Dynamics Day 2012: Driving Campaign ROI with Email Marketing, Social Engagement and an integrated Web Experience.

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Measuring the success of your marketing campaigns has always been a combination of art and science. In this presentation, find out how you can measure the true return on investment (ROI) for your social media and email marketing campaigns and how these marketing initiatives tie in with activity on your website. Find out how Dynamics CRM in combination with the top-rated add-on ClickDimensions can deliver the complete ROI picture on campaigns.


Driving Campaign ROI with Email

Marketing, Social Engagement and an

integrated Web Experience


http://nakedcrm.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/stevefoster



Steven Foster, CRM Product Manager


Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Steven Foster

My role is to drive the Microsoft CRM business, delivery and partner relationships

People call me passionate about CRM and even an evangelist!

I have been working in the field of CRM for over 14 years, implemented many CRM and xRM

solutions and have experience across a broad range of CRM technologies, industries and countries.

Steven Foster

CRM Product Manager

Our Agenda

Definition of Campaign ROI

How can I measure ROI

Demo and Summary

A better world with Dynamics CRM

Increase the Marketing dollars in the Pipeline

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

How do you define Marketing ROI? Simplest Format: Measurement of the effectiveness of each

dollar spent on Marketing efforts

■ In other words, how many dollars in the pipeline can be attributed to each campaign undertaken, whether it is via:

■ Visiting the website

■ Email Marketing

■ Social Engagement

■ Event

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

What are the campaign costs?

■ Campaign Activities

■ Email

■ Letters / Flyers

■ Phone

■ Content i.e. Website, flyers, banners, articles

■ Advertising costs which may be on-going if online and click through

■ Miscellaneous i.e. catering, marketing materials, address validation

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

So how can we increase the marketing dollars in the pipeline?

■ But need to ensure accurate capture of the Lead Source and Source Campaign to enable

the measurement of it

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

But we want to be able to Measure the effectiveness of all of this activity?

■ Estimated and Actual Revenue Generated by Campaign vs. Costs

■ Number of leads and opportunities that were created

■ Website traffic as a result of the campaign

■ Conversion rate of landing page to lead

■ Conversion rate of content

■ Conversion rate as a result of social engagement

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

But how can we measure or calculate ROI? When …



List ≠ List

Campaign ≠ Campaign

Lead (Prospect) ≠ Lead


Web Site










Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Customer Web Site(s) ClickDimensions on

Windows Azure - ClickDimensions API

All Data in One Place

- Dynamics CRM data

- Email Marketing Data

- Web Analytics Data

- Surveys, Social

Recipient Inboxes

Dynamics CRM and ClickDimensions Better Together

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Web Tracking

Campaign Tracking

Landing Pages

Email Marketing

Social Discovery

Nurture Marketing

Lead Scoring

Form Capture


API (with Event and eCommerce Tracking)


Subscription Management

Extending CRM with ClickDimensions

Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Opportunities

Marketing Lists Campaign management Dynamics CRM OOB


Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Capturing Costs Using Dynamics CRM

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Dynamics CRM Standard Campaign Reports

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Dashboards–Web Traffic, Forms and Revenue

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Charting Campaign Revenue by Cost

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

Tracking Web and Social Interaction

■ Web Traffic – Track by adding a Google analytics like script straight into Dynamics CRM

■ Tracking Source Entry Points i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook posts etc

■ Include the following at the end of your url ?s=<<INSERT CAMPAIGN

REFERENCE>>, to identify how people are finding you

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI


Campaign Measurement

Creating Landing Pages

Capturing Web Traffic

Dynamics CRM Campaign ROI

In Summary

■ Campaign ROI = Measurement of the effectiveness of each dollar spent on Marketing efforts

■ Dynamics CRM can facilitate the capturing of the information to support ROI calculation

■ Marketing Extensions can increase the accuracy and reduce the manual association back to Campaigns

■ You need to ensure you have processes to manage Leads and Opportunities and associate to the appropriate Lead Source and Campaign

Do you want to know more?

Find me in the Experience Lounge at the end of this presentation.

Any questions?

Thank you barry.barryson@intergen.co.nz

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