Doorways, Hallways, and Gateways Charlotte · Doorways, Hallways, and Gateways Charlotte Gambill ... The

Post on 26-Jun-2018






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Doorways, Hallways, and Gateways Charlotte Gambill

God wants us to clear space in our lives so that we can hear His voice. He wants to resurrect our dead hopes, old dreams, and hidden desires. When we are open and willing to invite Him into our circumstances, He will move us into a season of receiving.

Ask your group: Have you ever enjoyed a fun activity designed for a different time of year? Like having an outdoor barbeque during winter, celebrating your half birthday, or decorating a Christmas tree in July? Key Scripture: 2 Kings 4:8–37, 8:1–6

When we create room for God in our lives, He speaks to us about things we’ve hoped for and then put away. We stand in a “doorway” with God to retrieve our dreams. God opens up the possibility for us to move into the promise.

We then enter a “hallway,” which can be a time of confusion or a challenge. The woman in 2 Kings 4 picked up her dead son and brought him to the place where she had received understanding from Elisha. Similarly, we can pick up anything that blocks us from moving through the hallway and take it to God. The hallway is a transition time of moving toward God’s answer. This is the time to trust God, stand strong, and hold on to your peace.

The battles you face in the hallway will equip you to keep traveling with God into the “gateway,” the miracle in your future. The gateway will include a gift from God grown from seed you have sown and is a season of receiving God’s goodness, gifts, and passion.

1. Why is dialogue with God important in the doorway?

2. Name several steps we can take to make room for God.






3. What are some hindrances that prolong our time in the hallway?

4. Read 2 Kings 4:21–22. What insight from this scripture can we use to keep moving through the hallway?

5. What might God say to you in the gateway? Why does God want you to enter a season of receiving? How will the journey to the gateway affect your future?

Don’t stop before your gateway. God does not waste any season. He turns your difficult battles into good and rewards your faithfulness to Him. God uses the seed you’ve sown in your sorrow to gift you in your tomorrow.

Jesus, we trust You with our situations. We put our life journey in Your hands. Make us aware of places in ourselves that we can open up to You. It’s Your voice we want to hear and Your Word we want to obey. We close the door to distractions and open our heart to Your goodness. Be welcome in our house! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*New Leader Tip* Get to know your members individually. This way, you will recognize when a member may be dealing with a difficult personal issue, or you can share in their celebrations and milestones. Compassion and honor earns trust.


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