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Page 1: Crush Magazine
Page 2: Crush Magazine

What happens on the


Finally Friday arrives in schools. The

clock marks 1:00 pm., is the last hour of

class and we all want to know what are

we going to do this weekend. Some

people are going to party, others will stay

home and rest for all the work they had

in school, and other people will be

working in their jobs or helping with the

house work.

The teenager often spend the

weekend with friends, they go to clubs,

organize parties, etc. this is because we

try to find out new relationships and new

stuff in were we can develop jauntily, and

specially our interest is to feel accepted.

Music is a uniting factor in the

weekend meetings. The moment we hear

the song that is very popular, we want to

tart dancing with all our friends, other

factor that music cause is to start

drinking, because the lyrics of the songs

some times encourage us to do it.

The mix of alcohol beverages and

the excess of consuming it, may lead us

to a tragic weekend if we don’t have

limits. We need to be careful in what we

drink because if we don’t, that may be

our last party.

I searched for the most frequently

accidents on the weekends and the

highest percentage were the car accident

in people between [15-22] years old, they

drove with a high speeding, drunk or

talking in the phone.

We need to take into account that

we want to live and enjoy our lives. We

need to do it with responsibility to keep

beautiful and funny moments instead of

unforgettable sadness.

And what are you

going to do this



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We are interviewing teacher Leos one of the student’s favorite teacher. With the purpose of know more about him and his career.

It was a pleasure for Crush Magazine to interview such a kind and great teacher as him. We like to thank teacher Leos for his time and knowledge.

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1.-Do you like animals? Yes, of course 2.-Do you have any pets? Yes 3.-Do you know about the animal abuse?, what do you think about it? yes, it's a shame, animals are not to blame for anything,they just follow their instincts. 4.- Have you ever seen a person doing bully to any animal in particular? fortunately no! and i don't want to see it 5.-Do you know about organizations that helps in this situations? yes, green peace 6.-Do you know about animals that are in danger of extinction? gorilla, guacamaya, panda and siberian tiger 7.-Have you ever bought skin of animal in any kind of material? Yes, unfortunately 8.-What do you think about the exploitation that the persons cause in the animals to their benefits? Like the circus, the zoo. I think that's bad, because animals have rights like humans and it's ethically wrong. 9.-Do you think that is important to know more about the animal abuse? Of course! we need to investigate more about it 10.-Do you think that the persons that practice or do the animal abuse should be punished? yes, they don't deserve to be treated like that.

This interview is with the intention to know if people really is informated about the animal abuse, how much do they know.

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Interview to a dancer

Good afternoon Miss Cristina, I am a student from CETYS high school, I came to realize some questions about dance and your work.

In addition, I appreciate your time and the information that you’ll give, it will be very helpful.

How long have you been dancing?

A- I have been dancing for 19 years.

2. At what age did you discover your skill of dance?

A- Since I was a child I liked to dance and I never stop doing it, is part of my life.

3. What are some of your goals in life?

A- I want to finish my second career, which is the bachelor in dance, I want to do a master of education, open a dance academy and of course, get married and have kids.

4. What dancers inspire you?

A-I like to watch Sylvie Guillem videos and Alicia Alonso too, they’re amazing.

5. Why do you love dancing?

A- Because it’s a way to disconnect you from everything around you, it’s something that you never finish learning because it’s always something new. You require tenacity and discipline to make it right, it’s also a great exercise for the body.


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Interview to Cristina Zavala, dancer of


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6. Do you hope to inspire others to dance to?

A- Yes, I love to teach and that my students feel passion for dance the way I do. When I have presentations I like to see the girls get interested of what I do.

7. What has been your favorite dance to perform?

A- I like all kind of dance genres, but I love ballet and jazz.

8. What has dance taught you?

A- A lot of discipline, responsibility, perseverance, and team work.

9. Have you ever used your talents for the good of the community?

A-Yes, a lot of times, I have participated in school events an I danced at a seminar.

10. How do you feel when you perform?

A- I feel joy and strength, a lot of adrenalin when I go to the stage.

Thank you for your time and the information you gave, it will be very helpful. See you later, have great day!

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INTERVIEW The present interview pretends to share the knowledge and experiences from a graduate of

Cetys Universidad, in the mechatronics career, Gregory Padilla. 1. Why you decided to study mechatronics? Because i have always been interested in engineering, and this one is a mix of electronics,

mechanics and computer engineering. 2. At what age you were sure about at what you wanted to study? I decided for engineering when I was 16, but I didn’t knew what area. I went for

mechatronics one year later, when they show me the career. 3. What are the skills that make you a good engineer? To be a good engineer you develop a great analytical skills, put attention in every details,

having excellent communication skills and know English language. 4. What you like best about your career? The thing I like the best about my career is the teamwork, you learn how to work with other

people who have different opinion and likes. 5. Have you achieved your achieved your professional goals? I have achieved some of my professional goals, but I am on the pursuit of other ones. One of the goals that I’ve achieved is getting promoted, going to Phoenix Arizona from

work and buying a car with my own money. 6. Do you have tips or advices that you will like to make to the students who are going to

college? College is one of the best experiences you will ever have, so you have to be positive and

never give up. Thanks for your time and knowledge given.

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1. How did you choose your sport?Well, I didnt choose it. My P.E. teacher took me at 5 grade. 2. How do you started training? Left it and i came back because my dad took me with the cuban coaches. 3. How old were you when you started? I was 15 4. What is your main goal in this sport? Represent Mexico 5. How many hours did you train? almost 4 hours a day, 6 days a week

6.Have you ever tried other sport? I was, at basketball, soccer, volleyball at the scout, and swimming 7.What is the main difficulty? Gettin concentrate, well that was when I recently started. 8.In a point of your trajectory, did you consider quitting? Why? I don´t really know, quitting is something I don´t think about it so, when i finish my time for the Olimpiada Nacional maybe i will still train 9.Which is the best award you had ever won? 2nd place Olimpiada Nacional 10.What would you recommend to someone who wants to practice the same sport? That they should come, this is a sport nobody knows. We should introduce new generations to new sports

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This interview is to inform the public and motivate about the training life of Renee Vazquez and the sport she practice the "shot put"

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Choosing a career could be a huge deal, but it isn’t when you have clear ideas of what you want in the future, and there are small steps to realize what you really want to be in life. The first step is finding out in what topics you are good at, or you want to learn, if you like biologics or physics is a very important point, but not the crucial. Then visualizing how you see yourself in 10 years, in an office, or in a laboratory, in a hospital or in a classroom, it will help you a lot to realize how you want your life style to be, everything is important, thinking about having a family, where you want to live, and how you want to live . Set your goals in life will help you a lot to find out what kind of work you are ideal to, when you have the idea it would be a good idea to search for what kind of works it apply to. When you finally find out what career you want, it will be very important to talk to a professional in that career, asking them what they like the most about their jobs, or what kind of task they have at work, and how they decided to study that profession. Not getting the influence of your parents or your friends is crucial, because people around you will always want to make opinions and sometimes change your mind, but choosing a career is one of the more important decisions in life, because is what you are going to do during the rest of your life.

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How to eat healthy

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible. All of which cab be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.

Hera are some healthy tips:

1. set yourself for success

to yourself up for success think about planning a healthy diet as a manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think.


-start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time.

-every change you make to improve your diet matters.

2. It's not what you eat is how you eat.

Healthy eating is about more than the food on your plate, it’s also about how you think about food. Healthy eating habits can be learned and it is important to slow sown and think about food as hourishment rather than just something to gulp down in between meetings.

3. Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables.

Try to eat rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day with every meal, the brighter the better. Deeply colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentration of

vitamin, minerals and antioxidants.

4. Put protein and perspective.

Protein give us the energy to get up and go. A lack of protein in our diet can slow growth, reduce muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system.

5. Limit sugar and salt.

Sugar causes energy ups and downs and can add to health and weight problems. Large amounts of added sugar can be hidden in food such as bread, canned soups, and vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, frozen dinners, fast food, soy sauce, ketchup, etc.

Most of us consume too much salt in our diets. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and lead to other problems. Try to limit sodium.

Now you know the tips that may help you to have good health and lose weight.

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How to

Page 12: Crush Magazine

The past Thursday 4th all the CETYS schools

came together in the cultural event


Intercetys is a cultural event where all the

campus of CETYS (Mexicali, Tijuana and

Ensenada) came together and there are some

dance shows, food, singing, etc.

In this event the cheerleaders of the

campus of Mexicali showed their skills and

strength, the rondalla was awesome and all

the people were enchanted bye the boys.

Also, the group of jazz prepares a dance

for the people and they were very creative

other type of dance was Tango bye the guys of

Tijuana. The clubs of visual arts and

photography, showed their work and creativity.

This event also was supported by

“Mujeres que viven” club.

If you didn’t attend this event, next year is

a great time to do it. It is a great place to spend

time with your family and friends. See you next



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By: Melissa Valenzuela


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If I stay is the story about a teenage girl with a perfect life, the perfect family, grades, friends and boyfriend, that suddenly her whole world changes, because an unexpected car crush just happen , where her parents died, but her spirit saw everything and she is still wondering how that is that possible. The story continues in the hospital where she is, and her spirit is still watching her friends, her family and her boyfriend visiting her, as she remembers all the memories and the events that she had with them during all her years, and she is wondering, if she survives, how her life will be without her parents, and with the big doubt of what happened with her little brother. This book is very nostalgic and very touching, because this girl is very confused, desperate and sad, wondering how her new life will be if she have the opportunity to live, and she realize of the value of life, and how beautiful could be, even when she haven’t realized before, how perfect life can be, and sometimes people just want to find negative things about their lives.

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Literary Criticism

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If you like novels that are loss, grief, honest, about failure , including dead people and relationships, you must read this novel called “The widows season”. It´s about a recently widow who lost her husband in a boating accident and he has been dead for three months now, but then she starts to see himm at the grocery store in her home, every where she goes, and she begins to doubt if she is going creazy or if he still alive. The widows season is a pretty cool novel that kept you inside the whole trama.

Book by Laura Reyes

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• A single book writer ( Paul Dano) is going through a life crisis, he is mind blocked and he has no girlfriend, but suddenly he had a serial of dreams about a perfect girl named Ruby(Zoe Kasan) so he starts to write a book about her. But the trouble will start when he finds out that his book is turning into reality.

Movie Review

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Page 18: Crush Magazine

The summer of 2011 was one of my favorites. I went to a week dance convention in Las Vegas, something that I really enjoyed. At first, my parents didn’t want me to go because I was going alone and they said that it was really dangerous, but then I told to some of my friends of my dance school to go and they rally liked the idea and my parents too.

The convention started on Monday, so we arrived 2 days earlier to find the hotel of the convention and to go visit the city, because we knew that starting the week, we were going to be really busy and tired of all de dance.

The day we arrived, we were very excited, we stayed at the Treasure Island Hotel, and after we finished unpacking, we decided to go for a walk in Las Vegas Boulevard. When we were, we saw that Chris Angel was doing his show the next day at Luxor Hotel and the tickets were

2x1 so we decided to go.

The next day we were very excited for the Chris Angel’s show and it was awesome. He did a lot of magic tricks and he was really funny.

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Personal Experience

Michelle Calderas and Tony Bellissimo at the Tremaine Dance Conventions

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The next day our convention started at 7:00 am., in the Caesars Palace Hotel and it was awesome, the first class started at 7:30 am., and it was ballet technique, imparted by Jeff Amsden, a very important ballet teacher in New York that has worked with many artist.

At 8:30 am., we had street dance, imparted by Tony Bellissimo, a dancer who participated in “So You Think You Can Dance” and had the opportunity to be in a tour with Rihanna, he also appeared in “Step Up Revolution” movie, my friends and I were very excited because he is very handsome, so we took a photo with him.

The convention finished at 6 pm., and we had a lot of classes like jazz, tap, contemporary, lyrical, hip hop, and jazz funk. I had a lot of fun and we met a lot of people from other cities. I loved the hip hop class because Chucky Klapow imparted it and he was one of the 11 selected dancers to be on tour with Michael Jackson in the “This is It Tour”.

Other class that I loved was

jazz funk because it was imparted by Sheryl Murakami and se is one of Beyonce choreographers, she did the choreography of the “Run the World” music video and she taught that choreo.

I didn’t believe that I were taking classes with all of the teacher, I also was very tired because we dance a lot.

The next day were the same classes and teachers but different choreographies. It was one of my favorites week because I were doing what I love the most, to dance.

Finally, at the end of the week all of the teachers did a show for us and it was awesome, I really enjoyed it.

So, if you love to dance, I really recommend this convention, the teachers inspire you and they give tips that you can follow the rest of your life. It’s a great experience any you will have a lot of fun.

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Name: Ricardo Leos Nickname: Leos Birth place: Tijuana, B.C. Mexico Birth date: December 6th, 1971 Sons: Maximiliano Leos Ricardo Leos Wife: Maria Concepcion Castillo 2008-present Favorite color: Blue navy Favorite animal: Bear Work place: CETYS Mom and dad: Celio Leos Lomeli , Rosa Beltran Rayos Profession: Maestro Hobbie: Sports

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Page 21: Crush Magazine
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This inquest was made for 40 people with the porpoise to know how many people in Cetys

preparatory has piercings, and how many people will like to have one.

This graphics represents the Female group.











yes no

1.-Do you have earrings?

1.-Do you have earrings?








2.- Do you like piercings?



Survey by Laura Reyes.

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Tongue Mouth Belly button

4.-If you will like to have one, where will

you have it?

4.-If you will like to have one, where will you have it?










yes no

3.- Do you have any piercing?

3.- Do you have any piercing?












5. - if you have one, where do you have it?

5. - if you have one, where do you have it?

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This graphic represent the male group.









yes no

2.- Do you like piercings?

2.- Do you like piercings?











yes no

1.-Do you have earrings?

1.-Do you have earrings?











yes no

3.- Do you have any piercing?

3.- Do you have any piercing?

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4.-If you will like to have one, where will you have


4.-If you will like to have one, where will you have it?










5. - if you have one, where do you have it?

5. - if you have one, where do you have it?

Page 26: Crush Magazine

If you are coming to Mexicali and you are looking for great places to hang out

and chill out with your friends, family or your couple you need to visit the follow places, they are the favorite top places for teenagers and grown ups, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Slow Down Garden Cafe: located in Paseo del Roble, Fracc. Los Pinos. This

place is one of the favorite cafes for young people; the concept is taken from the movement “Slow Food”, it requires that people should take the time to eat and chill out with their friends or family, not worrying about time.

In Slow Down Garden Cafe you can enjoy since a delicious cup of hot coffee till

a bottle of wine. The speciality of the house is a delicious beverage called “Mexicali Rose”, but you can enjoy margaritas and martinis too.

Another place you have to meet in Mexicali is called Heat House Restaurant

Bar, located in Calle Lima #429 almost corner with Calzada Aviacion. This little and cozy restaurant is specialized in Italian food, is very known

because of the delicious pizza cooked in the oven, the exquisite pasta and the varied menu of wines.

These places are nice, cozy and characterized by their good service, kind

treatment and delicious beverages and food. I hope you have a great experience in your visit.

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If in your vacations you are planning to come to Mexicali, and you

have no idea what to do when you come here, we can give you a

little bit of information about places you can go.

This time will be talking a little bit about the museum of sol del

niño this museum open his doors in 1998 September 21, is a big

place that has capacity for 300 people. The 260 exhibitions are

divide in different sections like Casa de la energía, Piramide del

hombre, Plaza del sol, Mezanine de comunicación, Sala de

exhibiciones temporales and Domo digital. The exhibitions has

so many activities for any ages that can go and have fun

climbing, painting, playing puzzles, in fact this different activities

are with the object to cultivate the interest in the kids, young, and

adult people reference to the culture, science, technology, and

the environment through the context of interactive education that

conducive to the experimentation, analysis, innovation and


This also counts with a store of memories, cafeteria, a font of

drinks, nursing, and some green areas where you can have a little

picnic with your family and enjoy the rest of the day.

On February 2007 inaugurates the lounge Imax Theatre/ Sol del

niño that is like a movie theatre but where all the movies are on

2d and 3d in a very spectacular screen with 16x22 meters and

very potent sound that makes you feel that you are inside the


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How important is looks for you? The next essay pretends to explain the importance of looks in different living aspects. Have you ever ask yourself the next questions?: How important is looks in first impressions? How much do looks matter in real life? Is the beautiful people in advantage of those who are not? The ugly truth about looks is that they do matter. No matter what aspect of life, you will always find yourself around people judging the way you look, the way you talk and the way you dress. It all goes around the first impression: the first date, a job interview, the first conversation with your boss, etc. Want it or not we will always wish to give the perfect first impression, but it’s very difficult, because of the shallow sociality we are living through. To make a good first impression you need to be confident with yourself, speak properly and the most important: have personal hygiene. This last rule talks about your whole customs and may change for better or worse a meeting with someone you care about. The importance of looks has grown along the years, and it’s one of the most important facts in all areas of life. It goes around school, family, love, friends, social groups, etc. You don’t have to be physically perfect, but you have to take care of your body by eating well and doing some exercise. Having these habits you and the other people will find yourself more confident. Actually, attractive people are in advantage of those who are not, but it’s not 100% because of their physical appearance, is because usually, they have more confident meeting people and know how to behave around their friends and social groups. We live in a shallow society, and looks are one of the most important facts around it. It matters in first impression, meeting new people, getting couple, getting jog, etc. Even if we want it or not, the importance of looks has grown a lot along the years, and as social beings we need to fit in. It’s not very difficult, you have to take care of your body, your personal hygiene and be confident and nice with people. It is true that attractive persons have advantage in meeting new people because of their confidence, but you can have their confidence by taking care of yourself.

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Everybody knows about a very important event that happened in September 11, 2001 that still have a big impact in the United States modern history, which is “The Twin Towers Terrorist

Attack” by Afghanistan, leading Osama bin Laden . This terrorism attack consisted in crashing two airplanes with the World Trade Center Twin Towers complex in New York City. This attack, also caused damage to the economy of Manhattan, with a huge effect to the whole world global market. This attack gave dead to about 2996 people, leaving a lot of families without moms, dads, sons and friends, and every anniversary of this event; people do a cerial of memorials remembering those who died that day. Even a lot of movies directors take this event to the big screen.


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This event haven’t made history just in the U.S. , people of all around the world were there that day, and unfortunately died. Though the years many people asked for justice to the U.S. government, giving them the pressure to capture the responsible of that terrorist attack, and as consequence of all this situations the country declared war to Afghanistan. In May 2nd, 2011 the U.S.A. army killed the leading person, Osama bin Laden with a bullet in the head, and other two in the chest. But the truth is, that the damage of the people that lost their family isn’t gone, they still don’t have a dad, a mother, a sister, a son, or a daughter, even with the justice that is applied now, they still have someone very important missing in their lives, and no one can take them back.

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There were about more than 6,000 people inside the towers that get out of there alive, but injured, many of them now, have permanent traumas because of the impact of that day. All Septembers 11th , not only all the United States Country is in mourning, but all the world solidarism with them, and the pain of all the people that unfairly we lost that day, people with future, with ambitions and dreams to come true. The only thing we can do now for them, is feel sorry for their families and pray of their rest.

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There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.

Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."

"No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away."

"I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."

By Laura Reyes

Page 41: Crush Magazine

The present investigation is about the lack of reading habits in the students of Cetys

Preparatoria 2013-1 Campus Mexicali.

Problem statement:

What are the principal reasons whereby the students of Cetys Preparatoria 2013-1 Campus

Mexicali, don’t have a reading habit? It is normal that the young people don’t read a book as

a hobby?


The investigation’s base is the belief that the student of Cetys Preparatoria Campus Mexicali

2013-1 that have a reading practice, ends to have an academic advantage over the student

that doesn’t have the custom of reading.

There are two kinds of variables, the independent and the dependent. In case of the present

investigation, the reading is the independent variable, and the reading skills are the

dependent variable, because these ones depends of the time and practice dedicated.

Hi: the lack of reading habits in the students of Cetys Preparatoria Campus Mexicali 2013-1,

it influences in the development of their comprehension skills.

Ha: There is no relationship between the reading habits of a student of Cetys Preparatoria

Campus Mexicali 2013-1 and his academic development in the reading and comprehension


H1: Students that practice reading, have the highest scores in the areas related to literacy.

H2: Teens prefer reading science fiction novels.

H3: Students who spend a certain time daily reading, have better academic performance.

H4: A 60% of the students of Cetys Preparatoria 2013 -1 have never finished reading a

complete novel without a risk score in between.

H5: Students with an average of more than 9 practice the habit of reading.

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