EFL Curriculum Analysis - RBP

Post on 08-Mar-2015






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Background of the Study

Using a textbook in teaching and learning activities in schools is important in a

classroom. Textbook could be a guide for the teachers to prepare the syllabuses and lesson

plans. It also can be used by English teachers to prepare what are to be taught on their EFL

classes. Besides that, some of the students will probably want to work with the textbook.

Moreover, the parents will also probably expect the teachers to follow a textbook. In short,

using a textbook will make teachers be able to teach their students something.

However, choosing a right textbook for the students, especially for English subject, is

not a simple thing to do. Teachers must consider the curriculum which used by the textbook.

The exercises in the textbook must relevant with the curriculum used. It is due in order to

fulfill the aims, goals, and objectives of the English subject. Therefore, this study would

focus on how the curriculum intent carried out on the exercises in the elementary level

textbook. Hopefully findings of this study would provide an insight of the suitable textbook

for elementary level. It is expected that this study would contribute lucid information of how

to analyze a textbook should be carried out, hence there will be improvement on the way

writers conduct a good textbook for elementary level.

Since the textbook that will be analyzed here is developed in accordance with the

2006 national curriculum, the first section of this study will discuss the 2006 national

curriculum for elementary level.

The 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) For Elementary Level

The development of curriculum in Indonesia has been occured for several times,

starting from 1984 until 2006. The latest curriculum, the 2006 curriculum, set by the

government as a national curriculum through PERMENDIKNAS Number 22 and 23 in 2006.

Different with the previous curriculums, here, the government only develop content standards


and graduation competency standard. Based on the curriculum prepared by the government,

schools are expected to be able in developing and implementing the curriculum themselves.

The 2006 curriculum appears because of the implementation of Undang-Undang

Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 in 2004 about the Regional Government that demand the

implementation of regional autonomy and knowledge of democracy in the administration of

education. It also refers to Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 in 2003 about

National Education System, where Article 3 regarding the function and purpose of national

education as well as Article 35 regarding the national education standards. The demands of

globalization in the field of education also trigger the emergence of this curriculum. Based on

that regulation, the management of education turned into a decentralized, where schools are

given direct authority to formulate their own curriculum. So, they come with the expectation

that learners are ready to become skilled learners and have high standards of competence so

that they become citizens who are professional and have strong and consistent commitment to

build and maintain Indonesia in global competition.

This curriculum is also recognized as KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan).

In KTSP, school has an authority to develop curriculum that appropriate for their students’

needs, school condition, as well as local conditions. School can determine and design their

own teaching materials. School also can manage the learning experience, make teaching

procedures, and evaluate the success of teaching and learning process.

KTSP could be developed in various ways. However, it has to be refer to the national

education standards. This is intended to ensure the achievement of national education goals.

National educational standards consist of standard of content, standard competence of

graduate, standard of process, standard of educator and administrator, standard of facilities

and infrastructure, standard of funding, and standard of assessment. Two of them, Content

Standard (Standar Kompetensi) and Competency Standards Graduates (Standar Kompetensi

Lulusan) are the main reference for the education unit in developing the curriculum.

Generally, the development of curriculum have been prepared in order to make

students (Karsidi, 2007):

1. learn to have faith and righteous to God the Almighty;

2. learn to understand and appreciate;

3. learn to be able to perform and act effectively;


4. learn to live together and be useful to others; and

5. learn to build and find the identity through the active, creative, effective, and fun


Karsidi also states that KTSP was developed with reference to the content standard

and competency standards graduates based on the curriculum guidelines established by BSNP

and with the consideration of the school commitee. According to that, elementary school

curriculum was developed by the following principles.

1. Focuses on the potential, progress, needs, and interests of learners and their


The curriculum was developed with the expectation that learners can develop

themselves into human beings who believe and righteous to God the Almighty,

capable, creative, and independent. So, they can also become democratic and

responsible citizens. Therefore, the development of learners’ competencies must be

adjusted to the potential, progress, needs, and interests of learners, as well as

environmental demands.

2. Varied and integrated.

The curriculum should be developed by considering the diversity of learner

characteristics, local conditions, and levels, but not to distinguish the religion,

ethnicity, culture and customs, social and economic status, and also gender. The

curriculum should include three things; national educational standards curriculum,

local content, and personal development. Those three elements must be combined in

order to make it meaningful and appropriate.

3. Responsive to the development of science, technology, and art.

The curriculum was developed on the basis of the awareness that science,

technology and art will grow dynamically. Therefore, the spirit and content of the

curriculum encourages students to follow and make the development of science,

technology, and art properly.


4. Relevant to the needs of life.

The development of curriculum is done by involving the stakeholders to

ensure the relevance of education to the needs of life.

5. Comprehensive and continuous.

The substance of the curriculum covers all dimensions of competency, field

studies, science, and subjects which planned and presented on an ongoing basis

between all levels of education.

6. Lifelong learning.

The curriculum is directed to the process of development, cultivation, and the

empowerment of learners which lasts a lifetime. The curriculum should relate the

elements of formal education, non-formal, and informal by considering conditions

and environment demands.

7. The balance between national interests and regional interests

National interests and regional interests must be considered in developing the

curriculum. National interests and regional interests must complement and empower

in line with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

In practice, the curriculum of elementary school is based on the potential, progress,

and the learners’ condition to master the competencies that are useful for them. That is why,

they should get a good quality education services as well as an opportunity to express

themselves freely, dynamic and fun. Of course, it has to be suitable with their potential, stage

of development, and conditions. The curriculum must be also conducted in a good

atmosphere between students and teachers. They have to accept and appreciate each other. In

addition, the curriculum must be implemented using a multi-strategy approach and

multimedia, an appropriate learning resources and technology, and utilize the environment as

a learning resource.

The elementary school curriculum contains eight subject areas, local content, and

personal development. Local content is a curricular activity. The existence of this local

content aims to develop competencies which adjusted to the characteristics and potential of

the region. The materials of the local content can not be categorized into the existing subjects.


It is because the substance of local content is determined by the education unit or school.

School can organize one local content subject every semester or two local content subjects in

a year.

One of the example of local content is english subject. This subject is an obligatory

for all students of first grade to sixth grade. English subjects curriculum in elementary

schools, as listed in the content standards (PERMENDIKNAS No 22, 2006), studied for two

hours in a week. Moreover, the standard competence of graduate is to get communicative

competence in oral form act of language. To fulfill the objective of this subject, teachers are

required to use a learning material that suitable for their students. The learning material that

mentioned here is a textbook.

The use of textbook in this curriculum is in accordance to the syllabus components.

The syllabus components consist of standard of competence, basic standard, material,

learning activities, learning indicators, assessment, time allocation and resources. The

syllabus is developed by a teacher or group teacher supervised by department of education

based on standard of content, standard competence of graduate and guiding of arrangement of

school-based curriculum, as well as a learning material.

The use of textbook is also relevant to the steps of curriculum development as follow:

(Appendix of PERMENDIKNAS No. 41, 2007)

(1) investigating and deciding Standard of competence,

(2) investigating and deciding basic competence,

(3) identifying main topic/material,

(4) developing learning activity,

(5) formulating indicators,

(6) deciding kind of assessment,

(7) deciding time allocation, and

(8) deciding resources

The Use of Textbook in The Classroom

Glenn & Lewis (1982) defines textbook as the mainstay of the curriculum. Its

usefulness depends on how it is used in the classroom, it may be either positive or negative

force. Meanwhile, Matos (2000) states that a textbook is a book used for instructional

purposes, especially in schools and colleges.


Textbooks are used in different ways in language programs (Richards, 2002). A

textbook is very useful in the classroom, because it can become a guidance for teachers to

teach their students. Richards (2002) reveals several advantages of using textbook in the

classroom. They are:

1. Textbooks provide structure and a syllabus for a program.

2. Textbooks help standardize instruction.

It means that students in different classes can receive similar content and in the

end, they can be tested in the same way.

3. Textbooks maintain quality.

4. Textbooks provide a variety of learning resources.

It is because, they are often accompanied by workbooks that can provide a rich

and varied resource for teachers and learners.

5. Textbooks are efficient.

Teachers will be helped to be more focus on their teaching process rather than

producing learning materials.

6. Textbooks can provide effective language models and input.

Textbooks can provide support for teachers whose first language is not english

and who may not be able to generate accurate language input on their own.

7. Textbooks can train teachers.

8. Textbooks are visually appealing.

In spite of all its advantages, teachers must also concern with the disadvantages that

may appear. As stated by Richard (2002), there is no commercial textbook will ever be a

perfect fit for a language program due to two factors; the interest of the author and the

interests of the publisher. Teachers must understand that textbooks are all different in content,

organization, and presentation. A textbook may be suitable in one situation as it meets the

situation needs, but in a different situation- it seems to be unsuitable due to the unsuitability


of the situation (Richards, 2002). The situation specifications may play an important role in

determining textbook selection. Therefore, teachers must be able to analyze the textbooks’

strengths and weaknesses.

Criteria for A Good Textbook

There is no perfect textbooks. None of them that can fit each teaching situation or a

language programme. Nevertheless, several experts have revealed the criteria for selecting

agood textbook. As proposed by Lee (1975), a teacher should be aware of the following

points when selecting a good English textbook. They are:

a) The textbook should not give long grammatical explanations, list of words to be

learned in translation and exercises for translation from the native language into

English and vice versa.

b) It should give examples of sentences consisting or containing the structure to be


c) It should lead students to the translation type of learning.

d) The structures and vocabulary of the text should be attached to real situations.

e) It should have cartoons and natural dialogues as many as possible so that learning

becomes more stimulating for the learners.

In accordance to Lee, Mariani (1980) recommends the following suggestions for

choosing an English textbook, such as:

a) The textbook should convey general impressions to the teacher.

b) The lay out of lessons/or units should influence the utilization of the book in the


c) Illustrations should be decorative and serve a specific purpose.

d) The objectives (rationale) should be stated clearly.

e) The content of the textbook should reflect students' needs and interests.

f) The textbook should start to develop language skills.

g) The textbook should cater for interest, motivation, and variety in teaching


h) The textbook should motivate students to read and comprehend its overall parts.

i) The textbook should provide teachers with a system of detailed testing scheme.


In addition, Romero (1975) suggests a good quality English textbook as follow,

a) A good textbook should be introduced in series. This keeps down the cost per unit

down for the students and progressing from one to another gives students a sense

of achievement.

b) too much text on a page.

c) The lessons should be short and well- organized.

d) Exercises should be short, never more than ten or fifteen items of the same type.

e) The textbook should include short dialogues.

f) The textbook should have attainable aims.

g) A good textbook should have a teacher's manual. It should explain the

methodology of the course, so that the teacher knows exactly what is expected

from him and why.

Mahmoud (2009) says that a good English textbook should have a teacher's manual

which should have clear suggestions, additional practice for oral drilling, testing procedures,

and right answers for the exercises. Therefore, when teachers are selecting textbooks for their

teaching and learning activities, they have to consider about the evaluation.

Criteria for Textbooks Evaluation

When teachers are selecting textbooks for elementary schools, they must be able to

evaluate the textbooks in some aspects, such as objectives, students' needs, content, design,

organization, and general aspects relating to cover, length of units and lessons, supplementary

materials, teacher's book and its instructions, student's workbook, and copying (Azevendo,

1978). This is because, the main function of elementary school textbooks is to provide

students with a statement about the language, practice exercises, and samples of language use

which may serve as models for imitation and modification.

However, before teachers evaluate a textbook, they must consider the following issues

as stated by Richards (2002).

The role of the textbook in the program

Is there a well-developed curriculum that describes the objectives syllabus and

content of the program or will this be determined by the textbook?

Will the book or textbook series provide the core of the program, or is it one of

several different books that will be used?


Will it be used with small classes or large ones?

Will learners be expected to buy a workbook as well or should the textbook

provide all the practice students need?

The teachers in the program

How experienced are the teachers in the program and what is their level of


Are they native speakers of english? If not, how well do they speak english?

Do teachers tend to follow the textbook closely or do they use the book simply as

a resource?

Do teachers paly a part in selecting the books they teach from?

Are teachers free to adapt and supplement the book?

The learners in the program

Is each student required to buy a book?

What do learners typically expect in a textbook?

Will they use the book in the class and at home?

How will they use the book in class? Is it primary source of classroom activities?

How much are they prepared to pay for a book?

Cunningsworth (1995), cited in Richards (2002), proposes four criteria for evaluating

textbooks, especially for course books. Yet, eventhough these criteria are particularly used

for evaluating the course textbooks, I believe that teachers can use this guidance to evaluate

the textbooks they will use in school. The criteria are:

1. The textbooks should correspond to learners’ needs. They should match the aims

and objectives of the language learning program.

2. The textbooks should reflect the uses (present or future) that learners will make of

the language. They should be chosen that will help equip students to use language

effectively for their own purposes.

3. The textbooks should take account of students’ needs as learners and should

facilitate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid



4. The textbooks have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they

mediate between the target language and the learners.

Based on those criteria, the next chapter are going to evaluate the Indonesian 5th

grade English textbook entitled SMILE – Smart Move in Learning English for Elementary

School Fifth Grade. The evaluation is organized using the following categories that derived

by Cunningsworth (1995). The categories consist of:

Aims and approaches

Design and organization

Language content




Teachers’ books

Practical considerations




This chapter will discuss the feasibility of the textbook based on Cunningsworth’s

category previously. Here, we will try to reveal the strength and weaknesses of the textbook

related to the curriculum used in the textbook.

This chapter is divided into eight sections. They are aims and approaches, design and

organization, language content, skills, topic, methodology, teachers’ books, and practical

considerations. But before we move to those sections, here is a textbook identity that will be

discussed further.

Textbook Identity

Title : Smart Move in Learning English for Elementary School 5th Grade

Writers : Ratna Setyowati Putri and Fidelia Ratri Yojani

Publisher : Erlangga, Jakarta

Year of Publishing : 2006

Pages : 151

Aims and Approaches

Generally, teachers in the elementary school understand to use an easy English

textbook for their students. Students need an easy and attractive textbook as well as the

challenges they can get from the textbook. This book is developed in accordance with the

2006 national curriculum which addresses the four skills in language learning: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing.

All chapters in this textbook begin by presenting listening part. Here, students have to

listen to a dialogue and they are required to do different kinds of exercises. Each chapter

presents different kinds of exercises. The exercises are fill in the blank, act out the dialog

with partner, label the pictures with the correct names in the space provided, answer the

questions orally, complete the sentences, create a postcard according to the dialog, and so on.

The next part is reading. Here, students are presented with short texts. Those texts

contain variety useful information, not only about Western cultures, but also our own

cultures. The authors want the students to learn about the cross-cultural understanding and at


the same time appreciate their own culture and country. They want the students to grow as

open-minded citizens to work hand-in-hand with other people and create a better world

without losing their own identity.

All those exercises are in accordance with the aims of the 2006 curriculum as follow.


Standar Kompetensi :

Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar :

- Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks

kelas dan sekolah.

- Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal.


Standar Kompetensi :

Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

Kompetensi Dasar :

- Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur:

memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk.

- Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan

tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, dan memberi barang

- Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan

tindak tutur: mengenalkan diri, mengajak, meminta ijin, memberi ijin, menyetujui, tidak

menyetujui, dan melarang


Standar Kompetensi :

Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam

konteks sekolah


Kompetensi Dasar :

- Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi secara tepat dan berterima yang

melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana.

- Memahami kalimat, pesan tertulis, dan teks dekriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara

tepat dan berterima


Standar Kompetensi :

Mengeja dan menyalin kalimat sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas

Kompetensi Dasar :

- Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima seperti:

ucapan selamat, ucapan terima kasih, dan undangan.

- Mengeja kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

In conclusion, the exercises in this textbook correspond closely with the aims of the

teaching programme. This is consistent with what is to be achieved from the 2006

curriculum, where students are expected to communicate well in English. It is also suited to

the learning and teaching situation. It can be concluded that the aims of this textbook in

accordance with the aims of national curriculum as well to the needs of the learners today.

Most of the content of this textbook is needed by learners to be able to communicate well.

Design and Organization

This textbook is not equipped with teachers’ books, workbooks, or cassettes.

However, this textbook already has a full content. Students can fill out the exercises directly.

For the listening part, teachers can use listening scripts that has been provided on the last

pages of the textbook.

Besides that, this textbook has several extra features. They are:

Art Corner


This feature will incorporate students’ language skills and their creativity.

Students can work in group or individually to express their creativity related to

the language skills learned.

Time to Play!

In this feature, students are offered with delightful practice on key language

through games. So, they will not feel bored in learning English through this


Sound It Out!

This feature supplies students the information on phonics. Students can learn how

to pronounce the words correctly as well as enrich their vocabularies.

Language Enrichment

This feature reviews all the expressions and structures learned. Students can

easily find the expressions and structures they learned, so they are expected to

always remember that.


This feature is so interesting. They have colorful illustrations and photographs.

They can stimulate students’ interest and enthusiasm. They can also help students

to practice the language skills.

The contents of this textbook are well-organized. They are also sequenced step-by-

step, so both, teachers and students can do the learning activities smoothly. This textbook

also made in a very interesting appearance. There are cartoon characters that will assist

students in doing all the activities.

Language Content

This textbook covers the grammar items that appropriate for students at fifth grade.

The grammatical items are presented in a communicative way. So, students can learn them

more easily than the traditional one. This textbook also presents sentences, dialogs, and short


stories with very useful vocabularies for students. They can enrich their vocabularies happily,

since the materials for vocabularies are presented very attractive and interesting for children.

The textbook also includes the materials for pronunciation work. Students can

practice their pronunciation as well as phonics. The materials for pronunciation that are

covered in the textbook, such as: individual sounds, word stress, sentence, and intonation.


As described earlier in aims and approaches section, this textbook are adequately

covered all four language skills; reading, listening, speaking, writing. The four language

skills have been displayed in accordance with the 2006 curriculum. For the syllabus design,

teachers can be creative to combine all kinds of syllabuses to make it suitable for students as

well as the 2006 curriculum.

For reading skill, the reading passage and associated activities are sufficient for the

students’ level and interest. The authors are not only presenting the texts from western

cultures, but they also present the texts from our own country. It can encourage the students

to be more proud of the wealth of their country cultures without being rigid with all western


The listening material in this textbook has accompanied by background information,

questions, and activities. Those will help students’ comprehension. Unfortunately, this

textbook is not equipped with authentic listening material, like cassettes. Students only rely

on their teachers’ ability for listening skill. To make it more authentic, teachers can create

their own record with an existing listening script. If possible, they can ask native speakers to

help them record the listening part. It will make students more aware with the real English


The material for spoken English, such as dialogues and role-plays, is well-designed to

equip students for real-life interactions. The material for writing skill is also well-organized.

Students can make authentic materials such as making postcards and letters.


The topics that exist in this textbook are quite varied. Those topics can help students

to broaden and enrich their knowledge on various matters relating to themselves as a student.

It means that the topics are really useful for students to apply in the learning and teaching

process. In addition, the topics that displayed here are very attractive for students’ level.


Those topics can also help broaden the students’ awareness of language learning. Through

this textbook, the authors expect students to be able to relate the social and cultural contexts

presented in this textbook. This textbook also does not distinguish the gender. Both boys and

girls have equal portions in this textbook.


The approach that is taken in this textbook is the communicative approach. Here,

students are expected to be able to express their intentions in English. Thus, they must learn

more about the meaning of language itself that will be very important for them in the future.

The approach that is taken by this textbook is in accordance with English teaching and

learning situation today, where students are expected to be able to communicate well as a

world community. In addition, the method used is also communicative method.

With the approach and method used in this textbook, students are expected to be able

to communicate actively, both in the classroom and outside the classroom, even as the world

community. The expectation is appropriate with the standards of competence as well as basic

competencies of the 2006 curriculum or KTSP.

The techniques that presented in this textbook are varied. They are appropriate with

the approach and method that previously believed. The examples of those techniques are act

out the dialogue, present students’ discussion, give opinions or comments in front of other

students, pair-work, and so on.

In conclusion, the approach, method, techniques, and exercises that shown in this

textbook is really useful for students to learn English for communication.

Teachers’ Books

Unfortunately, there is no adequate guidance for the teachers who will be using this

textbook, since this textbook is not equipped with teachers’ books, workbooks, or cassettes.

However, this textbook already has a full content. For the listening part, teachers can use

listening scripts that has been provided on the last pages of the textbook.

This commercial textbook is really expected the teachers’ creativity to use the

textbook appropriately. The authors have given a simple guidance for teachers in the

foreword section. In addition, there are no keys to exercises given from this textbook.


Practical Considerations

This textbook is strong and long-lasting. It is also very attractive in appearance. It is

really beautiful. We can find cartoon characteristics that will assist students in doing all the

activities, colorful illustrations and photographs that will stimulate students’ interest and

enthusiasm, an indigenous animal of Indonesia that serves as a guide for each level, language

skills integrated with arts, math, and science, and also flashcards to help students practice key

language skills.

This textbook is easy to obtain. We can find it in any bookstore. However, the price of

this textbook may be unsuitable for some people. The price of this book is more expensive

than the textbooks on the market in general.




The 2006 curriculum comes with the expectation that learners are ready to become

skilled learners and have high standards of competence so that they become citizens who are

professional and have strong and consistent commitment to build and maintain Indonesia in

global competition. In accordance with that, English at elementary school aims to nurture

young learners’ interest in English so that they would further their learning. Elementary

school students are expected to be able to communicate in a simple way. In order to fulfill

those expectations, teachers are required to use a suitable textbook to be a guideline. This

study focused on how the curriculum intent carried out on the exercises in the elementary

level textbook. It addresses the questions of whether or not the textbook relevant to the

national curriculum used.

The result of this research indicates that the textbook titled Smart Move in Learning

English for Elementary School 5th Grade, that is written by Ratna Setyowati Putri and Fidelia

Ratri Yojani, can fulfill the criteria of a good textbook based on Cunningsworth’s theory.

Even though, this textbook is not equipped with teachers’ books, workbooks, or cassettes and

the price is quite expensive. However, this textbook already has a full content. The exercises

in this textbook correspond closely with the aims of the teaching programme. This is

consistent with what is to be achieved from the 2006 curriculum, where students are expected

to communicate well in English.

The contents of this textbook are well-organized. They are also sequenced step-by-

step, so both, teachers and students can do the learning activities smoothly. This textbook

also made in a very interesting appearance. There are cartoon characters that will assist

students in doing all the activities. This textbook also covers the grammar items that

appropriate for students at fifth grade. The grammatical items are presented in a

communicative way.

This textbook are also adequately covered all four language skills; reading, listening,

speaking, writing. The topics that exist in this textbook are quite varied. Those topics can

help students to broaden and enrich their knowledge on various matters relating to themselves

as a student. This textbook is strong and long-lasting. It is also very attractive in appearance.



Azevendo, Milton. M. 1979. Trends in Elementary Spanish Texts. The Modern Language

Journal.V13: No. 1&2PP. 400-406

Glenn, Allen D., Lewis, Vicky J. 1982. Analyzing the Textbook to Improve Student Reading

and Learning. Available at: http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/328590918943575.pdf

Karsidi. 2007. Model Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) SD dan MI. PT Tiga

Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri: Solo.

Lee, J. 1975. Choosing and Using a Textbook. English Language Teaching Forum. Vol. XIII,

No. 3.

Mahmoud Aqel, A.A. 2009. An Evaluative Study of the Palestinian 11th Grade English

Textbook from the Teachers' Perspective in Southern Nablus and Salfit Districts. An-

Najah National University: Faculty of Graduate Studies. Available at:



Mariani, Charles. F. 1980. Course Maintenance: The problems and Solutions. Educational

Technology. Vol. XX, No. 12 .

Matos, F. 2000. Teachers as a textbook evaluators: an interdisciplinary checklist. IATEFL

Associate Braz TESOL. Available at: http:// www. Eayrs. Com/ELT/ publications/

JATEFL_ Issues/rchives/ Texts/ 157 Gomes_ Martos/ htm/.

Richards, J.C. 2002. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. The United States of

America: Cambridge University Press.

Romero, R. 1975. What textbook shall we use? English Language Teaching Forum. Vol. 8,

No. 304, pp. 30-33.


Evaluation Criteria for Research-Based Papers Presentation

No. Criteria % Score Comments

1. Abstract if it covers – burning issue, the purpose, method, finding, conclusion and recommendation.



2. Content—Introduction/Background covering the issues put forward in the paper should be significantly related to EFL Methodology, enriched by theoretical foundation, related previous research findings. Research Methodology, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation.


BG (4)







3. Research methodology covering the research site, samples, data collection, and data analysis.



4. Organization (paragraphing, cohesiveness of the paragraphs)



5. Mechanic and Language use 10%




Evaluation Criteria for RBP Presentation

Aspects Criterion Score and Description Points Score

Content The inclusion of other resources as well as research

findings and illustration.


Media Readability of the media, not too wordy, and the

effectiveness of using media.


Language: Grammar Limited mistakes/errors (4), several mistakes (3),

many mistakes (2), too many mistakes (1).


Pronunciation Pay attention to word pronunciation and intonation. 3

Encoding The concepts were easily understood by the floor.

The presenter shows his/her knowledge about the

topic discussed.


Decoding The presenter can cope with the questions from the





During the presentation, the presenter makes used of

the media as her/his guidelines without reading the



Total Score 40 (A)


top related