eCommerce SEO: a guide to on-site optimization

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Who is this ebook for?It is intended for ecommerce marketers, Heads of Ecommerce or anyone

running an ecommerce store.

Why should you read it?This guide provides an introduction to on-site SEO, with tips and tricks

on structuring your store in the most SEO-friendly way so that you can

maximise your inbound organic traffic.

The All-In-One Ecommerce Intelligence Solution

Acquire and retain better customers. Sell them the right products.Maximise profitability.


Customer AcquisitionDiscover what channels

acquire your best customers.

Browse AbandonmentConvert abandoning visitors

into customers.

Unified ReportingJoined up date for the entire

team, no more Excel.

Customer RetentionPersonalize your marketing

campaigns to increase repeat purchase rate.

Product RecommendationsUnderstand what products to promote

to improve overall profitability.

Conversion FunnelIdentify roadblocks along your

path to conversion.

About the author


Ed manages client relations and consulting at

Ometria as the Head of Ecommerce. He delivers

results, utilising a data driven mindset, across

all areas of topics such as UI/UX optimisation.


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ON YOUR WEBSITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Page URL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





3. Page Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Header Tags - H1/H2 Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Page Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. Page Content/Body Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Image File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. Image Alt Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. Responsive Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. Internal Links/Anchor Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11. Rich Snippets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Page Load Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Eliminate Website Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14. Social Media Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15. Frequent New Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FINAL THOUGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















Search engine optimisation should be a key area of focus for any

ecommerce store, primarily because it can be a very cheap and highly

valuable source of traffic. However, many stores still don’t understand

best practices and are implementing their strategy poorly (or not

at all). This guide is here to give you the lowdown on one of the major

aspects of SEO.

The position that your pages appear in search engine results is based on

the relevance of your page in relation to a particular search query. Search

engine algorithms determine page relevance by analysing two things:

Internal/On-page optimisation = UX + Page clarity

External/Off-page optimisation = Site and pagerank

This comprehensive ebook focuses on page clarity and user experience

(UX). Page clarity refers to how clear the focus of a page is to a search

engine and UX is what your visitors experience when using your website.

It’s all about making the content clear for both your users and search

engines. Together these two concepts encapsulate all the tactics you can

use to improve SEO by modifying your own page content (hence the term


6Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

on-page SEO). The beauty of this is that it’s completely under your control

and, when you know what you’re doing, it’s very easy to implement.

In order to understand how search engines rankings work you first need

to fully understand their purpose. When someone submits a query on

a search engine, the search engine algorithms will analyse its detailed

database of web page information to identify the pages which are most

relevant to that particular query. The algorithms will use previously

gathered data acquired when crawling pages on the internet. During

these comprehensive crawls the search engine will determine, among

other things, what the page is for. What is the focus? It is therefore

incredibly important to make the focus of each one of your pages very



7Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

To increase your search engine relevance and clarity you must optimise your

pages for specific keywords that define the focus of the page. This maximises

your search engine ranking potential for the keywords that are most valuable

to your target market and consequently your business. This will inevitably

increase revenues.

Below are 15 key areas of opportunity for optimising your website specifically

for ecommerce. When appropriate, I have provided examples of how to

implement the points for a fictional online store. My examples concentrate

on the pages where good search rankings deliver the best rewards. Typically

these are the home page, product listing page, product page and blog posts.


1. Keywords

What are they?

In analytics, keywords are simply the individual words used to

perform a query on a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.

When keywords are grouped together, we refer to them as

key phrases.

8Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Why are they important?

Keywords are by far the most important initial step for search

engine optimisation. No matter how well you implement

everything else, obtaining optimal rankings on search engine

for queries most relevant to your business rests on choosing

the correct keywords and phrases. Their importance to

search engines is self explanatory; text is the primary source

of information that search engines are able to analyse when

they perform a crawl on a webpage. During this analysis

a search engine will try to locate the keywords in the text

that best explain the purpose of the page. It is therefore

imperative for you to first choose the correct keywords,

followed by maximising their importance and visibility to

search engines.

Choosing the right keywords is too large a topic to cover in

detail here, however, they should always be customer centric

and highly relevant to your business. Here are some key

points to keep in mind.


One Focus

It’s best practice to focus on one topic in particular per page;

therefore you must assign one keyphrase that best describes

each page in order to maximise search engine relevance.


1. Keywords

9Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

I refer to this as the primary keyword. This keyword should

be used consistently across a page in areas such as the

title, header tags, URL etc. We’ll go into detail on keyword

positioning later on.

Unique Keywords

Your primary keyword should be unique for each page.

Secondary Keywords

Identify 2-3 additional keywords that are descriptive to the

primary keyword and therefore highly relevant to the pages

overall focus. These can be used strategically to differentiate

your pages from competitors and improve your traffic


Page Splitting

A common mistake is to have too many primary keywords on

one page that are equally vying for attention. If you are having

trouble identifying one primary keyword then you should

create a new page to separate the different themes.

Keyword Difficulty

Be aware of the challenges of ranking in the top spot for



1. Keywords

10Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

particular keywords. The more popular they are, the harder

it is to rank for them. This is why it is important to include

descriptive words that mean you can target slightly longer

tail keywords that are easier to rank for. If you maintain the

head term and build your site rank high enough you also

maintain the opportunity to rank in the top spots for the

harder keyword phrases. Aim for relevant keywords that have

the highest search volume and lowest difficulty (competition).


Home Page

Your brand name and what you do are the most important

keywords for this page.

Primary: Summer sun shop

Secondary: Womens Designer Dresses

Product Category Page

Always use the category name as the primary keyword for

a category page.

Primary: Sandals

Secondary: Durable, Cheap

1. Keywords

11Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Product Page

Always use the product name as the primary keyword for a


Primary: Gladiator Sandals

Secondary: Size 9, brown


Don’t just use ‘blog‘, else you will only attract people searching

your brand name + blog. Make the focus of your blog about

something highly relevant to your target market. In my example

below, a summer clothing shop, I have chosen to focus on great

summer holidays. Summer clothing is highly related to summer

holidays, well placed CTAs are likely to perform well.

Primary: Blog

Secondary: Sun & Sea Holiday

Example: Sun & Sea Holiday Blog

Blog Post Page

Target keywords with the lowest competition and highest

search volume from your target market.

Primary: Summer Holidays

Secondary: Great Beaches

Example: Top 5 summer holidays with great beaches

1. Keywords

12Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

What is it?

URL stands for ‘uniform resource locator’ and acts as a

unique identifier or address for a particular web page so

people can locate and navigate to it easily. It’s very common

for people to type a URL directly into a browser search bar

for websites they know.

2. Page URL

13Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation


Domain Names

Domain names should include your brand name keyword(s).

A shop named Summer Sun should try and use the url It is ok to use extra words but as a

minimum the brand name should be included in full.

Primary Keyword

URLs should include the primary keyword designated to that

specific page, this keyword should also appear as early as

possible whilst maintaining a consistent and user friendly

URL structure.


Be as short as possible, and don’t include any irrelevant

information. Yes, keywords are very important, but having too

many dilutes the relative importance of all of them.

URL Levels (/)

The aim is to create a flat architecture so use as few levels

as possible whilst maintaining a logical and consistent URL

structure. The deeper the page is in your URL structure

the less relevance it is to search engines. URL levels are


2. Page URL

14Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

commonly used in ecommerce to define categories and

subcategories among other things. Keep content that is very

important at the top of the URL structure.

A common tactic to promote particular products up the URL

structure is to make the pages for ‘What’s new’ and ‘Top

products’ accessible from your homepage because this can

improve the rank for the individual product pages that would

have been buried deep in your sites architecture.

Dashes ( -)

Each word in the URL should be separated by dashes. This is the

default word separator that is recognised by search engines.



Product Category Page:

Product Subcategory Page:

2. Page URL

15Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

This isn’t to everyone’s preference however I like to include

subcategories and category on the same url level in order to

create a flatter architecture.

Here’s a great example from nastygal -

Product Page:


Blog Post Page: title


The blog title should be the same as the chosen title for the

blog post. Page titles are covered in the next section. Having

blog as level in the URL before your blog post title is a great

way to signal to search engines that this is a blog.

2. Page URL

16Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

3. Page Titles

What are they?

Page titles are created using <title> tags in a web pages

HTML. They appear on search engine result pages (SERP) as

an underlined heading which acts as a description and link

for that particular web page.

17Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Why are they important?

Page titles are one of the most pivotal aspects of on-page

SEO because of the importance all search engines put on

them, this makes sense because they are so prominent

on SERPs. Additionally a well structured title will also be

beneficial to your CTR on search results pages.

You have a bigger opportunity with a page title, in comparison

to a URL, to include a few more descriptive words about your

primary keyword. This is a great opportunity to include some

of your products’ USPs to differentiate against competitors.


Keep it under 70 characters.

This is the maximum that is able to appear on Google’s

search results page, anything over this and the text will be

hidden. Utilise the 70 characters, but don’t waffle: be concise.

Must include the primary keyword.

Focus your content on one key phrase. Additionally this

should appear first, if possible, or very early on in the title.


3. Page Titles

18Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Brand Name

If you’re including the brand name it should go at the end,

not at the start. One exception is on the homepage where it

can be beneficial to have it at the front, especially if people

frequently search for your brand name. If you are running out

of characters I would remove your brand name from pages

such as a category or product page if you have some more

valuable keywords to replace it with.

Unique Titles

Page titles should be unique across your website. This is

incredibly important, as search engines dislike duplicate

content because it means they can’t differentiate between


Don’t keyword-stuff.

If you read the title to someone, you want them to be able to

tell you the main focus of the page. If you have many different

subjects fighting for attention it dramatically reduces your

titles clarity, don’t dilute relevance by trying to rank for too

many keywords. Have a maximum of 3 long-tail keywords.

3. Page Titles

19Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation


Make sure the title isn’t just a jumble of different words

that don’t read well together. This is poor UX and will be

penalised by search engines.

Vertical Bars/Hyphens

When separating content such as product name, categories,

brand name in meta titles try to use vertical bars or

hyphens. They are officially viewed as separators by search



Home Page

Summer Sun Shop | Womens Designer Dresses, Belts

& Shoes.

Use the home page title to explain what your business

sells in a very concise way. We recommended including a

few words that describe your business and it’s products in

more detail. In the example above the shop doesn’t just sell

dresses it sells ‘designer’ dresses.

Ecommerce is a highly competitive environment so make

sure you stand in comparison to your competitors.

3. Page Titles

20Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Category Page

Product Category | Brand Name

Handmade & Designer Flip flops | Summer Sun Shop

Utilise secondary keywords words to describe unique

aspects about your categories in more detail that your target

market may use when searching for products you sell. This

differentiation is essential to optimise your visibility online.

Product Page

Product Name/Brand | Product Category | Brand Name

Fatboi Flip flops - Red | Handmade & Designer Flip flops

Just like before, descriptive words are important. However first

you should focus on specific product attributes such as size, type,

colour, brand etc. Describe your products in as much detail as

possible to inform potential customers exactly what your product

is before they click through to your website. Use words that

pertain well to your product attributes, USPs and brand. Notice

in the example above I have removed the brand name because it

pushed the title over 70 characters.

Blog Page

Keep it simple but informative.

Sun & Sea Holiday Blog | Summer Sun Shop

3. Page Titles

21Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

4. Header Tags - H1/H2 Tags3. Page Titles

Blog Post Page

Blog post title | Blog Title

Top Ten Locations to Spend Your Summer Holiday | Sun & Sea

Holiday Blog

A blog post title should be exactly the same as the actual title

for your blog post that will appear as your blog post header.

Choosing blog titles deserves it’s own checklist however keep

this in mind - Focus on one keyword phrase and write about

something that your target market or a segment of your

target market is interested in and searching for.

What are they?

Heading tags are code used in a web page’s HTML to create

headings, and appear like this: <h1>HEADING HERE</h1>.

H1, H2 & H3 are the most commonly used heading tags.

Why are they important?

Header tags both inform search engines that a new section is

beginning and imply the focus of the content below it. Search

engines attribute significant importance to the H1 tag and steadily


4. Header Tags - H1/H2 Tags

22Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

4. Header Tags - H1/H2 Tags

less importance to the H2, H3 tags and so on. H2 tags are very

useful as subheadings for text heavy pages such as blog posts.


H1 Usage

Each page should have one and only one H1 heading tag.

It should incorporate the primary keyword for that page which will

also be present in your URL, page title etc. Keep the heading tag

very focused and as short as possible. Unless it is a blog post the

H1 text should be shorter than the page title.

H1 Positioning

The H1 tag should be at the top of the page or as close as possible.

H2 Usage

It is beneficial for each page to also include a couple of H2

headings underneath the H1 tag that incorporate the primary

target keyword or possibly some secondary keywords you wish to

rank for.

Unique H1

Google dislikes duplicate content because it makes pages harder

to tell apart, so keep the h1 heading unique for that page. What

23Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

5. Page Descriptions

What are they?

Page descriptions are commonly referred to as the ‘meta’

description and appear below your page title on SERPs. Meta

descriptions are added into your HTML using meta tags.

24Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Why are they important?

Their purpose is to describe the target page in more detail,

expanding on the information already included in the title

tag. They also contribute to your page clarity for search

engines in the same way as your page title. To maximise CTR,

page descriptions should provide a compelling reason why

someone should visit your page.


Description Length

Keep the page description between 100 - 150 characters.

Longer than this and you risk having your information cut off,

any shorter and you will not be making full advantage of the

space given to you.

Primary Keyword

Incorporate the primary keyword into the copy in a natural

way. Once or twice will work perfectly.

Secondary Keywords

Use your description characters wisely to describe what your

product is for, the key benefits and USPs.

5. Page Descriptions




25Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Avoid keyword stuffing.

Your text has to be comprehensible and flow well.

Unique Descriptions

Keep it original.

Product Page Descriptions

Make sure you don’t copy and paste manufacturer product

descriptions. It is highly likely this same content is being used

on many other sites and Google dislikes duplicate content.

The best option is to re-write them fully so they are completed

unique compared to everyone else, this way you can align the

content with your brand image as well improving customer

experience at the same time.

5. Page Descriptions

6. Page Content/Body Text

What is it?

The page body text is all the text that is actually visible

on your web page this is in contrast to page titles and

descriptions which are primarily only visible on SERPs.

When we discuss the body text we are primarily referring

to all the text present in paragraph tags throughout your

6. Page Content/Body Text

26Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

pages <p>PARAGRAPH HERE</p>. Optimising body text

is, in ecommerce, most relevant on your product and blog

pages. Typically there isn’t a significant amount of text on the

other pages.


Keyword Usage

Use your primary keyword 2-5 times throughout the page’s

content depending on the length of the content. Additionally

use your secondary keywords when appropriate.

Keyword Placement

When writing content you should be aware of the benefit of

well positioned keywords however, remember to only mention

keywords naturally throughout your content. You can and will

get penalised if you use keywords unnaturally in your content.

Content Formatting

When appropriate make your primary keywords bold or

underlined. Try to do this at least once. It has a small

influence on the importance of that keyword to the search


6. Page Content/Body Text

27Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

7. Image File Name

Content Length

Good content length should be a minimum of 600 words per

page. Keep this in mind when writing blog posts.

7. Image File Name

6. Page Content/Body Text

What is it?

The image file name is the designated name that you give to

an image when you save it (image.jpg).

Why is it important?

Many people tend to forget about optimising their images but

it is important. Search engines can’t read images like they

read text and therefore the image file name is one of the only

things they can use to determine the context of the image.


Text Formatting:

For optimal results each individual word should be separated

with dashes.

For example: fatflops-flipflops.jpg


28Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

8. Image Alt Tags

Keep it simple:

Use the primary keyword for the page and keep it relevant.

On product pages use the most applicable product attribute,

such as brand, as well.


8. Image Alt Tags

7. Image File Name

What are they?

Alt tags refer to the alternative text you can assign to images.

Alt text is inputted in your HTML code in an image tag.

<img src=”image.jpg” alt=”image”>

Why are they important?

Search engines use them to help describe what the image,

currently search engine crawlers can’t read images without

any text. If the image identifiers are consistent with the rest

of the content on the page it will in turn increase your pages

clarity to search engines. Use this in combination with the

filename and keep them persistent.


29Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

9. Responsive Design


Alt Tag Text

The alt text should match the filename but without dashes.

For example: fatflops flipflops

9. Responsive Design

What is it?

Responsive design is a special coding method that enables

your website’s content to adapt to different screen sizes in

order to provide an enhanced user experience across all


Why is it important?

Google is beginning to penalise websites for unfriendly mobile

design due to the negative user experience it provides. It has

officially recommended using responsive design to improve

UX. This is due to the rapid worldwide growth of the mobile


8. Image Alt Tags


30Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

What is it?

Internal links are links present on any page of your website

that link to other pages on your website, keeping the traffic


Why is it important?

Search engines are increasingly dishing out penalties for

over-optimised internal links. Therefore it is critical to be very

careful when creating the anchor text for internal links.


Generic/Nature Keywords

These normally focus around terms such as you brand name

or even just ‘click here’. Also, don’t always link back to your

home page. This can look slightly suspicious.

Avoid exact match anchor text.

Google’s new update has started to penalise exact match

anchor text. This means that the anchor text matches the

page title of the page it is linking to.

10. Internal Links/Anchor Text


31Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Prioritise link juice.

Every page does not have unlimited link juice. Distribute it

strategically to your most important pages such as certain popular

products you want to give more visibility. As mentioned previously

this is why a top products page placed on your homepage can

increase SEO ranking for particular pages or products.

Don’t go overboard.

Use your links frequently and only when it is natural to do so,

having too many can actually result in your site getting penalised.

Google’s algorithms are clever and if they think you are trying to

trick them it will reflect badly on your site. Always think about the

user experience first, if something is not logical don’t do it.

11. Rich Snippets

11. Rich Snippets

What are they?

Rich snippets are microdata you can add to your HTML

which enable you to apply more detailed information to your

search engine listings. In ecommerce this allows you to

add additional information on your products, such as user

reviews, images, price & stock availability. You can even

enhance your videos, if you have any.

10. Internal Links/Anchor Text

32Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Why is it important?

More detailed information means consumers can more easily

determine if you have the product they are looking for even

before they have clicked through to your website. Google

considers this an enhanced user experience and rewards it

with better ranking potential.

Key points:

Use best practices:

Follow Google’s step-by-step processes for adding rich



12. Page Load Times

12. Page Load Times

What is it?

As it sounds, it is the time taken to load an individual


11. Rich Snippets


33Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Why is it important?

Poor load times mean a poor user experience and Google

wants its search engine to suggest websites that are

both highly relevant to a search and provide a great UX,

subsequently slow loading sites are penalised.

A great free tool to test the speed of your web pages is



Maximum Load Time

Pages should load in 3s or less to provide a friendly UX and

avoid getting penalised.

Optimise images.

Images tend to be one of the main causes of slow load

speeds. Make sure images are loaded onto your server at

exactly the size you wish them to appear and no bigger.

Additionally if you have the expertise then you can host your

images on subdomains of your server which effectively tricks

the browser into giving you more bandwidth.

12. Page Load Times


34Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

13. Eliminate Website Errors


Why is it important?

Search engines penalise websites for website errors due to

poor user experience. Any well-maintained website should

have no errors. Make sure you are signed up to webmaster

tools such as Bing and Google Webmaster Tools and check

them regularly, they will inform you if they have found any

errors. Some paid SEO tools, such as Screaming Frog, will

give you a more in depth insight into website errors.


Helpful Tools

Register with Google and Bing webmaster tools to keep up to

date with any website errors their crawlers have found.

What are they?

Website errors are picked up by search engines when they

crawl websites and can vary from duplicate content in your

meta tags to page URLs that don’t have any content. They

cover all things that provide a bad user experience on your

website and other errors that make it difficult for the search

engines to define the content on your pages.

35Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Setup & submit sitemap.

This will ensure search engine crawlers find and structure all

your content correctly.

404 Error

Page doesn’t exist. You must redirect these to the correct


301 Error

301 redirects should be changed to 302 redirects and these

should be used to tell search engines where new content can

be found if you have taken down an old page.

503 Error

Server is temporarily unavailable. Avoid this at all costs.


Use this to control duplicate content that may appear on

different product listing pages. Tell Google which one it

should prioritise in search and stop it penalising you for

duplicate content.

13. Eliminate Website Errors

36Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

14. Social Media Integration


Why is it important?

Your social presence sends direct signals to search engines

about your site’s importance. The higher your engagement

and larger your audience the more valuable your site is to

more people; search engines are recognising this and are

subsequently rewarding websites that perform well socially.


Create shareable content.

In order to spread content virally you need to create content that

resonates with your target market and is inherently shareable.

Blog posts, videos, infographics etc. are all great for this.

What is it?

Enable your audience to share your content on the web by

integrating social media sharing and following buttons onto

your website.

37Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

Company Follow Buttons

Develop your companies social presence by making it very

easy for people to follow you. Key places to take advantage of

this are on your homepage and blog sidebar.

Google+ Importance

As you might expect google puts more priority a on google+ in

comparison to other search engines so don’t leave it out and

keep your profile well maintained.

15. Frequent New Content

15. Frequent New Content

14. Social Media Integration

Why is it important?

Search engines like sites that are active, it shows regular

management and can convey high user engagement.


User Generated Content

Allowing user to post reviews or photos of them using your

products provides a platform for your customers to add

new content to your site themselves. This also serves


38Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

15. Frequent New Content

a dual purpose of providing social proof to your site whilst

encouraging frequent new content for SEO.


A blog is a great way to expand your visibility online whilst

maintaining a fresh and active online store which will reflect

positively on your search engine rankings.

39Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation



In addition to optimising your on page content for search engine rankings

it is also very important to optimise for click throughs and revenue.

In order to do this you need to measure the engagement and conversion

statistics from various keywords from organic search. You should be

testing different titles, keywords, descriptions, product descriptions etc.

to find the content which, using attribution, performs the best.

Use an ecommerce analytics platform to track, visualise and analyse this

data so you can pull out this information from your store.

Make pages primarily for the users, not for search.

Avoid tricks to improve rankings (black hat).

Don’t deceive your users.

Think about what makes your website unique, valuable or


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40Ecommerce SEO: A Guide To On-Site Optimisation

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