Crush Resistance Create Yourself eBook

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Crush Resistance& Create Yourself

Show Up, Be You & Stay True

Amateo Ra’s eBook

Welcome to My eBookFirstly, thank you first and foremost for being the person you are. I created this for people like you, who I know are here to do good in the World and need to overcome the challenges holding you back. I know you are here to do something big, and I want to support you with that, whatever it is.

Everywhere I go, and with all the people I’ve met along the path, we all share one similar story. We all have a vision for ourselves, for our purposeful careers, and where we want to help guide the future of the World. Your calling, the one you feel within your heart, has a special message for you, “All you have to do is be who you truly are, show up for your life purpose, be in service in the World and consistently create yourself and your life.”

Luckily, there is only one thing that stands in the way of it all, and that’s Resistance. This eBook is here to support you in getting very clear about how resistance is showing up on your path. Resistance itself can show up as a variety of beliefs, stories, thoughts or feelings that negatively affect you or simply weigh you down. Resistance shows you your limits in terms of what may be restricting you, and the boundaries of the comfort zone or lack thereof that you are creating for yourself.

Often, Resistance simply shows up as distraction. In our modern culture, its one of Resistance’s favorite ways to pull us from fulfilling our life purpose. I experience Resistance all the time and in every facet of my life - exercise, productivity, cooking for myself & eating healthy, journaling, meditation, prayer, the list goes on. The art of creating yourself and showing up in the World is to build momentum on your creative outlets and business ventures, so that resistance is reduced by the sheer immensity of your inspired Will Power.

“We all are given a very special and sacred choice: To become empowered Creators of our destiny and to leave a major Impact in the World. Your evolution is under your control and taking responsibility is your path to freedom.”- Amateo

Are you ready to become the architect of your vision?

Anything that involves you improving and enriching yourself generally comes with Resistance. Resistance shows us where we need to decondition or re-pattern a stuck or overly comfortable habit. It’s this evolution from a lesser-evolved habit to a higher-evolved habit that is the process of growing beyond your resistance point. Once the higher-evolved habit becomes your normal way of living, then one naturally doesn’t have resistance toward that habit anymore. However, one will then have resistance on the higher-evolved habit or greater challenge that comes after that. Such is the nature of life.

When we send a rocket into space, it must hit terminal velocity to breakthrough the atmospheric barrier and make it into space. So too, we must hit terminal velocity in the patterns, habits and choices we make for our lives. Think of it like this, if you were training to be able to run a 5k and you hadn’t practiced running in 5-years, you might have a lot of resistance to starting. Running the first 2k may be really challenging, and it might take you months of practice to work up to it. There may be many mornings you talk yourself out of running and find all sorts of reasons to avoid it.

Perhaps you start running and you stick to it. Now there isn’t as much resistance to get out the door, but there may be way more to go the full-distance you set out to achieve. At some point running 2k will feel like a simple warm-up while you reach 5k. In fact once you get 5k down, it may seem like just a short and normal run, as it does for many. We have to entrain ourselves to the greatness we would like to achieve, and work toward it gradually. And then we have to push ourselves to the next level. This is the process of life, growth and evolution. Many would rather choose to be stuck with their problems than to do something about them. What kind of person are you?

Whether it be running, creating a career or writing a novel, beating resistance is the game of achieving greatness. When you understand Resistance you understand that no one on the planet doesn’t experience it, and you understand that no matter what you do or how much you achieve on your journey on this planet, it will never go away. It is simply woven in the cycle of life and death, expansion and contraction.

When you take actions that are aligned with your heart, the path of least resistance, or rather the path of overcoming resistance with grace, appears before you as you grow in each moment.

Be the Answer to Your Prayers

“I don’t have (blank)” or “I am not enough.”

“I can’t,” “I won’t,” “It’s not Possible.”

Choosing to Compare to Others.

Over considering the Outcomes before you get Started.

Pessimistic or Negative Outlook on the Future of Humanity.

“I won’t make a difference.”

When you are able to track how resistance is showing up in your life, you learn not to feed it.

Simultaneously, you learn to embrace your positive-creative momentum.

Thoughts Associated

with Resistance

Feelings Often Associated

with Resistance

AngerSadnessFrustrationHopelessnessInsecurityUngrounded ExcitementDistracted HappinessLack of ConfidenceOver Confidence

Our emotional state is one of the greatest ruling principles when it comes to creating ourselves and our reality.

If you have ever seen someone overreact emotionally and then create chaos with others in their surroundings, you have witnessed in full-effect the power of emotions and our need for proper response-ability. The awareness of emotions, understanding their meaning and how to relate to them consciously, is often referred to as Emotional Intelligence or EQ.

Often we think emotions happen to us, and go seeking others validation of our unconscious responses. For example, “That guy cut me off in traffic, and I got so pissed. You would too, right?”

Well, not necessarily. Not if I want to stay centered, calm and chill. When resistance is operating underneath your awareness, it’s easy to feel as though our emotions are out of our control, and to experience a volatility or hyper-sensitivity to people and circumstances. Ironically, this emotional instability tends to manifest circumstances that only continue to destabilize us until we learn our lesson.

The lesson? To be true to ourselves and to create a healthy relationship to our emotions. To course-correct and take a moment to breath and re-center when our emotions get a bit haywire. Your emotions directly influence your vibrational resonance, and it’s that resonance which creates your reality. So what do you choose?

Resistance canManifest As

Health IssuesTragic Life CircumstancesDramatic RelationshipsSurprise ChallengesRelationship ConflictUnstable Life CircumstancesMoney IssuesHeavy FeelingsScatterednessLiving in the CloudsLooking for the Next High or RushInflammation of the EgoOversensitivity & Hyper-SensitivityUnwillingness to be CritiquedBeliefs About Why Mediocrity is Acceptable

Resistance is the opposite of growth. It is the membrane or boundary condition to your next level of expansion. Every time you grow you are defeating resistance, every time you are staying stagnant in habits you are aware need to up-level and transform, resistance is winning.

The only way to transcend limits, is to embrace them and utilize them to their full potential. Only then can you expand to the next level.

ResistanceMay Affect

You By…

Think It’s Not Worth the Energy

to Improve

Make Us JadedToward Life

Turn Tasks Into Mountains

Feel Like We are Behind or Against


Want to Give Up on Life

Make You Unwilling to Truly


Resistance Can Create

False Beliefs

“I Know It All.” “There is Not Enough…”

“I’m Not Good At…”

“My Goal is so Large, the steps to achieve it seem


Resistance, as you may have now noticed, is a self -created illusion and is, well, seriously full of shit. It only has the power over you that you give it. The weight you give resistance is the power it has to hold you down. The more you lighten up, the more enlightened you become. Yes, You can set yourself free.

Resistance is not your enemy, but it will make you an enemy to yourself and to the world if you don’t find a healthy relationship with it. It often shows up as “uncertainty” in our lives. So examine your relationship to uncertainty, to master your relationship to resistance.

ProTip: The key to overcoming resistance is to listen to what it’s trying to show you, and then implement that lesson in your growth.

I’ll add that money and health issues are the primary ways that Resistance can invade our lives and truly hinder our ability to Impact the World. However, it is learning from the resistance and from these life experiences that is actually fulfilling our life purpose, just in a different way. These experiences are training for us, most often for us to relate to others in our path of service, and support them in becoming more empowered Creators of their lives.

Karma shows up as resistance in order to fulfill the lessons we are here to grow from, and as Pema Chodron so wisely said, “Nothing goes away until it teaches us what it needs to.”

I believe the philosophy of up-leveling and implementing that into our daily and life-path strategy is the key to beating resistance. It takes consistency, strategy, discipline and absurd amounts of self-love.

Below I have created the opportunity for you to fill-in the Resistance you are experiencing in your life. As always, please stretch, tune-in & take a deep breath. Call upon your guidance and support team to assist you in this process. Naturally, confronting resistance can bring up the greatest resistance of it all, so be gentle yet bold with yourself.

(Protip: Ritual & Habitual Success patterns are how to hack resistance.)

Fill in the Fields below with how Resistance shows up for you in these various areas.

//Resistance Towards Manifesting My Vision:

//Morning Resistance:The resistance you feel upon waking up, whether it’s your ritual, how you feel about the day or the healthy proactive things you will do for yourself today.

//Thoughts of Resistance:What are the sabotaging thoughts and beliefs that you feel are affecting you most?

- Where did these thoughts come from? Tune in for a moment, trace them back and write them out. (Tip: Are these thoughts actually who you truly are?)

Now, Let’s Examine Your Relationship to Resistance

Fill in the Fields below with how Resistance shows up for you in these various areas.

//Feelings of Resistance:What are the feelings of resistance that affect you most?

//Resistance as Health Issues:How is your physical body doing? What health issues have you dealt with and how can they be correlated to resistance?

//Resistance & Money:What are your beliefs about money? Where are you restricted in these beliefs and where did they come from?

//Resistance & Relationships:How does resistance influence your relationships? What beliefs do you have about your relationships that are limiting or blocking you unnecessarily? Where did these beliefs come from? Are they true?

Registering Your Resistance


Overcoming resistance is not something you complete. Resistance has no end-product or destination, it literally serves as the vessel to be the false sense of a destination to drive you forward only to see the new horizon you are now ready to embark upon.

The greatest thinkers know that life is an ever-current cycle of greater mastery. A big part of breaking through Resistance is realizing that this journey never ends and you are willing to truly commit to elevating through the process of continuous growth and awakening,

The process of truly making gains and progress amidst the constant stream of resistance can & will be your great tool for longevity, vitality and adaptability in a fast changing World.

The only way to embark on this journey is through simplicity, stillness, strategy and heart.

Develop Daily RitualsCommit to Practicing Daily RitualsCreate Drama-Free RelationshipsSeek Guidance & SupportBe a Constant Learner & Create Learning TimeContinuously Develop Skills & PracticesFocus on One-Thing at a TimeCreate Focus Time-Blocks to Get Things DoneCommit to Your VisionStrategize Each Stage & Phase of Your Vison

Resistance is the opposite of growth and the membrane of limitation between you and your growth. Every time you grow you are defeating resistance, every time you are staying stagnant, resistance is winning.

Grow • Create a Daily Plan for your Self-Care• Ensure you are Practicing Creating Outlets• Get in Optimal Shape & Exercise Daily• Eat a Clean & Pure Diet• Take Herbs, Probiotics & Enzymes• Juice or Smoothie Daily to Cleanse the


Connect • Daily Meditation • Daily Stretching, Yoga & Qi Gong • Make Time for Stillness & Silence• Get Sunshine and/or Outside • Daily Visioning Practice of Imagining What

You Desire for Your Life• Practice Full & New Moon Rituals• Create Art• Dance Expressively• Practice Emotional Catharsis & Release

Get Out! • Network with New People• Surround Your Self with Inspiring

Individuals• Do Things Outside Your Comfort Zone• Attend Fun & Community Events• Enjoy Simple Pleasures of Life• Be Spontaneous• Plan Vacations & Work to Create


Up-Level Your Life

As you examine your growth patterns in this eBook, embrace that all you have to do is make micro-changes everyday that improve yourself, your life and your purposeful path. Incremental changes practiced for a long duration of time are the most surefire way to sustainable and lasting success.

Just saying the Word “Commitment” can bring up a lot of resistance for many. Commitment truly means an undying dedication you make within yourself. A decision to determine and achieve something and give all you’ve got everyday, whether it’s to a loving relationship, career path or simply something small you would like to have consistently present in your life.

Commit to Your Path

Scientists have proven that by focusing on your strengths and success, growth and transformation is far more rapid and effective than focusing on your weakness and where there is room for improvement. Embrace your strengths and pay attention to your success patterns, and then repeat them.

Embrace Your

Successes & Strengths

Of course, when it all comes down to it, the greatest tool we have to crushing resistance and creating ourselves, is the power of love.

Open your heart to life and to your biggest purposeful passions. Love is everywhere and is the engine and the fuel for our thriving fire burning underneath it all. Embrace love daily and it will always lead you Home.

I imagine you now have a much clearer picture on the nature of resistance and what it takes to breakthrough it each day. I have created this eBook for you for one simple reason: I want for you what you truly want for yourself.

I believe the time has arrived where we can create a New World through the practice of our internal mastery, collective evolution and Global impact projects and businesses. I believe you are an essential part of this process and I see your greatness. Oh, and I promise you that now is your time.

Take the tools I’ve given you and list some of the ways you are going to architect your life to have healthy rituals and life habits that support you in having more energy and palpable confidence to meet resistance and rise above it in each moment. How you are going to create a purposeful lifestyle that inspires you to set yourself free?

If you are interested in receiving support to Breakthrough Resistance & Creating Yourself check out my Work with Me page and apply today.

You Got This!With Love,

Amateo Ra

Create Yourself & Set Yourself Free

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