Dreamforce 2016 : Highlights, Hacks and Rumors

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Dreamforce 2016: Highlights,Hacks And Rumors


If you are a Salesforce person the epic four days of your life can’t just wait. It’s four days of complete inspiration, learning, imagination, and innovation coupled with pure ecstasy.

Ever in the world, were a mecca for the marketers, then Dreamforce would be it!!!

Highlights of



Dreamforce has never disappointed

its attendees.

Highlight #1

This time, they can be pretty sure of witnessing some big names for keynotes with the first raft of

exceptional speakers who are predominantly female.

Highlight #1Highlight #1

CEO Marc Benioff

Highlight #1

will be joined by

CEO Marc Benioff

Highlight #1

will be joined by

Melinda Gates,

CEO Marc Benioff

Highlight #1

will be joined by

Melinda Gates, Patricia Arquette,

CEO Marc Benioff

Highlight #1

will be joined by

Melinda Gates, Patricia Arquette,

Deborah Duggan&

CEO Marc Benioff

Highlight #1

will be joined by

Melinda Gates, Patricia Arquette,

Deborah DugganBillie Jean King.&

Other eminent personalities who are going to

grab the microphone include Tony Robbins the renowned author and motivational speaker.


The list does not come to an end here.

The stage will also be shared by the NASA astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly.


There will be around 2000+ sessions brimming

with awesomeness and excellence which will inspire infinite possibilities for you at each and every step.



Four small days and so much to handle, there will be a high probability of you missing out on something of

core importance.

Enter ‘Partyforce’ the unofficial app for aiding you in planning which parties and social events to attend.


‘Dreampitch’ the ultimate platform to pitch your dreams i.e apps developed by

the startups for Apps on the Salesforce


Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca (owner of many loud shirts).


App Cloud will be hosted by none other than high profile venture capitalists

Work hard and Party harder has always

been the cornerstone of every Dreamforce. This time, to set the Dreamfest on fire arrives U2 the legendary Irish rock band.


The Super Hacks!!!

Dreamforce offers you an ocean of knowledge and you would definitely feel like imbibing the max you can. But trust me sometimes less is better. Focus on your core areas of importance and relevance and select your events and sessions accordingly.

SuperHack #1

Believe in quality, not quantity:

Prepare a practical agenda:

…. but hey!!! Check your schedule with a pair of practical eyes and make one that is feasible.

SuperHack #2

Not even a week left I am sure you are all set with your schedule…

The best bonds are formed between two human beings rather than business representatives. So at the end of the day loosen up a bit, meet new people and introduce yourself as the person behind the business card you are holding.

Be who you are:

SuperHack #3

You above all! Carry a bottle of water and eat adequate meals to keep yourself stuffed and be able to focus more. It’s a marathon so be prepared to utilize your energy and channelize it better making the most of it.

Health is wealth:

SuperHack #4

Some Great News

Too Good To Be True!!!

Dreamforce is behemothic and such events are worth some anticipations.

Some top notch rumors and speculations of this year are as follows:

Bieber calling:

While we are pretty sure U2 is setting the stage on fire, speculations flooding

the market is that Justin Bieber is going to make an appearance to mesmerize the crowd.

News #1

GOT hits DF’ 16:

This year Dreamforce is expected to witness some good themes of Game of Thrones, as

people say the creator of this spectacular series David Benioff is a long lost relative of Marc and definitely because it is just awesome!

News #2

Salesforce in the sky rather than clouds:

The words circulating is that you have to keep a watch on the sky above you and

look out for a helicopter of Salesforce which is expected to rains tickets for the next game in San Francisco. Good Luck!

News #3

Sassy Surprise:

Every time we see the famous mascot we always tend to take a selfie but beware this time at any moment and at any day a celebrity is expected to pop out one of them. Anticipations still go around so as to who it would be.

News #4

Have a good fun time this Dreamforce!

Dreamforce is a colossal event : highlights, hacks, rumors …do’s dont’s you will have it all but it’s worth every second you spend there.

With more than 2000 sessions and myriad live solutions from the

world’s largest cloud ecosystem, you will have the time of your life!


Official Blog Link : http://www.algoworks.com/blog/dreamforce-2016-highlights-hacks-and-rumors/

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Oct 4-7, 2016

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