Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Chad Fenwick, LAUSD PE Coordinators Mini-Conference.

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Elementary and Secondary Education Act:

Chad Fenwick, LAUSD

PE Coordinators Mini-Conference

National Policy of Vital ImportanceGuides Educational Decisions

No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Including Physical Education In Reauthorization Of Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Important Example

Policy As Value And Leadership

National Policy Statements and Legislation

States Use As Guidelines For Policy Development

Districts Motivated To Implement

In Local Schools For Children’s Benefit

Addressing Federal Policies

No Child Left Behind Act (ESEA)Unintended Consequences Of NCLB

Being Left Out Had Major Negative Consequences For Our Students

The Reauthorization Of ESEA Is Not A SecretIt Is Also Not A Secret That We Believe,

Language That Would Include Requirements For Physical Education To Be On A ‘Core Subject’ Status With All Of The Expectations And Requirements Would Have Real And Positive Consequences For Our Students

State Legislators Will Follow

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

S. 392 – Includes Health and Physical Education into the reauthorization

Passed the education committee not voted on at the floor.

H.R. 2160 – Does not include Health and Physical Education into the reauthorization.

Passed the education committee and vote on at the floor.

Next StepThe senate bill would have to be voted on at the floor.

The two bills being different would go to “conference”.

The House bill could get changed at that time to include Health and Physical Education or the Senate bill could have Health and Physical Education taken out.


The whole thing could not go forward in this congressional year and be brought forward next congress.

Most likely

Must be proactive and be prepared

Policy and Practice

The policy and practice of

physical education

must reaffirm EDUCATION

as the core business of physical education.

A-B-C’s of Policy and Politics

AccountabilityIndividual student accountability for learningSchool accountability measures

A-B-C’s of Policy and Politics

BudgetCost effective delivery systemStraight talk about the $ $General fund and align with Title I, and Title II and more !

A-B-C’s of Policy and Politics


Teacher not doing their jobs

Muddled, mushy mission

Talk more about – what we need to do and why we need leadership from policy

Let’s not do anything, until they make us

Good marks no monitoring

Now What ? We must insist that Physical Education be a central player in the educational game because:

Equips students with knowledge, skills, and dispositions they will need everyday! Forever !Significant connectivity to other educational goalsOur kids are not moving and won’t learn to move without the successful, joyful movement at each grade level.

Looks Like When WE Do Physical Education Right !

Highly qualified teachers and principals – prepared, credentialed and supported with professional development and ongoing feedback

Instructional opportunity – required/adequate instructional minutes; effective instruction; 50% or more of each lesson ACTIVE !

Content rich curriculum - based on academic content standards that provide clear descriptions of what students should know and be able to do

More What it Looks Like When WE Do Physical

Education Right !

Assessment of Student learning - Rigorous systems exist that enable teachers to collect the evidence that students have mastered ALL the material taught in subject courses. Individual student progress is shared with stakeholdersProcesses and documents – A course of study, curriculum framework, instructional guide, or curriculum is approved by the state board of education. Textbooks/instructional materials - are of sufficient quantity to support learningInstructional Leadership - Ongoing program evaluation, local and state accountability measures, teacher leadership, site and district leadership.

How Do We Get There ?

Start the dialogue and BE VERY CLEAR, stay away from muddy waters

S. 362

HR 2016 As the beginning

Scaffold the work ahead and watch out for trap doors

Sometimes, it’s valuable not to be first!

What do we do?Get educated

Be proactive

Begin with the end in mind

First things first

Seek first to understand then to be understood

Step up, speak out, move

Sharpen the saw

Additional Funding

General Accounting Services

White paper (1 Billion to PEP)

Organize – Generate the allies

Communicate – Educate and inform decision makers

Find champions - Legislators

Educate and inform – Organize and contact

Never give up, never surrender – Four year project

! Let’s Welcome . . . Physical Education to

the Club

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