Do you Face these Culture Challenges in Your Company or Team?

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Your company's culture is too important to ignore. It is everywhere in your business and affects everything you do. Although you cannot touch it, you can certainly feel it and see it in action. You know when it needs addressing... even fixing. Below are seven common culture challenges companies face (even those which are wildly successful can still face these culture challenges, or know they could be a higher performing and more profitable company if they only addressed their culture issues.) Do you recognise one or more of these challenges in your company? Is your company's growth being hampered or held back from reaching higher levels of revenues and profits? 1. Your senior management team and employees are not fully aligned. 2. You know your teams could work better together (for the benefit of your customers). 3. You know your employees could be more accountable and take more responsibility. 4. You know your employees' motivation, morale and engagement could be stronger. 5. You know communication and collaboration could be more free flowing within your company. 6. You know you could provide a more remarkable customer experience. 7. You know you could be more entrepreneurial, innovative, creative and relevant as a company. If you can relate to any of these culture challenges, Enterprise LEADER can help you.


Do You Face TheseCulture ChallengesIn Your Company or Team?















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Your company's culture is too important to ignore.

It is everywhere in your business and affects everything you do.

Although you cannot touch it, you can certainly feel it and see it in acton.

You know when it needs addressing... even fixing.

Below are seven common culture challenges companies face. (Even those which are wildly successful can stll face these culture challenges, or know they could be a higher performing and more profitable company if they only addressed their culture issues.)

Do you recognise one or more of these challenges in your company? Is your company's growth being hampered or held back from reaching higher levels of revenues and profits?

Do you face one or more of these culture challenges in your company? If you do, your company's performance and results could significantly suffer.

● Your senior management team and employees are not fully aligned.● You know your teams could work better together (for the benefit of your customers).● You know your employees could be more accountable and take more responsibility.● You know your employees' motivation, morale and engagement could be stronger.● You know communication and collaboration could be more free flowing within your company.● You know you could provide a more remarkable customer experience.● You know you could be more entrepreneurial, innovative, creative and relevant as a company.

If you can relate to any of these culture challenges, Enterprise LEADER can help you.


1. Your senior management team and employees are not fully aligned.

You know your employees are not aligned with your senior management team.

You know your company's vision, values, goals and purpose are not fully understood and shared by all your employees.

You know this disconnect is hurtng your company's performance.3

As a CEO, SVP, Board Member or member of the Senior Management Team, you have a clear vision of how you want to take your company forward. You are clear in your mind about what the future looks like, and what you need to do to reach your goals.

Your direct reports will understand your vision and perhaps even a level below them as well.

But what about the rest of your employees?

The very people who are doing the day-to-day work? The very people who are interactng daily with your customers, or developing your products and services?

In many companies -- even those which are highly successful and profitable --- there is a gap between the vision which is held at the senior management level, and what is understood and believed in the wider workforce.

You may recognise this gap in your company too.

This 'disconnect' can be a major barrier to achieving your company's goals.

Example 1 - The Story of Tom's Software Company:

Tom is the CEO of a mid size sofware company, employing 400 people around the world.

Tom and his fellow VPs have a clear vision of where they want to take the company, but they know that the rest of the workforce doesn't fully understand, believe in and emotonally connect with the vision.

This disconnect between the Boardroom and workforce is hurtng the company, as the message employees give customers does not reconcile with the message the senior management team want customers to receive.


By using Enterprise LEADER as a vehicle for change, the senior management team (supported by middle management) are able to explain to employees the vision, purpose and goals of the company and create alignment between the boardroom and workforce.

Through the mentoring materials featured in Enterprise LEADER and the group face-to-face mentoring sessions, employees get to hear in depth the goals and vision of the senior management team, and also have a forum and framework to share their ideas and concerns back to management.

Alignment Between Management and Employees


2. You know your teams could work better together (for the benefit of your customers).

You know your teams could work better together.

You know if they helped and supported each other more, they could achieve greater results and deliver a more fulfilling experience for your customers.


You know you have great people in your company -- some really talented employees -- people who are exceptonally skilled, knowledgeable and first-class at what they do.

But you know your employees could work better together as a team. You know they could support each other more --- and help each other out more when needed.

You know they could be more unified as a team, believe more in the vision and goals of your company.

You know they could collectvely serve your customer at a higher level.

You know if they did, you'd be more successful as a business.

Example 2 - The Story of Sarah's Insurance Agency:

Sarah is a VP in an insurance agency and runs a 'book of business' focused on the corporate transportaton market. She manages a team of 20 sales staff and 40 customer service representatves.

Every day the sales team are on the road generatng new business and the support staff are in the head ofce managing the accounts, taking calls, processing claims and where possible, selling additonal policies.

Sarah knows that calls coming into the service department ofen go unanswered even when other team members are available to pick them up. This means that customers become frustrated by the lack of tmely service.

Sarah knows that if she could get her team to understand the bigger picture and work better for each other, they could give customers a greater experience and retain more customers for longer.


With the help of Enterprise LEADER, Sarah is a able to get her team together on a regular basis in an informal but structured way, to explore new ways to service their clients at a higher level.

Using the structured MP3 mentoring materials and group face to face mentoring sessions, Sarah has the tools to to get everyone thinking about how to give customers the best experience so they are not lef frustrated waitng on the phone and thinking about taking their business to another insurance agency.

This shared experience of Enterprise LEADER enables Sarah's team to get to know each other and understand each other's challenges better, facilitates communicaton and gets them to see how each and every one of them contributes to the customer experience - and overall department and company goals.



3. You know your employees could be more accountable and take more responsibility.

You know your employees could take more ownership and responsibility.

You know they could be more accountable for their actons.

You know if they were, your customers would ultmately receive a more rewarding experience.


Employee Accountability and Responsibility

As a business leader you are used to taking responsibility and ownership of problems. You are used to thinking like a business owner. You know that your actons and decisions have a direct impact on your customers' experience.

But not everybody in your company thinks this way. Not everybody is accountable and answerable for their actons.

Imagine the rich experience your customers could receive if every employee in your company took full accountability, responsibility and ownership of their work, and thought like business owners rather than employees.

Example 3 - The Story of David and the Hotel Chain:

A major internatonal 4 star hotel chain notces that it is receiving an unusually high number of negatve reviews on for three of its hotels in the same city. Guests complain that staff are unhelpful, unresponsive and unaccommodatng.

David is a new area manager charged with turning round the performance of these hotels which have over 400 employees between them.

David knows that he needs to find a way to make every employee in the company take more ownership and responsibility for their work, and ensure that customers consistently receive a 4 star experience.


By using Enterprise LEADER as a vehicle for change, David is able to take all 400 of his employees on a journey of personal, professional and business development.

With the case-study approach of Enterprise LEADER, David is able to explore the problems faced by Amroze Technology (the company featured in Enterprise LEADER), and identfy why they had some of their problems.

David is able to get this employees to see similarites between Amroze Technology and their own company, and identfy areas and strategies for improvement.


You know you have three types of employees in your company. 1. Some superstars who are fully engaged. 2. Some disengaged employees who are holding you back from reaching your goals. 3. Some 'middle men and women who neither over-perform or under-perform'. You know if you can help this middle group step-up and fulfil their potental, you can take your company to another level.

4. You know your employee's motivation, morale and engagement could be better


Employee Motivation, Morale and Engagement

As much as you want to believe that ALL your employees are fully motvated, driven, passionate, engaged and deliver their best work - the reality is this is seldom the case.

More likely, the engagement of your workforce follows the statstcs suggested by the research company, Gartner Group.

Gartner suggests that typically only 20 to 25% of the workforce is fully engaged, motvated, passionate and working for the good of the company.

Gartner suggests that as many as 20% of a workforce are unmotvated, disengaged and damaging your company. This leaves the remaining 50 to 55% of employees who can be referred to as 'middlemen' and 'middle women'. These are people who neither over perform, nor under-perform and provide a tremendous opportunity to improve the performance and profitability of your company.

There is a clear one to one relatonship between the engagement of your employees and the profitability of your company.

By simply working on your company's culture you can quickly turn middlemen and women into high performing employees who help drive the profitability and performance of your company forward.

Example 4 - The Story of SVP George and Telco Inc:

Telco Inc is a large telecommunicatons company servicing millions of B2C and B2B customers. George is a SVP and on the Board of Telco Inc. George is aware that for many of his employees, working on the phones is just a job and nothing more.

George knows that his call centre employees are the direct connecton between the company and the customer and are the face and voice of the brand.

He also knows that their lack of enthusiasm and engagement is damaging the customers' experience and having a negatve impact on Telco Inc's brand. In a highly compettve market space, Telco Inc cannot afford to let this happen.


Since George has his entre team in one building, it is easy for him to use Enterprise LEADER as a catalyst for change and a vehicle to better engage his workforce.

He gets his high performing superstars to act as leads in mentor groups and uses the structured materials and face to face group mentor sessions. Through the face to face mentor sessions employees are given a platorm to voice their thoughts and ideas and explore new ways to make their work more meaningful and engaging.

Very quickly George notces high levels of enthusiasm, passion, motvaton and morale in his workforce which translates through to a better experience for Telco Inc's customers.


You know if your employees better understood what was happening throughout your company, they'd feel more connected to your business.

They'd also be better placed to solve problems and collaborate on new ideas.

5. You know communication and collaboration could be more free flowing within your company.


Internal Communication and Collaboration

Talk to any of your senior managers, and chances are, they'll tell you that they are great at communicaton. They'll say, "We keep our employees well informed and involved in everything that is going on.”

Now have the same conversaton with any of your employees and more likely than not, they'll tell you "Our senior management are poor at communicatng with us!", or "We don't know what's going on in our company, or in other departments or teams.”

In many companies - possibly yours too -- managers never really know how employees 'feel' , because they never take the tme to really 'talk to them! -- at an emotonal level'. All too ofen, managers never really know their employees (or employees know their manager) -- and so employees feel disconnected and uninvolved. Work just becomes 'work' and employees' motvaton and morale starts to drop.

Could communicaton be better in your company? Is there room for improvement? Would better communicaton lead to better results?

Example 5 - The Story of the CEO and his merger:

Two large engineering design consultancies have recently merged to become one of the biggest engineering design companies in the world with ofces in 20 countries.

With any merger comes uncertainty, redundancies and a clash of cultures. In order to make the merger work and gain the desired economies of scale, the new CEO recognises that effectve communicaton is key.

More specifically, he knows that he needs to get the vision of the senior management team out of the boardroom and into the heart of the workforce and to get the newly merged teams (from company A and company B) talking to each other and feeding their thoughts, ideas and concerns back up to the boardroom.


The CEO decides to role out Enterprise LEADER across the 20 internatonal ofces. Reportng directly to the CEO, Emma is given responsibility for the worldwide role-out of Enterprise LEADER.

Emma in turn works closely with each country's regional director and helps them design and implement a tailored roll-out schedule which means every employee in every country gets to go through the Enterprise LEADER program within 3 months of the launch date.

For the CEO this means that very quickly afer the merger, employees get to understand exactly what the new company is about, and what the vision and goals of the company are. They also get to meet their new co-workers and have a platorm to share their ideas, thoughts and concerns with senior management.


6. You know you could provide a more remarkable customer experience.

You know your customers could receive a more remarkable experience.

You know if you could consistently deliver a 'WOW' experience, your customers would repeat buy from you, and recommend you to their friends, family and business colleagues.


Customer ExperienceYou know that the success of your company depends on attractng and retaining customers and providing them with such a remarkable experience that they turn into raving fans who buy, repeat buy, and then recommend you to their friends, family and business colleagues.

However, in many companies (even established and profitable ones), the customer experience can ofen be inconsistent and disappointng. Customers can start to fall through the cracks as no one takes full responsibility for ensuring they always receive an extraordinary experience.

The Sales Department pass the customer to Customer Service, who in turn pass them to the Support Team and so on. Customers start to become frustrated as they get passed from pillar to post and feel that nobody cares about them.

Do you recognise this in companies you deal with? Do your customers recognise this in your own company? It is a hard fact to swallow that your customer experience could be better, but once this is accepted, acton can be taken to improve it.

Example 6 - The Story of the CEO and BuildCo:

BuildCo is a mid-sized B2B constructon company providing building and constructon services to commercial property developers. BuildCo has 400 employees and serves customers in a major capital city. It has a team of surveyors and negotators who are responsible for acquiring new customers.

Once a customer and new contract is agreed, the sales person passes the account over to the constructon team who are responsible for building the project. The sales person then typically steps out of the relatonship and focuses on getting new business.

Inevitably, with constructon projects, problems ofen arise due to mistakes being made during the selling stage. Internally in BuildCo, conflict happens between the build team and the sales team with no one taking responsibility for the customer.

Sadly BuildCo employees are not seeing the bigger picture and fail to see how their actons negatvely impact on their ability to get repeat business with this customer, and miss out on leveraging this relatonship to get more referrals.


The CEO of BuildCo knows he needs to close the gap between sales and operatons so that the experience the customer receives is seamless.

He knows if he can give his customers a remarkable experience he will be better placed to retain more customers (major accounts), up-sell and cross-sell more customers and get more new business through word of mouth referrals

With the help of Enterprise LEADER (through both the structured mentoring materials and face-to-face mentor sessions) the CEO is able to get all of his employees focused on delivering an extraordinary experience for BuildCo's customers.


7. You know you could be more entrepreneurial, innovative, creative and relevant as a company.

You know your company needs to be faster to adapt to your customers' ever changing needs.

You know staying relevant to your customers is the only way to survive and grow as a business.

You know your employees need to be more creatve and entrepreneurial in their thinking to make sure your company is 100% relevant to your customers.


Relevance To Customers

The world is changing rapidly. In this fast moving, technology driven, global environment, your customers' needs, wants and expectatons are changing faster than ever.

But as a company, are you keeping up with their changing needs?

Are you as relevant to your customers today, as you were yesterday, last month or last year?

Do you foster a culture which welcomes change … which is innovatve, creatve and responsive to your customers' wants and needs?

Or, are you guilty of being complacent, restng on your laurels, about to be blindsided by your compettors - perhaps one you have never heard of before? Are your employees stuck in their ways and totally resistant to change?

Could your company be more open, responsive and embracing of change?

Could you be more relevant to your customers?

Example 7 - The Story of FashionCo's Management:

FashionCo is a mult channel women's clothing company which sells through the web, catalogue and retail outlets, and has seen its revenues drop as customers switch to a new overseas brand.

The company has been guilty in recent years of restng on its laurels, becoming complacent and lacking an entrepreneurial spirit.

The senior management team of FashionCo know that they need to work harder to be more relevant and attractve to their existng customers as well as finding new ways to appeal to their new customers. The company employs over 700 talented people and wants to tap into its own workforce's creatvity and innovaton.


The CEO of FashionCo recognises that they can use Enterprise LEADER as a catalyst for change. One of the key features of Enterprise LEADER is new idea generaton which comes from asking employees what changes they would make if they were CEO for a day.

Afer rolling out Enterprise LEADER to all 700 of FashionCo's employees, the CEO is armed with over 1,000 employee generated ideas about how to make FashionCo more relevant to its customers and in the marketplace.

Additonally, Enterprise LEADER has helped give the company a new energy, spark and enthusiasm to re-stake its positon in the marketplace as a leader in women's clothing.



Enterprise LEADER gives you the tools and roadmap to create a culture of high performance in your company.

Using the mentoring materials and proven methodology provided by Enterprise LEADER, your managers and executves take your employees on a journey of personal, professional and business development. Within weeks of using the program, you'll start to see new levels of energy, enthusiasm and enterprising spirit in your employees.

More specifically you'll create an internal culture of high performance which is capable of driving your business forward to the next level and beyond.

Here are just a few of the 'interlinked' benefits you'll experience when you introduce Enterprise LEADER into your business:

1. Your employees become aligned around your company's goals, vision and purpose.2. Your employees are motvated, engaged and strive to be their best.3. Your employees become more accountable for their actons and decisions.4. Communicaton and collaboraton is more free flowing in your company.5. Your managers become leaders.6. You put the right people in the right places.7. Your teams work better together (for the good of each other and your customers).8. Your customers receive a remarkable 'WOW' experience.9. Your brand stands for something your customers and employees understand.10. Your company becomes more relevant, innovatve, creatve and entrepreneurial.11. You become an excellent/standout company in your niche -- with a clear compettve advantage.12. You achieve improved results in terms of revenue, profit and company value.

Enterprise LEADER

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