
How to Develop Your Marketing Strategy in


Craig Galloway: Marketing Consultant Owner of CrossFit Ares and CATZ Sports Center

The New Year……can be a great mark in time for

businesses of any size to take a moment to analyze their previous year and make plans

for the following year.

1. Analyze 2014

What kind of traffic is your website getting?

How many leads are generating compared to offline?

Which social media profiles stood out in 2014?

How is your email growth looking?

2. What is this year’s vision?

Where do you want your company to be in 12 months?

Write down your vision:

sales employees marketing

3. Channel Your Focus

Decide which projects are priorities and delegate the projects quarterly

4. Update your Customer Profile

Characteristics of your customers will affect your marketing campaign

5. Learn From Competition

Compare online presences Compare activities

Compare where money is spent

Craig Galloway owns one fitness c o m p a ny a nd o n e f i t n e s s franchise.


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