Edinburgh Castle Power Point

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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Edinburgh Castle

• Edinburgh Castle is an ancient Stronghold which, from its position atop of Castle Rock, dominates the sky-line of the city of Edinburgh

• Scotland's second most visited tourist attraction.

• Edinburgh’s fortress has been a centre of military activity. As an ancient fortress Edinburgh Castle is one of the few that still has a military garrison

Historic Scotland

• Is An executive agency of Scottish government and undertakes the dual task of operating the castle as a commercially viable tourist attraction. They also have the responsibility for conservation of the site.

History of Edinburgh Castle

• The castle sits upon the basalt plug of an extinct volcano which is estimated to have risen some 340 million years ago during the lower carboniferous age.

• Stands 400 ft above sea level • To the south, west and north

the castle is protected by sheer cliffs rearing some 260 ft from the surrounding landscape.

Wars of Scottish Independence

• 1296, king Edward I of England invaded Scotland, sparking the first war of Scottish independence. Edinburgh soon came under English control. 1314 Thomas Randolph recaptured the castle. The Second war of Scottish independence lead to the English taking control once again. The castle was retaken by the Scottish for good by William Douglas in April 1341.

St. Margaret’s Chapel

• Built by King David son of Queen Margaret.

• In memory of her death the chapel was built and is now the oldest surviving structure on Castle Rock.

The Esplanade

• Originally constructed as a parade ground in 1753. It is upon this esplanade that the famous Edinburgh Military Tattoo takes place annually.

Half Moon Battery

• Completed in 1588, this was built over the remains of the former David's Tower, which itself was commissioned in 1386 by Robert the Bruce's son, David II. This Tower had previously been the main entrance to the Castle and huge by the standards of its day.

Crown Square

• Created in 15th century

• Foundations were formed by the construction of a series of large stone vaults built into the uneven castle rock.


• Military Tattoo – takes place on the Esplanade each year during August. The basis of the performance is a parade of the pipes and drums of the Scottish regiments.

• One O'clock Gun – fired every day (except Sunday) at a precise time, allowing citizens and visitors to check their clocks and watches. The origin of the tradition lies in the days before accurate timepieces, when sailing ships in the Firth of Forth needed a reliable means to check their marine chronometers.

Mons Meg

• The great 15th century siege gun can be seen today outside St. Margaret’s Chapel.

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