Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)

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  • 7/30/2019 Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)


    Data Loader

    User Guide

    2010-2011 School Year

  • 7/30/2019 Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)


  • 7/30/2019 Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)


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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement (D3A2) is a long-term initiative focused on

    developing the capacity of educators while improving instruction and student achievement.

    D3A2 provides systemic access to timely data and educational resources aligned to Ohios

    Academic Content Standards.

    Data Warehouse & Data Tool

    The D3A2 Data Warehouse and Data Tool provide the capacity for school districts in Ohio to

    store, access, and analyze student course listings and performance data over multiple years.

    District demographics data are supplied to the warehouse in the form of extracts fromthe eSIS and DASL student information systems or the EMIS reporting system. They in-

    clude student demographic data, HQT teacher qualifications, and student-teacher-

    course enrollment data.

    Student performance data are provided in the form of results files distributed by Ohiostesting vendors following each administration of an Ohio Achievement Assessment

    (OAA) or Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).

    D3A2 Data Scrubber & Loader Utility

    The D3A2 Data Scrubber and Loader is a web-based application that members of the State

    Software Development Team (SSDT), Information Technology Centers (ITC), and school district

    personnel use to prepare and load district demographics and student testing data into the D3A2

    Data Warehouse. It combines features of the Data Scrubber and Loader applications, which used

    to be stand-alone applications, under a single framework.


    The process of preparing and transferring data for upload to the D3A2 Data Warehouse is a

    shared responsibility between ITCs and school districts.

    ITCs are generally responsible for the following tasks associated with loading data into D3A2:

    Extract and transfer demographics data from eSIS and DASL to their respective D3A2Drop Boxes in Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS).

    Monitor the extraction, transformation, and loading of data into the Data Warehouse. Work with the SSDT to identify and resolve issues which prevent files from loading into


    Correct problems in raw demographics data to enable it to load successfully when appro-priate, or help district data entry staff correct errors in their SIS entries to correct faulty

    demographics data.
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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Create and manage ITC-administrator and district-user accounts in the D3A2 Scrubberand Loader.

    Train district staff in the use of the Data Scrubber to prepare test results for loading. Validate scrubbing results and forward scrubbed testing data to the Loader. Report possible application bugs to the SSDT.

    Districts are generally responsible for the following tasks associated with loading data into D3A2:

    Maintain accurate data in eSIS and DASL. Correct data issues in eSIS or DASL that result in failed file loads. Upload and scrub raw vendor data in the D3A2 Data Scrubber (unless their ITC elects to

    perform these activities on their behalf).

    Verify the integrity of demographics and testing data in the D3A2 Data Tool applicationfollowing file uploads.

    Report possible application bugs to their ITC.Loader ITC User Guide

    The purpose of this guide is to document the use of the D3A2 Data Loader application and pro-vide details to support its use. It is made available to all Ohio school districts and Information

    Technology Centers (ITC) by means of downloads from the project website.

    Companion Documents

    Additional documentation is available to support D3A2 data implementers.

    D3A2 Data Scrubber User Guide D3A2 ITC Implementation Guide

    These documents are both available for download from theSupport Materialspage on the

    project website.

    Project Website

    More information about the D3A2 project, including the district implementation process, may be

    discovered by

    Student Privacy

    The names and course enrollments of students displayed in this guide have been fictionalized. No

    actual students or district data is displayed in this document.
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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Appendix A: User Permissions

    User Permissions .......................................................................................... 31

    Appendix B: Notifications

    Load Errors................................................................................................... 35

    Prerequisite Errors ........................................................................................ 35

    Purge Notification ........................................................................................ 35

    Post Data Load ............................................................................................. 36

    Threshold Exceeded ...................................................................................... 36

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    Data Loader Basics


    The D3A2 Data Scrubber & Loader applications have been combined into a single framework to

    provide Ohios Information Technology Centers (ITC) and school districts access to D3A2s com-

    plete ETL process.

    Testing File Scrubber Application

    The D3A2 Data Scrubber provides a mechanism for Ohio School Districts to prepare their testing

    results files for upload to the D3A2 Data Warehouse.

    Refer to theD3A2 Data Scrubber User Guidefor complete instruction on how to access and usethe Data Scrubber application. It is available for download from theSupport Materials1 area of

    the Project Website.

    Loader Application

    The D3A2 Data Loader provides an application to upload district demographics data and student

    testing results into D3A2s longitudinal data system.

    District Demographics Data

    Student demographics, teacher HQT qualifications, enrollment data, and student-teacher-course

    assignments are provided to the D3A2 system in the form of extract files created from eSIS,

    DASL and Ohios EMIS reporting system.

    These extracts consist of seven files for each school year: ID_SSID, DIST_INFO, BUILD_INFO,


    these extracts by running the correct procedure against the appropriate source.


    Source of Demographics Data

    1. 2010-2011 School Year: extracts from the eSIS and DASL student information systems.2. 2009-2010: School Year: extracts from the eSIS and DASL student information systems.

    Note: eSIS extracts are not able to be created for historical reporting periods

    3. 2008-2009 (and Prior) SchoolYear: extracts created from the EMIS database.
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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Note: district demographics files must be loaded into the D3A2 Data Warehouse in chronologi-

    cal order according to school year, sometimes referred to as reporting period.

    More Info: districts should decide how far back they intend to scrub testing results and request

    their ITC to create and load district demographics for all school years for each of these years.

    District demographics data should be sent to the D3A2 Loader for processing once for each prior

    school year and at regular periods throughout the current school year. Providing regular uploads

    of current year demographics data ensures that D3A2s re-rostering features are kept up-to-date.

    More Info: ITCs are advised to submit current year district demographics to the Loader as soon

    as participating districts initial class lists are available in theirstudent information systems and

    then at least once per quarter thereafter.

    Note: the D3A2 extract procedure for eSIS and DASL may be set up to run at scheduled inter-

    vals. ITCs are asked not to send data to the D3A2 Loader more frequently than once per monthunless there has been significant student movement or data entry corrections within a districts SIS.

    General instruction on how to create district demographic file extracts from the EMIS database

    are provided in theD3A2ITC Implementation Guide. eSIS and DASL users should refer to their

    SIS documentation for additional information.

    Oracle Collaboration Suite

    Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS) is used by ITCs to securely transfer district demographics files

    to the Loader staging area. Each ITC has its own username and D3A2 Drop Box in OCS into

    which district demographics files are deposited for automatic upload and processing.

    More information about OCS is provided in later sections of this Guide, as well as in the D3A2 ITC

    Implementation Guide.

    Note: the automatic loading of files deposited into the D3A2 Drop Boxes is a new feature of the

    D3A2 implementation process beginning with the 2010-2011 school year.
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    Loader Basics

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    Testing Vendor Files

    Vendors of the Ohio Achievement and Graduation tests provide districts with electronic copies of

    results files following each test administration. These files may be prepared for upload to the

    D3A2 Data Warehouse and consist of thegeneral (student scores) and item analysis files.

    These files must be processed using the D3A2 Data Scrubber prior to upload to the Data Ware-house. Detailed instruction in how to access and process these files is provided in theD3A2 Data

    Scrubber User Guide.

    More Info: unlike district demographics files which are automatically picked up and processed

    from the ITCs OCS Drop Boxes, testing files must be uploaded to the D3A2 Data Scrubber & Loader

    application manually. Information about this process is provided in detail in the D3A2 Data Scrub-

    ber User Guide.
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    Accessing the Data Scrubber & Loader

    Login Accounts

    The Loader login screen is located at

    Login accounts are required to use the D3A2

    Scrubber & Loader Application. Each ITC is

    assigned an initial userID and password and then

    begins creating and managing accounts for their

    own organization and school districts.

    Who Should Use the Scrubber & Loader?Depending upon policies established by each ITC, districts are required to participate to a greater

    or lesser extent in the scrubbing process. The policy of most ITCs is that, once trained, districts

    are required to log in to the Data Scrubber to scrub their test return files independently. The ITC

    provides support as needed to help districts through any difficulties they experience with the

    scrubbing process.

    The district staff member(s) assigned to the task of scrubbing testing vendor data need to have

    knowledge of and administrative access to the districts student information system and EMIS

    data. They must be comfortable using data systems. These staff often serve in the role of EMIScoordinators, technology coordinators, or curriculum directors within their districts.

    User Types

    The Scrubber supports three types of user accounts: District, ITC, and Administrator. Each type

    of account provides differing levels of access to features within the Loader as described in Ap-

    pendix A of this Guide.

    Figure 1: Scrubber & Loader Login Screen

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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Creating User Accounts (Step by Step)

    The D3 A2 Operations Group assigns each ITC an initial username and password for the Loader

    application. ITCs are able to use this account to create additional ITC and district-level accounts.

    1.) Log in to the application using an ITC-levelaccount

    2.) Select User Maintenance from the main


    3.) Click .

    4.) Enter the users information.

    Note: ITC staffmay only select District

    or ITCin the User Role selection field.

    Note: when creating ITC-level accounts,

    be sure to select a school districtin the Dis-

    trict field, rather than the ITC.

    More Info: the District selection field only

    dislays districts that are registered to the ITC

    users organization. If a district is not showing

    as it should, the ITC should issue a heldesk

    ticket to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT request

    area asking that the district be reassigned.

    Caution:assigning an ITC-level account to an ITC rather than a school district in the District

    selection field will result in the user not being able to view district-user accounts or data as they

    should. This can only be corrected by submitting a help desk ticket to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT

    request area in CA-Unicenter.

    5.) Click .

    Figure 2: Create New User

    Figure 3: User Details Screen
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    Loader Basics

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    Managing User Accounts (Step-By-Step)

    Recover Forgotten Passwords

    ITC and district-level account holders are able to

    reset forgotten passwords from the Loader login


    1.) Click on Forgot Your Password? Click here to

    resetfrom the Login screen.

    2.) Enter valid email address to which the account

    is registered. After you click Reset Password the

    Scrubber will send a temporary password to your

    email account.

    Figure 4: Forgot Password

    Figure 5: Reset Password

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    Changing Passwords

    All users of the Loader should personalize their password the first time they log into the Scrubber

    & Loader application.

    Caution: the Scrubber exposes sensitive student information. Always select a complex pass-

    word and do not share your password with anyone else.

    3.) Click on the Password maintenance link shown in the page header.

    4.) Enter and confirm a new password,

    then click .

    5.) Verify that the Password changedmessage is displayed.

    Figure 8: Password Change Confirmation

    More Info: Scrubber passwords should be at least 6 characters in length and include at least one


    Figure 6: Change Password Link

    Figure 7: Password Page
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    Loader Basics

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    Edit User Accounts

    ITC-level Loader accounts are able to view and manage accounts from their local user base.

    6.) Log in to the application using an ITC-levelaccount

    7.) Select User Maintenance from the menu.

    8.) Browse for an account to edit, or search, and

    click the edit ( ) icon to access the User

    Details page.

    More Info: ITC-level account holders only

    see users belonging to their organizations dis-

    tricts on the User Maintenance page.

    Note: if a user who is known to have an

    existing account is not appearing on the User

    Maintenance page it is likely that they have been

    assigned to another ITCs district. Submit a

    helpdesk ticket to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORTrequest area in Unicenter asking to have them

    reassigned to a different district and/or have their

    district assigned to a different ITC.

    9.) Edit the users details as necessary.

    10.) Click .

    Figure 9: Edit User Details Link

    Figure 10: Edit User Details Page

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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Main Application Pages

    The various tasks associated with loading data into the D3A2 Data Warehouse are accomplished

    using the Loaders three main pages: Loader Activity, Status Details, and Unmet Data Prerequi-

    sites pages.

    Loader Activity Page

    The Loader Activity page provides a snapshot

    of recent activity in the D3A2 Loader and

    provides access to score cards for demograph-

    ic and testing file loads.

    Status Details PageThe Status Details page provides detailed

    information about what has been loaded for a

    given school district and/or what is currently

    being processed by the Loader. This page

    allows users to:

    research which files have been loaded andany errors associated with them;

    identify files that can not be processed dueto critical errors;

    release testing files that have been for-warded to them for review by district

    scrubber personnel; and

    observe loading progress for files that havebeen enqueued in the Loader.

    Unmet Load Prerequisites Page

    The Unmet Load Prerequisites page provides

    an area to view unmet prerequisites which are

    preventing files to be acted upon by the Loader

    after they have made their way into the

    processing area.

    Fi ure 11: Loader Activit Pa e

    Figure 12: Status Details Page

    Figure 13: Unmet Load Prerequisites Page

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    Loader Basics

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    Navigating the Loader Pages

    Navigating between the Loader pages is accom-

    plished by hovering over the Navigation Menu

    and making a selection from the drop down.

    Using the Scoping Tool (Step-By-Step)

    ITCs are initially presented with loading activities and status for all of their member districts when

    they log into the Loader.

    The Scoping Tool allows ITC staff to filter the display to show data for just one district.

    1.) Click on or

    to open the Scoping Tool.

    2.) Select a School District , Year , or both from

    the prompts.

    Note: ITC staff are only presented districts

    that are assigned to their own organizations when

    they use the Scoping Tool.

    3.) Click to register the selection.

    Figure 14: Data Loader Navigation Menu

    Figure 15: Access the Scoping Tool

    Figure 17: Verify Scoping Selection

    Figure 16: District & Year Selection

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    Loading District Demographics Files

    ITC support staff participate in the loading of test results files by performing the following tasks:

    Extracting demographic files from an EMIS database or the student information system; Uploading demographics files to their organizations D3A2 Drop Box in Oracle Collabora-

    tion Suite (OCS);

    Monitoring the progress of demographic file loads using the Status Details page; Evaluating the results of successful loads using the Status Details page; and Responding when errors in the raw extracts data prevent the normal processing of data.

    Uploading District Demographics Files to

    OCS (Step-By-Step)1.) Extract district demographics data from an

    appropriate source.

    2.) Use the ITCs username and password to

    access OCS:.

    a.) use Internet Explorer 7 to log in to; or

    b.) map a network drive in MS Windows My

    Computer to

    More Info: operational support for OCS

    may be requested by issuing a helpdesk to the

    SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT request area in CA-


    2.) Upload district demographics data to the

    ITCs D3A2 Drop Box in OCS to initiate the


    More Info: do not copy the ID_SSID infor-

    mation file to the Drop Box in OCS.

    Figure 18: OCS D3A2 Drop Boxes

    Figure 19: Uploaded Files
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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    3.) The Loader automatically picks up and processes the new district demographics files into its

    Processing Files list on the Status Details page.

    Note: it is possible to send individual files for load in order to recover from a prior critical error.

    For example, a Student Enrollment File may be dropped into the Drop Box for processing. However,

    this can result in unexpected results. ITC staff should discuss specific situations with the D3A2

    Operations Group that may require processing files individually before attempting this procedure.

    More Info: file extracts from prior years should be loaded once into the Data Warehouse, whe-

    reas extracts from the current school year should be loaded at least quarterly and/or whenever

    significant changes have been made in the student information system.

    Caution:district demographics loads must be loaded into the Data Warehouse in chronological

    order according to school year. ITC staff must first determine how far back their districts intend to

    scrub testing data before sending demographics files to the Loader. This will help ensure that ex-

    tracts from all necessary school years are processed through the Loader in the proper order.

    District Demographics Files

    D3A2 demographics loads consist of six files:

    Load Type Filename File Type

    1 DIST_INFO_XXXXXX_xxL.csv District Information

    2 BUILD_INFO_XXXXXX_XXL.csv Building Information

    3 STU_INFO_XXXXXX_XXL.csv Student Information

    4 STAFF_INFO_XXXXXX_XXL.csv Staff Information

    5 STU_ENROLL_XXXXXX_XXL.csv Student Enrollment

    6 STU_TEACH_COURSE_INFO Student Teacher Course Information

    The Loader processes each of these files sequentially in order of type.
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    Loading District Demographics Files

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    Monitoring Demographic File Loads (Step- By-Step)

    The Status Details page is used to monitor the progress of district demographic file loads.

    1.) Log into the Data Loader application using an ITC-level account.

    2.) Navigate to the Status Details page.

    3.) Use the Scoping Tool to narrow the view

    to a single district.

    4.) Check to make sure that there are no critical errors reported by clicking on the Status Details

    page Files in Error list.

    5.) Select the Released File list by clicking on and observe that all six district demo-

    graphic files have been transferred from the ITCs Drop Box to the Loader.

    Figure 20: Navigate to Status Details

    Figure 21: Verify Scoping Selection

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    6.) The Loader will process all files sequentially in order of load type as indicated by the

    Processing or Waiting to be Processed progress indicators .

    7.) Observe that the testing files are eventually processed out of the list into


    More Info: ITC and district users both receive notification by email when files have successfully

    been loaded into the data warehouse. Notification occurs by email following the next weekend run

    of the D3A2 post data load procedure. The email message includes a directly link to a scorecard for

    the load.

    More Info: both the ITC and district users receive notifications whenever (1) the minimum

    threshold of rows in error is exceeding during loading of a file (typically this 25% or more), or (b) a

    critical error is encountered with a file that stalls processing.

    Note: Appendix B of this Guide provides a summary of Loader email notifications.

    Load Prerequisites

    Rule Sequence Rule Description

    10 District must be authorized to be included in D3A2 processing. 20 District must have no unresolved load errors.

    30 District must have no other loads in progress.

    40 Sequential load types for district must be completed for demographics


    50 District must have no prior load types pending.

    60 Multiple instantiations for a load type for a given district must be

    processed in the order in which they were received.

    70 District must have no loads from prior school years pending.

    80 Processing for prior school year demographics must be completed for

    the given district.

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    Loading District Demographics Files

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    Evaluating Results of Successful Demographics Loads (Step-By-Step)

    The Status DetailsCompleted Files list is used to evaluate the relative completeness of successful

    file loads.

    More Info: in this Guide, loads are said to be successfulwhen they have been processed

    through to the Data Warehouse. This terminology does not consider how may rows were excluded

    from loading due to failed validations.

    1.) Open the Status DetailsCompleted Files list by clicking .

    Note: each of the demographic file loads will show multiple times since they are typically

    processed through the Loader more than once per school year. Scroll to the Start Time and End

    Time columns to find the most recently loaded version of the file you are interested in researching.

    2.) Check to see that an appropriately high percentage of rows were either inserted or updatedversus being in error.

    Figure 22: Completed Loads List

    Caution:if a very large percentage of rows are in error, then the data that is stored in the Data

    Warehouse is not accurate

    Note: create a CA-Unicenter ticket assigned to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT request area asking

    that the D3A2 Operations Group evaluate and purge a file from the Data Warehouse which has not

    loaded properly or displays a large proportion of failed to successful rows.
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    3.) If necessary, click on the links under the Rows in Errorto display a row-by-row account of

    records that were not uploaded to the Data Warehouse and the reasons they failed.

    Figure 23: Failed Validation (Rows in Error) Report

    Note: the Failed Validation Report is valuable in diagnosing the cause for failed records, as well

    as researching the cause of missing data in the D3A2 Data Tool.

    More Info: clicking on the links under the Rows Inserted column displays a Load Rule

    Processing Report which the D3A2 Operations Team uses to evaluate failed loads.

    Correcting Errors in the Extract Files

    Errors found in extract files typically originate from inaccurate entries in the districts student

    information systems. Severe problems in extract files will trigger fatal errors in the Loader which

    prevents them from being processed. Such errors are typically resolved by correcting data in the

    SIS, re-extracting the D3A2 demographics files, and re-processing through the Loader.

    The D3A2 Operations Staff can assist in diagnosing the cause of load errors. Occasionally errors

    can be repaired directly in an extract file to allow it to pass the Loaders validation rules.

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    5.) Use the Scoping Tool to narrow the view to

    the correct district.

    6.) Navigate to the file list and ob-

    serve the high-level scrubbing results for the

    test file(s).

    Note: hovering over the testing file status

    indicator instantly provides a display of the

    numbers of unmatched teacher crosswalk

    records, unmatched student crosswalk records,

    and null teacher IDs in the testing data.

    7.) If the number of unresolved IDs warrants

    closer inspection, navigate to the Student

    Scores Data page and thoroughly review the

    testing data in the Scrubber.

    8.) If additional scrubbing is necessary, click

    from the Student Scores Data or

    Item Analysis Data page and then Contin-

    ue to back the file out of the Loaders Files

    on Holdlist or .

    Figure 27: Testing Files on "Hold" Status

    Figure 28: Reviewing Scrubbing Results

    Figure 26: Verify Scoping Selection

    Figure 29: Confirm Testing File Recall

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    Loading Testing Files

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    9.) Release testing file(s) for processing by

    check marking them and clicking

    while viewing Status

    DetailsFiles on Holdlist.

    More Info: two files are forwarded to the Files on Hold list when districts finalize and forward

    student scores filesTest Scores andTest Part Scores.

    10.) The Loader will move the files from the list to the list.

    11.) Check to make sure that there are no critical errors reported on the Status Details pages

    Files in Errorlist .

    Caution:the Loader will not process any additional files for a district when a previously loaded

    file has been held up in the Files in Error list. ITC staff must clear any critical errors before loading of

    additional files can proceed.

    Issues Affecting how Unresolved Testing Data is Processed

    Unresolved testing records are handled differently during loading depending upon the type

    of problem:

    Records with null teacher IDs are resolved to the unknown teacher. Records with null student IDs are excluded from loading into the warehouse. Records with unmatched student or teacher crosswalk entries are excluded from loading

    into the warehouse

    Note: this could represent a significant amount of data if the unmatched teacher taught a

    large number of students.

    Records with unknown teacher IDs, i.e. IDs that are not represented in the districts EMISor SIS data, are resolved to the unknown teacher.

    Figure 30: Release Testing Files for Processing
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    Monitoring Testing File Loads (Step- By-Step)

    The Status Details page is used to monitor the progress of testing file loads.

    1.) Log into the Data Loader application using an ITC-level account.

    2.) Navigate to the Status Details page.

    3.) Use the Scoping Tool to narrow the view

    down to a single district.

    4.) Check to make sure that there are no critical errors reported on the Status Details pages Files

    in Errorlist .

    5.) Click on and observe that

    the testing files have transferred from the

    Student Scores Dataor Item Analysis

    Datapage to the Loader.

    6.) The Loader automatically begins processing all files sequentially by order of load type as

    indicated by the Processing or Waiting to be Processed progress indicators. Processing will

    occur automatically unless unmet prerequisites or critical errors prevent files from being acted


    Figure 31: Navigate to Status Details

    Figure 32: Verify Scoping Selection

    Figure 33: Monitor Progress Using Status Details

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    Loading Testing Files

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    7.) Observe that the testing files are eventually processed out of the list into


    More Info: ITC and district users both receive notification by email when files have successfully

    been loaded into the data warehouse. Notification occurs following the next weekly run of the D3A2

    post data load procedure and provides a link to a scorecard for the load.

    More Info: both the ITC and district users receive notifications whenever (1) the minimum

    threshold of rows in error is exceeding during loading of a file (typically 25% or more), or (b) a critical

    error is encountered with the file that stalls processing.

    Load Prerequisites

    Rule Sequence Rule Description

    10 District must be authorized to be included in D3A2 processing.

    20 District must have no unresolved load errors.

    30 District must have no other loads in progress.

    40 Sequential load types for district must be completed for demographics


    50 District must have no prior load types pending.

    60 Multiple instantiations for a load type for a given district must be

    processed in the order in which they were received.

    70 District must have no loads from prior school years pending.

    80 Processing for prior school year demographics must be completed for

    the given district.

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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    Evaluating Results of Successful Testing File Loads (Step-By-Step)

    The Status DetailsCompleted Files list is used to evaluate the relative completeness of successful

    file loads.

    1.) Open the Status DetailsCompleted Files list by clicking .

    2.) Check to see that an appropriately high proportion of rows were either inserted or updated

    versus being in error.

    Figure 34: Completed Loads List

    Caution:if a very large percentage of rows are in error, then the data contained in the Data

    Warehouse is not accurate

    Note: create a CA-Unicenter ticket assigned to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT request area asking

    that the D3A2 Operations Group evaluate and purge a file from the Data Warehouse which has not

    loaded properly or displays a large proportion of failed to successful rows.
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    Loading Testing Files

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    3.) If necessary, click on the links under the Rows in Errorto display a row-by-row account of

    records that were not uploaded to the Data Warehouse and the reasons they failed.

    Figure 35: Failed Validation (Rows in Error) Report

    Note: the Failed Validation Report is valuable in diagnosing the cause for failed records, as well

    as for determining exactly which records were excluded from the load.

    More Info: clicking on the links under the Rows Inserted column displays a Load Rule

    Processing Report which the D3A2 Operations Team uses to evaluate failed loads.

    Correcting Errors in Testing File Loads

    Errors found in testing files typically originate from the Scrubber. Such errors must be reported

    to and resolved by the D3A2 Operations Staff.

    More Info: submit a CA-Unicenter ticket to the SSDT.D3A2.SUPPORT request area to report

    critical errors preventing the loading of testing files.

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    Using the Loader Activity and

    Unmet Load Prerequisites Pages

    The Loader Activity and Unmet Load Prerequisitespages provide at a glance information to

    ITCs about Loader activity and status.

    The Loader Activity page shows a listing of districts most recent loading activity. It also

    provides access to a Score Cardreport for each load. The Score Carddetails the number of rows

    in the raw data, the number not loaded, and the number loaded in each file.

    The Unmet Prerequisites report provides information about files that have queued for loading

    but cannot be acted upon due to unmet prerequisites.

    Use the Loader Activity Page to Review Load Score Sheets (Step-By-Step)

    The Status Details page is used to monitor the progress of district demographic file loads and

    view load score cards.

    1.) Log into the Data Loader application using an ITC-level account.

    2.) Navigate to the Status Details page.

    3.) If necessary, use the Scoping Tool to

    narrow the view down to a specific district.

    Figure 36: Navigate to Loader Activity

    Figure 37: Verify Scoping Selection

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    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

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    4.) Review all recent Loading activity for your


    5.) Click on a file to open its Score Sheet.

    6.) Review the score sheet from the latest demo-

    graphics or testing file load or ...

    Figure 39: Click on Row to Access Score Sheet

    Figure 40: Review Latest Score Card Information

    Figure 38: Review Recent Loading Results

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    Loading Testing Files

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    7. Click on a blue demographic file link

    (when available) to expose complete

    loading history for the selected file

    during any academic reporting period.

    Note: score card results for multiple demographics loads performed during a given academicperiod are able to be listed in chronological order on this report.

    Note: links are not provided if a demographic file has only been loaded once for the academic


    More Info: the Added for Groups column only applies to general (student scores) testing files.

    It indicates how many scores were duplicated to create standards reporting groups in the subjects of

    Science and Social Studies.

    8.) Click on a number link under the Not

    Loadedcolumn to display the Failed Valida-

    tion report for the load.

    Figure 41: Analyze All Score Card Information

    Figure 42: Failed Validation Report

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    Appendix A: User Permissions

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  • 7/30/2019 Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)


    User Permissions

    The following table shows all permissions based upon user role.

    Menu Page Subpage Function User Role

    District ITC Administrator

    Password Change Password Yes Yes Yes

    Administration Access Data User Maintenance Create New User Yes YesAdministration Access Data User Details Delete User Yes Yes

    Administration Access Data User Details Edit User Yes Yes

    Administration Access Data District Maintenance Create New District Yes

    Administration Access Data District Details Edit District Yes

    Administration Access Data District Details Delete District Yes

    Administration Loader Control Load Rule Maint Create Load Rule Yes

    Administration Loader Control Load Rule Maint Edit Load Rule Yes

    Administration Loader Control Load Rule Maint Disable Load Rule Yes

    Administration Loader Control Prerequ Rule Maint Create Prerequisite Yes

    Administration Loader Control Prerequ Rule Maint Edit Prerequisite Yes

    Administration Loader Control Prerequ Rule Maint Delete Prerequisite Yes

    Administration Loader Control Prerequ Rule Maint Disable Prerequisite Yes

    Administration Loader Control Load Type Maint Edit Load Type Yes

    Administration System Control Disable Sched Job Yes

    Administration System Control Update Base URL Yes

    Administration User Statistics View Activity Stats Yes

    Administration Data Mapping Test Part Mapping Create New Mappings Yes

    Administration Data Mapping Test Part Mapping Edit Mappings Yes

    Administration Data Mapping Test Part Mapping Delete Mappings Yes

    Administration Data Mapping Vendor Layout Map View Layout Maps Yes

    Data Scrubber Vendor File Upload Upload Test File Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Vendor File Upload Start Scrubbing Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Finalize & Forward Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Recall Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data View Verification Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Teach X-Walk Match Edit Crosswalk Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Teach X-Walk Match Regenerate X-Walk Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Teacher X-Walk Mat Run BMW Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Edit Stud Score Dtail Edit Score Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Edit Stud Score Dtail Delete Score Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Advance Rpt Filter Mass Update Records Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Stud X-Walk Match Edit Crosswalk Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Stud X-Walk Match Regenerate X-Walk Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Stud Score Data Stud X-Walk Match Upload ID_SSID File Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Teach X-Walk Match Edit Crosswalk Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Teach X-Walk Match Regenerate X-Walk Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Teacher X-Walk Mat Run BMW Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Edit Stud Score Dtail Edit Score Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Edit Stud Score Dtail Delete Score Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Edit Item Detail Edit IA Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Scrubber Item Analysis Data Edit Item Detail Delete IA Record Yes Yes Yes

    Data Loader Loader Activity Score Sheet View Score Sheet Yes Yes Yes

    Data Loader Loader Activity Score Sheet View Fail Valid Rpt Yes Yes Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Completed Purge Files Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Completed View Fail Valid Rpt Yes Yes Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Completed View Fail Process Rpt Yes Yes Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Errors Purge Files Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Errors Reprocess Files Yes Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Hold Release Files Yes Yes

    Data Loader Status Details Released View Unmet Prreqs Yes Yes Yes

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    Appendix B: Notifications

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    Load Errors,, ITC Users

    Subject: D3A2 Loader Error IRN

    An error was encountered while loading for IRN , school year .

    The error reported was :

    The file ID is :

    Prerequisite Errors,,

    ITC Users, District Users

    Subject: D3A2 Prerequisite Notice IRN

    could not be loaded for IRN , school


    A critical prerequisite failed. The reported prerequisite was :' ;


    A hold has been placed on the file.

    The file ID is :

    Purge Notification,,

    ITC Users, District Users

    Subject: D3A2 Purge Notice IRN

    for IRN , school year

    has been purged from the Loader and, if applicable, the D3A2


  • 7/30/2019 Data Loader User Guide (2010-2011)


    Data Driven Decisions for Academic Achievement

    Post Data Load,,

    ITC Users, District Users

    Subject: Score Sheet Update

    You have new data in D3A2. Please review the activity report and therelated scoresheets.


    Threshold Exceeded,,

    ITC Users, District Users

    Subject: D3A2 Loader Error IRN

    An error was encountered while loading Student Information for IRN 044875, schoolyear 10L.

    The error reported was :

    Oracle Exception encountered

    Error code

    Error text ORA-12899:

    ".""."" (, )

    The file ID is :


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