Digital Media Dinners- Social Media Branding

Post on 17-May-2015






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It’s a New Year and Social Media is increasingly becoming an invaluable business tool. Whether you’re active in Social Media or not, people are talking about your brand. If it’s not your brand specifically, it’s your industry or your competitor. It’s time to take action to ensure you have a positive brand reputation on Social Media to attract customers and clients you want.Social Media Branding will focus on strategies to strengthen your brand across various social networks including review sites (Yelp, TripAdvisor), group buying sites (Groupon, BuyWithMe), location based sites (Foursquare, Gowalla), Facebook and Twitter.


Digital Media Dinners: SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDING

Thursday Feb 24th, 2011Jasmine Seafood Restaurant, San Diego, CA

Professional: • My company: Marketing Melodie

Social Media Consultant, Speaker & Educator• Marketing Instructor

Platt College San Diego

Background:• Traditional Marketing, Interactive marketing : Radio, outdoor, events, promotions •Online agency experience•Featured speaker at National & International conferences/events

Expertise:•Community Building•Brand Development

Location:•San Diego, California

About Melodie Tao

If tweeting about the event My

Twitter handle is: @MyMelodie

Event Hashtag #DMDinner

Social Media Branding OverviewGOAL: Learn how to optimize and improve your brand images on various social media networks

• Facebook Personal Profile Business Page

• Twitter

• LinkedIn Personal Profile Business Page

• Location Based Sites Foursquare Specials

• Collective Buying Sites

• Review Sites

If tweeting about the event My Twitter

handle is: @MyMelodie

Event Hashtag #DMDinner


• To run a Facebook business page, you must have a personal account• When logged on to your personal account, create a separate business page• DO NOT use your personal profile as your business page- Against Facebook

policy to have more than 1 profile account.• People should not have to add your company as a friend, they should LIKE

your company

Facebook- Personal Profile

Be aware of what personal information you’re sharing• Create lists• Sort new friends as you add them• Customize who can view your wall posts• Account > Privacy Settings > Search• Account > Privacy Settings > Applications and Websites > What

your friends can share about you

Facebook- Personal Profile

How to increase brand awareness when sharing content on Facebook

• When sharing specific posts from your company use the “Share” button if available and add your own commentary

• Utilize the Facebook tagging feature. To do this type “@” and then start typing the page, person’s or event name and it will show up on the drop down

• The more content that’s shared, the more exposure your business page will have on all of your networks. Shared content will show up on friend’s streams

• Your company receives new exposure each time you participate

Sharing Content

When reaching out to consumers through Facebook make your interaction personal. How will individuals you’re targeting benefit from using your products or service?

How to personalize your Facebook interaction:• Status updates with tips• Photos of employees in office settings or facilities, employees and customers interacting.• Trade show and event photos• Community outreach projects• Company executives speaking, accepting awards, etc• Tag resellers and partners in posts• Post articles on industry news

Facebook- Business Page

• Your profile photo for your page can be as large as 180 x 540 pixels (previously 200 x 600 pixels)

• A larger picture offers more visibility. You can include a logo or promotional banner

• Important to have your name displayed in the thumbnail, this icon is your brand image on Facebook comments and posts.

Facebook Page Profile Photo


• Listen to conversations happening about your brand, industry and competitors Reply to people with insights/questions about with valuable information ReTweet from others posting relevant information about your industry

• Tactics Use keywords in your replies so they come up in searches Ask open ended questions that prompt replies Create interactive promotions that encourage followers to ReTweet your posts.

•How do you plan to measure success? Twitter specific promotions Analytics through URL shorteners Understand that direct “measurement” is not as important as creating a community of

people who see you as a resource

•Create a tweet schedule Plan ahead for a tactical approach


A custom Twitter background is important to strengthen the credibility of your brand and cross promote your other networks.

• Sizing: Always best to design for the largest resolution monitor people will be using.  2560x1600 the largest, at least 1920x1200 will work

• Set up bio so it’s keyword focused

• Brand the background to include logo website, blog and social media information to cross promote your other networks/blogs/website

• Create customized Twitter lists with Twitter accounts that are relevant for your followers to follow ie: Employee lists, partner list, resource list

• Souplantation has a great example of a design that promotes their blog, website and Facebook, with images that relate to their restaurant

Twitter Page Customization

Image has logo and connects to other networks

Twitter Page Example


LinkedIn Members can now “Follow companies”

Creating a Company Profile on LinkedIn• Click on the “Companies” Tab, then click “Add a Company”• You'll automatically be included in the company directory. • Describe your company in a few short sentences, select your industry, add your

website and company info• Ask colleagues to list your company in their LinkedIn profile and make sure

your profile is linked to your company • Opportunity to connect your company blog or news to update prospective

customers and partners

LinkedIn Company Profiles

• Business owners and employees who have personal LinkedIn Profiles are demonstrating that their company understands social media.

• When potential customers or clients do their research for your company they will search for you on LinkedIn. This will give them a more personal connection and understanding of who they’re working with.

• Individuals can utilize LinkedIn to promote your company’s accomplishments, events, blogs and news

• Provides more credibility to fellow colleagues and partners with LinkedIn recommendations

Enhance your Company Brand with your Personal LinkedIn Profile

• Status Updates- : Focus on updates that provide value about your expertise and company

• Showcase websites relevant to your business Many use the default listings: “My

website”, “My blog” etc. Instead of using these you want to customize the links

Opportunity to highlight your company website

SEO: Opportunity for keyword focused anchor text

Choose “Other” when listing websites and write in keyword to link directly to your site

• Customize your profile link URL

Optimize Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Summary & Specialties• Summary & Experience- List specific accomplishments

Rather than just listing “tasks” of your job, list how you made an impact Designed websites vs Designed interactive websites that lead to 20% increase

in conversion rate from new visitors.

• Specialties: Keyword focused. This is picked up by LinkedIn search results

LinkedIn Recommendations• Peer recommendations are a trusted source

• Demonstrates your credibility through real life work experiences

• Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations

• Make sure to give recommendations to colleagues, partners, etc.

LinkedIn Applications• Add applications that optimize your profile by showcasing your professional development, creating in person networking opportunities and optimizing your other social networks such as your blog community

Wordpress: Live feed to enhance your blog community and get your posts across to a new audience

Tripit: Lets others know your travel plans so they get a sense of your upcoming conferences, networking events. This creates opportunities to set up in person meetings and shows that you’re actively attending events for professional development

Amazon Reading Lists: If you read books on business, professional development, etc, this shows your initiative for learning.

LinkedIn Application Examples

Location Based Social Networks

What is a Location Based Social Network?

• By “checking in” via a smartphone app or SMS, users share their location with friends- Makes cities easier to use and more interesting to explore.

• Guides real-world experiences by allowing users to bookmark information about venues that they want to visit and finding suggestions about nearby venues.

• Merchants and brands can leverage Location Based Social Networks to obtain, engage, and retain customers and audiences.

Location Based Social Networks

Location Based Social NetworksHow to participate in Location Based Social Network:• Claim your business and ensure it’s listed and categorized properly • Provide real time incentives to your customers that are valuable• Provide incentives to the most loyal customers so it encourages check ins

Review Websites

• Trusted Source- Authentic information and insight from customers who have experienced the product or service you’re considering.

• Reviews provide more credibility when customers see other validating your products/service

Review Websites

How to Encourage Reviews• Include Links-  Many include links to Facebook and Twitter but forget about

review sites: email signature, website, email newsletters, Facebook page, etc. so your customers start associating your business with reviews.

• Post Events on Review Websites- Many businesses create Facebook invites to promote their events but most don’t know you can list your event on Yelp.

Exposes your brand to new customers who are reviewers. • Highlight Positive Reviews- Positive reviews can be used as testimonials for

your business. Include quotes in your newsletter, website or Facebook update. You can also tweet portions of reviews with a link back to original review.

• Address Reviewer’s concerns- Great learning experience• Acknowledge reviewers

Collective Buying Websites

Collective BuyingWhat is Collective Buying?• A coupon/discount site that offers exclusive deals if a certain demand is

reached through the power of collective buying. • Deal-of-the-day website, you’ll receive a major deal out everyday for

everyone to participate in. • Consumers are rewarded with unbeatable prices from some of the most

prominent brands all over the world. • Businesses of all sizes can participate and offer users unbeatable


• Goal is to create exposure for your business to help attract more customers.

• Encourage consumers to share your business/deals with their networks for maximum exposure

Post the deal on your own network• Important to honor customers when they come to redeem a deal

Ensure your entire staff is educated and aware of your deal• Create a valuable offer that’s enticing to customers but don’t devalue your


Collective Buying Deals


Thank You

If tweeting about the event My

Twitter handle is: @MyMelodie

Event Hashtag #DMDinner

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