DIDACTIC UNIT FOR FIRST COURSE BASEBALL file1. INTRODUCTION In this didactic unit we are going to work the basic skills in baseball with students from 1 ESO. 2.

Post on 01-Oct-2018






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In this didactic unit we are going to work the basic skills in baseball with students from 1



• To learn the basic rules and technical features of baseball.

• To practice and improve launch and reception.

• To practice and improve batting.

• To practice and improve the race and arrival to the base.

• To learn and apply the moves and basic skills of baseball in game situations in

order to practise them independently as a recreational sport.

• To take part in activities to learn how to play baseball demonstrating attitudes of

tolerance and sportsmanship.

• To learn specific terminology (Pitcher, Catcher, Inning, Strike, Homer, Rounders,


• To learn specific words related to learn baseball (to run, to launch, reception,

batting, to score…)


Basic skills, which are mostly developed throughout, this work, will be:

• Social and civic competence: these objectives encourage activities that facilitate

integration, respect, cooperation and acceptance of both standards limitations and

differences among students.

• Jurisdiction of autonomy and personal initiative: the objectives encourage

students' self-improvement and acceptance of different levels of skills.

• Learning to learn: when planning leisure activities and working as a team, also to

provide students with the tools to explore the different sports and make learning by


• Communication and linguistic competence: because these goals involve learning

specific vocabulary and proper physical education.




Baseball has its origins in the game of cricket and rounders (British children's game),

that English colonists brought to America.

In 1839, A. Doubleday began using the term to distinguish baseball from previous

games. Gradually the game became more spectacular and increased the players. Baseball

arrived in Spain in 1929, appearing first teams with the appearance of the first competition.

Baseball is an Olympic sport since the 1992 Games, held in Barcelona.


The following figure shows the shape and dimensions of a baseball field. The playing

field is divided into two parts: an internal field or diamond due to its shape and an external

field, which extends to the bottom of the stage. Missing lines delimit the area where you can


The diamond is a square of 27.4 m on a side; the bases being marked by a square pad

on each of its vertices. In the center of the diamond is the mound from which the ball is

thrown, a rubber square indicates the throwing area. In the finish area there is another rubber

pentagonal where the batter stands.



The material needed to practice baseball is as follows:

The ball: white leather and weighs about 140 grams (very hard).

The bat: it must be round with a length of 106 cm, wood or aluminium.

The glove: Leather and quilted, serves to facilitate the reception of the ball.

Guards: helmet (for the batter), knee pads, mask and overalls (catcher).


Duration: No fixed time. Each team has nine innings to get the maximum number of races.

The nine players can participate in each inning at most once.

Players: Each team consists of nine players plus reserves. The attacking team puts the batter

in the area concerned, and the defending team puts its players: a pitcher throwing or one

receiver or catcher (behind the batter), 3 in each of the bases (first, second and third base), one

between the bases (the middle, moving freely throughout the country, is the fastest) and 3

more distant whose function is to catch the ball as quickly as possible and return it to the base.

Starting the game: the pitcher starts throwing the ball to the batter on the hitting zone and

strike zone (delimited between his armpits and knee).

The batter will try to hit the ball out preventing the limits of the field; if this happens again hit

it. If validly strikes, let the bat and try to get to first base. Meanwhile, the defense team will

attempt to collect the ball and pass it to first base defender before it reaches the batter, if the

ball comes before the batter is eliminated and, if not, the batter will continue his career trying

to reach the next base, or perform a full career (or home run and sending the ball out of


Whether the batter gets a race or not, if it is removed, the game is restarted with a new batter

They are called balls or strikes to good pitches that within the strike zone are not hit by the

batter or throwing the batter tries to hit and not get it the first two times that the batter hits the

ball into foul ground.

Balls are called bad (or just ball), the pitches outside the strike zone that the batter does not

try to hit. If the pitcher throws four balls (bad), the batter is awarded first base.

Elimination of players: The batter is removed when: punt the ball out of bounds, a defensive

player catches the ball before it touches the ground, the pitcher gets the third strike, after

hitting the ball, a defender gets the ball to first base before him.

A broker is eliminated when: Outside of the base with the ball is touched by a defender, a

defender touches the base with the ball before it hits, is touched by a ball hit by a partner;


Career deviates more of 1 m from the line and finally, if moving towards a base on which

there is already a partner. The pitcher is removed and allows the hitter to win a base when:

Roll four balls out of the strike zone, does not place at least one foot on the base of the

pitcher; threatens the release, the release does not look the batter.

Elimination of battings : The batting team is eliminated when: three players are eliminated

then switches teams’ hitter.


In baseball there are four technical and tactical actions:

Ball Toss: The charge to do this is the launcher from his mound. The correct way is to catch

the ball hold it between your thumb and index and middle fingers, resting on the ring finger

and the hand holding it separate. There are different ways to launch. All have in common

three phases: preparation, balancing the body and the release of the ball. The three ways are:

straight or quick release (more accuracy and speed), curveball (the ball just drawn this path as

it approaches the bat) and slow pitch (used to fool the batter)

Receiving the ball: For good reception, has to follow the path of the ball until it is inside the

glove. At this time it has to cushion the impact with arms. There are several ways to make the


Hitting the ball: The batter should be inside the profile box hit the pitcher, with legs apart and

back slightly bent forward. The position is ideal for holding the bat hit with the left hand below

the right, aligning the knuckles of the left hand with the phalanges of the right, or vice versa if

you are left-handed.

The bat is placed about 20 cm from the nearest shoulder and chest level.


When the ball comes to bat, the batter starts stepping movement with the most advanced leg,

rotating the hips forward and then putting the shoulders and arms completely straight. At the

time of impact with the ball, the bat should allow complete its sequence.

Running the bases: To start the race to the next base, we must have a watchful eye on the

launcher to run at the time when the ball leaves his hands.

To reach a base, we can slide to the ground. This sliding starts about 3 m before reaching the

base. Put one leg bent and the other stretched out, especially hands must not touch the ground,

to avoid injury.

Do not jump to reach the base. If we and the referee tell us that we can continue, we will take

the curve to the next base.


This unit has 7 sessions:

Session 1

Introduction to the didactic unit.

Key words. Using a power point to explain baseball specific vocabulary. Images and key


To watch a DVD about baseball in USA with the assistant teacher. She will explain the more

useful key structures and their application on the lessons.

Session 2

Sum up the last session while warming up.


• Basic technique of launching and catching.

• Reduced play situations 3x3.

• Functions of the pitcher and catcher.


Session 3

Sum up the last session while warming up.


• Basic batting technique.

• Reduced play situations 4 x4.

• Functions of the hitter.

Session 4

Sum up the last session while warming up.


• Basic technique based career, catching and passing the ball after batting.

• Reduced play situations 5 x 5.

• Transition to the real game.

Session 5

Sum up the last session while warming up.


• Enforcement to basic regulatory backlash.

• Reduced play situations 6 x 6.

• Transition to the real game.

Session 6

Sum up the last session while warming up.


• Application of the techniques learned to real game situations.

• Getting to the real game 9 x 9.

• Familiarization with basic violations during the real game.


Session 7


Realize a circuit in pair with six exercises:

1) Passing and receiving the ball in static.

2) Pitching and batting.

3) Pass, batting and running a base

Situation backlash, groups of four students:

4) Pass batting and running a base with active defense.

5) Questions about baseball rules applied to the real game.

Real game 9 x 9:

6) Viewing the actual game 9 x 9. Rating of team play.




KEY WORDS: Ball, throwing, hitting, catching, running.

SECONDARY KEY WORDS: Score, attack, defend, base.


- Consists of: Throwing the ball / hitting the ball / catch the ball and pass it to your mate / Running all you can.

- It´s useful for: Start the game / avoid elimination / player remove / get points.


- We are going to play: four players against four other players.

- We will have to use: all the techniques we have learned during this game.




In our secondary school, we have a gym, and a very big field to play baseball. Also, next to

our secondary school we have a reglamentary pitch of baseball and we are allowed to go there

whenever we want.

For theoretical lessons we can use a classroom which has a computer, a projector and an

interactive whiteboard.

Each session has 55 minutes. We use 10 minutes for warming up, 35-40 minutes for the main

part of the session, and the last 5-10 minutes for calming down.


To value the skills in baseball we will use the circuit that I have explained in the session

seven, following a numerical marking scale, adding the points:

The student shows motivation and performs the task 1 point

He/she uses variety of passes. 1 point

He/she passes correctly 1 point

He/she uses variety of receptions 1 point

He/she place the ball correctly 1 point

He/she located the body correctly when batting 1 point

He/she runs to the base performed as batting 1 point

He/she uses an active defense when defending 1 point

He/she answered the questions correctly 1 point

He/she is capable of playing in a team abiding by the rules 1 point


In order to mark the theoretical knowledge, all the students will have to do the next

home task individually at the end of the didactic unit.


Name and year:

a) What bat and ball sports you know? What is the origin of baseball?

b) Do you know other sports like baseball that is still practiced today?

c) Indicate on the drawing the most features, which define the dimensions and the positions of

the players.

d) Indicate what materials are needed for playing baseball?

e) Indicate four basic rules for playing baseball.

f) What types of pitches in baseball know?

g) When a player is eliminated?

h) Find information about Spanish clubs baseball

i) What do the following terms?

- Pitcher:

- Catcher:

- Inning:

- Strike:

- Homer:


- Rounders:

- Career:

In order to mark the student attitudes I will use my dairy observations notebook.

At the end of each term, I will do an evaluation of the didactic planning development. And, at

the end of the course I will give to the students a test to value me and my lessons.


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