Employment Branding: Using Social Media to attract better candidates

Post on 18-May-2015






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This presentation was given at the 2009 HR SOUTHWEST in Ft. Worth Texas.




Cathy Henesey, SPHRTalent Acquisition Leader – Ingersoll Rand

A $13 billion diversified industrial companyOver 60,000 employees worldwideAbout 100 manufacturing facilities worldwide

Operations in every major geographic region

Strategic brands are #1 or #2 in their markets

Who We Are

Market-leading Brands

#1 US #2 Worldwide

Commercial HVAC Equipment

#1 North America lock

and door hardware

#1 Worldwide golf cars

#1 North America display cases

#1 North America service provider

#1 Worldwide transport


#1 North America air compressors,

air tools

Comfort and Climate Control Brands

Industrial Brands Security Brand

Linkedin.com, Twitter and Facebook

45,000,000+ users

10,000,000 estimated users

300,000,000+ users

The Old Way to Market/Recruit

The New Way to Market/Recruit: Consumers market to each other

“People connect. They join groups. I call these groups Tribes.” Seth Godin

Linkedin.com: 6 degrees of separation

LINKEDIN:COM – Maximize Profile

100% Profile Completeness – add all jobs, schools, organizations, etc

Change your personal URL Profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/cathyhenesey

Publish your full public profile ADD all your email addresses Add your email in CONTACT Settings

and SUMMARY section Change your “What are you doing?”

often Posting job titles works for me

JOIN or START Groups(Tribes)

Linkedin.com: Build Network Build it and they will come! Min. 500+

Network Caution: 10K or more is really slow Upload all OUTLOOK Contacts and old

business cards, membership directories, etc. Accept all legitimate connections with real

names Forward appropriate connections to others Get and Give recommendations Add Slideshare presentations Add Amazon Book list MAKE IT INTERESTING! BUILD A TRIBE

Twitter: Maximize your Profile User name should be Name = CathyHenesey BIO: Purpose including company name and

why you are using( ie: recruit SAP professionals)

Keep your Followers to Following 1:1 Tweet at least 2-3 times a week but don’t

over tweet Include Links to interesting articles, websites

using www.tinyurl.com

Twitter Tools

http://twitter.com/downloads http://tweetdeck.com – organizes tweets http://tweetbeep.com – alerts http://twithire.com – free job boards for

twitter http://twitterlocal.net – search around your

zip http://twellow.com – yellow pages http://twitter.grader.com – how do you rate?

Facebook: Creating a profile

Decide on personal or business or both? Set your settings properly so you can decide

who sees what Pay attention to who tags you with

embarrassing old photos from college/HS/life Provide interesting links, updates and good

discussions Don’t record every thought for the day: if

you ‘friend’ your boss, she/he will read your thoughts

Facebook: Create a Company Page

Great project for a HR or IT Intern Include Events with special promotions if they

reference the FB page Post all jobs create small videos of people on

the job Create separate company pages based on

communities you want to attract – engineers, college students, etc.

Add lots of pictures!! And people having fun Invite candidates to be fans and track them

Future of Recruiting/Branding End of Job Boards and Print Media Enhanced Web Pages – interactive and

constantly changing Instant Chat with Recruiters online Video Production Costs to use in social

media/URL More researchers, less recruiters? Will we need agency recruiters? Or will

candidates need marketers/target profilers? Whoever builds a better tribe…….

Join my Tribe

Follow me on Twitter @cathyhenesey Be my friend at Facebook –

cathysphr@verizon.net Invite me on linkedin.com –

cathy.henesey@trane.com or cathysphr@verizon.net

Cathy Henesey Cell: 214-725-0710

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