Post on 08-Apr-2015






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- PERSONAL DETAILS: Margarita Valcárcel García, student of Magisterio, with

the speciality of Foreign Language (English) at the University of León.


-Title: I want to be…

- Stage: Primary Education

- Cycle: 2nd

- Course: 4th year of Primary Education.

- The main topic of this Didactic Unit are jobs, that is to say, children are

expected to learn the structures and vocabulary they have to use to express

what they want to be and what they have to do to achieve it.

This main idea will be complementing some previous knowledge such as the

verb have got, and the verb to be, so frequently used at the time of making

descriptions. It is a very interesting theme because it is very important that

children know how talk about themselves and their family in different situations

of their real life.

- Temporalization: third term.

- Duration: two weeks.




I have chosen this theme because it is one of the topics that are part of the

curriculum for this course. Moreover, this unit will serve as a means to increase

their knowledge about expressing what they want at a certain moment or in the

future. Through out this unit, students will improve their vocabulary. They will

get to know some new grammatical structures in relation to jobs. In this way,

students will realise of the importance of this knowledge in order to express

themselves in English.

This subject has proved to be highly motivating among the students due to

the fact it is present in their lives and gives them the chance to talk about their

parents’ jobs and their future intentions. So it is a very close subject to them.

The teacher though, has to be careful when asking personal things about

the type of job their parents do to avoid discrimination or that some students

feel uneasy about explaining personal things.

Children at this age learn mostly by repetition, so repetition is the basis of

the teaching method but here comes the challenge for the teacher: it has to be

carried out by the least boring possible way and with the highest different

number of activities so students keep their attention and don’t fall into boredom.


This Didactic Unit is addressed to the 4th course of Primary Education in the

Bilingual School Divina Pastora. The group I will be teaching counts with

twenty-five children, with a more or less uniform level, although there are some

students who cannot follow the level and rhythm of the ordinary classes so they

have got an specific support in a smaller group outside of the class.

The children have three English hours per week.

At the time of developing the different classes, the teacher needs to:

- Know how to manage time and space.

- Make different groups of work, in pairs, in small groups of three of four,

all the class, etc.

- Make a revision of all the school materials that can be used for the

English class, for example, the cd player, the computer room, the digital

board room, as well as flashcards and other things to make the class as

pleasant and enjoyable as possible, so that the learning process is

carried out in the a positive atmosphere that helps to make the most of it.



- The study of a language contributes to the development of the linguistic

competence, due to the fact that learning English as a foreign language

enriches the communicative skill. The learning process of a language must be

based upon the development of the four communicative skills which help to

interrelate sociocultural aspects of the English speaking countries in a way that

helps the students to know about them and respect them. Achieving a linguistic

competence enables the student to perform well in different contexts.

- English also improves the competence of learning to learn, since the student

becomes aware of the different abilities and strategies used in their learning

process. In this way, they get to know which techniques help them better to

improve their learning, a fact that favours their personal autonomy.

- In this subject we also deal with the treatment of information and digital

competences. The new technologies of information and communication have

been taken into account to create a frame of interactive learning.

- As far as the Social and Civic competence is concerned, English is considered

as a means of communicating and transmitting cultures between speakers of

different languages; something which is very relevant to promote the students’

interest in other cultures

- Finally, this area also contributes to the Cultural and Artistic Competence,

since the models and icons used contain a deep cultural component.


To recycle previous knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

To learn some jobs, paying special attention to the use of a/ an in front

of the noun.

To read and listen to the story of Aladdin.

To learn a song with key vocabulary.

To sing and dance the song Is it safe to cross the street?

To listen to a chant and to describe the characters of the story.

To consolidate and assess the contents of the unit



To ask and answer about how do you feel or how are you.

Grammar: comparatives, I think…, it shows… need or don´t need,

What’s the matter

Vocabulary: mobile phone, capsite, sleeping bag, hairdryer, rucksack,

compass, excited, bored, hungry, thirsty, tired, etc

To compare two objects.

To talk about the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and stars.

To revise the Present Simple.

To revise short answers.


To look at pictures to identify different situations and jobs.

To describe characters.

To make up riddles in relation to the different jobs learnt.

To listen to the story of Aladdin

To learn songs and dance.

To perform dialogues

To play a memory game


Showing interest in telling the teacher about what they want to be.

Active participation in class.

Enjoying with English chants and dialogues.


To learn to enjoy fairy tales and children films.


The different methodological techniques and procedures are attempted and

programmed to achieve the objectives of this didactic unit. In this way, the

criteria taken into account are:

- To know the reality of children in order to carry out of the different


- To favour the meaningful learning processes of the students creating a

positive atmosphere.

- To plan activities that make children think, such as writings, look for

information in a text or speak about their feelings in different contexts

and situations.

- To promote children how learn to learn, to make them willing to take part

in the different activities, to be creative and to motivate them to learn and

improve their skills in the English language.


We will be using the Pupil’s book, Activity book, audio material, sticks,

flashcards, cut-outs, storycards, notebook and digital board.


We will programme some activities to reinforce the learning process of

the most disfavoured pupils in the class. This activities will be mainly focuses on

learning through songs, stories, games and performances.


Since it is a continuous assessment, the first thing to have into consideration

is the evolution that the children have made during the development of the

didactic unit. So it is necessary to know if the activities that have been done

during the didactic unit are suitable for the level of the class and the previous

knowledge of the children. It is necessary to evaluate the use of the language in

relation to the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing and it is

necessary to check if the children have reached the objectives of the unit in

each skill

I also have to take into consideration if the children assimilate the new

contents and they are able to use them in the correct situations.

In order to make sure that children have made a progress and that they

have learnt the new structures and vocabulary it is necessary to make a

monitoring of all the activities the children do, their participation in class, their

pronunciation, their capacities of expressing themselves in the foreign

language, as well as their attitudes towards the learning processes.

Apart from the different activities that are made during the development

of the unit, at the end of the term, children will have to make a test in order to

check if they have acquired the basic concepts of the different didactic units.


1- Introduction: Look at the pictures.

2.- Listen to the conversation of the two girls.

Susan: What are you doing Helen?

Helen: I’m playing a jigsaw. Do you want to play? Mmmm… here. Oh, look. It’s

a teacher!

Susan: Nice. Can I try?

Helen: Here’s a dancer. And here’s… a pilot.

Susan: Can you find the football player and the policewoman?

Helen: Mmmm! No. Hey, but here’s the doctor! It’s a monkey.

3.- Look and write down: what does he/she do?

What can you see?

How many jobs are there?

What are they wearing?

4- Listen and sing

5.- Solve the riddles:

1) I wear a white coat. I work in a hospital. Who am I?

2) I’m good at sports. I score a lot of goals. Who am I?

3) I wear glasses. I fly a plane. Who am I?

4) I get up very early. I work with my hands. Who am I?

6.- Make to riddles following the model given in the exercise above.

7.- Solve and write.

a) I want to be a …......................

b) I want to be a …......................

c) I want to be a …......................

8.- Follow the path and write

1- He wants to be a ………………………………………

2- She wants to be a………………………………………

3- …………………………………………………………….

4- …………………………………………………………….

9.- Listen and dance: STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! THINK!

10.- Write a letter about you following the model:

11.- Listen to the story, read and point (digital board)

12.- Describe the characters of the story following the example:

I’m Aladdin.I’m a poor boy.I want to be a prince!

ASSESMENT. Apart from taking into account the result of the continuous

assessment, for the exam, here I suggest some possible questions to be

included in relation to this unit.

1.- Write sentences telling what you and your best friend want to be.

2.- Dictation.

3.- Look and write:

__________ ____________ ___________ _________

_____________ ____________ ______________

4.- Describe the characters:

5.- Vocabulary:

*profesor: *bailarín: *panadero: *piloto: *mujer policía



First of all, the unit will be introduced. Children will have to read the title

of the unit and to tell what they think it is about and if they know some

vocabulary or expressions related to the theme. They will think for a couple of

minutes about different jobs they know in English to tell the rest of the class. In

this way we will do a “brain storm” on the board.

Then, they will have to look to some pictures and tell the teacher what

they see and what they think it is going on. Here we will make use of some

flashcards showing different jobs and asking them What do they do?

Afterwards the teacher will copy the grammatical structures used in this

unit on the board. So the students can copy the grammar chart down on their

notebooks. The teacher will emphasise the idea that the third person singular,

must carry an –s. He wants to be…

For homework they will have to write 6 sentences about what they want

and don’t want to be as well as their parents as well as the corresponding

exercises of the Workbook


We will correct some sentences on the board and the exercises of the

workbook. Afterwards, we will do a memory game that will consist of

remembering what other classmates or relatives of the classmates want to be.

To finish the hour, they will listen to Aladdin’s song several times , they will read

the song and they will have to sing.

For homework they will have to prepare some riddles about jobs. They

will have to include a description of the pieces of clothes their characters wear.


This session will take place in the digital board room. The students will

stand in front of their classmates to tell them about the riddles they have

invented. After that we will listen to Aladdin’s story and they can follow it on the

whiteboard. Students will be asked to repeat every sentence and to translate

the story. We will play the story twice. To conclude this session, the

teacher will ask the students some questions about the story

For homework, they will have to do the corresponding activities from the

activity book.


This session again will take place at the digital board room. First, we will

correct the exercises from the workbook and them with the students’ help we

will make a list of all the vocabulary and expressions of the unit. Every student

will add a word or expression to the list at the same time they will be asked to

copy down the vocabulary on their notebooks.

Finally, we will listen and dance a song called Is it safe to cross the


For homework, they will have to finish the exercises of the activity book

and write a letter to a friend describing themselves and telling his friends what

they want to be. They will be given a model to follow.


We will correct the activities of the activity book. Later, the teacher will

ask some students to read their letters and to ask some questions about the

letters read. After that, the students will sit down in pairs to comment on their

letters. They will have to ask questions to their partners about the letters. By the

end of the class, the teacher will ask some students about what their partners

wrote in their letters. In this way, we can emphasize on the use of the third

person singular –s.


Since the unit is finished, I will take the students to the digital board room

to do an interactive game designed by myself, so we can revise previous

general knowledge.

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