Deferred object

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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A callback is a piece of executable code that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back ( execute ) the argument at some convenient time— Wikipedia

Promises & Deferreds: WTF?

Promises are a programming construct that have been around since 1976.

A promise represents a value that is not yet known

A deferred represents work that is not yet finished

Why/When should I use the Deferred Object / Promise pattern?

DeferredObject/Promise pattern can help you to better organise your code, especially the asynchronous type

it also makes it really easy to merge and pipe the execution of different pieces of asynchronous code, which otherwise would get really messy to code.

Normal casenew DeferredAsyncTask<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() { protected abstract Resolved doInBackground() throws Exception { //do your async code here }}.done( new ResolveCallback<HttpResponse> { public void onResolve(HttpResponse resolved) { //your success code here }}).fail ( new RejectCallback<HttpResponse> { public void onReject(HttpResponse rejected) { //your failure code here }});

Several promisesPromise<A1,B1,C1> p1 = new DeferredAsyncTask<A1,B1,C1>() { ... }; Promise<A2,B2,C2> p1 = new DeferredAsyncTask<A2,B2,C2>() { ... };Promise<A3,B3,C3> p3 = new DeferredAsyncTask<A3,B3,C3>() { ... };//when gives you a new promise that gets triggered when all the merged promises are resolved or one of them failsDeferredObject.when(p1,p2,p3).done(new ResolveCallback<MergedPromiseResult3<A1,A2,A3>() { public void onResolve(MergedPromiseResult3<A1,A2,A3> resolved){ Log.i(TAG, "got: " + resolved.first() + resolved.second() + resolved.third()); }})

.fail(new RejectCallback<MergedPromiseReject>() { public void onReject(MergedPromiseReject rejected) { //failure handling here }}).progress(new ProgressCallback<MergedPromiseProgress>() { public void onProgress(final MergedPromiseProgress progress){ //you get notified as the merged promises keep coming in }});//Merging doesn't stop you do add individual callbacks for promises that are in the mergep1.done(...).fail(...)//Or even merging them in another wayDeferredObject.when(p1,p2).done(...).fail(...)

new DeferredAsyncTask<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() {...}.done( /* callback to first call here */ ).pipe(new ResolvePipe<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() { public Promise<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void> pipeResolved(HttpResponse response1){ return new DeferredAsyncTask<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() { ... } }}).done( /* callback to second call here */ ).pipe(new ResolvePipe<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() { public Promise<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void> pipeResolved(HttpResponse response1){ return new DeferredAsyncTask<HttpResponse,HttpResponse,Void>() { ... } }}).done( /* callback to third call here */ )


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Que es?

Es la vara mas rajada en existencia!!

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Hecho por

El dios de la programación

El otro épico video!

Gracias, Gracias!!

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