
E-CommerceBy: Nathan Schmitt

December 4th, 2013

Defined as a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet

What is E-Commerce?

1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the first online shopping system

1984: In April 1984, CompuServe launches the Electronic Mall in the USA and Canada. It is the first comprehensive electronic commerce service.

1994: Netscape releases the Navigator browser in October under the code name Mozilla. Netscape 1.0 is introduced in late 1994 with SSL encryption that made transactions secure.

Brief History

1995: Jeff Bezos launches First commercial-free 24-hour, internet-only

radio stations, Radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting.

eBay is founded by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb

2005: Cyber Monday’s debut as a “holiday” in US

Brief History(cont.)

Amazon in 1995…

Auctionweb (eBay )

In 2012, U.S. e-commerce sales amounted to 289 billion U.S. dollars

In 2012 the largest share of online revenue was generated by retail shopping websites which earned 186.2 billion U.S. dollars

the number of U.S. digital shoppers is expected to grow from 137 million in 2010 to 175 million in 2016

E-Commerce Today

Ecommerce Today (cont.)

Ubiquity Global Reach Universal Standards Richness Interactivity Information Density Personalization Social Technology


Division by Relationship Business-to-Business Business-to-Consumer Business-to-Government Consumer-to-Consumer

Division by Technology P2P Mobile

Major Divisions

Deals with relationships between and among businesses.

Makes up about 80% of e-commerce



Between companies and consumers

customers gather information

purchasing physical or digital goods

Examples: and similar websites


Expensive Technology

Sophisticated Skillset

Attraction of physical stores and traditional shopping experiences.

Limited access

Why B2B Ecommerce has Out-Preformed B2C

the use of the Internet for public procurement, licensing procedures, and other government-related operations

Remains rather undeveloped



Commerce between private individuals.

characterized by the growth of electronic marketplaces and online auctions.

Examples: Ebay


Using wireless technology to allow purchases on mobile devices.

Believed to overcome wire line e-commerce.

Mobile Commerce

For every division of E-Commerce Data Integrity Security Fraud

Specifically for M-Commerce Network Performance


Insuring that financial data used for domestic and international business remains accurate and consistent.

Data is vulnerable to corruption whenever it is transferred and even while stored.

Data Integrity

Confidentiality: only authorized parties are allowed to read protected information

Integrity: data remains as is from the sender to the receiver

Availability: access and are authorized to resources


1-Jessica Kril. Statistics and Facts about Online Shopping. Statista – The Statistics Portal. October 15 th, 2013 < >.

2- Dave Roos. The History of E-commerce. How Stuff Works. October 15 th, 2013 <>.

3. Anil M. Tirkar. (2013) Trend Of E-commerce Technology & Its Security Issues, Golden Research Thoughts, V olume-3, Issue-2, August-2013

  4. Dongmin Kim and IzaK Benbasat. Designs for Effective Implementation of Trust Assurances in Internet Stores. Communications of the

ACM. vol. 53, no. 2, february 2010, 121 – 126.

5. Li Li. Research on E-Commerce Security Based on Cloud Computing Platform. International Review on Computers and Software. Vol. 7, N. 6, November 2012. 3262 – 3266

6. Shanawaz Maniyar, Saran Govindarajan, Geetha V. Security Checkpoints For Enterprise Applications On The Web. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 4 No.06 June 2012. 2740 – 2735.

  7. Sonny Zulhuda & Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi. Security Safeguards on e-Payment Systems in Malaysia: Analysis on the Payment

Systems Act 2003. Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology. Vol. 6, Issue 4 ,2011. 187-193.  8. Dr.S.S.Riaz Ahamed , Dr.V.Kubendran, Mr.A.Ahamed Ansari. Transaction Based Security Issues And Pathways To Effective Electronic

Commerce: From Tactics To Strategy. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 3, No. 2 Feb, 2011. 1304-1310.

9. Kenneth Laudon , Carol Guercio Traver, E -commerce 2012, November 26, 2011



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