel electrophoresis. Both methods are basedon separation of amplification fragments with differentsequence using electrophoresis in a chemical denaturingor temperature gradient.22

-- Gnotobiosis is an in vivo method to study gut microbiotausing germ-free experimental animals. After delivery,usually by cesarean sections, animals are directly placedin sterile cabins where, in addition to atmosphere, allmaterials and nutrients provided are sterile. In othercases, sterility is achieved with a first bottle con-taining antibiotics that makes bacteria implantation inthe gastrointestinal tract impossible. In these animals,microorganisms may subsequently be introduced undercontrolled conditions for their study. Many of the rolesattributed to gut microbiota have been determined bycomparing axenic (sterile) animals and holoxenic animals(conventional animals) with normal microbiota.23

he role of microbiota in development of obesity

besity is a pandemic condition associated to multipleetabolic changes and involving several organs and systems.During the past decade, several studies have reported

causal relation between gut microbiota and developmentf metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. A newaradigm suggesting that microbiota may contribute to reg-lation of energy homeostasis emerges.

It is hypothesized that interrelation of environmen-

al circumstances with gut microbiota may cause annergy imbalance leading to metabolic, neurocognitive, andehavioral changes that would promote development ofbesity.24---26

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Table 2 Bacterial species related to occurrence of insulinresistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

Increasedin T2DM

Decreasedin T2DM

Bacterial phylumFirmicutes xBacteroidetes x

Bacterial speciesRoseburia xEubacterium halii xFaecalibacterium prauznitzii xLactobacillus gasseri x








Gut microbiota and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Independent contribution of microbiota to fat accumula-tion has been shown in a number of in vivo studies in mice.Germ-free mice, having no microbiota, have significantlyless body fat than normal mice despite eating more.27

The experiment most strongly supporting a causal rela-tionship between microbiota and obesity probably was theone conducted by Turnbaugh et al. in 2006, which showedthat transplantation of microbiota from genetically obese togerm-free mice caused a very significant weight increase ascompared to germ-free mice that were transplanted micro-biota from thin mice.28

Studies in mice have found a greater abundanceof Firmicutes in obese mice and in those fed West-ern diets, concomitant with a decreased abundance ofBacteroidetes.3,29 Among Firmicutes phyla, the class Mol-licutes was most common in obese mice.29

The increase in Firmicutes seen in animals, and also inobese subjects, could be associated to an increased capacityfor digesting some indigestible polysaccharides to monosac-charides and short-chain fatty acids that may be absorbed bythe host, thus obtaining more energy from substances whichin thin subjects would be excreted in feces unabsorbed.3,30,31

Bacteroidetes have fewer genes for enzymes involvedin lipid and carbohydrate metabolism than Firmicutes.32

However, within the Bacteroidetes phylum, Bacteroidesthetaiotaomicron has been shown to improve nutrientabsorption and processing by the host.33

Studies in humans reported disparate results. Somesupported the finding of a high Firmicutes/Bacteroidetesratio,8,34---36 others found no correlation between body massindex and Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio,37,38 and still oth-ers found an opposite ratio.30,39

Obese patients included in a low-calorie diet program orthose undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass had decreasedproportions of Firmicutes and/or increased proportions ofBacteriodetes.40---42

An additional important finding in humans was thatswitching from a fat-rich, low-fiber diet to a low-fat, fiber-rich diet induced significant changes in gut microbiotaintestinal in only 24 h. Moreover, multiple evidence suggeststhat, in humans, an increase in dietary fat decreases thenumber of Lactobacillus organisms and causes an increasein Gram-negative bacteria.43,44

Specifically, a higher level of Lactobacillus reuteri andlower levels of Lactobacillus casei/paracasei and Lactobacil-lus plantarum were associated to obesity.45

Zhang et al. suggested that increased energy storage inobese individuals is related to hydrogen transfer betweentaxa, because they noted a simultaneous increase inhydrogen-producing Prevotella and methanogenic Archaeausing nitrogen.40,45,46 Methanogenic Archaea is able to con-vert hydrogen into methane and to obtain more energy fromthe same daily calorie intake.47,48

On the other hand, gut microbiota may decrease produc-tion of fasting-induced adipocyte factor by intestinal cells,thus inhibiting activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. Thisenzyme promotes release of non-esterified fatty acids totissues such as the liver and adipose cells.49

Several studies have investigated the association of givenspecies to human obesity. In children and pregnant women,an association was shown between Staphylococcus aureusand overweight.39,50 Lower numbers of Bacteroides and


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Streptococcus mutans xEscherichia coli x

reater numbers of Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae,nd Escherichia coli (E. coli) have been reported in over-eight subjects as compared to pregnant women of normaleight.36 Levels of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (F. praus-itzii) (from the phylum Firmicutes) were significantlyigher in obese as compared to non-obese children.51 Theroportions of the Bacteroides-Prevotella group were showno increase after weight loss in obese adolescents.52

ole of microbiota in diabetes development

assive pyrosequencing procedures have allowed for sub-tantial advances in characterization of our microbiota.s compared to non-diabetic subjects, patients with dia-etes had a decrease in butyrate-producing bacteria suchs Roseburia intestinalis and F. prausnitzii, and increases inactobacillus gasseri (L. gasseri), Streptococcus mutans (S.utans), and some Clostridium microorganisms (Table 2). A

reater proportion of Proteobacteria and increased expres-ion of microbiota genes involved in oxidative stress andnflammation.53,54

In studies conducted by our group comparing metaboli-ally healthy and insulin-resistant obese subjects, significanthanges associated to insulin resistance continue to beeen.55

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain thempact of microbiota on insulin resistance. The mecha-isms most strongly supported in the literature are discussedelow.

ncrease in endotoxemia

ype 2 diabetes mellitus is associated to a pro-inflammatorytate with a moderate excess production of cytokines suchs IL-6, IL-1, or tumor necrosis factor-�, which impair insulinnteraction with its receptor and contribute to insulin resis-ance and diabetes. Weight increase appears to be one ofhe factors triggering this low-grade inflammation.

Animal experiments have shown that changes in la micro-

iota may change the grade of adipose tissue inflammation.ipopolysaccharides (LPS) are components of the cell wallf Gram-negative bacteria. Increased circulating LPS levelsave been found in subjects with greater fat intake.56,57 LPS

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re absorbed by enterocytes and carried in plasma mainlyound to chylomicrons.58

The causative role of LPS has been shown, as infu-ion of LPS into mice fed a normal diet induced insulinesistance in the liver, glucose tolerance, and increaseddipose tissue weight. LPS binds to the CD14/TLR4 recep-or in macrophages and induces an increase in productionf pro-inflammatory molecules. When LPS injections weredministered to mice with a genetic absence of theD14/TLR4 receptor, mice did not develop these metabolicharacteristics and did not experience type 2 diabetes orbesity, which shows the significant role of the mechanismf the CD14/TLR4 receptor for LPS. In addition, knockoutD14/TLR4 mice were even more sensitive to insulin thanild type controls.59

This suggests that in certain situations, a change occursn the proportion of Gram-negative bacteria in the bowel,r there is a change in intestinal permeability so that LPSncrease in serum, and this increase is directly related tohe degree of insulin resistance.

hanges in incretin secretion related to insulinesistance and beta cell function

t has been shown that increases in Bifidobacterium spp.odulate inflammation in obese mice by increasing pro-uction of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), also reducingntestinal permeability. There is evidence that the increasen Bifidobacterium spp. induced by some prebiotics is asso-iated to increased secretion of GLP-1 and peptide YY byhe bowel; these two molecules have favorable effects,ecreasing insulin resistance and increasing beta cellunction.60

hanges in butyrate production

utyrate is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) which, togetherith propionate and acetate, are produced by gut bacteriay digesting fiber.61

SCFAs are absorbed in the bowel, where they provideespecially butyrate) energy to colonic epithelial cells,hile the rest enter the portal venous system and butyrateontributes very significantly to decrease intestinal perme-bility.

Data from animal studies suggest that propionate affectsipogenesis and gluconeogenesis in the liver, while the onlyole of acetate at peripheral level is to act as a substrateor the synthesis of cholesterol.62

Interestingly, butyrate production has been shown toffect serotonin levels in animal models. And directlyffects sympathetic tone, bowel transit time, and physicalctivity.63

It is now recognized that serotonin may regulatentestinal permeability, in addition to being an impor-ant neurotransmitter in the bowel and brain involved

n body weight regulation and food intake by controllingatiety. Reductions in brain production of SERT, essentialegulators of serotonergic transmission, is associated tobesity.64


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A. Munoz-Garach et al.

hanges in characteristics of brown adipose tissue

besity is characterized by a reduction in thermogenicctivity of brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT promotes ahin, healthy phenotype and improves insulin sensitivity. Inesponse to cold or exercise, brown fat cells also arise inhite adipose tissue (WAT), where they are also known aseige fat cells. This process is called ‘‘browning’’.

Development of beige fat in subcutaneous or visceraldipose tissue is achieved in animal models after broad spec-rum antibiotic treatment that eradicates microbiota or inerm-free mice. This leads to improved glucose tolerancend insulin sensitivity, and to decreases in white fat anddipocyte size in mice.

These effects are reversed by recolonization withicrobes of antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice.65

A recent study revealed that gut microbiota hinders theccurrence of brown adipocytes, known as beige adipocytes,ncluded in regular WAT through a mechanism that involvesontrol of macrophages and eosinophil infiltration.66

mpact of secondary bile acids

majority of conjugated primary bile acids are reabsorbedhrough the enterohepatic circulation, and only 5% escapehis mechanism and reach the large bowel, where they areonverted into secondary bile acids mainly by the action ofirmicutes.

Lower numbers of secondary bile acids were seen in sub-ects with overweight and type 2 diabetes as compared toealthy subjects. This appeared to be more related to anmpaired carbohydrate metabolism than to obesity.

Secondary bile acids appear to have an insulin-sensitizingole. They act as mediator molecules through nuclear recep-ors such as the FXR and the membrane receptor TGR5xpressed in various tissues, including gallbladder, ileum,olon, BAT, and WAT.67

In BAT and muscle, it increases mitochondrial activity andhosphorylation, and leads to insulin sensitization in modelsf diabetic and obese mice. On intestinal L-cells, it appearso improve glycemic metabolism, stimulating production ofeptides such as GLP-1 and promoting insulin secretion.

he role of choline and niacin as vitamins

irmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria can breakown choline. Their end-products have been associatedo development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes,s they promote development of oxidative stress. Similaresults have been found for niacin and end products of itsetabolism with F. prausnitzii.67

mpact of drug treatment

lthough it is clear that public health has substantially ben-

fited from discovery of antibiotics, their widespread use istarting to pose health problems. In addition to occurrencef antibiotic resistance, these drugs may be potentially asso-iated to the obesity epidemic.68

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acquisition and structure of the initial microbiota across mul-tiple body habitats in newborns. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.

Gut microbiota and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Treatment with metformin, common in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus, also appears to be a potential modifierof gut microbiota in some studies, probably because of itsgastrointestinal effects.69

Changes in gut microbiota

There is a place for hope as regards the value of microbiotaand its adaptation to achieve benefits for health. Throughdiet, using prebiotics and probiotics, antibiotics and novelprocedures such as gut microbiota transplantation, encour-aging results are apparently achieved.

As discussed above, diet changes composition of micro-biota and metagenome expression irrespective of hostgenome.23,24 Recent studies using the Mediterranean diethave also provided relevant information on its benefits bymodifying gut microbiota in obese subjects to prevent devel-opment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.70

When obese subjects were given a low-calorie diet,low in fat or carbohydrates, abundance of Bacteroidetesincreased, while Firmicutes decreased.71,72

Consumption of probiotics and prebiotics has been shownto modify gut microbiota and to improve carbohydratemetabolism.73 Bacteria fermenting carbohydrates such asBifidobacterium and Lactobacillus have been given as part ofprebiotic treatment in studies with populations of differentage groups.71

Along these same lines, when mice on a high-fat dietwere fed prebiotics containing oligofructose, this restoredlevels of bifidobacteria and decreased endotoxemia whileimproving glucose tolerance.74.

Another study by our group showed that red wine con-sumption may significantly modulate growth of intestinalflora in humans, increasing the numbers of Enterococ-cus, Prevotella, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroidesuniformis, Eggerthella lenta, and Blautia coccoides-Eubacterium rectale and decreasing the amount of LPS. Thissuggests potential prebiotic benefits in the diet through redwine polyphenols.75,76

An additional line of intervention would be use ofprobiotics as nutritional supplements enriched with live bac-terial strains, including Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillusspecies, which are able to alter intestinal flora so thatit is beneficial for those who receive them. In mice, anantidiabetic effect has been shown after administration ofprobiotics containing certain strains of Lactobacillus, with aconcomitant reduction in endotoxemia.77---79

Treatment with antibiotics (ampicillin plus neomycin) ofgenetically obese mice fed a fat-rich diet modified theirmicrobiota and decreased insulin resistance and weight ofthe animals. In addition, animals given antibiotic treatmentshowed a surprising decrease in the degree of inflamma-tion, oxidative stress, and macrophage infiltration in adiposetissue.80,81

Other studies, such as the one recently published by ourgroup, relate improvement in carbohydrate metabolism toeradication of Helicobacter pylori.82

Gut microbiota transplantation was initially used inpatients who developed pseudomembranous colitis afterClostridium difficile infection treated with antibiotics, inwhom fecal material transplanted from healthy donors

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ppeared to restore microbial balance in the bowel byeplacing the more pathogenic intestinal bacterial strainsy other more beneficial strains.83 The procedure has sub-equently been extended to other gastrointestinal diseases,hich has opened a new way for its use in diseases such asbesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.84---86

Some recently reported studies on the subject usedales with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome,ho received an autologous fecal microbiota transplant, orn allogenic transplant from thin donors.85 Subjects whoeceived transplants from thin donors showed a signifi-ant improvement in peripheral sensitivity to insulin. Thereere also increases in microbial diversity in the bowel andutyrate-producing bacteria.

An additional study in the Swedish cohort showed changesn gut microbiota, with greater concentrations of L. gasserind S. mutans (both living in proximal bowel), as well as. coli, which could help predict the possibility of insulinesistance development in postmenopausal women.86

These were small scale studies, and their results haveot been reproduced by other groups, but have stimulatedevelopment of better procedures for identifying gut micro-iota and its potential properties.


dentification of gut microbiota related to obesity and type diabetes has served as a stimulus for exponential advancesn scientific production in recent years. There are multipleactors involved in changes in gut microbiota and its rela-ionship to type 2 diabetes. Multiple possibilities are nowvailable to change gut microbiota to our benefit, and areroviding encouraging results.

onflicts of interest

he authors state that they have no conflicts of interest.


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