Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    MR. CUPUrban take away coffee place brand-ing, referring to street aesthetics.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    DIAMONDATELIERLogo and identity for a diamondatelier in Moscow.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    WATCHESBUREAUBranding for a watch repair center.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    FAT & HAPPYThe brief was to think of an exhibitionprasing something that people usuallydespise and create a promotion con-cept for it.

    Nobody likes fat on their body, but

    everybody likes tasty food. Thereare several positive aspects of beingfat that are usually neglected. Fat &Happy exhibition demonstrates someof them, making visitors a bit more tol-erant to the fat.

    The exhibition will be located inMenier Gallery, a former chocolatefactory, and will take place during thewinter months, when people normallygain weight.

    The catalogue for the exhibition is ed-ible, printed on rice paper with soyink, and bound with strawberry laces.

    You can eat it, but you still will havesome information about exhibition ona catalogue bag.

    Invitations to the private view is printedon a cupcake, which is supposed to beeaten, and the doily containing all theinformation is kept for reference.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    THE GOOGLESThe brief was to create an imaginarypackaging range for the Googlesfamily of products.

    But Google products are intangibleand dont have any physical shape

    that can be wrapped or packed.However, each product has its owncharacter and functions, and all ofthem are closely tied and related toeach other. They are user- friendlyand free of cost.

    Thats why I decided to create theGoogles, a family where each mem-ber is a packaging for a particularproduct. The appearance and char-acter of each person reflects the func-tions and benefits of the products.

    A web-site would contain a familyphoto on the main page. As you hov-er over each member, they wave andintroduce themselves. As you click onone of them, you get to his/her pagewith a name, a link to a product, ashort humanized description of mainfunctions and benefits of a product,and two synchronized videos of us-er-product interaction: one - actualscreen record, the other one - be-tween people.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    Pop-up screens.Pop-up screens have a sensor, andthe characters greet passers by, in-troducing each other and themselves.Screens should be placed around thecity, and moved from place to place,where people are more likely to stopand interact with them. Those are dif-ferent places for different products,according to their functions, and theirtarget audience. For example, G-mail, Docs, Calendar and Translatecan be in a business area, Translatecan also be located in internationaltrain stations, airports, and places oftouristic interest, along with Maps.

    Poesters.Posters contain a QR code, leading tothe pages of the Googles. The bodycopy tells a few words about the hu-man nature of the products, and di-rects to the web-site.

    Other applications.The idea can be allpied to different

    media. For example, there can be TheGoogles TV show, or characters canhave web-presence in social network,announcing news about products.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    SUPER MASSAGEBranding and concept developmentfor a massage place targeted to of-fice workers for express services dur-ing the lunch breaks and after work.

    Massage superhero, whose story

    is narrated in comic issues, used tobe an office worker himself. After aplane crush in Thai he was cured bya Thai masseur. Later he discoveredhis superpower to give massage thathas a positive impact on work. Nowhe shares it with other office worker,flying to office blocks with a towelin one hand and massage oil in theother. He is a Massage Man, alwaysready to help.

    Massage oils symbolise the powersprovided by a particular kind of mas-sage. There is a whole range of su-perpowers related to office work, like

    conentration turbo-boost, convincingpresentation power, etc. Masseursare dressed in super-hero costumes,with a Supper Massage sign on theirchests. Towels also have a logo em-broidered.

    Comics is a base for PoS materials,as well as reading material for clientsin the waiting zone. Various illustratiosand strips decorate the interior, tellingthe story of the Massage Man, as wellas how he helped other office work-ers to achieve succes at work. There isa series of animated stories for socialnetworks and web-presence, as wellas to be shown on the venue.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    DIGESTIVESANDGLASSIt is important not only what a personeats, but also when, in what order,and how often. Nowadays peopleeat too often. A stomach has not yet

    digested the last meal, when the nextone is coming. This digestive sandg-lass is a solution of a problem. Using itafter a meal one can see if the food isstill in the stomach, and it is not advis-able to eat. It will reduce the numberof meals and the amount of junk foodconsumed by a person, and lead to ahealthy slim population.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    HEART SYMPHONYCardiograms sound waves put onmusical notes. The result of a one-dayworkshop - Diagram Mix.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    WOMEN FACTORYThis is a series of illustrations for thebook about an imaginary world, aworld, where women are manufac-tured. It is an irony for an existing situ-ation in our society, where everythingis consumed, even women.

    The book is printed on plastic, whichrefers to plastic dolls, plastic surgery,and all the unnatural things. I usedcorset-like binding, because it is onemore torture, women used to bare tobe loved.

    It is supposed to be in a red half-transparent box. When it is in the boxone can see a pretty girl on the cover,but as you take it out of the box, youreveal a robot inside.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    BIGGER DOGDegree show book and posters for theUniversity of Hertfordshires third yearGraphic Design students, which used atwo colour litho print process with a me-tallic bronze pantone.

    A website features a list of the coursestudents, which lead to their web-pages.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    BRIOCHE BAKERYLogotype, packaging and corporatestyle for brioche bakery.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    TEA PACKAGINGAssumption holds us away from inno-vation, from asking why things workthe way they do and finding answersor alternatives. It distorts peoplesmind with prjudice, just like glass dis-torts peoples vision.

    In order to make packaging not thatexpensive and harmful for ecology, Isuggest to make an additional seriesof craft packaging with tea to fulfillthe main packaging.

    In order to make the name of the rangeand the sort of the tea readable up-side down, I worked out special typo-graphical compositions, ambigrams.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    MISC. LOGOSSvetlana is a lighting and grip rentalfor film and television. The name isbased on a russian female name,which means light. The logo is basedon russian tattoos of a sun, referr ing tolight, and a female name. The captionsays: Light grip connections, implyingthe mafia origins of tattoos, but alsothat the company has connections infilm industry and is happy to connectcreative professionals, if they needeach other.

    Masterskaya is a manufacture, hencethe nail instead of the T.

    The Muesli is an all day breakfastcafe. Pretty simple idea.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    LOCCITANEWorking as a Graphic Designer atLOccitane and Melvita, I dont onlydo layouts and prepare mockups forprinting, but I also make animation forshop windows, create shop windowdecoration, design promoters cos-tumes, make flash-banners and helpgenerating marketing ideas.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    GATSBYRestaurant branding based on posh1920s aesthetics.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    BELKA BARI made a logo, an indentity for BelkaBar in the heart of Moscow nightlife,designed and managed of menu,business cards, coasters, wwrdrobetags, wall paintings, etc.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    ZODIACMulti-platform project for a pan-asian bistro Zodiac. Included brand-ing and its application to differentmedia, menu forlders, wardrobe nu-ber plates, and teaser videos devel-opment and production.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    PROMO VIDEOSFilmed, edited and worked with acomposer on a number of promo vid-eos for various clients.ZODIAC. Four teasers correcpondingto the four zodiac elements.White Rabbit.Allens Caravans.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    ARCHITECTUREThe movie raises the issue of the indif-ference of Muscovites to the problemof destruction of Moscow architec-tural heritage. We used sugar for ourmovie, because this, as well as histori-cal buildings, is the thing that we takefor granted, although it fills our routine

    lives with taste.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    BENETTONThis is a set of videos for Internation-al Friends Day, but it also stands foryouth, because it is the best time in ourlives for friendship. On the right sidethere are two young people, greetingtogether with a handshake, and theleft side is showing three steps, help-

    ing people to learn that handshake.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    MCCANNERRICKSONAs a trainee Art Director at McCannErickson Moscow I helped generat-ing concepts for advirting campaignsfor Burger King, Sberbank, Adrena-line Rush, Megafon, etc.

    GET BRANDPackaging for famous russian and in-ternational brands.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    FILM GRAPHICSMiscellaneous film graphics, includ-ing title sequences, posters, webgraphics, and graphic design on set.

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    MANUFACTURESelected projects from Masterskaya,the manufacture of furniture, miscella-neous objects, and interior construc-tion. This includes working with metal,wood, glass, plastic, concrete, etc..

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


    SHOP!My peer and I organized every tinydetail of the first pop-up Shop! for ourUniversity Degree S how.

    Designed and produced the neon sign Collected all the works from students Designed the environment

    Supervised the production of tables Designed the price labels Designed the system

  • 8/10/2019 Daria Aksyuta Portfolio 2015


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