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RBP Curriculum Overview

Mar 30, 2016



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CurriCulum Overviewfrom Regular Baptist Press

Page 2: RBP Curriculum Overview

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A two-year curriculum cycle for ages 2 and 3. Planting seeds of Biblical truth concerning God, God’s Son, God’s Word, and God’s world.

l Teacher’s Guide• 13two-hourteachingsessions (Sunday School and Extended Session)• Interactiveteachingoptions• Teachingtips• Activitiesforguidedplaytime• Bulletinboardideas

l Teaching Resources• 16colorful10"x13" teachingpictures• Die-cutflannelgraphfigures• ResourceCDfeaturingsong- sheets,patterns,rhymes,andmore• Laminateddollfigureswithcolorful vinylstick-ons• Planting Faith Songs,amusicCDwith vocalandinstrumentaltracks

2s and 3s

Die-Cut flannelgraph


Page 3: RBP Curriculum Overview • 31.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

l Take-home Cards• 13colorful4"x5"picturecards• Theweek’sBiblestory,reviewquestions, andmemoryverseoneachweek’scard• Twocardsperquarterprovideinformation forparents

l Attendance Charts and Stickers• 8½"x11"chartstohelpstudents recordweeklyattendance• 13colorfulstickerstouseon each chart• Chartsandstickersheetsconveniently packagedtogetherbyfives

l Student Handwork Book • Providesacolorfulactivity sheet for each lesson• Reinforcesthelessonby providingsuggestionsfor parentalinvolvementathome• Includestwopagesof colorfulstickers

extenD sunDay’s teaChing

intO the hOme

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l Teacher’s Guide• 13weeklytwo-hourteachingsessions (SundaySchoolandChurchTime)• Interactiveteachingoptions• Teachingtipsandinformativearticles• Instructiononleadingpre-primariestoChrist• Funstudentactivities• Excitingapplicationstories• Bulletinboardideas

A two-year curriculum cycle for ages 4 and 5 and 6 in kindergarten.ReinforcingfoundationalBiblicaltruthswhileplantingseedsofBiblicaltruthconcerningGod’sloveandcare.

l Teaching Resources• Large(10"x13")teachingpicturesinbookformat• Large(10"x13")MichaelandEmilyStorybook withpicturesandstories• ResourceCDfeaturingsongsheets,patterns, rhymes,andmore• 11"x17"versevisualpatterns• Planting Faith Songs,amusicCDwithvocal andinstrumentalsongtracks

new Die-Cut flannelgraph


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l Student Handwork Books• Book1forprekindergartenstudents Book2forkindergartenstudents• Providesanactivitysheetforeachlesson• Enhanceslearningandreinforcesthelesson• Includestwopagesofcolorfulstickersfor workbookpagesandBiblememorychart

l Attendance Charts and Stickers• Chartstohelpstudentsrecordweekly attendance• 13colorfulstickerstouse on each chart• Chartsandstickersconvenientlypackaged togetherbyfives

l Planting Faith at Home Take-home Paper • 13full-colorfour-pageleaflets• WeeklyBiblestory,anapplication story,andat-homeactivitiesto reinforce the lesson• Suggestionsforparent-childinteraction

inCluDes stiCkers anD Chart fOr bible memOry

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l Teacher’s Guide• Freshnewlayout• Moreinteractiveteachingoptions• Newstudentactivities• Bulletinboardideas

l Teaching Resources• Large teaching pictures in book format• New CD featuring patterns, clip art, teaching picture art, and more• New Growing Faith Songs, a music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks• New die-cut flannelgraph figures• New verse visuals• Full-color posters

NEW! A two-year curriculum cycle for children in grades 1 and 2. Encouraging children to obey Biblical truths and to love and follow the Savior.


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l Attendance/Bible Verse Charts and Stickers• New art for charts and stickers• 26 colorful, exciting stickers to use on each chart• Charts and stickers are conveniently packaged together by fives

l God’s Explorers Take-home Paper• New design• New application stories• New Bible stories• New at-home activities and lesson reinforcement• New puzzles, crafts, and activities• New parent tips and emphasis on parent/child interaction

prOmOtiOn CertifiCates available at


l Student Books• New art and format• New student-friendly activities• Book 1 for first-grade students• Book 2 for second-grade students

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NEW! A two-year curriculum cycle for children in grades 3 and 4 that surveys the entire Bible. Emphasizing an understanding of the overview of the Bible and personal application of God’s Word.

l Teacher’s Guide• Neweasy-to-followlayout• Moreinteractiveteachingoptions• Newstudentactivities• New lessons designed for middler students

l Teaching Resources• New teaching picture art• New CD featuring patterns, teaching picture art, flannelgraph art, posters, and more• New die-cut flannelgraph figures• New verse visuals• New full-color posters, including a Bible timeline and maps

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l Teacher’s Guide• Neweasy-to-followlayout• Moreinteractiveteachingoptions• Newstudentactivities• New lessons designed for middler students

l Truth Travelers Take-home Paper• New design• New application stories• New puzzles, crafts, and activities• New parent tips and emphasis on parent/child interaction• Daily devotions for at-home reinforcement of the lesson

l Student Books• New colorful art• New student-friendly activities• New attendance/verse charts included in student books

excellent ministry training resources to assist your church in Building Lives by the Book. Learn more about our seminars and free e-newsletters at

Regular Baptist Press provides

l Stickers• New art for recognition stickers

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NEW! A two-year curriculum cycle for students in grades 5 and 6. Challenging growth in eight essential areas of the Christian life.

l Teacher’s Guide• New easy-to-follow layout• New interactive teaching options• New student activities • New lessons designed for junior students

l Teaching Resources• New teaching picture art• New resource CD featuring patterns, clip art, teaching picture art, poster art, and more• New full-color posters, including verse posters, games, and maps

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l Faith Detectives Take-home Paper• New design• New application stories• New puzzles, crafts, and activities• New comic strip

l Student Books• New art • New student-friendly activities• New Bible Investigation File daily devotionals• New attendance charts included in student books

Bible studies, and other resources with online contents, lesson details, and the first chapter or lesson at

Preview RBP’s curriculum,

l Stickers• New art for recognition stickers

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Junior High

A three-year curriculum cycle for students in grades 7, 8, (9). StudyingBiblicalcharactersandtopicstohelpjuniorhighstudentsdevelopMy Faith for their needs.

l Living My Faith Devotional Book• Newformat!Thestudentbookletsarenowinonebook.• Dailydevotionstopreparestudentsforthelesson• Weeklymemoryverse• Articlestoencourageandchallengejuniorhighers• In-classworksheets



relevanttOpiCs fOr

tODay’s yOuth

l Learning My Faith Teacher’s Book • Integratedlessonplanswithmultiplelearning activitiesandhelpfulBiblecommentary• LearningactivitiesthatincorporateLiving My Faith devotionals• Reproduciblehandouts• Ideasforclassroomdecorations,games,activities• Instructiononleadingjuniorhighstudentsto Christ

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NEW! A four-year curriculum cycle for students in grades (9), 10, 11, 12. ProvidingBiblebook,character,andtopicalstudiestohelpseniorhighstudentsdevelopatrulyChrist-honoringlifestyleanddemonstrateReal Faith.

l Real Faith Verses Card Pack • PromotesScripturememory• CorrespondstoReal Faith curriculum• Convenientsizewithcarry-alongcase

l Real Faith in Life Student Devotional Book•Dailydevotionstohelpstudentdig into God’s Word• In-classworksheetstoreinforceBiblicaltruths• Helpful,life-applicationarticles• Easy-to-use6"x9"format

l Real Faith Lessons Teacher’s Book• RelevantBiblestudyandlifeapplication in13lessons• IntegratedlearningactivitiesandBible commentaryforeaseofteaching• EngagingBiblestudymethodsforsenior high students• InstructiononleadingseniorhighstudentstoChrist• IncludesFREEpromotionalposterforyourclass

featuresaCtive learning


l Teacher’s Resource CD• Reproducibleworksheets• Casestudiesandotherteachingaids• Promotionalposter• PowerPointslides• Theme-relatedmemoryversecardtemplate• Suggestionsforclassroomdecorationsand classactivities

Senior High



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A through-the-Bible curriculum plan that is Intensely Biblical and Intentionally Practical. Life Design helps busy adult learners understand, apply, and practice God’s Word.

l Leader’s Guide• Usesathree-steplessonplaninaclassroomsetting• Providescommentaryandengageslearnersthrough interactiveteachingmethods• CorrelateswithquestionsintheAdultBibleStudyBook• IncludesFREEpromotionalposterforyourclass

l Transparency Packet16full-colortransparencies...• Allowtheleadertovisualizekey conceptsandtruths• Provideopportunitiesforlearner participationandinteraction

l Bible Study Book• Factual,analytical,andthought-provokinginductiveBible studyquestionstogetthelearnerintoGod’sWord• Threepartstoeachlesson:GettingStarted,Searching theScriptures,andMakingItPersonal• Handy6"x9"size• User-friendlyformatwith adequatespaceforwriting

l Horizons Take-home Paper• Aweeklypublicationtohelpadults buildtheirlivesbytheBook• Biblicallybasedfeaturesandstories• Practical,affordableChristianreading• 13issuesperquarter

l Leader’s Resource CD• Featuresready-to-useorcustomizable PowerPoint slides for each lesson• Includestransparencyart• Containsflexible-usecasestudiesand supplementalapplicationideas• Offerssupplementalvisualsand adaptableversecards

fOr inDiviDual Or grOup stuDy

inCluDesanimateD maps!

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Online Ministry Resources . . .

Web site!

FREE Samples Age-specif ic Teacher Helps • New ForumEducational Videos • Teacher Resources



Relevant resources for youth workers

Teaching Tips

Case Studies



Looking for flexibility

Life Designadult Bible studies from RBP are intensely Biblical, intentionally practical, and incredibly flexible for use in small groups or the classroom.

in your Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups?

To learn more about the church ministry resources

RBP offers, please contact us.North Central U.S. • Alan WilsonOffice: 888-588-1600, ext. 894Cell: 847-830-8477E-mail: [email protected]

Western U.S. • Dallas ShawOffice: 888-588-1600, ext. 898Cell: 208-699-2141E-mail: [email protected]

Northeast U.S. • Ross MartelloOffice: 888-588-1600, ext. 872Cell: 616-780-5923E-mail: [email protected]

Southeast U.S. • Tenny CorbettOffice: 888-588-1600, ext. 893Cell: 770-331-4056E-mail: [email protected]

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The King James Version is the English translation used in all of our Sunday School curriculum.

The 2s & 3s through Junior Departments offer a second curriculum linethat uses the New King James Version.

where people are . . .comingtoknowChristasSavior?


establishing doctrinalconvictions?

handling life’sproblemsinaBiblicalmanner?



moving intentionally toward spiritual maturity?

Regular Baptist Pressiscommittedtoprovidingproducts,training,andconsultationtoequipchurchestoeffectivelybuildlivestowardspiritualmaturity. ThemissionofRegularBaptistPress(RBP)istoglorifyGodbyprovidingchurcheducationalresourcesthataretruetoGod’sWordandencouragematurityinChrist. Tohelpmenandwomenbuildspirituallyvibrantchurchmin-istries,RBPprovidesministryresourcestohelpyoudevelopacomprehensiveplanforspiritualmaturitywithinyourchurch. RBPcurriculumisdesignedtoleadboysandgirls,teenagers,andmenandwomentoChristandthentoguidethemingrowingtobelikeHim.TheresultislivesbuiltbytheBookthroughthedevelopmentofgodlycharacterandobediencetoGod’sWordineveryareaofaperson’slife. WithRBPcurriculum,studentswilllearntheBibleandhowtoapplyitstruthsinexciting,attention-grabbingwaysthatareeasyforyoutoteach!Soopenthepagesandbeginajourneythroughacompletelineofcurriculumyoucantrust.

Is your church a vibrant ministry . . .